coldcontingency · 5 years
Digits are digested in brain matter, Meruem’s lips coated in cerebral spinal fluid as a result of his exploits. THIS was what he had anticipated when he had tasted flesh for the first time, he was disappointed initially but now he knew better. Rare Humans as they were called were a treat to behold, stronger than their causal counterparts and much more tasteful. The King ate these and these alone, nothing else came close.
〝 Really? 〞
He was genuinely surprised, the distance between the starting point and the wall was several kilometers from here, through thick foliage and greenery. The term wall was used loosely, Meruem understood what they were getting at when they referred to the chasm that separated this portion of Gorteau from the other. The proverbial game was played in natural confines with a mountain range forming the eastern wall and the several hundred meter deep chasm to the east representing the other. Bodies of water made up the north and south walls and in between lay several cities and places to hide, making it all the more entertaining.
Meruem turned to face his Royal Guard, flinging the extracts of blood from his tail to the ground with one fluid movement. He was now standing and speaking directly to them, quietly proposing an idea.
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〝 Why not a race between you and I? I’ll give you a head start. 〞
King and Cat
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coldcontingency · 5 years
Words weren’t needed when actions spoke volumes.
The thrill of the moment was sublime, killing came naturally to him and although these were rare humans, they hardly put up enough fight to truly make him WORK for his food. Pitou had been kind enough to offer him the chance to hunt these meat bags and Meruem intended to follow through with the suggestion. Anything to stretch his exo-skeleton.
The last remaining duo of humans had fled into the surrounding thicket that sparsely populated the area around the palace. There were several dozen trees in this particular outcropping, enough to sustain a hunt.
Positioned beside a tree stood one of the rare humans, and within an instant Meruem’s stinger had bore itself clean through the man’s skull, opting to enter through the oral cavity as opposed to anything else; he didn’t want to risk damaging the better parts of the his prey. Meruem opted to crack open the skull of his victim, feasting upon the nutritious tissue that lay within. Within moments he had tossed aside the hollow severed helm of the deceased human, darting into thicker shrubbery in search of his next victim.
Words were spoken prior to the decapitation of the other straggler, Meruem haven achieved the element of surprise, standing behind the woman before delivering the killing blow.
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⠀〝 Too easy. 〞
King and Cat
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coldcontingency · 5 years
It was tense, waiting. They only glanced at him, their breathing almost stopping for the entire time of their king considering. His voice was as always, hard to decipher. Who knew whether he was about to hit or praise? But they indeed got their reward rather than punishment. The mere bliss of succeeding made their heart leap with joy. Neferpitou remained calm, closing their eyes softly as they bowed their head.
“You honor me, Sire,” they hummed out, almost purring out the words. “I will do so at once!” The moment he passed them they bounced up, excitedly. They had been disappointed that they were not allowed to join the hunt, after all, they wanted to have fun too. But even more so, the happiness that came from their King being pleased with them took over. As little as he showed it, it was more than obvious to the chimera. Immediately they leapt, going to collect all of the humans. They didn’t speak a word to the other guards, after all, Pouf if anyone would attempt to stop the fun!
It truly did not take long, the chimera hurrying to pick out humans, collecting and moving them towards their king. Excitedly they approached him just as he had commanded, holding the six humans under heavy restriction. No chance of escape. What they had made sure of, was that the humans were indeed in top form. Physically and mentally able. Where was the fun in squashing a weakling? Pitou hardly worried about the humans hurting their Sire, after all, they were there! Ready to kill or heal. Whatever was needed of them. “We are all ready, Sire!~” they hummed out, hardly hiding their ecstatic excitement.
Lower extremities permeate through moistened soil as Meruem walks out of the main gate of his palace, concrete being traded for a muddied path that led towards the downtown portion of the capital city. He needn’t take the trek down himself, for the prey was coming to him. Making way off the worn path, his lower digits were welcomed by the plush, warm feeling of grass beneath his feet. Possessing a pseudo-exoskeleton such as this would take some getting used to; he could feel what his species normally could not. Whether or not this was intended, he particularly liked the feeling beneath his feet. It was welcoming, unlike the cold marble he found within the palace. Perhaps more time would be spent outside rather than within. ⠀〝 Excellent, you may feast on the scraps. 〞 They’d kept him waiting after all. Within an instant, the bonds that held these individuals together we’re quickly unwound, splitting to allow freedom. Naturally, the creatures ran back the way they came, five of them had at least. One was keen on testing him, facing Meruem with a smug grin. Dispatching him in the blink of an eye, he couldn’t be bothered to finish the job just yet. Screams overtook the surrounding area, the five fleeing humans surely hearing what awaited them. Moving past the pleading individual, the King sought something more enjoyable. Something that would put up an actual fight. Casting his glare from the befallen man to the running humans, he slowly walked after them; he couldn’t go after them immediately, there was still a chase to be had before the hunt could truly begin.
King and Cat
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coldcontingency · 5 years
Just as she was told, Lilitu knelt down before him with her head lowered down to the floor. "Thank you for honoring this lowly peasant with a moment of your time, My Lord. My name is Lilitu, I was taken in by Pitou some time before your arrival and have been in their care since then. I'm not as physically strong as them, but. Should you ever require me for something, I promise to do all in my power to help."
His gaze befalls a lowly life form, immediately recognized as a hybrid of his species and another. While he didn’t harbor any particular distaste for the hybrids within his ranks, this.. soldier was to be the first.⠀〝 Pitou has a pet? Interesting. If I have use for you I’ll send for Pitou, now leave. 〞 The thought of their species ability to genetically engineer soldiers intrigued him, though finding a suitable Queen to mate with and produce higher quality soldiers proved to be the more reasonable solution.He couldn’t sit on his hands here, after devouring the Eastern Republic of Gorteau he had to turn his attention to the world.
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coldcontingency · 5 years
It wasn’t until they felt him relax, even if it was just that one bit of his body easing tension, that they finally looked up. Smiling, excitedly almost. Everytime they got his blessing to speak, it was a blissful feeling. And avoiding a hit certainly did not take away from it, as much as they would accept it. They remained knelt down, as if they would not get up from their position before they were allowed to do so, still so on guard. Observing every tick, every movement to read their King.
“You honor me Sire, if I may,” they no longer hesitated however, their voice carrying without fail. “I would like to propose a hunting game of special humans! It could be good to keep our bodies in motion, and provide a pleasing activity.~”
Truly, an idea they had come up on their own. Sitting still was something they would do forever if they had to, to protect the King. But if they were to allow him to move, moving with him, they could guard him all the same! Controversial, amount the chimera ants perhaps. But it sounded like such fun to them.
“Just a few, as to not disturb our greater plans, naturally.”
Naturally. Forced to both observe and listen as Pitou proclaimed their idea to him, The King silently judges their proposal for a moment, hesitant to immediately reply before consulting his conscious— or what remained. Finally speaking, his low monotone came out in a dark, almost brooding manner. ⠀〝 So that I may test these humans? I’ll oblige your efforts, Pitou. 〞 They were his favorite, if he had to choose, this was one of their better ideas after all; Pouf and Youpi were adverse to much other than protecting him and where was the fun in that? ⠀〝 Gather six rare humans, bring them here; I will hunt them myself. 〞 Violaceous orbs soften for a moment, his brow relaxing at their sudden suggestion. Moving to stand from his throne, Meruem makes little effort to walk past the kneeling form of Pitou. Swaying behind him was his tail, inadvertently refraining from striking the Royal Guard. They knew as well as he did that they had pleased him.
King and Cat
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coldcontingency · 5 years
The fur on their tail ruffled up, and whilst they did not flinch, the pressure wasn’t lost on them. Pitou could feel his posture tensing up, and so did theirs, preparing for any strike incoming. They would never raise their hand against him, nor would they stop him from killing them. If it was his wish to end their life, they’d happily die. But of course, this was not in the plans, and they knew they were needed for what was to come. So quickly, they corrected themselves, abolishing any misunderstanding.
“Please forgive me sire, it was never my intention to even insinuate such a preposterous falsehood.” Neferpitou kept their head low, they knew very well the fate that would await such an action. They didn’t even look up as they further explained, although perhaps they thought that they might regret this. It had sounded so fun… “I merely wanted to further offer my services and… purrhaps an idea that I had in mind. Allow me sire, if you would grant me such honour as to hear out my thoughts.”
Bold. They weren’t new to giving advice or suggestions to their King, they had done so before. And it had resulted in a strike meant to kill. This time however, they asked for permission first, learning of their past misstep. Altough, their thoughts would have to be worthy of consideration. Thay much they were aware of.
The rigidity of his tail quickly evaporates into the usual calming swaying motion that he oftentimes inadvertently maintains. The stinger at the end was capable of inflicting massive amounts of trauma to the particularly strong and was undoubtedly capable of besting the weaker cattle in one full swoop.
Their words permeate through his ego, soaking through his inability to make sense of one of his Guard taking the time to educate him on a matter of importance. The mere thought of being educated intrigued him in a sense, it was something he genuinely enjoyed doing; so long as he was the one educating himself.
⠀〝 Go on, 〞 Meruem states, his gaze befalling the lone royal guard, studying their posture. Analyzing Pitou, it quickly becomes apparent that they have been hiding something from him, not intentionally of course. That was the sole reason of their arrival now, to inform him.
Of course.
King and Cat
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coldcontingency · 5 years
⠀〝 Good . . 〞 It’d only been thirty-six hours since their initial arrival here in the Republic of East Gorteau and yet they were expanding at such exponential rates. However, that was to be expected, he was destined to rule over these incompetent beings with all the power in the world. The redistribution of the food chain was clearly news to all but the chimera. ⠀〝 Anything I wish I will have. 〞 Declaring his intent, the omnipotence he command was absolute; he didn’t need Pitou telling him what he already knew to be fact. ⠀〝 Are you telling me there is something here that I 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙩 possess? 〞 Oculars narrow in that instant, his tail ceasing its swaying, growing rigid where it was flaccid. Tensing at their audible betrayal of his trust, Meruem eyes the kneeling form that was Pitou, daring them to stand, to rise; it’d be over in a mere instant, their head cleaved from their shoulders— they knew just as well as he did. So, why were they speaking in such a manner? What didn’t Meruem know that they did.
King and Cat
Starter for @perfect-chimera
Bored. Oh how boring it was to keep a lookout, and how tempting it was to just get out there and do something! That was perhaps mainly the reason that the feline chimera made their way into the King’s chamber, a bounce in their step. They only took one step in before they bowed their head, getting down on one knee. Knowing better than anyone to give the King his space, it was an immediate instinct to feel for his mood of the day. To act accordingly. “Sire,” they spoke out politely, letting themselves be known even though they already knew that he was aware of their presence. “I’m reporting that everything is going as smoothly as planned, naturally. We have settled properly and are already expanding at rapid rates.” Neferpitou didn’t even glance up at him, staying in their respectful position, happily. Pleased to simply be in the vicinity of him. Of course, they were aware that such a report was pointless, but they did have something else in mind. If anything, this was merely a decoy to make sure that Pouf wouldn’t nag their ears of again. Unlike Youpi, Pitou didn’t mind the hits they would take from the King if they were to displease him. Whilst they didn’t enjoy it, they accepted it for what they were. “We are at your beck and call, sire, if there is anything you would wish…” they spoke again,  a reminder to something he already knew, which they of course realized. Merely another hint as to that they had something else in mind.
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