colinnash · 6 years
“Now that you’ve said it out loud, I’m gonna have it stuck in my head. -- Is that what you’re doing?” Colin asked as he gestured.
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“I have to physically restrain myself from singing Do You Want to Build a Snowman right now. Mind you, I hate that song.” He said, while trying desperately to roll the snow into a ball. 
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colinnash · 6 years
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“Then why are you pushing?” A sinking feeling told her there was something she didn’t know. Deep in her chest an even harsher pang reminded her it was none of her business. In her head, she knew that, but some automatic force she couldn’t control made it impossible to ignore. But. The look on his face when he spoke. It didn’t feel right to be angry. Her face softened. “– No.” She put the car in park. Glanced over. And hesitantly reached for his hand. “I just wanted to know if there’s anything I can do to help.”
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“I’m not pushing.” Colin attempted to brush off. With his defensiveness he was afraid it might lead to some sort of argument, but to his surprise when the car stopped, things seemingly took a one eighty with the way Jules grabbed grasped for his hand. That was when he let out a sigh, figuring there was no use in trying to hide it if she wasn’t gonna be mad at him. “You’re saying that like you already know what happened.” Realizing that sounded bitter, he tried to correct himself. “I just, I fell behind because I got tired of doing the work.”
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colinnash · 6 years
“Frat boys and dads do. If you do and it turns out to be magic, you better share it with me. I missed out the first time because I was too busy making fun of everyone for getting so excited.”
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“The nerve of frat boy’s style after they’re already that embarrassing I had to do it on ‘em meme. Don’t worry, you’re the one who gave me the idea. I’ll keep you posted on whether or not it’s worth the hype. If it’s not, I’m still getting a cherry icee just because they’re awesome.”
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colinnash · 6 years
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“if you got a splinter it would be obvious to me, never underestimate me. i’m like your shadow and that sounded very creepy.” naturally cj didn’t get involved in people’s lives, how they really were and how they were feeling unless they were close, good friends that meant something and colin was like a brother to the skater. “honestly i agree, you look like some walking dead business. you need to rest, get some beauty sleep, my dude.” he chuckled. the following words was like a dagger in his heart, cj leaned forward with a deep sigh. “junk food is life as long as you remember to move a little at least.” he motioned the other one to tag along. “before powell gets here.”
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“Nah, bro. Never creepy. I’m like your shadow too. People who don’t get that just don’t know what it’s like to have someone looking out for them.” Colin said adamantly with a nod. Which he was grateful for, it was a relief to have one person he felt like he didn’t have to filter what he did or said around out of fear of judgement. “I was up until like five this morning trying to do homework. I’m in desperate need of some beauty sleep. The bad thing is, I feel like when I do no alarm clock could wake me up.” He said with a sigh, trying to conserve as much time as he could. “I should probably do a lot of moving with how much I eat. Shit, sorry. You’re right.” With the motion, he ran up beside CJ, eying behind them quickly. 
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colinnash · 6 years
when ur hearts broken as fuck and u gotta act like u chillin all the time
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colinnash · 6 years
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“I’m not even allowed to be worried anymore?” Jules frowned. She was getting past the heart of town closer to where she lived. Pretty soon she’d have to loop back around. “Well what kind of misunderstanding? Because they only bench people for serious infractions, or… for bad grades. And that’s not you.” She stopped the car long enough to look over at him. “Right?”
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“I never said that.” Colin dismissed quietly again. He was well aware that Jules was like a blood sniffing hound when it came to details, so he tried to think of any possible excuse. But his brain wasn’t exactly back to full functioning. “Are you gonna get it over with? Project whatever your conspiracy is of what you and Jackie cooked up as to why I got benched?”
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colinnash · 6 years
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personally ck was doing pretty decent academically. the skater had a good study head, way better than his brothers who even got into college. the backpack resting over his shoulder when noticing his best friend and smiled, lifting head up. “you got stressed stamped on your forehead, bro.” he managed to blurt out playfully and inhaled contently. “enough time. you know principal powell.” cj chuckled when giving his friend a pat on the back. “all the sweets for my buddy.”
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Even if Colin did have an alright poker face around most, he’d always assumed if anyone could see through it, it’d be CJ. “Is it that obvious? I think I finally get why people say exhaustion is stressed related. I could use a nap right about now.” He joked as he shook his head. “Good point, I think he’d talk to a brick wall if he could.” At the mentions of sweets, suddenly his woes didn’t seem as urgent. “This is exactly why you’re the only one who gets me, man. I really don’t understand people who stay away from junk food. How do they you know, enjoy life?”
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colinnash · 6 years
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“actually, it brought some of the best. most of the things we eat or drink now came from europe, britain most especially.” the blonde continued to muse, nodding. her smile only widened once she caught a glimpse of his reaction to her relentless teasing ( which wasn’t that rare to begin with ) and chuckled herself. “yeah… maybe back in south.” she continued, giving him a small nudge. “ —but bless your little heart for being so devoted to your nana. she must be so proud of the boy you become.” 
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“Huh. Guess you gotta take the good with the bad.” Colin said with a nod, seemingly in deep thought. His mouth fell agape, and he let out a teasing gasp. “Are you insinuating something, Natalie?” He emphasized on her full name, figuring it’d sound more serious. “Oh my god.” Putting his hands over his face, he gave a collective sigh, purely out of embarrassment, but he tried not to let on as much. “You know what? She makes the best cookies but you lost your chance to find out.” He taunted once he’d recovered from his flustered face.
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colinnash · 6 years
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Jules just sighed, not in the mood to deal with any stubbornness. Thankfully, before she could say anything else he relinquished the keys. Quickly catching them in her palm, she slid into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition so they could warm up with the heat. “I’m worried about you,” she finally said, once she’d driven a good distance away from the party and they were starting to enter into the more central part of town. “Jackie told me you got benched.”
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When Jules finally broke the silence, Colin hadn’t expected her to say that. Catching him off guard completely, his first instinct was defensiveness. “What?” He asked with anger evident in his tone, as he furrowed his brows. “You don’t need to be worried about me. It’s just a misunderstanding.” He tried to dismiss with an attempted much lighter inflection. 
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colinnash · 6 years
“As long as you don’t do it cause you think it looks cool, you’re good. Is the not the only kind? My grandma used to give it to us when we had stomach aches. I didn’t try it, but I think it was more like a liquidated cherry icee.”
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“Do people still do that because they think it looks cool? I’m pretty curious about this, I might actually pick it up later on, I go out of my way for cherry icees as it is.” 
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colinnash · 6 years
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“uh….” the blonde was clearly in a loss for an actual answer, which explained her sudden nervousness as she looked behind to catch eyes with her assistant ( maid ). “i’m not really sure ? i think we followed a recipe.” she then replied a few moments later. “ —and no, it doesn’t. it’s all chocolate.” she smiled. 
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Colin could’ve sworn he felt a sudden rising tension, internally he started to weigh his options on calling it out. “Is, is everything good? -- I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Not that I’d actually try any baking, I don’t need to run the risk of ruining every appliance in my house.” Of course, he was lying about that bit. He’d started dabbling in the kitchen from the time his mom started taking night shifts at Dairy’s. 
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colinnash · 6 years
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As Colin strolled through the school hallways during his free hour, he decided to scope out for his best friend. The stress of falling behind academically had admittedly gotten to him more than he cared to admit, he couldn’t even count how many hours of after school makeup work he’d put in over the last couple of weeks. He knew at least talking to CJ would lighten his mood. “Hey man, I heard on the way over one of the vending machines is broken again. How much time do you think we have to loot it until Principal Powell sends maintenance over to fix it?” 
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colinnash · 6 years
“I haven’t bothered to even watch those, either. I even heard some trolls were behind one of the how it’s made videos, which I completely believed too easily, nuggets are too pure to spoil. I couldn’t agree more, I don’t get the kale hype. Who in their right mind gets excited over a leaf unless they’re trying to make themselves believe it’s a lot better than it tastes.”
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“Chicken nuggets are the one thing that I still want to believe in. I refuse to watch any of those documentaries or Facebook videos about how they’re made. I need at least one good thing to hold onto. Oh, and kale? Like what the heck is kale? If I wanted to eat something that leafy, I’d just pick something off a tree. It tastes the same, anyway.”
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colinnash · 6 years
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“But nothing! You’re too drunk to drive. And if you fall asleep out here – who knows.” She didn’t say it, but she knew even though he wasn’t all there right now they both knew what she was thinking. “We can drive around until we figure it out. But you shouldn’t stay outside by yourself.”
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“I’m feeling pretty sober right about now, actually. -- Yeah well, I do have a baseball bat in my car.” He chimed, keeping it in his Jeep even after last year’s season came to an end, just in case. Sighing, Colin didn’t wanna admit she had a point, so he just threw the keys over the top of the car, hoping Jules would catch them before he climbed into the passenger seat.
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colinnash · 6 years
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“Or out of taste. – Oh no. Processed food?” 
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“People who say they’re overrated just don’t get it. -- Yeah, guilty. I’m a sucker for fast food and pizza delivery.” 
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colinnash · 6 years
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“Yes, actually. I carpooled with Jackie so I don’t mind. I just can’t, in good conscience, let you go unsupervised in this state, so. Where to? A friend’s? Dairy’s? Sky’s the limit. I do need your keys, though.” In addition to asking, Jules also held out her hand once she’d safely planted Colin by the passenger side door.
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“But, Jules.” Colin protested as he frowned and averted his gaze all together. “You know how I feel about anyone driving my Jeep. That’s my baby. Besides, I was just gonna nap, I don’t really have a cut out plan of where to nap unless I park behind the trailer park.”
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colinnash · 6 years
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“Apple time is year round.” She almost gasped. “I guess if you’re really particular you could just drive to Madison. Or grow your own produce.”
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“Good point, it rarely goes out of season, yeah?” Colin thought on it from a harvesting point of view. “I doubt I’d be one to go that far. I usually break my healthy habits when I’m not training in the off seasons.”
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