coletriesdrawing · 4 years
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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII » Zack Fair — For @silverelite
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
(FF7 Remake Spoilers)
YouTube comments but it's "Cloud, Tifa, and Barret climb 59 flights of stairs" edition:
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
antis: you know that sephiroth massacred an entire town and killed cloud’s mother right? you know that these events gave cloud ptsd and mental scars? you are romanticizing abuse. is that how you treat abuse victims and abusers?
me, a sefikura shipper of at least 15 years:
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
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Sorry for repost (again)! It’s not showing in the tags for some reason. 
Previous notes: I decided to add the whole comic here so tumblr users can easily read it!
I “hired” Mr. Jack of All Trades, Cloud Strife, to do a photoshoot. The Shibe and Friends Social Distancing Graphic Tee and Masks are on my Etsy :)
I also wanted to practice drawing humans so I took the opportunity to do so with a comic. Thank you for reading!
Etsy | IG
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Imagine if Angeal and Barret had ever met. So much tiddy in one room
To recap:
Tiddies for days
Absolute Fucking Units
I mean seriously they’re basically goddamn monoliths
Basically adopted a super cute kid under some really abnormal circumstances
Hardass on the outside, pretty soft/kind on the inside
All we need is a few more candidates and I think we’d have a solid lineup for Dream Daddy: Final Fantasy Edition
(Also: Genesis as the omnipresent rich wine aunt that throws money at all his problems and also isn’t actually anyone’s aunt.)
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
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watch out for mothman!
found these gems on Instagram @toadstool.island
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
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Tag yourself I’m Genie Tits
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
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“The company training room…We used to sneak in there for fun, when the 2nds were out…”
this is probably the worst thing i’ve ever done i’m so sorry
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
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Conclusion: Link probably isn’t wearing any underwear when wearing the barbarian armor.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Stuff kids on tumblr better relearn
1. You are responsible for your own media experience. 
2. There is such a thing as a healthy level of avoidance towards topics that make you feel unwell or even (in a real-life clinical definition of the term) trigger you - but you are the one to actively take care of what you view.
3. Avoiding does not mean policing others.
4. You have no right to tell artists to censor themselves - you may criticize what others do, you may dislike it, that’s fine - but actively asking for censorship when you could easily unfollow or block a person just makes you look incompetent in your use of the internet.
5. Do not give people on tumblr or /any/ website the responsibility for your emotional well-being. Because these people do not even know you so no, you have no right to ask them to take care of you.
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Another life
Cloud died.
Which is to say, it's still a mystery how exactly he died.
He was immortal. Just like Vincent. Never changing, never fading.
And yet here he is. Restarting life several centuries into the future.
Claudia knew her child wasn't normal. He was quiet, smart, and much more mature for his age. He'd often read books of history. Revisiting them over and over again. Sometimes mumbling to himself.
One particular story seemed to stick with him though. It was one such story that was lost to time. Lost to mistranslations and rewrites. However one thing is certain about this story. A golden clad hero defeats a snake-eyed villain. It was the only thing consistent about this story.
Soon enoigh, time moved and so did her son. Now old enough to enter university. With his penchant for history, Claudia always thought her son would pick the obvious track in college. But to her surprise, her son chose engineering.
Claudia was unsure at first. Her son never showed any interest in machinery before. However her uneasiness was put at ease when he easily passed the scholarship exam. And so, she supported her child as best she could.
Sephiroth was, to say the least, a quiet child. He was born an albino, and yet his eyes were a striking green instead of a lighter color.
His parents were busy people. Always working, moving place to place. This left Sephiroth in the care of nannies or maids. But after a few years, they deemed him well enough to take care of himself.
Through the years, he stayed quiet. His fear of needles and syringes drove him away from his parents chosen path. He prefered staying alone, instead of hanging out with his friends. This was slightly reprieved by two boys he met. Somehow it was like they already knew each other. (And they did, their parents just dont know).
Once he was old enough to enter college, he immediately dismissed his parents' suggestions to enter at least a medical track. He argued with them till late, then stormed off to spend the night at his friend's house.
Cloud knew.
He remembered.
AVALANCHE, ShinRa, SOLDIER, Nibelhiem, and Sephiroth. He doesnt know how or why, but he somehow knew.
He sighed from his seat at the back of the class. His gaze still focused outside the window. Class was starting soon, but he couldnt care less.
His thoughts wandered to before. To when mako was still a daily occurence, instead of an obscurity. To when his eyes glowed, and he fought for the world.
Are his friends here? Do they remember? Will he ever see them again?
Suddenly, the scraping of wood startled him. It was the seat next to him.
"I'm sorry, is this seat taken-"
Cloud's eyes widened as he noticed the student next to him. His hair now white instead of silver, pupils now round and not insane. He looked at his once enemy and saw not a monster, but a man.
"Cloud?" Sephiroth asked apprehensively.
"You're..." Cloud's breath left his lungs. He didn't know what he felt. He was scared, but also happy.
They stared at each other in disbelief. Only brought to reality by the professor entering.
"I-I'm sorry, I'll find someplace else to-" Sephiroth hastily tried to leave, but was cut off by a hand gripping his wrist.
"Sephiroth wait" Cloud didnt know why he reached out. But he knew he had to. He wanted to.
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Kunsel: A good romance starts with friendship.
Zack: And a bad romance starts with a “Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah roma-roma-ma gaga-ooh-la-la”
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Was there anyone who legitimately thought zack fair was ugly when they saw him appear again? For me it was like my eyes were being baptized and I was seeing Christ for the first time without sin.
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Zack in the shower: wwAAA-HYYyyy,  doushite katachi ni kodawaru no~ WAAA-HYYYyyy,  kokoro wo hirai teEeEeEe~
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
i just saw a me? gongaga meme to the tune of one winged angel and it is SO cursed
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
What the fuck is happening why is “Me? Gongaga!” a meme all of a sudden what is this??? That game came out in 2007 and now we’re meming it??????
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coletriesdrawing · 4 years
Retreat or Die
So I was singing a tune and thought hey, maybe this could be paired with everyone favorite ShinRa so here it is (Btw this song is to like Wutai, kinda lol) -------------------------------------------- 
160 bmp
Retreat or Die, that’s your options with ShinRa Retreat or Die, that’s your options with me bruv Retreat or Die, that’s the options with ShinRa, Retreat or Die! ( hold for 6 beat with diminuendo) Retreat or Die, you’ll get to live, if Retreat is your option, you’ll get to live Now a Mako Reactor will be placed, if your backyard with some grace  After that you can reap the rewards, (tempo (150 bmp) and tone change ( lighter, victorious) if you continue to (hold to for 2 beats) (gradually crescendo and slow tempo) Work With ShinRa Electric Power Company!!
Retreat or Die, that’s your options with ShinRa Retreat or Die, that’s your options with me bruv Retreat or Die, that’s the options with ShinRa, Retreat or Die! ( hold for 6 beat with diminuendo)
Retreat or die, you will be killed, if Die is your option, then write your will!( hold 4 beats, diminuendo)  (tone change darker, tempo change 140 bmp)
Your armies will perish, without a trace, your people will die, without any grace   A Mako reactor will be placed, atop your capital without grace! Retreat or Die!!!
Retreat or die, that’s your options with me bruv Retreat or die, that’s your options with Senior Retreat or die, that’s the options with ShinRa , Retreat or Die! ( hold for 6 beat with diminuendo)
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