colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Week 8
I think for my organization it won't be too hard to implement most of my beginning ideas but will take a lot of time for the following to build up. The biggest issue to the implementation of my ideas is the lack of a dedicated social media manager. They are going to have a hard time finding a person able to post consistently as most of their employees are busy with day to day work. I believe they will be most successful implementing my ideas if they schedule out a time during the day to focus on managing their current social media accounts, and then they can focus on creating new ones.
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Week 7
Chapter 3 and 4 on Hootsuite showed how to make engaging content and how to share it across different social media platforms. Learning about Audience Network by Facebook was extremely interesting, being able to control ads and get Information about posts across different platforms from one app will be extremely useful. 
To improve growth on social media you need to make sure that you have a content strategy to keep posts engaging. On top of creating engaging content you need to curate useful or entertaining pictures, posts, articles, etc. By improving your following and improving the quality of posts you can become a social media organization. You need to maintain the following by continuing to post relevant content at a constant rate. 
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Week 5
Watching the video and reading the article really opened my eyes to just how valuable my data is. I like most people thought that the websites and apps I use are free when really we are paying for them with our personal data. These services rely greatly on our personal data to sell and use to create algorithms that only feed us the things that we’d engage with the longest or products we’re likely to purchase. The people creating the algorithms and targeted ads constantly need to improve them to increase their profits which drives the need for more data. Not only is the huge profits coming from our data worrying, but also how the internet has become a huge surveillance network. With all the stored data it's scary to not know who has access to this stored data. The speaker in the video had a few good ideas we should implement like setting a limit on the time the data is being held, and by getting a downloadable report of the data certain companies currently hold on you.
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Week 4 post 2
I like to see both sides of things before making a decision. Algorithms on social media often make that very hard to do. They often force you to view the side that you most engage with or hide the views against the common view held by the staff at the social media being used. These algorithms are designed to keep you on their app by feeding you info that they calculate you want to see, but this often upsets the users. 
A few people I have on my social media repost things they see on their feed that have no merit and share it as fact. Some times Ill see the same article or post as an ad on my feed. The people who make the ad have no interest in the facts and just want attention on something they believe in or to influence you a certain way. 
These social media apps are extremely good at choosing what they expose you too based on info they've gathered on you. They know by only exposing you to things you've previously agreed with they will keep you on the app and have you comeback to their app over others. 
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Week 4 post 1
I think some of the most important qualities for a social media consultant are timeliness, being personable, and creativity. These are extremely important qualities when consulting on social media, you need to put out stuff often and ensure the things you put out are Interesting and helps connect with the customers. 
If I was a social media consultant i would put a lot of focus on putting out content constantly. One huge issue I see with businesses social media is they don't post often enough or they go long periods of time with no posts. If there are no posts or are posting inconsistently customers loose interest. My issue with my personal social media is that I never really post anymore. If I had a business account I would put most of my focus on making a schedule to post and following it to keep my customers engaged. 
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
The Social Dilemma
While watching The Social Dilemma I realized how much worse the data collection is than I previously thought, I knew it was going on but didn't understand the scale of it. All the experts who previously worked for big tech who spoke on the documentary really opened up my eyes as to how massive of a impact our Information has to these companies. 
Big data and algorithms are extremely powerful because they are able to actively alter our actions and mood, they are able to know how we're feeling and tailor the experience towards it. They collect so much data about every aspect of our use and sell it off. Not only is the collecting of our data extremely worrying, but how the algorithms use our data against us to influence us to use their services all day long is very troubling. These companies are causing many individuals to become addicted to using their outlets. This is causing a huge decrease in self-confidence and a large increase in depression and antisocial behaviors.
I feel the only option to limit it’s impact is on a personal level. People need to start realizing how detrimental the algorithms are on the majority of these “free” services, and largely decrease their use. 
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
The way you did your experiment seems much more doable than the 24hrs straight I chose. When I was off my phone I experienced a lot of anxiety on missing out talking with my friends also, watching movies and keeping distracted helped me too!  
Social Media Experiment- Blog Post
I decided to split my experiment up into 3 8-hour segments. Starting Thursday, the 20th and going all the way to Saturday the 22nd. From 11am to 7pm on every one of those days I tucked my phone away to prevent me from being tempted to access social media in any way, shape, or form. These were the effects it had on me. I would constantly be checking my pocket even though there was nothing in there and a sudden rush of anxiety would suddenly hit me. What if I miss something? What if my friends are doing something without me? What if something bad happens to someone I care about while I’m not looking at my phone for 8 hours. Thursday I went over to a friends apartment had some pizza and watched some movies to take my mind off not having my phone and it felt pretty great living in the moment. Friday I caught up on shows and binged for the better part of the day. And finally, Saturday I caught up on errands like fixing my car, etc. Ultimately, it was rather difficult to not use my phone due to anxiety, but it was rewarding to feel more in the moment.
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Social Media Experiment
After taking my log of my social media habits and writing about my experience I noticed one of my main reasons I ended up wasting time on my phone was because of notifications. So for my experiment I decided the first thing I would do is turn off notifications for my social media apps and go a day without using them at all.
At the start of the day with no notifications it was easy to ignore my social media. About halfway through the day I kept opening my phone to use social media but catching myself before I did, which made me feel like I was missing out on what my friends were sending me. The rest of the day wasn’t too bad after I got used to it, and I felt a lot better during the day not being stuck to my phone like usual. I plan to continue minimizing my social media use but not stop it altogether. 
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colin-weedon-blog · 3 years
Week 1
My name is Colin Weedon. Im a senior this year majoring in Entrepreneurship and minoring in Accounting. I have been working at my family's insurance agency for three years now and plan to take it over once I graduate.  
A business with a strong social media presence I have noticed throughout the years of being on social media is Wendy's. I don't follow them on anything but I see their posts all the time. They are often comedic posts going after other fast food restaurants while promoting themselves. They are very active and have a large following with lots of interaction with customers.
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