coilserpent · 3 months
astrology observations pt. 13
Hello, everyone! 💜 I am back again with the observations after a long long time away from tumblr; I am taking sidereal birth chart readings, for those contact me at my email: [email protected]. Enjoy!
sidereal cancer is a natural yearner similar to sidereal taurus and libra, however it is not exclusive to a romantic interest. the yearning transcends romance, it goes to the past, friends, family, older versions of the self.
sidereal leo is pedantic about their goals, they like to track their progress and also keep their spaces clean and pleasant looking.
9th and 12th placements are experimental, they may not believe in the concepts presented to them but they do not reject them. 12th housers especially may even try them out and embrace something just to feel what it brings to them as an experience simply,
people put sidereal leo on a pedestal and look up to them because of their skills and the way they carry themselves, their wisdom too (magha nakshatra) but they feel like an impostor often and don’t even like being noticed in that way, they mostly prefer recognition for certain skills.
7th housers can’t learn their most valuable life lessons and develop themselves to their fullest potential without their 1:1 connections. be it business, friendship or romance. they take the wisdom from those unsuccessful relationships and use it to strengthen their 1st - sense of who they are outside of the relationships.
8th housers have a tendency to not let their traumatic experiences go and this stunts their ability to grow emotionally. (2-8 nodes especially here) they have a tendency to always remember the people closest to them did that affected them so deeply where they don’t even get out of this deep whole of negativity, this breeds chronic low self worth (2H) and no motivation to be more.
1st housers when not evolved may be tricked into giving a lot of attention to the 3D and associate 3D themes with what makes them “Them”, they may define themselves as their career and hobbies. this is a recipe for existential crisis because once those 3D elements change (they will) or are no longer interesting to the masses this individual essentially “loses value”.
sidereal taurus moon vs sidereal scorpio moon have polarizing approaches to lively aspirations. due to the exaltation of the Taurus moon and this sense of natural internal security they are born with has its downside, that shows up in someone as not striving for more than the ”comfortable” lifestyle and not really having build any special skills to achieve milestones. this makes them prone to falling into depressions later in life (and issues with overeating/drinking often). sidereal scorpio moons are not “blessed” with this sense of internal comfort, the hardships they face early on makes them motivated to rebuild themselves and acquire skills which are important for success. the other downside is they have to learn how to appreciate their achievements and not just diminish them and going for the next, taking time for a little rest now and then is okay, scorpio.
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coilserpent · 1 year
astrology observations pt. 12
*vedic edition
sun nakshatras really appreciate the minimal interior design, noticeable in UA and UP especially.
venus nakshatras especially PA prefer to keep their romantic life private. it seems odd for sagittarius but trust me. PP is way more inclined to mention their s/o out of pure admiration, since it’s the leo portion. they’re like “my wife/my man ❤️” so cute.
ketuvians are very private when it comes to their personal life, i swear you do not know anything about them. they are very choosy with people too, can cut you out if they see you’re not bringing value.
rahu nakshatras, before getting to know themselves, can be very prone to attachment to romantic partners or people they see as potential romantic partners, emphasis on swati. shatabhisha can detach, it’s the Saturn ruler that makes the clean cut. they’re self-reliant for the most part and very prosperous in their niche because the intense focus that Rahu and Saturn both bring.
chitras can struggle with inner peace more than the average person. from observation of natives, i come to realize they create a lot of problems for themselves and can be addicted to chaos.
maghas attract popularity/fame and can influence people by being. they do not even realize the power they hold at first but they have it in them to achieve a lot by being a role model of some sort. they could feel like they’re the chosen one in their lineage to pave a brand new path. simply natural influencers.
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coilserpent · 1 year
astrology observations pt. 11
*use sidereal measurements when referring to these
aries placement women would be the type to say “if i can do it they can as well what’s the deal” when in a relationship with someone, they don’t focus on having polarity necessarily because of the abundance of yang they have already within, they don’t need it from someone. it can also sound like “if you don’t give it to me, I’ll give it to myself” and it’s never personal they’re just like that.
cancer placements are so accepting of someones faults (emphasis on pushya nakshatra) that they get walked over by others sooo much, it kinda makes me angry to observe this pattern.
leo placements are going to treat you like royalty, you’ll never forget them. emphasis on magha.
saturn in pisces (UPB) will go through a lot of backtracking but it all pays off later, their success comes after a lot of 12th house work has been done, it helps if they have 12th placements as well.
ketu in the 12th have very vivid and often traumatizing dreaming experiences when they’re kids, with age they learn how to use the energy and can be good at healing themselves through meditation.
people with ketu/rahu in the 1-7 axis will be spending a lifetime balancing out the value of their place in other peoples’ lives and who they are for themselves, the main theme for both of them would be to find themselves on their own terms without putting others first so they can create genuine relationships and still being an individual, they will kind of jump from being attached to avoidant when dealing with others.
saturn nakshatras are all very introverted, especially with the moon. anuradha is in the middle usually but they would rather spend time with their close few people at most - they are picky about who they exchange energy with. pushya and uttara bhadrapada have self-isolating phases, they are into themselves but it’s really because they get tired of surface level interactions.
people with strong sun and weak sun are very easy to spot. they have very basal level characteristics in the way they carry themselves that are just there - energetically. naturally, weak suns tolerate poor behavior…like too much i am angry for you guys because you deserve better. even water suns do but they will get fed up at one point and then you’ll be completely cut out (scorpio cuts fast, cancer and pisces will drag it).
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 10
cancer placements especially ashlesha have a very difficult time with interpersonal relationships because of mercury’s ruler ship over the deeply emotional cancer. they’re constantly split between trusting you and doubting your every move
venus and rahu nakshatras can enjoy a relationship but eventually they’ll go their separate ways? I’ve noticed because rahu requires so much of venus’ energy and focus, venus will enjoy the simple physical and non physical aspects of the relationship but they’ll end up putting some sort of boundary since rahu is so invasive
ketu and saturn nakshatras i feel have a huge potential to be a conscious couple. these are both very much about putting the ego to rest and prioritizing spiritual development while together, they’re very unattached when it comes to 3D pleasures like they can enjoy it but they can live without it peacefully
mars in libra is the type to use every excuse there is to avoid taking accountability for their passiveness when it comes to conflict between people close to them. justice? hello? lol
i will never stop saying that sun and saturn nakshatras are the most loyal girl friends. saturn men too not sure about sun men they’re self-focused kind of like ketu men but in a more earthy way.
a debilítated planet can grant a person with huge success in the area which is due to not having anything just handled to them. especially a debilítated saturn, work ethic > success
a weak venus makes someone care very little if not at all about how they present. they’ll just wear whatever and look messy because they do not see value in venusian things such as looking put together and making an impression like that.
ketu conjunct the ascendant often makes a person neglect their physical needs without even realizing because ketu is so disconnected and uninterested in the 3D/physical (this includes our human costume lol)
rahu conjunct the ascendant on the other hand makes a person obsess over their physical appearance and strive for very specific goals like sculpting their body, they may want to modify/reshape their face too.
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 10
cancer placements especially ashlesha have a very difficult time with interpersonal relationships because of mercury’s ruler ship over the deeply emotional cancer. they’re constantly split between trusting you and doubting your every move
venus and rahu nakshatras can enjoy a relationship but eventually they’ll go their separate ways? I’ve noticed because rahu requires so much of venus’ energy and focus, venus will enjoy the simple physical and non physical aspects of the relationship but they’ll end up putting some sort of boundary since rahu is so invasive
ketu and saturn nakshatras i feel have a huge potential to be a conscious couple. these are both very much about putting the ego to rest and prioritizing spiritual development while together, they’re very unattached when it comes to 3D pleasures like they can enjoy it but they can live without it peacefully
mars in libra is the type to use every excuse there is to avoid taking accountability for their passiveness when it comes to conflict between people close to them. justice? hello? lol
i will never stop saying that sun and saturn nakshatras are the most loyal girl friends. saturn men too not sure about sun men they’re self-focused kind of like ketu men but in a more earthy way.
a debilítated planet can grant a person with huge success in the area which is due to not having anything just handled to them. especially a debilítated saturn, work ethic > success
a weak venus makes someone care very little if not at all about how they present. they’ll just wear whatever and look messy because they do not see value in venusian things such as looking put together and making an impression like that.
ketu conjunct the ascendant often makes a person neglect their physical needs without even realizing because ketu is so disconnected and uninterested in the 3D/physical (this includes our human costume lol)
rahu conjunct the ascendant on the other hand makes a person obsess over their physical appearance and strive for very specific goals like sculpting their body, they may want to modify/reshape their face too.
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coilserpent · 2 years
I am so beautiful in so many ways. My aura is pure. I radiate love, femininity, happiness, healing, health, and strength. I am my own healer, protector, and muse. I love myself.
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coilserpent · 2 years
don’t let anyone tell you that it’s a bad thing to feel things deeply. a full heart is a strong heart and being soft doesn’t make you weak. being soft and loving makes you radiant. you deserve all of the love in the world and so many good things.
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coilserpent · 2 years
train your mind to be calm in every situation.
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 9
cancer/moon in the 2nd house can have fluctuating finances, one time they’re earning above their spendings the next time their income is super low.
theres scorpio moons that don’t prioritize relationships at all and there’s also scorpio moons that are kinda obsessed w/ the idea of a romantic relationship. these are usually swati moons (libra portion, 7th house: partnerships) and vishakha moons. swati’s need someone who isn’t controlled by their ego at all and can hold their short temper lol
i have observed that scorpio/anuradha can be great at doing counseling seminars, they have an ability to bring people together
11th moons feel alienated in a big way from their childhood environment like they don’t align on a spiritual level and morally with those in their natal state or city
I’ve noticed charts that have clutched majority of their planets in the 11th and 12th went through hell and back (mainly emotionally but physically too dependents on the energy in the house) early on in life
i feel like uttara phalguni (sidereal leo) would make good sexologists if there’s heavy 8th energy along with that
chiron in the 10th can make someone fear putting themselves out there and being confident in their abilities to offer quality to others: they fear standing out and saying “i’m here, i will take up space, my work deserves to be seen and valued”.
early degree tropical pisces (sidereal aqua: shatabhisha nakshatra) can have various talents in many areas.
martian women (mirgashrisha, chitra, dhanishta) prioritize their personal development in a relationship and that’s why they’re so hard to pin down - they want to shine outside of the relationship and have something of their own, they don’t want to conform to traditions as opposed to venusian women who have no issue with traditions, they actually love partnerships and aren’t very career-oriented necessarily and they can compromise for the greater of the union. comparison: meghan markle (martian) and kate middleton (venusian)
saturn nakshatras (pushya, anuradha, uttara bhadrapada) love to dress in neutral colors and to look put together even if that’s perceived as not as flavorful they like it!
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 9
cancer/moon in the 2nd house can have fluctuating finances, one time they’re earning above their spendings the next time their income is super low.
theres scorpio moons that don’t prioritize relationships at all and there’s also scorpio moons that are kinda obsessed w/ the idea of a romantic relationship. these are usually swati moons (libra portion, 7th house: partnerships) and vishakha moons. swati’s need someone who isn’t controlled by their ego at all and can hold their short temper lol
i have observed that scorpio/anuradha can be great at doing counseling seminars, they have an ability to bring people together
11th moons feel alienated in a big way from their childhood environment like they don’t align on a spiritual level and morally with those in their natal state or city
I’ve noticed charts that have clutched majority of their planets in the 11th and 12th went through hell and back (mainly emotionally but physically too dependents on the energy in the house) early on in life
i feel like uttara phalguni (sidereal leo) would make good sexologists if there’s heavy 8th energy along with that
chiron in the 10th can make someone fear putting themselves out there and being confident in their abilities to offer quality to others: they fear standing out and saying “i’m here, i will take up space, my work deserves to be seen and valued”.
early degree tropical pisces (sidereal aqua: shatabhisha nakshatra) can have various talents in many areas.
martian women (mirgashrisha, chitra, dhanishta) prioritize their personal development in a relationship and that’s why they’re so hard to pin down - they want to shine outside of the relationship and have something of their own, they don’t want to conform to traditions as opposed to venusian women who have no issue with traditions, they actually love partnerships and aren’t very career-oriented necessarily and they can compromise for the greater of the union. comparison: meghan markle (martian) and kate middleton (venusian)
saturn nakshatras (pushya, anuradha, uttara bhadrapada) love to dress in neutral colors and to look put together even if that’s perceived as not as flavorful they like it!
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 9
cancer/moon in the 2nd house can have fluctuating finances, one time they’re earning above their spendings the next time their income is super low.
theres scorpio moons that don’t prioritize relationships at all and there’s also scorpio moons that are kinda obsessed w/ the idea of a romantic relationship. these are usually swati moons (libra portion, 7th house: partnerships) and vishakha moons. swati’s need someone who isn’t controlled by their ego at all and can hold their short temper lol
i have observed that scorpio/anuradha can be great at doing counseling seminars, they have an ability to bring people together
11th moons feel alienated in a big way from their childhood environment like they don’t align on a spiritual level and morally with those in their natal state or city
I’ve noticed charts that have clutched majority of their planets in the 11th and 12th went through hell and back (mainly emotionally but physically too dependents on the energy in the house) early on in life
i feel like uttara phalguni (sidereal leo) would make good sexologists if there’s heavy 8th energy along with that
chiron in the 10th can make someone fear putting themselves out there and being confident in their abilities to offer quality to others: they fear standing out and saying “i’m here, i will take up space, my work deserves to be seen and valued”.
early degree tropical pisces (sidereal aqua: shatabhisha nakshatra) can have various talents in many areas.
martian women (mirgashrisha, chitra, dhanishta) prioritize their personal development in a relationship and that’s why they’re so hard to pin down - they want to shine outside of the relationship and have something of their own, they don’t want to conform to traditions as opposed to venusian women who have no issue with traditions, they actually love partnerships and aren’t very career-oriented necessarily and they can compromise for the greater of the union. comparison: meghan markle (martian) and kate middleton (venusian)
saturn nakshatras (pushya, anuradha, uttara bhadrapada) love to dress in neutral colors and to look put together even if that’s perceived as not as flavorful they like it!
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coilserpent · 2 years
Ashwini (0°00' - 13°20' Aries) — Swati (6°40' - 20°00' Libra)
ashwini is the exaltation point of the sun. someone with this sun placement naturally establish their autonomy, they don't ask for your permission to be themselves. self- love in abudance...they do what they say they're going to do which is essential to loving the person you are deeply, keeping promises builds your self trust. (women w/ ashwini in their sun i consider blessed in a way)
swati moons have generally a hard time accepting themselves for who they are, rahu is ruling over their moon so it affects them on a core level. opposite of ashwini highest manifestation of yang, swati is the highest yin point. before that destructive energy is channeled for something good (setting goals + building a healthy routine) it can make someone engage in self-destructive habits when in the 8th or 12th (my observation, but it really depends on the house position and tight aspects). rahu is considered to be the most destructive planet in vedic astrology due its strong malefic effect - it's a foreign aspect to us (opposite of ketu - everything that we've already mastered) that's also why rahu's energy is difficult to work with always in the beginning.
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coilserpent · 2 years
Ashwini (0°00' - 13°20' Aries) — Swati (6°40' - 20°00' Libra)
ashwini is the exaltation point of the sun. someone with this sun placement naturally establish their autonomy, they don't ask for your permission to be themselves. self- love in abudance...they do what they say they're going to do which is essential to loving the person you are deeply, keeping promises builds your self trust. (women w/ ashwini in their sun i consider blessed in a way)
swati moons have generally a hard time accepting themselves for who they are, rahu is ruling over their moon so it affects them on a core level. opposite of ashwini highest manifestation of yang, swati is the highest yin point. before that destructive energy is channeled for something good (setting goals + building a healthy routine) it can make someone engage in self-destructive habits when in the 8th or 12th (my observation, but it really depends on the house position and tight aspects). rahu is considered to be the most destructive planet in vedic astrology due its strong malefic effect - it's a foreign aspect to us (opposite of ketu - everything that we've already mastered) that's also why rahu's energy is difficult to work with always in the beginning.
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coilserpent · 2 years
hello! i hope you don't mind me asking about what my dominants are? my asc- purva ashadha (1), sun- mula (1), moon- ashwini (5), mercury- anuradha (12), venus- anuradha (12), mars- vishakha (12), saturn- punarvasu (8), jupiter- hasta (10), rahu- ashwini (5), ketu- chitra (11). thank you so much if you do this! have a nice day ahead. <3 >3 <3
ur nodal. that rahu to moon conjunction is powerful but you also have your luminaries in ketu ruled naks so i say 50% ketu 50% rahu!
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coilserpent · 2 years
hi, your blog is amazing i love it . i want to ask you what is the effect of mars with moon in same house(1stH) ?btw they are not conj
i think people view you as very protective, of yourself and others too and someone who they can go up to when they’re facing a problem: either a shoulder or some sort of advice + solution. you’re an emotional person like you can’t hide your mood and you’re soft but you can face stuff head on when needed
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coilserpent · 2 years
Hey! what are you thoughts on moon naks men?
they’re in touch with their feminine/emotional side but they can also be unbalanced and act like babies who can’t take responsibility. they’re creative ! shravana might be into something related to programming but im not quite sure. hasta likes fashion a lot and rohini loooooves food they can be gluttonous tbh
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coilserpent · 2 years
Hey, I saw that you were answering some astrology questions, so I thought that maybe you'd be able to help me with something I've been struggling with. So I've looked at my birth chart on two different platforms, and I genuinely don't know what sign my north node is in. Whenever I look at my north node it's either in taurus or aries, here's some screenshots for reference
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And I've tried north node calculators and some either say aries and taurus😭. So now....I have no idea what sign my north node is in, and I'm not sure about researching the north nodes individually cause I could relate to both of them, who knows. Anyways in your opinion, what do you think I should do?
i believe it’s in aries!
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