colekim-sb · 11 years
three times wrong, one time last
Bae remembers the first time she made a friend.
She had made friends, many of them, before but this was the first time she had gone out of her way to talk to someone that no one else wanted to talk to. He wasn't much, he wasn't really anything at all, a small dangly kid that strode into her senior class of elementary, all rough edges and boundaries. It was like he had had a world of pain thrust upon him and when their teacher introduced him as the new kid, she knew why.
Rumour had it he had been thrown out of his old school, others said he was too hard to control and someone even said he had beaten a boy until he was unrecognisable. Bae knew better, or at least she hoped she did, when she approached him that one afternoon.
"Hi, I'm Bae"
He seemed reluctant to talk to her but took the offered juicebox from her, anyway, shuffling over the metal bench to make space for her. "Alex," He said gruffly, popping the straw into its place.
"You know, you'd make more friends if you actually smiled" She said after a few moments of silence and, like she had said, he did. And god it was the most horribly adorable thing she had ever seen and she was laughing before she knew it "Or maybe you shouldn't smile at all" 
Nicole remembers the first time she felt regret.
As she grew up, she matured faster (both mentally and physically) than the rest of her friends. She spent all her teenaged years fending off suitors, trying to keep her modesty to herself and knew that she didn't want to give it to someone unless she was right and ready.
Graduations were never her thing - she hated goodbye's and hated losing people and hated having to come to terms that starting tomorrow these people will go from someone you say everyday to someone you see every other day to someone you're lucky to see at all. It made her sad. It made her miserable. It made her vulnerable.
A lot of firsts happened that night, the first time she ever openly reached for Alex's hand and the first time he seemed to hesitate in taking it; like he could feel the need pulsating through her tips. She didn't want to lose him, most of all. 
In the end, she didn't really know what to expect of it. It wasn't bad, but then she had nothing to compare it to other than movies and stories along the grape vine. She was, honestly, just surprised with how they both just seemed to fumble together, an awkward mess of limbs and body parts, like he didn't know which was was up. Eventually, it was nice. Nice, was the only way she could describe it.
it wasn't bad but it wasn't exactly great, either. 
At the end of it all, cuddled up to his empty side of the bed, she knew that he wouldn't stay. He wasn't really the type to mull and she tried not to look hurt when he got dressed almost immediately after. 
Maybe it wasn't regret, maybe it was something more. Either way, Nicole realised two things that night: one, she hated Alex. Two, she hated how much she loved him.
Cole remembers the first night someone almost killed her.
She'd been in one too many life threatening situations before, her life seemed to flash before her eyes like reruns now, but this was the first time that the perpetrator at hand was someone she knew.
"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? THIS RACE WAS SPECIFICALLY A SPEED TEST, NONE OF YOUR RECKLESS SHIT" She roared, crawling from the crumbling mess that was her previously loved Audi, ripping the helmet off so to audibly express her rage. Her hair cascaded down her back in a blossom of curls as she threw the door of the black ferrari open and - "Alex?"
"It's nice to see you, too, Bae" 
She merely shoved the helmet into his chest, sending him against the frame of the car in a light thud before storming away. It had taken her five years and more than enough trips to the ER for her to get over him. She had come too far, done too much, to let him in again and for him to ruin her.
And yet the only thing that was sitting in the mess of her thoughts was how she was going to break it to Ethan that she was actually in love with someone else.
She remembers the last time she cried.
She doesn't really remember when, where or how but she found herself encumbered by Alex again. He was spending nights on her couch, writing his name on her bathroom mirror, joining her in the kitchen when she needed someone to help cook. He sent her flowers, notes that told her she was beautiful, chocolates to cheer her up and handmade crafts that she knew his little had actually made. He would give her his jacket, sing karaoke with her to the early hours of the morning and drink her over the counter even if he was completely off his face, too. 
February came around long before she even had time to process January and she was dreading Valentines Day like the plague. Since the fiasco of the Jingle Ball, Ethan had distanced himself from her and she couldn't find it within her to care. They went from speaking every hour to speaking every few and finally they were lucky to speak once a day.
Valentine's Day was planned to a dinner and when Ethan hadn't showed up and a note from his room mate came instead, she knew that that was the end. She loved him but wasn't in love with him. She thinks she never was.
She drove home in silence, sending Alex a text to let her know that she wasn't going to be present for tonights race. When she received no reply, she crawled into her bed to cry herself to sleep. 
Moments later she could hear her favourite song of the moment (a love song written by Fatale vocalist James for his girlfriend) filtered through her curtains and looking outside she saw Alex by her window with a boombox held in his hands over his head. She tried not to race down to meet him and opened the door sheepishly, looking more like Bae than she had in years.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for you"
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colekim-sb · 12 years
[ reaches out to softly punch the other in the jaw ] The cracker likes when you come over, I'm pretty sure. You're like entertainment for us [ laughs ] And you know I worry, so don't be a stranger this time, okay? [ recovers from the oddly serious moment by raising another eyebrow at her ] Maybe if you, oh I don't know, stopped living on the streets the showers might actually last you! [ rolls her eyes before feigning offence ] You did not just say that [ laughs ] I don't think anyone trusts me with cars, nowadays, guess that's what makes me so good, yanno? 
& ; erika&cole.
sorry bae unnie, {`smiles in a dry kind of way as she hasn’t heard her korean name in a long while, but it wasn’t so bad coming out of her sister’s mouth - rather than her, she meant } it’s kind of a habit now. and plus you’re getting older, so it’s just happening a bit earlier. {`grins mischievously and pats her shoulder, touching her on purpose } i know i know, but ethan’s too plain for me. {`her face distorts into an odd expression - her eyes slightly narrowed and mouth well … just plain weird considering how much it’s moving } eeethaaannn. i’m not meaaan enough to call him cracker straight up — well maybe not really~ fine, ookay. shower, i’ll do it. it’s not gonna last anyway. {`hmphs and shrugs } … {`blinks } i never trust you with cars anyhow, so let’s just get going. you heard right, by the way — even though you’re this huge {`forms air quotation marks in the air with two fingers on each hand } race car driver thing. 
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colekim-sb · 12 years
[ rolls her eyes ] You are so damn old unnie. You gotta let go -- live a little! [ grins, taking her hand in hers and beginning to walk towards her car ] Pish, posh. Stole, inherited. It's all the same when you've been in the business as long as I have [ stops before a shiny new audi ] Isn't she a beaut? [ gleams with pride ] 
❖ // Adelinde & Cole
Aish.. (/gives a repulsed look) I swear I’m getting you bars of soap for your birthday for you to wash that potty mouth of yours. (/rolls eyes) Life’s short, cheap thrills are fun once in a while. (/shrugs) Inherited? (/raises her eyes and snickers) You mean stole. (/purses her lips) Oh, why the hell not? Might as well live a little before I have to deal with a school-ful of children again. (/sighs)
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colekim-sb · 12 years
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colekim-sb · 12 years
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colekim-sb · 12 years
She always found herself melting in his presence, like she was someone else whenever he was around. Nicole had always been guarded, a clown to shield the troubles that she holds and yet whenever she was with Ethan, it was like none of that mattered or even existed. She was simply a girl in love and that was enough for her to forget everything momentarily. "You're too good to me" She smiled back, her hand tightening its grip around his as she racked her mind for something even worth the trouble he had said. 
She released herself from his hold to observe the food that had flanked the table, her eyes widening with delight as she recognised everything. "It must've taken forever to get this together, you really shouldn't have" She noted, turning back to him with a soft smile. Really, someone like Ethan deserved more than the simple car thief, she thought to herself, turning back to the food. By the time she circled the table, she was standing behind him and something bought her to wrap her arms around his waist from behind, reaching onto her tip toes to lean her chin onto his shoulder "Merry Christmas Mr. Park" She whispered into his ear, grinning before asking "Where should we start?" 
christmas surprises & ; ethan/cole
he couldn’t help the small pout that spread across his face at the sound of his girlfriend’s laughter, watching her doubled over figure in front of him. he couldn’t even find any words to protest. he knew he looked silly, and he knew that it was probably feminine, the clothing he was dressed in, but they had been the only things handy at the time, and he hadn’t really had the time to go looking for something that would function as well as look… somewhat masculine.
he continued to pout until he felt her arms wrap around him in a tight hug, holding him like she would lose him at any moment. with a soft sigh, he wrapped his arms tightly around her in return, burying his face into her hair and inhaling the scent that he knew so well, holding her as close to him as he possibly could.
“anything for you, nicole.” he whispered back softly, a smile on his face as he laughed a little to feel the light flutter of her lips on his cheek, squeezing her hand and pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. “it’s christmas, so… i thought it would be nice if i did something.” he smiled gently down at her. “yeah, pretty much. i know it’s not really much, but…” he trailed off, a soft laugh slipping from his lips. “merry christmas, nicole.”
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colekim-sb · 12 years
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colekim-sb · 12 years
You age me, Hana [ says her korean name because she doesnt like calling her Erika, just like how she prefers her to call her Bae rather than Nicole ] You age me ridiculously [ shakes head in amusement ] The cracker has a name, you know. I think he'd prefer if you actually called him that rather than a cheese side. [ raises an eyebrow ] No way in hell i'm letting you near my closet unless you take a shower [ nods once ] My cars around the far corner, still has a few kinks in it, though. Might not ride as smoothly as my others if you're willing to ride the death trap? 
& ; erika&cole.
aigoo, what a cranky face. {`crosses her arms } joy, it’s been a long time! i don’t know how two unlikely people could come together like both of you did. {`shrugs and laughs } i like calling him a cracker. suits my … image of him, {`makes hand gestures } no sense? no sense. oh, {`clicks her tongue } so now you consider me as your sister—nice. {`sighs } whatever, i’ll just raid your closet again then. and there’s not much good to hear anyway. {`murmurs and throws her hands up } happy? now where’s your car?
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colekim-sb · 12 years
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colekim-sb · 12 years
I'm a punk ass mother fucker, born and raised [ chuckles ] Totally. Until you started jumping into those joyrides with me, eh? [ smiles before glancing into the distance ] Wanna go on one now? I recently inherited an Audi if you wanna see how it goes...
❖ // Adelinde & Cole
Way to make me feel young, Nicole. (/scoffs) You’re a punk and you know it. Stealing my car for joyrides and shit until I caught your dumbass. (/stares pointedly)
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colekim-sb · 12 years
Hopping off the counter, Nicole paced away from the others, where they leant over the bar to listen intently to the conversation. Nicole was notoriously for having unique ways of asking people to perform for her and everyone knew that Daniel was one of her favourite performers. So every phonecall that she'd give him was always a source of jokes for her workers. Much to her displeasure.
"Oh, groceries?" She questioned incredulously, her expression obvious before she spilt into a laugh "If you don't mind leaving your groceries for one night, my act cancelled at the last minute and I would absolutely looooooooove for you to come down and... maybe perform instead?" She grinned hopefully although the thought that he couldn't see her only occurred after a minute of full blown smiling. "I'll pay you up front plus drinks will be on me. Danny, pleaseeeeee. I'm desperate!" She continued to rattle on, not really giving him a chance to speak, "What do you say?" 
crisis & ; daniel/cole
in the midst of actually finishing his homework, he began tapping the bottom of his eraser vigorously on table, then a couple seconds later, he grabbed a pen just to gnaw on the cap. “ugh, why is everything so hard and frustrating.” steadily standing up from his desk, he rolled his eyes in defeat because woah, has homework caused so much stress for this student. the male begin to stroll down through his abandoned hallway and finally reached to his kitchen, his favorite place out of his “home”. feeling a smile creep onto his lips, he gently let his fingertips get a good grip onto the refrigerator door handle and checked to see if anything was actually worthy to be filled inside his stomach.
“aw.. really. i forgot to do some grocery shopping.” he exhaled out a long moan, something he wasn’t really intended on doing. dragging his feet to his room to grab a long jacket, he heard a faint ring of his phone drone out in the background. letting his abnormal eyes grow larger, he reluctantly picked up his cell from the bed and squint his eyes trying to decode the letters from the screen. “oh, it’s nicole!” a faint smile appeared and he accepted the call. “…am i busy?” he rubbed the nape of his neck and shrugged. “well, i was going to get groceries but.. is there anything you need?” 
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colekim-sb · 12 years
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colekim-sb · 12 years
They'd be like "where did they all come from?!" [ imitates the chaos that would ensue by waving her hands frantically by her face, before doubling over in laughter, her hand reaching out for jade's shoulder for support ] God, that girl. She needs some excitement in her life. [ clicks her fingers and laughs when the idea strikes ] Can you imagine Hyeju on the track with us? That little thing racing the Skyline or something? Or Ethan racing the Eclipse? Fuck, that'd be absolutely hilarious [ still laughing when she climbs into the seat next to Jade, a stupid grin as the revving of the engine reaches her ears ] Will never get sick of that sound [ nods proudly, before jumping out again to run over to the garage door, opening it ] LET'S DO A ONCE AROUND TO THE MOUNTAINS OR SOMETHING? I WANNA SEE HOW FAST WE CAN GO [ cups her hands around her mouth to yell at the female in the car ] 
& ; jade/cole.
the city would be like oh my fucking god, there’s all the stolen cars. (` laughs) we’d also probably ruin the earth’s atmosphere and stuff. hyeju’s been going on about it. (` shakes her head bemusedly) well, my genius opinion is first and foremost of course. and i think ethan enjoys me throwing him around the tracks far too much to be considered normal. (` winks to show that she’s kidding) that he is. keeps comparing cars to his nissan. (` shakes her head) of course. there’s no other reason to keep the car if the engine’s fucked up. i think they’ll have fun with that. smashing up cars to get them out of our way. (` follows cole’s gaze and spot a line of dark colored cars, striding over to them to peer at the different makes) aha. it’s the this one. (` taps on the hood of the aston martin, grinning as she takes in all its glory and lets out a low whistle) you overdid yourself with this one. (` opens the driver’s door and hops in, putting the key into it and turning on the engine, revving it with a smirk on her face) it’s beautiful ‘cole. thanks.
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colekim-sb · 12 years
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colekim-sb · 12 years
Oh, you're my sister? How could I forgot [ rolls her eyes, amused ] Yes, I'm still with the... cracker. No idea why you call him that, it's not like he's American or something. [ chuckles as she pulls at your elbow so she can wrap an arm around your shoulders ] As your unnie, it is my duty to make sure that you are kept out of harms way and... [ pokes at what she is wearing, scrunches her nose in distaste ] I know you like this kind of style, but it makes my soul cry to see you so... gross. So. Dinner and a shower, okay? And I promise to listen to all the boring, I mean interesting, street stories you have for me. [ smiles ] 
& ; erika&cole.
now is that anyway to treat a sister? {`snorts, though secretly cackling } no, i’m free! i think i could use a break with some food. ooh, ethan - you still with that cracker? {`chortles } just kidding, but i won’t mind having some of that ~ {`grins, but then deadpans } do i have to come over or are you bringing me it? because i know for a fact you’re gonna make me shower if i go to your house.
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colekim-sb · 12 years
[ rolls her eyes ] Last I recalled a 4 year age difference makes you my unnie.. unless you want me to call you something else? [ blinks ] Ahjumma? 
❖ // Adelinde & Cole
(/stares) Since when was I ever your unnie? (/blinks obliviously and tilts her head)
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colekim-sb · 12 years
crisis & ; daniel/cole
"What do you mean The Cab pulled out?" Frustrated, Nicole let her face fall into her open palms as she sat cross-legged on the bar counter, sighing as one of her workers apoligised again. Apparently the lead guitarist was caught in the midst of a Christmas cold and wouldn't be able to make the show. Great.
"What are we gonna do?" She asked to no one in particular, hopping off the counter and landing on the floor behind her with a light thud, stumbling over her boots into the arms of one of the bartenders. She reached around to the lower fridge, pulling out a bottle of vodka and downing a long swig before thrusting it into the chest of the concerned male beside her "Shut up Lucas and just take it" She replied, jumping over the counter surface once more and pulling her phone from her pocket, running down her contacts looking for a replacement. A loud "AHA!" followed a quick punch to the air, "I've got it!" 
"A replacement?" Lucas asked, nodding furiously, letting her legs swing over the side of the counter, "If he's busy tonight, we're screwe-- Daniel!" She said, cutting herself off mid-sentence when the other line picked up without warning, "Are you busy?" 
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