coliincorrect · 4 years
Julian:whats a gender neutral word you could use for your spouse? wusband?? hife?? wifesband?!?!?
Julian: I may be stupid.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Julian: Asra, you can't turn down a dare!
Asra: You can if you're older than eight.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Jan: Whose turn is it to give the pep talk?
Lourdes: Keegan's.
Keegan:Fuck shit up out there, but don't die.
Anton, wiping fake tears: inspirational.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Ingrid: I want to wake up with you for the rest of my life.
Winston: I wake up at six am, six thirty on the weekends.
Ingrid: Oh, okay then maybe not.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Zara: You always look so unapproachable.
Muriel: You're here so it clearly hasn't worked.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Aveline, drunk: Dude, I like him sooooo much.
Kian: who?
Aveline: Kian, but don't tell him okay?
Kian: okay, I wont.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Zoe: I've written a small list of all the reasons I love Julian.
Ella: That's ten pages...
Zoe: I wanted to keep it brief.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Zara, picking off petals: He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me, He loves me not, He-
Muriel: He loves you a lot.
Muriel: Did I say that out loud?
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Lucio: How was your trip?
Lorna: it was nice, there were just a bit of turbulence on the flying beast.
Lucio: What happened?
Lorna: It just fell asleep and started going down for a minute. A lot of people were crying, I just finished my muffin.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Zoe/Lorna: I'm kind of seeing someone, but i'm worried about telling you who it is because you're not going to like it.
Asra/Ella: just rip the bandage off, Zoe/Lorna.
Zoe/Lorna:It's Julian/Lucio
Asra/Ella: Put the bandage back on.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Lorna: Hey mom?
Aunt: Yes Lorna?
Lorna: How long can someone breathe in the washing bucket while its spinning?
Aunt, chuckling: Now why would want to know that Lorna?
Aunt: Where's Ella?
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Lorna: I want to hear those three little words.
Lucio: I love you.
Lorna: That's sweet, but try again.
Lucio: Fine. I will behave.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Mentor: Time for your work out.
Monty: No, I don't want to.
Mentor: You're pairing up with Kaia today.
Monty, already grabbing his workout gear: What are you waiting for?? Let's go.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Nasim: Lamonte called me a bad word.
Ella: what did he call you?
Nasim:He called me the word that starts with the letter b.
Lamonte: No I didn't, Motherfucker doesn't start with a B.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Ella: Zoe can you help me with these boxes?
Ella, struggling to carry boxes: ZOE!
Zoe: I don't know a zoe.
Ella, sighing: Baby please help me.
Zoe, rushing to help Ella: Sure.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Lucio: What makes you think I'm flirting with you?
Asra: Why is your bed surrounded with rose petals and why are you shirtless?
Lucio: Don't change the subject.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Nadia:Hey, how's the food?
Palace guest: It's great, send compliments to the chef!
Nadia: Okay.
Nadia, entering the kitchen and finding portia: You have beautiful eyes, your nose is cute. You're literally perfect and god I love you so much.
Portia, blushing: T-thank you.
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