colinchaoqin-blog · 8 years
The 2016 Chinese Sports Summary
Last week, Baidu, the last largest Chinese search engine company, published the 2016 Chinese Sports Industry Summary. The reports show analysis the data from the social media platform. In 2016, 50% sports topics were relative to basketball, and 40% were about soccer. There were 7% for others popular sport, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, and badminton.
Moreover, NBA is the most popular sports event in China. As the graph shows on below, the report explained that the topics about NBA have remained the most popular content for the whole 2016 in Weibo and Pengyouquan except the months on holding of  European Nations Cup.  
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In comparing with the Global sports events, the most popular local sports event was Chinese Football Association Super (CSL). There were 1.4 times more fans like to involve the game events than CBA which is kind of NBA in China.
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colinchaoqin-blog · 8 years
Super Bowl and Weibo
US local time on February 5 (Beijing time on February 6 morning), once a year known as the "Spring Festival" Super Bowl game at the Houston NRG stadium staged. At the US professional football league (NFL) strategic partner,  Weibo for the first time broadcast online in China. during 4 hours of the game, attracting about 307 million people, more than one million people watch the game in the first 90 minutes. The amount have reached the level of domestic mainstream TV about Chinese Spring Festival 's Eve concert level. Within 24 hours, short videos about the game shared 88.416 million times and the Patriots’ the game video had been shared 422.3 million times. In addition, Lady Gaga midfielder show in the Super Bowl from the sky has become a hot topic on Weibo, such as @NFL football official releases the video Lady Gaga’s performance received a total of 30.96 million people to watch, as the day the top 10 topic that Weibo users concerned. It was the first football live that NFL tried to reach a large number of Chinese through social media. Data shows that the amount of reading about Super Bowl has reached 1.6 billion, and in the same day of the game it was nearly 900 million. In addition, 46.72% of the users is the first time concerned about the Super Bowl. As the NFL China Ambassador, artist Chen Weiting through the microblogging on the NFL and Super Bowl publicity, by the @NFL football as the host of the touchdowns array leader Chen Weiting # topic has been more than 700 million reading, and 300 million people in the discussion. December 28, 2016, NFL announced a strategic cooperation agreement with the Webo to promote football in mainland China, and attract partners. NFL has planed to broadcast regular season games in Webo, as well as three playoffs and super Bowl. In addition to broadcast, NFL will release short video, highlights and other NFL surrounding video content and so on.
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colinchaoqin-blog · 8 years
Fox Sports Southwest studio
      Last week, I visited Fox Sports Southwest studio. FOX Sports Southwest originally launched in January 1983.As one of the first regional sports networks, the channel broadcasted coverage of professional, collegiate and height school sports events throughout the South Central United States.
       In the visiting, I learned how the studio creates and broadcast games. At that day, FOX Sports are broadcasting the game of Mavericks V.S. Cavaliers. In the broadcast control room, staff were working together to create content with titles, logos, over-the-shoulder boxes and special effects, and broadcasted the NBA game to the audiences.
       Not only the Mavericks games, FOX Sports Southwest but also work with Texas Rangers, Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans, Dallas Stars, Thunder, and San Antonio Spurs. FOX Sports Southwest has the great team to create fantastic content for fans, but they have to face the challenges from OTT. In broadcast, over-the-top content is the audio, video, and other media content delivered over the internet without the involvement of multiple-system operator in the control or distribution of the content. Such as Hulu and Netflix are the most popular OTT services companies. Watching games are not limited to the TVs. People can watch any games at anytime and anywhere through their smartphones. The way that sports to connect with their fans are changing.
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colinchaoqin-blog · 8 years
Old to New Model Communication: How has NBA success in China?
Back in the 1990s, China Central Television (CCTV) is only TV channel to broadcast NBA games. Fans were limited to watch on TV. Later, NBA China continued to try to increase its influence thought Chinese local TV channels. It has expanded to BTV, GDTV, GZTV, NBA TV, and Now TV. With years of effort, Basketball has become one of the most popular sports in China. Significantly, NBA is the most famous game in Chinese young people. Now NBA hopes to further to lead the Chinese market.
Today, NBA games are carried live at the crack of dawn by a multitude of TV networks, but its most important distribution deal is one it completed by selling digital rights to the Chinese internet behemoth Tencent Holdings in 2015, which is putting 600 games on hundreds of millions of tablets, mobile phones and personal computers. In the league’s 2015-16 season until, May 6, 641 million viewers tuned into live NBA programming through Tencent with 65 percent of that traffic on mobile devices. Why Tencent? Well, for starters, the NBA’s traditional partners Google and YouTube are now blocked in China, as is Facebook. But the real answer is obvious to anybody in China. “Tencent is an indispensable part of people’s lives. They’re blogging on QQ and reading news all day through the news app and video. Tencent is the biggest internet holding company in China. Its properties include the social network QQ, microblogging site Weibo and messaging service WeChat.
As one of the Big Three BAT Internet Company, Tencent’s market value is 200 billion US dollars. Tencent products and services in China are able to provide best NBA broadcast service in the picture quality, smooth Degree, commentary and other aspects of a huge upgrade for the fans. Tencent changed the previous model that is free broadcast + pre-broadcast advertising + title mode and direct introduction of paid services, with membership rates 30 yuan per month, 3 months 88 yuan, 12 months 298 yuan.
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colinchaoqin-blog · 8 years
Old to New Model of Sport Communication
Sports communication is very important for the sports industry. It lies at the heart of the sports industry. Sports communication builds the relationships that are between organizations, players, and fans such as, branding, reputation management, and customer service to sales, marketing, and sponsorship. However, the way to communicate between sport and media is changing from old to new. There has been a shift from the limitation of the audience’s feedback to audience controls the agenda for the most part.
In 1849, the telegraph was first used to help cover a championship boxing match, and it is argued as the year of the birth of national sports coverage began. The media during this time were characterized by the traditional mass media that some still exist today. It has begun at first as newspapers and magazines, followed by radio and then television. Those mass media has brought extraordinary success for both sports and the media. They would take content and distribute to the large mass audience through their distinct media. In return, the teams and athletes received the important publicity that they needed for growth. As the media helps the sports become more popular, the right to distribute the content became more valuable. For example, the 30 seconds of commercial time in the Super Bowl that cost $239,000 in 1967 goes for around $2.5 million in 2004 and is seeking closer to $5.5-$5.7 million for 2017. However, people say this old model of sports communication almost reaches the roof of its growth. More and more people are talking about social media.
In 2010, Kaplan and Haenlin defined the social media: ““ include a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content.” They, furthermore, classified social media platform includes collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia), blogs, content communities (e.g. YouTube), social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), virtual social worlds (e.g., Second Life), and virtual game worlds (e.g., World of Warcraft). Moreover, Mangold identified nine ways that team and athletes use social media successfully; (1) provide networking platforms, (2) use blogs and other social media tools to engage customers, (3)use both traditional and Internet-based promotional tools to engage customers, (4)provide information, (5) be outrageous, (6) provide exclusivity, (7) design products with talking points and consumers’ desired self-images in mind, (8) support causes that are important to consumers, and (9) utilize the power of stories. For example, the NBA is dominating social media. The NBA, with its 21.8 million Twitter followers, 15.6 million Instagram followers, and almost 2 billion Vine loops understands how social media has changed how fans consume and enjoy basketball.
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