cokewhorechic-blog · 7 years
The Party Girl Look: Finding Your Look, Wearing and Shopping High End
Let’s face it, today’s bad girl market falls super short. I mean behind all the top knots and nasty gal tops, there isn’t a lot of substance. Most of today’s popular girls are these contrived, copy-and-paste YouTube-celeb 1990′s gay slang using wannabe instagram models. And although it’s not my thing, i guess i have to respect that they stick to it pretty well. I mean, if i could be happy; desperately following every trend on the internet, slitting it’s throat and drinking it’s blood (all while taking some snapchat vids of you covering half your face and listening to some soundcloud rapper), i’m sure i’d totally be as happy as everyone else, but i don’t find today’s bad girls appealing. 
So for our future bad girls (presumably you; reading this) how do you stand out from the Fashion Nova and matte lipstick? Believe me, there’s an audience for you! Whether your goal is to be the hottest shit at 1Oak, the train wreck people whisper about to their coworkers, or a model/actress desperate to hide from the paps, there’s always a fan to be made.
Today; we’re focusing on image. Everyone starts somewhere. I started my fashion storyline on the glitzy side of 2008 myspace, with long fringes and nude lip gloss. I was idolizing girls like Hanna Beth and Zui Suicide, these online semi-model celebutants with brash attitudes and the right friends. They had glossy photos partying with the greats (Paris, Miley etc.) and dated rockstars. It was simple, they were nobodies in Hollywood’s eyes, but to a small perentage of the public, they were god. They lived a comfortable life, being fabulous, wearing fabulous clothes, doing fabulous things with the fabulous people, and being adored fabulously. 
Now something i want you to internalize is: It’s okay to have role models, or an idol. It’s fine to have someone you completely adore and look up to. It’s not okay to go overboard with that inspiration, because that leads into imitation, and that’s boring. No one wants worship someone who’s a carbon copy of someone else. But mere similarity (in very small doses) will draw comparisons, and comparisons are GOOD! to be compared to anyone seen as greater than you is amazing. So, with your image, find a couple inspirations (if it’s your grandmother, Bijou Phillips or the fucking lady wearing hot pants at the bus stop, it doesn’t matter) and draw from them what you will and put your personal touch on it. Don’t be afraid to combine styles that aren’t necessarily paired together. Wear some 3,000 dollar gloves with a Walmart training bra. Trash meets chic. 
Showing skin is essential for every bad girl, if you are self conscious about your weight, don’t be. Strut your fucking shit and no one will be looking at your arm flab or stretch marks, they’ll be looking at your confidence, believe me. Also: a quick tan or splash of bronzing oil on the arms legs and chest might make you feel better about yourself. 
After you’ve found your style, buy some new clothes. Remember if you wanna look high end, YOU HAVE TO BUY HIGH END. Please don’t think a knock off will ever trick anyone, the people who matter WILL notice, and that’s embarrassing. So buy real designer, it can be new or used. I prefer used clothing, because it’s less expensive and more convenient to discard or give away after being photographed in. (that’s when you get rid of an outfit, or take it out of public rotation, after you’ve been photographed in it)
But i will admit, nothing beats going into Saks or Bloomingdales and bossing the shop assistant around. The smell of fresh Dolce and Gabbana could make me fucking cum. 
But some online consignment shops i will recommend are:
Therealreal.com (fabulous markdowns and they offer financing through Affirm, so you can pay off those Chanel booties in payments of like 30 bucks a month)
Poshmark.com (make sure it’s not fake and make sure the seller has good reviews)
Ebay (are you fucking serious ebay has AMAZING PIECES)
When it comes to makeup, you’re better off buying your luxury cosmetics in-store (if they’re snobby, be snobby back, remind them who’s purchasing Chanel lip gloss and who’s in a work uniform)
But for discounts on items people accidently bought and didn’t want to return for some reason, Glambot.com seems legit and discount Kevyn Aucoin is still Kevyn Aucoin. 
Plastic surgery can be financed if you want it. And always make sure your body is how you want it to be, by any means neccesary. 
Next week i will be talking about less surface image, and more public image: How the public thinks of you, your outer personality.
Stay hot, don’t let anyone tell you you’re not famous or fabulous, and make sure you don’t overdose! Bye Xx
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