colinmallory · 7 months
Okay, so, if I dive deeply when taking the explosives, the pressure outside the zub will keep them from exploding, right? I just have to open the airlock in the cargo hold and seal everything else off. This is a good plan.
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colinmallory · 9 months
to the tune of gallows pole: Edward! Edward! wait a little while, I think I see a singer coming to help out for a while
Singer bring a shovel, bring a little rope, what can you bring me oh singer to get me out of this hole what can you bring me to get me right out of this hole
I can't bring no shovel, I can't bring a rope You know I'm not really here, to dig you out of this hole
Edward! Edward! wait a little while, I think I see Clara coming to help out for a while
Clara bring mirror-silver, bring my glasses cosmogone what can you bring me Clara to get me out of this hole what can you bring me to get me out of this hole
You don't have mirror-silver, nor glasses cosmogone, You know I'm not really here, with you in this hole
Edward! Edward! wait a little while, I think I see Hephaesta coming to help out for a while
Hephaesta lift the coffin, Hephaesta save my soul Hephaesta I implore you to get me out right out of this hole I implore you, to get me out of this hole
I can't lift the coffin, I can't save your soul, For I am just a vision, and you air is getting old.
Edward! Edward! I've been here a while I think I see the boatman coming and the sight makes me smile
Boatman get me out of here, Boatman I'll play in full what will convince you boatman to get me out of this hole What will convince you to get me out of this hole
Well you can have some weasels, and all of my bats as well I just need you boatman to get me out of this hell.
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colinmallory · 10 months
Been a while since I made a journal entry, had to be sure some things were done to a measure of safety, I suspect that one of my bats is a traitor. Anyways, paleontology truly has no rules, it is a fully creative profession. Just now I am working on a minotaur with all four limbs being the graspers off of miniature angler crabs (I will not be putting the bastard's name on them, I recorded their existence first Orthos just stole my notes, which is rich from me, but I don't steal research, only objects between the size of a small jewel and a grand piano). The papers are claiming such a beast has terrible implications despite the fact that my stall clearly states that my works are on fictious biology. It's not even a real imaginary thing, if you want me to handle those you need to wait until I'm in my silverer's office, this is simply a creative outlet because the court continues to be unamused by my work.
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colinmallory · 1 year
ooc: this is the full name of the aardvarks. They are gaming the system, or trying to. Colin hired them just because having a squad of rats called this means he can ask if he can bring his aardvark to almost anywhere, and most londoners will say yes to that question simply out of curiosity.
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colinmallory · 1 year
It worked, it bloody _____ing worked. Of course this news comes from an old friend, on a certain boat. He spoke, audibly, not much, but more than I've ever seen before. I still have an airship to attempt to steal and more, but, for now the city is safe. To make matters stranger, I think the boatman sent me back to life with no game, no memories, none of the usual busywork. I just woke up, near my nest in the flit, the nameplate of the hobnail laid over me, and a frankly surprising number of rats standing guard, I recognize some from the Aardvarks (real name much longer, but they are a company of rattus fabus mercenaries who I have kept employed) and some that are apparently from the small gang that hrathold accumulated while he was gone.
Well, the hybrid is safe for now, not out yet, but enough. I have dealt with these bastards before. I think leading flanking attacks through mirrors will help
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colinmallory · 1 year
well, I might just be dying for a while, whether I eventually come back or not is going to be pure chance. Well, I'm a theif, a mercenary, and occasional murderer, its not like I don't deserve it.
I see one way to end this, and it ain't pretty, and if I "survive" I may need to steal another airship. If I don't make it back to the mortal realm, I hope fires, pages, irons and whatever other high and mighty villains who call themselves masters deigned to attend were caught as well.
Well, the hybrid is safe for now, not out yet, but enough. I have dealt with these bastards before. I think leading flanking attacks through mirrors will help
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colinmallory · 1 year
I can't escape the damnable child of an inferno and a shipwreck. Even here the bastard (for surely if it were not a bastard it might have inherited better things to do than torment workers and plot megalomaniacal schemes of mental control) appears. It seems to aim to help now, but, with the hybrid not fully out of its grasp and myself still expected to deliver the hybrid, I would prefer the fiend be elsewhere. P.S. if I don't get to keep the hobnail I am considering stealing fires' airship if only to antagonize it.
Well, the hybrid is safe for now, not out yet, but enough. I have dealt with these bastards before. I think leading flanking attacks through mirrors will help
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colinmallory · 1 year
well, much has happenened, but the shape of it is that I am once again going to the roof, this time with a airship that is regrettably not stolen. My command is however light and fast, suiting my particular brand of tactical thinking. I just hope we can stop what is coming.
Well, the hybrid is safe for now, not out yet, but enough. I have dealt with these bastards before. I think leading flanking attacks through mirrors will help
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colinmallory · 1 year
Well, the hybrid is safe for now, not out yet, but enough. I have dealt with these bastards before. I think leading flanking attacks through mirrors will help
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colinmallory · 1 year
It has been quite some time since I made a serious summation. I have simply been much too busy, but I should describe what has happened to Edward. I must go back to when I last mentioned Jasper and Frank. Those fine fellows had indeed been following me, as it turns out, Fires sent them to try to aid the reclamation of the child from Edward. After I enlisted them, I began consulting with my magician friends, and some literature to determine the true nature of Edward's new patron. I believe it to be the fingerking known as the boil of calamities. With that knowledge, I did what any who is the enemy of a fingerking would, and tried to petition the cats. A certain very old friend in high places proved to be quite amicable to at least allowing me to speak before their parliament. So, I stood, half explaining to the cats of London, half to the tigers and lions of parabola. Watching as all eyes gained focus upon the mention of the Boil. And then came the offer; A title and a weapon. An Honour and a Weight. And so, I rallied my band, Two men of clay, Three of flesh, Two cats, and a small battalion of rats. The plan was made, and we would begin. Of course, Hephaesta and the tiger must attend to the distraction, may she be as quick as she is strong.
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colinmallory · 1 year
I am still getting prepared for the wedding, I don't know what I'll do, but, even if I didn't hate the man, I can't abide by a wedding that only exists due to the infatuating drug that is moonmilk. On a sidenote, I can't help but realize how effectively I could have boasted to surface dwellers of my accomplishments down here in the neath. I have drawn confessions from stone, and plan to trick a fire, I am a friend of death, well as close to a friend as one can get to death, I flirt with devils, yet keep my soul, and weave dreams as one might thread. But, half of this is relatively commonplace down here.
My truest accomplishment has been in skullduggery. I believe I might make a good player in the game if I chose to join again, but for now, I still disdain the game for daring to return to London after my last job from Alice.
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colinmallory · 1 year
I have found Hephaesta, she was not far from where I entered the waswood, at least, not further than I could track. I am also worried, as I have had to return to London recently, and I have seen a pair of familiar clay men following me. I first spotted them when I cut through spite on the way to talk to some rubbery friends of mine. I lost them with a quick jaunt through a mirror and back, but that won't work much. I spotted them again on the way to meet some scholarly spiders. I think they saw me too, but I managed to lose them in a festival that was going on in Veilgarden. I suppose I will eventually have to speak to Jasper and Frank, which I wouldn't mind, except that they are clearly on duty.
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colinmallory · 1 year
My camp was a place of refuge, a home within the chaos that is parabola, and most importantly, a hidden spot, beyond Fires, and beyond, I thought, Edward. His new friend, that overgrown fingerking, helped him reach my camp. Hephaesta tried to fight them. She's gone, hopefully, she's alive. They took the changeling. Now, I don't have much power, but that has never stopped me. He has invited me to a wedding, our wedding. I don't have time for gambits and gimmicks, skulduggery and subterfuge. I don't even have time for a proper plan. The hybrid's life and freedom come first, but after that is finally putting my pick through the loathsome bastard's mask.
I do at least have time to gather a few allies.
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colinmallory · 1 year
Well, it has been some time. So I shall summarise the recent events, first, Dr. Vaughan managed to relay a message through the mirrors sooner after I met with Mr. Fires. Clara was giving birth. It was a long, arduous process for all involved, but Clara's sister, the music hall singer, got it worst. That song, patently impossible for a human, and with the power to disperse parabola itself, if only for a moment, and birth the impossible, it burnt her, badly. I had thought she might not recover, but parabola allows for stranger recoveries. It would be some time before the hybrid could leave parabola, so I have spent the rest of the time bringing it food, it has a taste for amber among other things. I have also grown much better as a silverer; amid all of this day to day life I took an interesting series of commissions, which ended in building a palace that may hold hope of curing surface sickness from an unfortunate woman. these new skills became handy just this night. It was like any other recently, working as a silverer, guiding bohemians through parabola, and then, I myself sat down to sleep. It had been relatively calm, and I thought nothing ill would come to visit. I was wrong. At first, I was at a party of tomb colonists, then one of them began unwrapping himself. I saw glints of red, a frowning face, blond hair, Edward. "Beloved, It's been too long." after that, he fished a bell from some pocket, its ringing was like thunder, and the world moved around it. This was not something of Mr. Fires.
He mentioned that he had a new master, one that would let him vex me as much as he wanted. And vex he did, after the confusion cleared up, I found myself somewhere familiar. Everything tasted like grave dirt, darkness surrounded, and walls of pine hugged rather closely. But, love, I am alive, and while Edward seems to think he's in control, I know how to escape. After all, I'm a silverer, this is a dream, my domain. I have a certain seed, one that grows where battles once were. It likes blood, and well, I have a knife here. I ride the monstrous plant to freedom and command it to snare Edward. It even starts to choke him. His air of command turns into cursing, and his cursing turns to pleas for his new master.
Pleas which are answered. He is spirited away, but it cost him greatly.
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colinmallory · 1 year
this is ooc, but, I love how the goggles that are washed with impossible colors from the cave that makes you lose your memory make you less bizarre.
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colinmallory · 2 years
I shalln't mention the details, there are those who I wish not to implicate, but, I believe Mr. Fires has requested to meet me, as the damnable bastard doubtless has neddies, or even fellow lowlives waiting if it seems I am to much a threat, I will show up mostly unarmed, however, I have had Hrathold and Minerva try to follow me. If they can follow, they have my derringer as well as their preferred weapons, and I have a knife made of scentless metal up my sleeve.
I have arrived, I needed to hire a docker to aid in discovering the place, and there it waited, no neddies that I could see, no armed clay men, nothing beyond a key, a robe, and a lantern. It took me to see something, I shall leave the details alone, but suffice it to say it claims to love London and to want it preserved. I had to restrain myself, restrain myself from screaming for my brothers-in-arms, restrain myself from drawing my knife and slitting its, its whatever lay beneath the robe. I let it talk, and talk it did, it told me, in its voice, at once gravelly and high-pitched, of its plan for the hybrid. To rob London of free will, to deceive the other masters into abandoning the city, to distribute a more powerful version of the moon-milk, or maybe just more fit for the task. The bastard has made me an offer, I help it and it gives me the swaddling, and something extra. I agree, but for once in my damnable life, I won't complete the commission, I have some morals, and unlike with the cheesemonger, unlike with the blind pianist, I will place the job after the damage it does. I only hope this doesn't turn out as poorly as the last time I decided to place morals ahead of what I was supposed to do.
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colinmallory · 2 years
Well, I have had another meeting with Edward, and I quite simply will not marry that abominable man, though I don't begrudge Jasper and Frank the employment, we have had our differences, but they do seem like reasonable men, reasonable men willing to listen to sufficient quantities of money.
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