collectivefab · 2 years
Shopify Web Developer Tips on How “Not” To Scare Away Sales
Scaring away sales isn’t a real thing, is it? On the contrary, companies scare away customers all the time. It happens to you all the time when you are shopping. Think of your last three big purchases. While you were shopping around, you were persuaded (in one way or another) to buy from one company. Unless that company had an unmissable deal, it means you were probably scared away by all the companies you didn’t buy from. Here are a few snippets of advice from a Shopify web developer on how “Not” to scare away sales.
When Transparency is a Big Issue
The “Three Click Rule” became popular in web design circles because it put the focus on having a clean and easy-to-use interface. Getting people from where they are to where they want to be in three clicks. It is still a valuable concept because too many websites are so busy selling that they hold people back from buying. If somebody wants to go from their current web page to the page where they can buy, it should be clear and transparent on how to do so and where to go.
When Intrigue Leads To a Loss of Sales
The idea of transparency was mentioned above, and this factors into that idea, but in a very different way. An example of poor transparency is when you are trying to buy a subscription to a gaming platform, and you are trying to figure out which games come with the gold package, the silver package, or the bronze package, but the website purposefully makes it difficult for you to figure it out so you are forced to buy a bigger package to see what it contains. That is an example of a lack of transparency.
An example of intrigue leading to a loss of sales goes like this: you look at the gold, silver, and bronze packages, but the website only tells you three of the games each contains. Instead of stating all the games in each package, they try to sell you the idea that there are some awesome games and that you will be pleasantly surprised. There are some people who may fall for this “Mystery box” approach, but most people are smart enough to stay clear of promotional tactics that try to build intrigue. It is the same reason you don’t click open the spam emails that say, “Amazing surprise inside” in the subject line.
What Are Your Barriers to a Sale?
If you are running a business, then you need to test your website to find its potential problems. Perhaps people are running away because of your pop-ups, perhaps your shopping cart stalls, or perhaps people are having trouble finding their way out of certain areas of your website. Test your website and the sales process. Would you buy from this company? How easy is it to make a purchase? Did you easily find all the things you want? Get a Shopify web developer to go over your website and test it with the same questions in mind. Contact us, the Collective Fab Agency and let us work on your website to remove some of your most glaring barriers to a sale. Make more sales by making the buying process easier.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Shopify Marketing Mistakes Made By Some Marketers
The problem with most tips articles and most motivational content is that it only deals with the problems people experience at the start of their journey. For every 100 articles on the top mistakes that beginners make, there is only one for mistakes that experienced people make. That is why this article offers Shopify marketing mistakes that experienced marketers have made.
Mistaking Engagement For Success So, here is the trick. Marketing companies offer you results. Ideally, they want to improve your sales. However, getting sales is difficult, and it is difficult to show that the new sales were based on a certain marketing campaign. To overcome these difficulties, a marketing company will demonstrate its abilities by showing off how many followers and likes its social media posts have gained.
Good marketing companies know that social media likes and followers are only half the job. They know that it is mostly sales (conversions) that matter. However, a mistake is believing that social media success is the same as real success or that it will translate into sales soon enough. This may cause the focus to be on social media followers and likes, a bit more than the goal of getting conversions. Over the long term, the company suffers because it is not getting what it truly needs.
Reacting To Bots There are plenty of bots on the Internet and social media. They are used for everything. Modern marketing companies are supposed to know how to separate the real from the fake. They are supposed to know which reactions are real and which are part of a larger narrative, which are paid for, and which are just plain wrong.
Yet, even some experienced marketing companies might react at times to attacks and to negative online movements. They react by changing their positions, they alter their campaigns, and they plan on the back of what they think is a success. It is always and only about the number of sales/conversions, their weight, and their impact. Even if the relevant data points one way, the only goal is “Money-In”.
Misunderstanding The Core Audience This one is as old as time. Getting it wrong on this level happens in every industry. From the watchmaker who assumed their millionaire clients used nannies for their kids, to the steelworker’s union rep who thought all the workers hated people who drive BMWs and Lexus cars.
Even experienced marketers make mistakes. However, if you are looking for Shopify marketing from a professional agency that succeeds far more than it fails, then contact us, the Collective Fab Agency, and set in motion a plan to further your business through clever Shopify marketing.
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collectivefab · 2 years
What Defines Bad Shopify Web Design?
We read plenty of articles about what makes good web design, but what about bad design? How do we define what bad Shopify web design looks like? Here are a few thoughts on what makes a bad website design.
The Addition of Pop-Ups
Everything positive you have ever heard or read about pop-ups is bought and paid for by the companies creating the pop-up software. It is now definitively proven that pop-ups scare away more people than they attract or convert. They should be kept to a minimum or removed from websites completely.
Unclear Website Hierarchy
Look at how Amazon arranges its website structure. It is blisteringly simple, and that simplicity is part of its success. These days, keeping your website navigation simple and arranging your website’s structure in a simple way are all part of creating a good website. Making your website structure unclear is of no benefit to anybody.
Adding Pictures For the Sake of It
There was a time when adding images as part of your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). These days, images should only be added if they serve a purpose. When you use WordPress, there is even a function where you can label an image as decorative. That way, Google doesn’t rank your website down for having unnecessary images.
Poorly Executed Dynamic Design When you run a YouTube channel and people visit your home page, you can determine what new visitors see and what subscribed visitors see. This is the most basic type of dynamic design, but there might be some web designers out there who can’t do this right. They make mistakes that range from missing content to poor loading times.
Poor Brand Messaging
A good designer needs to understand your brand principles and then show, demonstrate, express, and re-enforce them. Bad designers think it is just about brand logos and colors. Designers can really make a mess simply by how they apply the brand to a website. Can you imagine a website for Rolex watches having the same type of brand logo as an Adidas website?
Not Following The Competition
In terms of content, there is merit in creating your own stuff and not following the crowd. However, when it comes to design and website function, following your competition is sometimes a good idea. For example, almost all essay writing services have an instant quotation tool on their website so that students can get a quick quote for their project. The essay writing websites that don’t offer an instant quote, the ones that ask you to send your details so they can create a custom quote, those are the companies that were left behind.
The Easy Answer
There is only so much that can be explained without giving direct examples, so the easy answer is: a bad design is one that doesn’t fit the needs and requirements of the host business. Each business is different, and so needs its own custom website. It is up to the webmaster to decide who to hire to create the website, and it is up to the webmaster to figure out if the final product is of good or bad quality. If you are looking for Shopify web design from a reputable and very well-trusted company, then get in touch with us, here, at the Collective Fab Agency for good service and fair prices.
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collectivefab · 2 years
What Services Do Shopify Web Designers and Developers Provide?
There are plenty of things that Shopify web designers can do. They are happy to create your entire website or look it over once you have finished. They are professionals, which means they are able to tinker with several things on your website. Here are a few of the things they can do for you.
Scaling Your Business Up Most people think about the start of their website when they think of web developers, but what about when your website is more popular? You are going to want to evolve your website, and a web developer can help you achieve your various goals. They can engineer your website so that it records user data for dynamic websites or adds large databases to collect information on what people do when they are using your website.
Conduct a Theme Conversion You want to change up your website, so you pick a theme and it looks okay. But, there are some very obvious flaws that need to be addressed. You could try to figure them out yourself, but the more complex your website is, then the harder it becomes to fix up your website correctly. Plus, there is a certain design element that comes with changing a theme and customizing it, and professionals are better suited to the task.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Getting your website to the top of Google search engine results is difficult and time-consuming work. If it were easy, if those quick tips on YouTube actually worked, then everybody would have a website at the top of Google. It takes a lot of work to rank up your website, so why not hand some of that work on to your designers? In many cases, they are able to change your website in a way that makes it more search-engine friendly.
Updates and Maintenance You are quite capable of updates and maintenance on a small website, but as your website grows, it becomes more and more difficult to keep it maintained and updated. This is especially true when you have many frequent visitors who will be turned away if your website is down. Sometimes, a planned maintenance session is needed, and professional web designers are able to create those sessions for the benefit of your website.
Migrating Your Website Getting your website over from another platform onto Shopify can be an absolute nightmare. It is difficult, especially if you don’t have any experience in this area. There is a lot of technical stuff to contend with, but the worst part is how annoyingly wrong it can go if you don’t do it all correctly. If you get it wrong, you have to suffer through various calls and emails to technical support as you try to correct your problems.
Getting a good web developer will take time and lots of research. If you are in need of good Shopify web designers but don’t have the time needed to sift through the hundreds on the Internet, then get in touch with the Collective Fab Agency. They have a strong online reputation and offer pretty good prices. They are definitely worth considering if you are looking for good designers and developers.
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collectivefab · 2 years
The Various Things That Shopify Experts Can Add to Your Website
Creating and maintaining a Shopify website is easy at first, but as your website grows, matures, and evolves, it becomes more difficult to add even the smallest of changes. As time goes by, you grow more and more accustomed to having experts working on your website. Here are just a few things that Shopify experts can do for your website.
Virtual Assistants For Online Customers
Back in the old days, you would need a call center for these types of things, but these days, you can set up a system of AI bots and real people working remotely. The experts set up the AI system that picks up messages and then connects to real people once enough information has been gathered.
Video Ads
Creating your usual YouTube and TikTok fodder is easy enough, but it always looks like an amateur did the work. When you hire an expert, you get a professional-looking advertisement/video. This creates a far better impression on the viewer.
Shipment and Product Tracking
You may have seen things like this on other websites. If you want it, then you can have it if you hire the right people. They install the required software and help connect you to the tracking service. You can make it so you can see the shipments, and you can install a system so that your website visitors can see and track their packages.
Promotions and Coupons
There are many different types of promotions that marketing professionals are able to undertake. They can set up an affiliate system so that other people will recommend your products and services. They can create coupons and discount codes that cannot be duplicated, and with a bit of clever math, they can track how well your promotions are doing.
Website Backs and Redundancies
An expert is able to back up your website so that you can re-upload very quickly and get your website back to how it was prior to the problem. It is a good idea to have a fresh and up-to-date clean version of your website just in case your regular website gets a virus or is attacked by ransomware.
Adding Google Analytics and Adverts
Some website themes and designs make it easy to add Google Analytics and Google AdSense. However, there are many occasions where it is very difficult to add these things. Plus, setting them up can be tricky too if you have no experience. That is why people use experts to help install and set these features up rather than going it alone.
Creating Subscription Systems
You can buy these services, but they are somewhat overpriced. Experts know which systems to use, they know how to set it all up, and they can teach you how to use it. Plus, experts can tailor-make your subscription system to fit whatever your website customers need and want. If you are looking for Shopify experts, then consider the team at the Collective Fab Agency. They can fix just about any Shopify problem you can throw at them, and if you need a full website creation, then they can do that too.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Extra Marketing Tips From Shopify Experts
Some so-called Shopify experts will pepper you with easy answers to marketing and online promotion. The trouble is that most of them do not work, and the ones that do require a heavy investment of money. Here is a little advice from some Shopify experts who do not sugarcoat how difficult it may be to promote a Shopify business.
Maybe You Can Working Harder
Doing lots of marketing and working hard are not always the same things. Anybody can create content. The Internet is alive for it. Thousands of servers are stuffed with people’s content because they create it every day for their websites, their guest posts, their social media, their private networks, their groups, and so forth.
Marketing companies, the good ones, do not judge their success on how much content they created. They have a large marketing plan, and each piece of content works towards a specific goal. You should have a very large and comprehensive plan, and each piece of content should work so hard towards the goal that it has a measurable response.
Where Are Your ABCs?
Should you ABC? Should You “Always Be Closing?” No, of course, you shouldn’t, but people have forgotten that their marketing should have a purpose to the point where they are never closing. So much marketing material is built to get likes or followers that people confuse social validation with success. If your content isn’t converting, then it is failing. If your content isn’t driving people closer to buying, then you are failing.
This ties into the points made earlier about each piece of your content has a purpose. If you are not educating, if you are not convincing, then you are not selling. Your content doesn’t always have to be closing, but if it isn’t convincing people to buy, then it certainly better have another purpose that baby-steps viewers into converting at some point down the line.
Your Cheap Tactics Don’t Work
Why are you following cheap tactic advice that has never worked on you? Why are you including a call to action after every piece of marketing content? Have you ever bought a car because it says, “Buy Now?”
Why are you setting a time limit or a limited stock number? Have you ever fallen for these cheap tricks? Why would you think your viewers would?
Why are you claiming you have a 50% sale on your products? When was the last time you were fooled by a large discount sale?
Stop using the same cheap tricks that have never worked on you. Scarcity selling, time-pressure selling, and all of that nonsense will only work on the youth before they become too smart to fall for such cheap tactics.
Why is This Advice Not More Prevalent?
You don’t hear this sort of advice often because it is unwelcome. Another approach is easier than telling people they need to get smarter, healthier, and work a lot harder. Modern Shopify experts offer easy answers because they are the most popular. If you want real help and if you want expert advice from people who work hard six days per week, then get in touch with the Collective Fab Agency.
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collectivefab · 2 years
What Does a Shopify App Developer Do and Why?
Shopify has a “Dev” section on its website. It was built for the developer who wants to create an app. That begs the question, why should Shopify promote the idea of people creating apps? Wouldn’t Shopify want to control its own apps and the app market in general? On the contrary, the people behind Shopify are smart enough to know that a single universal app won’t solve all their merchant’s problems. Solving the problems that merchants have is the biggest reason why people seek out a Shopify app developer.
Fixing Which Problems?
Are you looking to sell different colored knitted scarfs? If so, then the regular Shopify website will serve you fine, and any regular Shopify app will serve you fine too. However, what if you wish to allow people to pick their own size of scarf, its materials, its colors, and its styles? Better still, what if you wanted people to see their product and its design before it was created? All of this could be done with a Shopify app developer.
What Are Complex Merchant Problems?
A complex problem can happen during the buying, on the online store, checkout or browsing section. A merchant may even need help with the after-sales process. A complex problem is something that can’t be solved with software that is already available to the public. In many cases, the complex problem has to use several programs that have been knitted together. A complex problem may include something such as being able to take cryptocurrency as payment. A complex problem may include the building of a very specific and new product based on user input.
Are Shopify Apps Available to Buy?
If you are a Shopify developer, then you probably work on custom jobs for the people who approach you for help. Perhaps somebody has a problem with their dynamic landing page on their app and they want a developer to fix the problem. However, there are also people who create apps and themes so that they may sell them at stores. It can be tricky figuring out what type of app and/or theme to create. Most developers try to find a problem that many people have, and then fix it with their app or theme.
Where Do Shopify Developers Start?
There are four categories. There are themes, storefronts, marketplaces, and then the generic term “Apps.” The generic term is there because sometimes there are Shopify apps that are so original and new that there is no real word for them. For example, there was a store that sold holographic designs that are displayed on spinning fans in a glass case. Another “App” was created to help people identify and then custom print plastic parts of white goods (washers, driers, dishwashers, etc.). The plastic parts were then 3D printed by the Shopify eCommerce website owner and sent to the customer. There are plenty of reasons why you may need a Shopify app developer. If you want an app built just for your Shopify website, then get in touch with Collective Fab Agency. Let them know what you want and come up with a plan to build your app.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Web Design Mistakes That The Collectivefab Agency Says Will Ruin Your Website
The Collective-fab Agency consists of a team of experts and consultants who have worked in the web design and website development industry for years. Over time, they have learned what works and what doesn’t in the real world. The sad fact is that many ideas that seem like they should work actually do not work at all. Here are a few web design mistakes that the Collective-fab Agency says will damage your chances for success in the future.
Adding Pop-Ups To Your Website Go online right now, and you will find study after study, video and article about how pop-ups add value to a website. How they build your email list, how they retain customers, how they stop people from leaving your website. All of these sources of information are lying to you. They are all based on and promoted by studies that either don’t exist, or that were conducted by the pop-up companies themselves. Do not add pop-ups to your website unless you want to scare people away, annoy people, and ensure people avoid your website in the future. Even the intrusive cookie-permission pop-ups that get in the way of the screen are enough to drive thousands of potential viewers away from your website. Going Dynamic Without The Infrastructure People are sold on the idea that creating a dynamic website that works is easy, but it really isn’t. People are told they can create simple designs, such as a design that shows social proof if somebody is logged into the Facebook/meta prior to visiting. Yet, it almost always slows the website’s loading and rendering down, and all for no real benefit. You need a very sophisticated framework and a strong user base to test your dynamic website on before you even consider it. Going dynamic too early is like adding a fifth wheel to a car in the name of driving safety. Going Too Complex Look at the world’s longest running and most successful websites. Look at Wikipedia, Amazon and Google. Their websites are intensely simple. The way these websites are built means they can be scaled up very easily and without the addition of more complexity. If you removed 5000 pages from any of the most popular websites, most of them would look, act and work almost exactly the same as they used to. Complex and sophisticated websites are sometimes required, but complexity usually comes later as the website evolves. Complexity is rarely something that benefits a new website. Adding Too Much Decoration WordPress now has a feature where you can designate if an image is just for decoration. This is because too many images, especially unnecessary images, may be misinterpreted by the search engines and they may rank you down. There are times when lots of decoration, fancy fonts, bold colors and so forth are necessary. However, as a rule, an over decorated website is no different to an over decorated store. It “may” work, but probably won’t. Honestly, if you are looking for a better website design, then the team at Collectivefab Agency has the collected knowledge of over fifteen web design companies. Find out more and get in touch with the Collective Fab Agency today.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Ways That Your Shopify SEO is Failing Your Business
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is commonly misunderstood. Back in the old days, it was about adding keywords, links, writing press releases and so forth. These days, SEO is all about how users interact with your website. If people favor your website over others, then it ranks up the search engine results. Since people still misunderstand SEO, people who apply the rules of Shopify SEO to their business are harming their potential for success. Here is a little advice that will help you maintain long-term success with your Shopify business.
Remember the Three-Click Rule
The three-click rule says that somebody should be able to find what they want on your website with three clicks. This rule has been mostly thrown out by online website gurus, but they are woefully mistaken. Though the three-click rule doesn’t affect SEO directly, the thought behind its idea is vital to your success. You need to give people the most efficient and smooth online experience that you can. This means removing pop-ups, it means giving people what they want as soon as possible, even if that means you miss a few chances to promote to them.
Remove Unneeded Images
The overuse of images is especially prevalent with Shopify businesses. Having many images of your products is fine, so long as the images inform the user viewer of something. People don’t need a front and back image of a scarf. They don’t need an image or video of your production process for every product. You do not need to add a decorative flourish to every web page. Your images should provide information and nothing more. Do not add lots of cosmetic items, don’t offer images of technical details, do not offer branding or mascot images unless they are a primary part of the selling process.
Stop Trying to Upsell
You have probably read lots of articles and seen lots of videos about how you should be upselling and cross-selling, but this isn’t something you should be doing. Upselling and cross-selling is for companies who have already sold their product. They are for companies where the viewer visits the page with the intention of buying. If your viewer visits your page and “then” decides to buy, then cross-selling and up-selling will damage your chances of a sale and will damage your SEO.
Anything you do that causes the user to go back to Google and search out the products you sell (from other people) will negatively affect your SEO. Unless people have already decided to buy from you when they reach your website, then your only priority is to make a sale as efficiently as possible.
Don’t Use a Poor Quality Web Designer
Think of it this way, you design an amazing new car engine that is more efficient than any other engine in creation. However, the designers of the car decide that triangles are the new car shape, and all your cars look like pyramids on the road. Even with your amazing engine, nobody is going to want your car.
If you have the very best Shopify SEO, but your website is poorly designed, then nobody is going to want to buy from you. Before considering your SEO, contact Collective Fab Agency and have your website produced and developed by experts.
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collectivefab · 2 years
How to Beat Other Shopify Users With Your Shopify Marketing
The weird thing about this subject is that the Shopify blog actually tells you ten effective ways to market your blog products. Here is the link for those of you who haven’t read it (Shopify Blog). You may think that the obvious advice is that you should do different things to what their own blog post says, but the mind-blowing thing is that nobody follows their advice either. People seem to settle into a routine of failure and then try quick (and often expensive) things in a scattershot approach until finally giving up. This article tells you how to beat other Shopify competitors using your own style of Shopify Marketing, but honestly, you could do the standard marketing stuff and still come out ahead of 90% of your competitors.
Take it Offline Why are you trying so hard to compete online? Why are you badgering people on social media and paying stupidly high fees for Google Ads when there is a whole world surrounding you? Right now, create a few small posters showing a few of your best products and add in a QR code and maybe your website address if it isn’t too long or complicated. Go out and put them up on lamp posts, on the barrier to dog parks, to the side of derelict buildings. Go out and do it now and you will get better value for your printing money than you ever would if you tried online advertising.
Sell on a Single Selling Point People seem to have forgotten the principles of selling. They are all running around trying to create a need with restricted timelines and trying to create value by adding more stuff to their offers, when that is not what people want or care about. They care about a single selling point. The rest just makes it easier to justify the purchase. What is your major selling point? Do you offer safe cars like Volvo? Do you offer pizzas in 30 minutes like Dominos? Do you offer vacuuming where you don’t have to buy bags like Dyson? Find the strongest and most powerful selling point that you have, and if you don’t have one, then create one.
If you are not the cheapest, fastest, toughest, most durable, or safest, then create your selling point. You can be the company that ships within 8 hours for next-day delivery. You can be the company with free shipping on all orders, or the company that will deliver to any country. Just stay away from the free gift method because people just assume you are either giving them junk or working the free gift into the price of the product.
Hire a Marketing Agency Do you know what they call the Shopify users who are hiring marketing agencies? “Successful.” You may think you are good at marketing, but there are people who do it for a living. There are people who have teams of experts at their disposal. Even on the most basic principles, a marketing company is better than you simply because they have had more practice. Not to mention that they are already aware of all the effective places to promote items and probably have contacts in those areas already. If you are looking for better Shopify Marketing, the sort of Shopify Marketing that beats out your competitors, then beat them with raw power. Beat them using the Collective Fab Agency.
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collectivefab · 2 years
How to Judge a Potential Shopify Web Developer
Figuring out if a Shopify Web Developer is any good is difficult because the only information you have is what they have given you, but you can learn a little about the company by what they say in response to your questions, and how they respond to your questions. As we all know, people who are trying too hard to quickly make a sale are not working as well as they could, but what else can you learn about the company by asking them questions?
Adapting Shopify Stores for Mobile Devices Is the Shopify web designer or developer fully cognizant of all the problems relating to website interpretation by Smartphones. Find out how the company tests their final product and ask to see how they have made Shopify websites look good on desktops and on Smartphones, along with asking how good their apps look and function (if they make apps for Shopify users).
Extended Support and Maintenance You should find out how much support you are going to get from the developer after the project is completed. For example, if you have the company create you a companion app for your Shopify store, are you going to need to return to them whenever you want to change the settings or permissions, and how will future updates be conducted? If your website has been constructed and your Shopify business is up and running, but a new Smartphone operating system update drops, who alters the website to ensure it still works on Smartphones?
Clear Communication This is very important because you can tell by their communication how they run their business. If you ask to see what the mobile website and desktop website looks like, and they just drop you a single link and say, “Have a look yourself,” then it gives you a clue as to their mindset. If you ask how much they charge to create a companion app for your website, and they abruptly tell you they don’t do app development, then you can figure out what type of company they are. They could have advised you on what to do about your app, which people to contact, and how you can integrate app features into your mobile website, they didn’t have to simply tell you they cannot create apps.
Shopify APIs Knowledge This is a tricky one to test because you probably don’t know that much about the Shopify API, or at least, not as much as a professional developer should. It may be worth having another Shopify expert on hand to help you judge if the developer knows their stuff. If you have learned about a few technical issues and can ask a few technical questions that you already know the answer to, then that helps when judging the development company.
In truth, getting to know if a company is professional is very tough without actually spending money and finding out for yourself. It is always best to approach with caution when you are searching for a Shopify Web Developer. If you are ever in need of a developer, one that is professional, that knows the Shopify API, offers clear communication and so forth, then get in touch with the Collective Fab Agency today.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Why The Collective Fab Agency Cannot Be Stopped
Even by modest estimates, the Collective Fab Agency has grown 7% every year since 2008. Why is this? A PR agency, a marketing agency, a design agency … what is it about them that has helped them endure? It is understandable during the Trump era when other companies are booming, but what about during the 2020 pandemic and the Biden administration when companies were falling faster than they did during the Great Depression. How did the Collective Fab Agency survive? Here are just a few reasons why this company endures.
Measures of Success
Never has the company Collective Fab Agency operated in absolutes. They do not promise this many positive reviews by this date, they do not promise this amount of attention by this date, they don’t promise this number of sales by this date. Even when they give a deadline for a web design, they work on the understanding that you will still want their services after the fact to hone the website and make it better than perfect.
How does this relate to measures of success? Well it works like this. Company Alpha approaches the Agency because they want more sales. The Collective gets together and formulates a plan based on company Alpha’s budget. The company cannot afford a bigger campaign, so the Collective creates a smaller campaign geared towards results. Once company Alpha sees that success (in small measures), they have the confidence and renewed budget to start investing more for great results.
Always on Task
You may have noticed that when you contact the Collective, they are always ready to take your project and work it to the fullest. Under most circumstances, this may suggest that the staff at the Collective have little to do and are waiting for projects, but that is not the case.
The Collective are always on task. They are always busy. There is no down time. The moment there are a few minutes to spare, the team member is assigned to a different project for the duration. It may be to complete a certain lingering task, or may be something as simple as file conversions, just so long as the staff member is doing something. This may seem fairly pointless on the surface but spread over the course of several projects and days, it gets more done on every project. There are no days where any one project remains stationary.
They Only Hire Professionals
Qualifications are nice, experience is great, and even a good personality is fine, but these are not why the Collective Fab Agency hires people. They hire people who are professionals. Things like, interoffice conflicts and social media blow outs are not a problem within the Collective Fab Agency. They will hire a student right out of college or somebody who is months away from retirement. What they are, have been, or will be is of no concern, so long as they are professionals. Skilled staff teach the new staff, not because they are kind, but because they are professionals. Work is done on time because the team is made of professionals. If you are looking for help with your website, your marketing, or even with your online reputation / image, then get in touch with the Collective Fab Agency and let professionals handle your case.
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collectivefab · 2 years
How to Blast Other Peoples’ Shopify SEO Out Of The Water
Wait a minute, how are we supposed to blast other people’s Shopify SEO out of the water? They are all competing with me? We are competing on the same level? They probably know everything I do and try just as hard as I do. How am I supposed to beat them? The answer is simple. You do all the stuff you are supposed to do, and then you do a bit extra in the name of SEO. You follow the rules, then you jump over the rules to try harder and new things. Here is what you do.
Find Out What You Shouldn’t Be Doing
You need to get some seriously good information from Google, and only from Google, and you need to figure out what you “Shouldn’t” be doing. Forget what other people tell you about perfect grammar and a different keyword for each page. Let other people work on that stuff. You need to find out what you are not supposed to do, and then work on avoiding those problems while you work on your website. The people who are obsessed with getting things perfect, those obsessed with the smaller details, those who are obsessed with measuring, they are people who might not be making that much money.
Do you have something that needs to go on your website? Get it on there and then get out and promote it. Find out what you shouldn’t be doing, such as you shouldn’t be keyword stuffing, you shouldn’t be loaded down with plugins that slow your web pages down. You shouldn’t be trying to trick people. Know what you shouldn’t be doing, avoid those things, and then leave the details up to people who have time to mess around.
Pictures and Videos Sell
If you are running a jewelry line, do you honestly think it is your excellent placement of keywords that is going to sell your products? Or, is it your amazing photographic images that are going to sell your products? If you are selling the world’s best RC cars, do you think it is the ALT text in your content that is going to sell your products, or is it your banging videos of your cars going super-fast?
Popularity is the Best SEO You Can Ever Have
Picture this, a website that is perfectly optimized. Every single piece of SEO is perfect, from the metadata to the neat coding. They sell hats for snails. Now, picture a website that is slathered with pictures of a limited edition motorcycle. Just image after image of the bike, not to mention the links and embeds of videos showing this bike tearing up the road.
Which is the most search engine friendly and which is the most popular? The popular one will be far up the search engine results than the snail hat website (no matter how well optimized). In a perfect situation, you want the best of both worlds. In which case, get in touch with the Collective Fab Agency, have them tick all the boxes on your Shopify SEO, and meanwhile, get promoting your content so that people are flocking to your website in droves. When the people come, the search engines will follow!!!
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collectivefab · 2 years
What Do Shopify Experts Say About Social Media Marketing?
Every social media page has its own rules and ways in which its own system works. Even though there are heart reactions for almost all of them now, Facebook is not the same as Twitter, in demographic terms, the average amount of hours spent scrolling, ads, and so on. Brand pages as much as individual profiles are different even if belonging to the same source, on each social media page. So, where to direct our attention span nowadays? Facebook is For Younger People One hesitates to say kids, but in reality, it is mostly dominated by children. Even if the official figures claim that most people are in their teens and twenties, you can see by the sheer quality of the content that it is mostly kids. Does this mean you should be promoting your kids’ stuff there? Actually, yes it does, but you need to make it adult friendly because they are going to show it to their parents. Targeting the kids’ interests will pay off but only if you can get the parents on board since they are the ones making the final financial decision about it. Instagram is For Visual Products There is a reason why insurance sellers and website hosting services are not making a big impact on Instagram. Even though reels are working, Instagram was born as a photo and video-sharing social media platform. Everybody`s photo albums. Holidays, new haircut, new house, new car, new pair of trainers. Those who can sell through images and pictures and photos are best suited for Instagram. This is the feature that has got to be explored and seized here. TikTok for Adults Built mostly for adults with possibly the highest proportion of men when compared to other social media platforms, here is where you sell your more adult products. From oak furniture to rocket-powered bikes, here is where you show off and demonstrate your best products that adults would be interested in. YouTube For Your Video Adverts Forget trying to build a YouTube following. There are some excellent game developers who just have 14yr old kids who review their games as followers. Instead, think of YouTube as a place to put all your adverts. Be your adverts, the ones you put on affiliate websites, or those you put on your website, just give your customers a place where they can re-watch your videos. Feel free to create longer and more detailed videos on YouTube, and then cut them up and edit them down for showing on other websites and in other places. Rumble is For Adults A little like TikTok, you can find a fair amount of adults on Rumble. There are certainly more adults than children, and again, you can use it like YouTube and store your video adverts here for your customers to take a look at. However, try to add in a few demonstration videos too. Add tutorial videos, and feel free to review your own stuff. Try comparing your products to those of your competitors too. Do You Need Help From Experts? You are going to have a hard time breaking into the social media world with your marketing content. Remember that other people are doing it just for fun, and they don’t have the added burden of also trying to make a sale. Sometimes, if you are having trouble getting started, you should contact Shopify experts like Collective Fab Agency. They can get your project started so that you may find new ways to drive traffic, make sales and promote using social media.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Online Marketing Advice From The Collective Fab Agency
Modern online marketing is very difficult to do well. This isn’t because of modern technology, or even modern marketing software. In fact, if you look at modern marketing and affiliate platforms, they have never been easier to use. The reason why online marketing is so difficult is due to there is so much competition out there. Almost every mainstream business is on the Internet. Even people with market stalls have their own websites. If you want to break your way into the online marketplace, you should follow the advice given here by the Collective Fab Agency. Always Start Small It doesn’t matter if you are starting with an affiliate program, or a Facebook campaign, or even an offline leaflet drop. You should always start small. It allows you to figure out what works within a controllable and manageable scenario. By keeping things small, you can determine what works and what doesn’t, and you can manage the results and the next project to make sure you control as much as possible. Only this way will you gain measurable and usable insights. Stick to a Single Marketing Message You may have hundreds of different selling points for your products and services, but if you are marketing online, you need to stick to just one selling point. Make it your biggest and/or most relevant selling point. Remember that people don’t have time to research your many great points. You have to show your strongest point down in a smart way until they pay attention. Give them more than one selling point and they might get confused. Don’t Pay Big Money If you are using a marketing service, then choose their lowest price range to see what it is like. If you like the results, try the cheap version again to see if it happens again. This is all part of the “Starting small” advice that was mentioned earlier. More importantly, if you are using an affiliate network to promote your stuff, then offer up a small daily budget and keep your projects fairly small. For example, if you are trying to promote your YouTube videos. It is better to have a $2 per day budget for each than a $400 per day budget for each. If you start with a small budget, the work gets done within those same limitations. However, your $2 budget per day will create a budget, that anyone working on it will have to adhere to. Try it for yourself, and you will see that long-term smaller-budget projects always perform the best. Use a Strong and Powerful Marketing Service If you use a service like Collective Fab Agency, then each of your marketing needs can be addressed and optimized in a way that compliments your overall online reputation. It is important that you choose a company like Collective Fab Agency to help maintain and grow your online presence while simultaneously ensuring your marketing campaigns are brought to a successful conclusion. Added to this, the Collective Fab Agency has a team of diverse professionals who are masters in each of the online platforms, so you can present the team with any marketing task and they will rise to the challenge.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Did Shopify SEO Just Become Easier?
Yes, Shopify SEO did just become easier since there are now companies like the Collective Fab Agency which are able to cut through some of the challenges that revolve around SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to deliver sound, reliable and dependable SEO to any Shopify website in the nation. The key to success doesn’t lie in the predictability of Shopify websites, or the over-saturation of Shopify websites on the Internet. The key to success lies in the fact that Google has carved out its own niche for Shopify websites. Google has laid the tracks for Shopify websites to drive traffic to their websites, and services like the Collective Fab Agency, have found a way to ride those tracks to success. Wouldn’t Bigger Businesses Exploit The Shopify System? Here is what happened. Google saw that websites like Shopify and eCommerce websites were becoming more and more common. So, they created a niche area on their results for just Shopify websites. It allowed Shopify websites to compete against each other and with websites like Etsy and eBay, without interfering with the likes of Amazon, Argos, Walmart, Curry’s, etc. In situations like this, bigger companies often jump in to exploit the new SEO grounds. After all, just look at what big businesses did when it turned out that Blogs were search engine friendly. Now every big business has its own blogging network. However, in this case, bigger businesses have no incentive to jump on the Shopify train. Why invest in opening a Shopify shop when they already have their own? Has Google Done This Before? Yes, they have. They did it with video content. It is possible to rank page number one for your video on Google videos, but rank number 50,000 on the regular search engine results for the same content. Think of the new SEO rules for Shopify as being similar to those for people using Google Shopping. It is now possible to optimize your Shopify website so that you rank higher on the search engine results “Because” you are a Shopify website. You Can Run a Test if You Wish It is possible to run the same tests that the Collective Fab Agency has run. You set up a regular eCommerce website, and you set up a Shopify eCommerce website. Put the same items on the websites, give them similar branding, and so forth. They are pretty similar, except that one is a Shopify website and one is a regular eCommerce website. Take note of how Google deals with them differently. You can apply the same SEO rules to each, but they will rank differently because they are competing with different websites. Get in touch with Collective Fab Agency today and have their team run your Shopify SEO. Let them optimize your website so that you are competing with other Shopify websites and not competing with the likes of Amazon. Sure, your website may not reach international markets, and you may never grow as large as Amazon, but at least your Shopify website will have a fighting chance against all the other Shopify websites out there.
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collectivefab · 2 years
Web Design Planning Advice From The Collectivefab Agency
To date, the Collectivefab Agency has completed more top 10,000 websites than any other web design company in the country. In terms of web design statistics, the Collectivefab Agency is up there with Ferrari in terms of ranking, ongoing website popularity, and efficient design. The websites created by Collectivefab Agency are statistically more likely to rise up through the search engine results and become more popular than any other web design company in the country. In this article, you will find top-tier advice for planning the design of your website. Start Small and Simple Even if you have a big project on your hands, you should start with a small website. You should start with a small design. Even if you need a massive website, you should start with a small website and work out all the problems with that single small website. As time goes on, and you figure out and fix all the potential problems, you can start adding things to your website to make it larger and more useful. Neat and Efficient Code is Important If we work on the principle that you are going to create a small website and then build it up and scale it up, you need to start with very neat and very efficient code. It is important that future designers are able to build on the current designs and integrate their improvements into the designs. Building one element on top of the other, like building a Lego wall, is not always the best way to go. Lower the Amount of Visual Flourish Sometimes, low price and less experienced designers are afraid to show or present a very simple design. They may feel that they need some flash and flourish in order to be able to sell their designs, but that is just not practical in the real world. In many cases, customers and website viewers are not interested in a fancy and visually stunning website. Most people just want a website that does its job as quickly as possible. This ties into the idea that you should keep things simple. A simple visual design will often do better in the long run than an overdesigned and/or visually stunning website design that follows trendy ideas that become obsolete rather quickly. Keep Your Website Fast One of the good things about a simple and efficient design is how fast it renders and loads. As you probably know, Google cares quite a bit about how fast your website renders and loads. Things are a little easier these days thanks to super-fast Internet, but still, if your website runs quickly and loads quickly, then your website becomes more search engine friendly. Get Help From Good Designers There is no excuse for choosing price over quality on your website designs. You wouldn’t do that on your car or on your house, so why take that route with your website? Get in touch with the Collectivefab Agency today and discuss what you would like to do with your website. Build a plan that suits your intended goals, and that keeps things as simple and as efficient as possible. Get in touch with the Collectivefab Agency today and you will be in a far stronger position in the future when you want to grow and improve your website.
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