cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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These might appear to be a thread of nonsensical unrelated tweets, so let try to me string them together:
First, we have unvaccinated antivaxxers blaming the spread of coronavirus on people who have been vaccinated. Yes, you read that right. (source)
Second, the unvaccinated, particularly in Southern states like Mississippi, are taking Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a de-wormer for horses and cows, that unvaccinated Trumpsters are taking because Fox News hosts Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson told them that animal medication—which is not meant for human consumption—was safer than the coronavirus vaccine. (source)
It’s worth noting that all three Fox News hosts have reportedly taken the coronavirus vaccine themselves, even as they tell others not to.
Third, Alabama has run out of ICU beds because of a surge of COVID-19 cases. And Donald Trump is having a MAGA rally there, where he and his unmasked, unvaccinated supporters will congregate and then go back into their communities and spread more coronavirus (which they will blame on vaccinated people).
Fourth, Alabama has preemptively passed a law that prohibits businesses from banning customers who have not been vaccinated. However, Alabama is allowing businesses to require masks… for the time being.
…. I honestly do not know how to best describe these facts: “Darwin awards” or “death cult”.
Look, there really are some good people in the South. Like Dorothy Oliver and Drucilla Russ Jackson, who are fighting to get their communities vaccinated. But unfortunately, they’re like small islands of sanity, surrounded by vast oceans of white supremacy and ignorance.
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
Your cute cat of the day
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こふくのあいては つかれるのです
It's too hard for me to care of Kofuku because I am a middle aged male cat...... 😑
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday he doesn’t believe it would “serve any particular purpose” to criticize members of his party who voice skepticism of the coronavirus vaccines, even as he expresses shock and disappointment at the number of Americans refusing to get vaccinated…
McConnell said it “never occurred” to him the U.S. would face a challenge in getting people vaccinated – despite former President Donald Trump’s consistent downplaying of the pandemic last year.
Digby goes to town on this turtle-ass-looking motherfucker:
This is why we are where we are. Nothing is more important to the Republican establishment than tax cuts and judges and they got what they wanted. The devastation caused by their petty will to power is of no interest.
McConnell enabled Trump and the right wing nihilism that inspired this rejection of science. He went along with all the conspiracy mongering, the racist hate and after a mild rebuke over January 6th has shrugged his shoulders at the ongoing threat of violence from his own voters. (He doesn’t think criticizing people serves any purpose — unless they are Democrats.)
This crisis is as much his doing as it is Trump’s.
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
Please don’t ever feel bad about posting about how your day’s going or a random story or how you’re feeling or a cute selfie because I actually really like seeing everyone on my dash. I follow you all for a reason.
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
Federal researchers will not objectively study ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19, the Kentucky senator Rand Paul claimed, because “hatred for Donald Trump” has tainted their view of those who say the drug used to deworm horses can aid the fight against the pandemic.
Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic, does have uses in humans, to treat worms, lice and skin problems. But despite it having been discussed by doctors in testimony before Congress, it is not proven to combat Covid-19.
Doctors have also warned against its potential toxicity. Earlier this month, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a terse tweet: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that a meeting with constituents in Cold Spring, Kentucky, on Friday, Paul said: “The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much, they’re unwilling to objectively study it.
“So someone like me that’s in the middle on it, I can’t tell you because they will not study ivermectin. They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.”
Trump both promoted and said he was using hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, when in office. Doctors warned against side-effects and studies said it had little or no effect in preventing hospitalisation or death from Covid-19.
According to the US National Library of Medicine, studies have not produced proof that ivermectin can treat Covid-19. The same source lists 31 completed, withdrawn or ongoing US clinical trials.
The FDA says taking large doses of ivermectin is “dangerous and can cause serious harm” and adds: “Never use medications intended for animals on yourself. Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans.”
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
Please don’t be surprised when a homeless person doesn’t want to leave their encampment or spot for a cooling center; this is the type of opportunity cops will take to clear out encampments while the owners of the stuff they’re throwing away are in centers trying to survive.
If you really want to give them some peace of mind, offer to rent them a storage locker for a few days so they can rest easy in cooler, less oppressive temps without losing everything they have left.
Source: I was homeless many times.
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
@ People with EDS and/or dysautonomia
I found a webinar on EDS and psychiatric misdiagnoses and tl;dr the part I'm posting about here is regarding how a lot of us are misdiagnosed with a variety of psychiatric diagnoses (mainly but not only anxiety disorders) because part of our symptoms is high adrenaline but CONSTANTLY and so shrinks mistake that as us having a psychiatric condition related to anxiety or difficulty focusing.
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Sleep is one of our biggest issues. From tossing and turning because of pain, to having adrenaline rushes all night, sometimes even the strongest sleep medicines don’t knock us out. You’ll always know whom to message at 3 am.
Dr. Alan Pocinki noticed we get knocked out of sleep cycles by our racing hearts. Sometimes beta blockers and other adrenaline lowering meds can really help! Here is his talk on sleep issues and EDS: https://vimeo.com/101947622
This would explain why sedatives and anxiolythics are some of the few meds that make me have repairing deep sleep while everything else either doesn't work or only works by shutting me down completely but as a result the quality of sleep I get is terrible.
They said in the webinar that it's a vicious cycle. When someone doesn't get enough sleep at night, the next morning our adrenaline levels are higher in order to give us the extra boost to go through the day, but then when night comes we can't sleep again because we're high on a natural stimulant. But then the next day, since we again didn't get enough sleep, we keep that increased level of adrenaline going, then we can't sleep again, and the cycle keeps perpetuating itself.
There's the fact too that adrenaline makes you notice pain LESS and we're in constant pain, so in my not professional opinion, that sounds like a reasonable incentive for our bodies to increase adrenaline levels.
It would explain the high sensitivity to stimulants that a lot of us have, since, again, we're basically already high on a self-produced stimulant 24/7 and if you add a cup of coffee to that you might as well be on Adderall.
If you don't have EDS or chronic pain but do have dysautnomia, adrenaline levels are controlled by the autonomic nervous system regardless, so this can still be a possibility for you.
I'm NOT advicing anyone to take any medication for this without going to a doctor first. I'm not a doctor and I'm especially not your doctor. If you're sure you're not allergic maybe you could try off the counter herbal remedies, such as herbal infusions, but other than that, please talk to a professional before doing anything.
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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Lizzo's makeup artist is a genius
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cognitivedissonance · 3 years
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By: paulfuentes_design
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