collectivemesses · 11 hours
Interesting to Inn, perhaps, but for Chai it was... just another job. Just more of his day taken up by work. But he was oblivious, of course, to the other's thoughts so he didn't say anything about it. Simply smiled when Inn rested against his shoulder. Maybe he could let himself pretend for a little while that he could really have something like this long term... That a man back home in Thailand wasn't waiting for any excuse to come and drag him back again.
"Oh, the memories will definitely make it all worth it, I'm sure. At least, if you remember it as fondly as I do," he cooed softly, taking the bite with a giggle behind a polite hand, before getting a forkful of his own food to hold out for Innie.
"Showering, though, that sounds nice. Or washing up, however that might be. But on one condition," he paused, making sure that eyes met, playing at being serious for a long moment before, "You shower with me. I'll get all lonely by myself." A pout now, lip jutting out, "And besides, maybe we can... make some more memories for you to enjoy."
This was all so surreal, if Chai truly let himself think about it. He was usually so careful, keeping colleagues an arms length away and outside of work, having little to no social life. He might go out from time to time alone, if he had some spare pennies around, but he mostly kept to himself. It was safer that way. Kinder. People didn't typically enjoy being around someone who seemed to constantly work and yet have nothing to show for it, especially when one of those jobs involved selling his body. A body that earned him thousands a week, and yet barely any of it seemed to be there at the end of it.
So this was surreal. It was odd, allowing himself to have this, enjoy this, if only for a night. If only until Inn decided he wasn't worth the time.
Lips parted easily for the potato, humming contently at the taste. "You do have a particularly comfortable bed. That could be another selling point," he teased lightly, tapping a manicured finger to his lips. At the question of an alarm, however, he pursed his lips, curling his nose up a little in distaste. Oh, how he hated to think about that.
"I need to be at the cafe by 9... So maybe 8? We're not far from there, I think. I brought a change of clothes anyway so i shouldn't need to swing home first. What will be stealing your beautiful attention for the day, hm?"
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collectivemesses · 11 hours
This was all so surreal, if Chai truly let himself think about it. He was usually so careful, keeping colleagues an arms length away and outside of work, having little to no social life. He might go out from time to time alone, if he had some spare pennies around, but he mostly kept to himself. It was safer that way. Kinder. People didn't typically enjoy being around someone who seemed to constantly work and yet have nothing to show for it, especially when one of those jobs involved selling his body. A body that earned him thousands a week, and yet barely any of it seemed to be there at the end of it.
So this was surreal. It was odd, allowing himself to have this, enjoy this, if only for a night. If only until Inn decided he wasn't worth the time.
Lips parted easily for the potato, humming contently at the taste. "You do have a particularly comfortable bed. That could be another selling point," he teased lightly, tapping a manicured finger to his lips. At the question of an alarm, however, he pursed his lips, curling his nose up a little in distaste. Oh, how he hated to think about that.
"I need to be at the cafe by 9... So maybe 8? We're not far from there, I think. I brought a change of clothes anyway so i shouldn't need to swing home first. What will be stealing your beautiful attention for the day, hm?"
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And god, wasn't that a trip? The concept of not needing anything from or needing to offer somebody a little bribe to get them to want him around? Just the thought of that alone made the younger blink and flush even deeper with a little glimmering hopefulness in his eyes.
"Oho don't say that, cus I might just ask you to more often~" He giggled with a playfully warning little coo. A little giggle of a warning that hinged on whether or not Inn believed that the other would actually want him around. He didn't, couldn't, after everything... But it was fun to at least pretend here and now, while his heart was still racing enough to be hopefully, innocently imaginative.
"Ah! Right" Innie blinked with a tiny little start a little while later, as he raised a piece of particularly amazing potato to the other's lips before feeding himself some more. "Do you need me to set you an alarm, P'? I have things to do but I don't have to wake up to start getting ready for them until around 9:00 in the morning...So do you need one earlier than that?"
And was he dancing around something again? Around how nice it'd be to wake up to at least see the other off? Maybe. Was he gonna dwell on that any longer? Hopefully not.
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collectivemesses · 1 day
i need to do some tlc for this blog, clear my dash a bit of things that keep driving me away, sort through drafts, update/get rid of some muses and stuff and try and get back here properly because i miss being here and writing ;;
if anyone would like to plot or start something in the meantime I'd love that?
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collectivemesses · 7 days
When one of your moots deletes everything all of a sudden and disappears… ;;
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collectivemesses · 14 days
Chai quirked a brow, a smirk on his lips at that particular revalation. Again, nothing he hadn't heard before, and yet it was sweeter coming from Inn's lips... "No one ever said you couldn't have me for dessert," he tutted bringing a hand up to ruffle slightly messy locks before focusing back on the food. Because... well, for all that he certainly wouldn't say no to another round or more, he did need to eat something if he hoped to keep up his stamina for those rounds.
The smile, though, that rested on Inn's lips made everything feel just... cosy. Normal. Like they'd known eachother for years, or had always been meant to speak. Even he had practically forgotten that they'd only just met, really. That only a few hours had really passed since they'd said hello to one another. And each soft word that came from Inn's lips only helped to increase that sensation.
"You also don't have to fill me with food to get me to stay, hm? You're cute enough that I'll stay the night just because you asked me to." And wasn't that the truth? Cute enough, and kind enough. And... what else would Chai do? Go home? Alone? Sit there and eat cold leftovers from food he could barely afford at the best of times? But that would remain his secret, because he didn't work the job he did, charging the prices he did, to go home and live on scraps. And yet... here he was. "I mean, the food helps, but..."
The knock surprised him for a second, breathing evening out gradually as he watched Inn move, admiring him as he went and Chai himself moved a little, trying to shuffle himself back into underwear that he'd leaned over the bed to recover, sitting up with a quiet little noise at the sensitivity he felt doing so. Usually, he'd be up on his feet again by now, heading to clean up before he went to find his next client - or clearing up ready to head home for the night. Just sitting was almost a novelty. He smiled to himself, fixing his hair a little, only to smile right back up at Inn when he came back. And that little miss me? made his heart pull just a bit.
"Felt like you were gone for a decade," he teased, tugging the tray a little closer now they'd both settled in more, looking over the contents, working out which was his and reaching for it, "Gotta admit, I completely forgot we even ordered food. Safe to say you well and truly distracted me." And wasn't that the truth? He was hungrier now than he'd been before, though, so he supposed that was yet another win to the situation.
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collectivemesses · 17 days
The knock surprised him for a second, breathing evening out gradually as he watched Inn move, admiring him as he went and Chai himself moved a little, trying to shuffle himself back into underwear that he'd leaned over the bed to recover, sitting up with a quiet little noise at the sensitivity he felt doing so. Usually, he'd be up on his feet again by now, heading to clean up before he went to find his next client - or clearing up ready to head home for the night. Just sitting was almost a novelty. He smiled to himself, fixing his hair a little, only to smile right back up at Inn when he came back. And that little miss me? made his heart pull just a bit.
"Felt like you were gone for a decade," he teased, tugging the tray a little closer now they'd both settled in more, looking over the contents, working out which was his and reaching for it, "Gotta admit, I completely forgot we even ordered food. Safe to say you well and truly distracted me." And wasn't that the truth? He was hungrier now than he'd been before, though, so he supposed that was yet another win to the situation.
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Maybe... with all the lives he'd lived, all the things had done and seen, hearing the other wanted to stay shouldn't have mattered all that much.. Yet there he was, eyes widening with along with his smile the moment the other agreed to stay the night. It was all the younger could do, snuggling a little close at that touch, stealing a kiss that was maybe.... slower and more tender than even he'd planned initially. Lips even parted for a reply when there was a gentle little knock at his door.
"Gooood thing about that?" Innie puffed out with a long, exhaled chuckle, back of his hand running over that lovely, flushed cheek. "Is that you don't have to." He stole one more, lingering little kiss before carefully getting up. Tossing away the mint scented wiped, Inn shrugged on his robe, stole just one more kiss before going to the door and getting there food. He thanked deliveryman a few hundred times, wished him a safe trip, and walked back, having set their food on a tray. He set the varnished wood carefully on the bed, only so he could waste no time shimmying back beside the other, head resting on Chai's shoulder.
"Miss me?"
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collectivemesses · 18 days
Oh, how sensitive he was. When Inn pulled out, Chai let out a disgruntled little whine and his fair share of whimpers, feeling oh so sated but oh so sensitive and oh so empty. But there was no way to focus on that when Inn was moving beside him, and helping him clean up the mess he'd made of himself. And the way he was looking at him, like he was something worth something... it made him feel an odd kind of way.
Clients looked at him... well, like a body. A piece of meat. The odd one might look at him like he was genuinely beautiful, like they might like something like him in their lives, but never him. At least, not for long. So this was... strange. And to be asked to stay the night too? It had him letting out a giddy breath of a laugh.
"Yeah... Yeah, okay," he agreed softly, hand coming up to brush some of those sweat-damp strands from Inn's forehead, "I don't think I could move for a while, anyway..." And oh, how sweet that blush was too, his own cheeks a similar shade as he smiled, bright but sleepy. Content. Fuzzy in all the best ways.
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Kiss for kiss, shiver for shiver, Inn could've sworn he understood and felt every little thing the other's cute, soft, giggled words alluded to. Hell, he breath even hitched just a little in time with that shiver, Innie nibbling into his own bottom lip for a single, eyelid fluttering second. But when that perfect, lovely little second passed? Eyes were back down, watching the back of a hand run over flushed skin. And it was a small little whim, but one Inn couldn't hold back or deny, instead leaning in and pressing a gentle, lingering kiss against the older's forehead.
"How do I feel?" He hummed, pulling back with a tilted head as his other hand reached over to his drawer, pulling out some wipes. He slowly, carefully pulled out, not without his fair share on whimpers, only to lay beside Chai with a sigh after discarding the rubber.
Gently simmering eyes watched as he carefully wiped the other's chest and neck, a shoulder rising and falling idly. His eyes trailed up, tracing over a perfect frame and lingering on that perfect smile.
"I feeel like I want you to stay the night, P'~" He all but cooed, a bout of bashfulness tinting his cheeks and making the younger nibble at his own bottom lip. "If... If you'd like to, I mean?"
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collectivemesses · 19 days
me: i need to update chais bio with the new stuff. also me: never added him in the first place
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collectivemesses · 19 days
How did he feel? What a question, truly. Because Chai felt everything. His every nerve was pleasantly warm, body relaxed and content and he did not want to move for anything or anyone. A shame, then, that this wasn't his apartment and he definitely should not be expecting to just stay the night. But as he pressed into the kisses, lips tingling from the biting kisses previously and thighs aching a little where they were still around Inn, he couldn't find it in him to worry about all of that right now.
"Good." he answered simply, and that... pretty much encompassed it. He felt good. But somehow he managed to get just enough brain cells to function to give him more than that. A giggle, light and giddy and content, and then, "So good. Great, even. That was..." hands waved a little, as though searching for the words, but they never came. Just another giggle, one that made his breath hitch after when he moved in such a way that triggered a wave of sensation to wash over him.
After all, Inn hadn't pulled out, and he was quickly getting very, very sensitive. But he didn't push him off or even bring light to that fact. It was nice, in a way... feeling full still. "How are you feeling?"
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Innie slowly sank down in those trembling, simmering seconds, weight on his elbows and forearms, if no other than to press as close as he could into that kiss, fingers running into Chai's hair. And fuck help him but when he felt a perfect, warm touch to both cheeks, the younger couldn't be bothered to hold in a warm little whimper.
Another whimper drifted up in the half seconds it took for their lips to part even a little, though this whimper fell from just slightly smiling, well bruised lips as his head tilted, deep black strands having mostly stuck to his forehead, cheeks or the nape of his neck. Those lips parted, stole another little kiss, still brushing even as his brain remembered how words worked.
"That's my line, P'~" He whispered out with a soft giggle to match and one more stolen kiss before he pulled just a bit away, the back of his hand grazing across the older's flushed cheek, eyes traveling around the frame so gently, and greedily all at once.
"How do you feel?"
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collectivemesses · 20 days
Oh, how he wanted to commit that entire sight to memory too. He might be a sight for Inn, but Inn was a sight for Chai too. He'd thought he was stunning from the second he saw him, all perfect features and eyes so deep he wouldn't be surprised if they could see into his soul, if he even had one anymore. All flushed, lips kiss-swollen and cheeks pinked, he was a sight that Chai could look at for hours if he got the chance.
But then that lick was coming and if he wasn't still going through the aftershocks, body shaking from the release and twitching anytime a wave pulsed through him, he definitely would've triggered them with that particular choice.
He groaned into the kiss softly, hands coming up now to cup cheeks - far more gentle than the way he'd been gripping onto him. He wondered what his back looked like... maybe he'd even feel guilty for it. But not right now. Right now, he was licking back into the kiss himself, holding him and not wanting him to part for a second. But... well. Breathing was hard, and Chai was Chai, so of course, he had to say "That was amazing. You were amazing..." Only this time, unlike any other time, he genuinely meant it. It was amazing. And the awe was so clearly written over his face.
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And fuck, he didn't have to wait long. Not when Inn got to watch and feel the older come well and truly undone under him.
Countdown timer be damned, if the hitching breath was any indication, as the very first tight, hot, quaking wave of release rolled through Chai, it'd tugged Innie over the edge right along with him, and far, far sooner than even he was expecting. One quaking, deep thrust, and their names rose in the air in desperate, perfect, moaning unison. Eyes rolled back for an intoxicating, innumerable amount of time, hips rolling still, body still quaking as they rode out their climaxes together.
Seconds later, as moans still tumbled and aftershocks still rolled through his body, Innie's eyes fluttered open to take in the sight; P'Chai, glistening, tempting, hints of his release dotted across a sharp jaw and a well flushed cheek. And it was all Inn could think to do to lean in, licking across the trail, and licking into a deep, whimpering kiss.
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collectivemesses · 20 days
How could he argue with that? With any of it, quite frankly?
Because between the thrusts practically dragging him closer and closer to the edge, and then that lewd, perfect coo and the tongue brushing his own? He never stood a chance. Somehow, he managed to keep his eyes on Inn's. Somehow, he kept them there, locked on as one deep thrust finally pushed him right on over that edge, hard.
His body shook, hips jerking up, body clenching down around Inn as his back arched and he moaned out a slew of curses, pleas, Inn's name - anything, everything. It was fireworks, and sparks, and nerve endings on fire, and it was so fuzzy and blissful and perfect that he was overwhelmed by it.
All he knew was that everything was sparks, and waves upon waves of white hot pleasure flooding through his body, painting his stomach with his release.
And oh, how he hadn't come quite this hard in a long, long time. Because it took rather a lot of effort to drag himself back from that place of stars and pure bliss to try and catch Inn, to watch him fall apart too, to see just how he looked when he felt as good as Chai had just felt. Even as he clung on still, clenching around him as the waves washed through him, nails digging into soft, warm, perfectly smooth skin, he tried to feel and watch, get the best of both worlds.
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From the very second Chai's full lips had parted and pressed against his, Innie was in a battle all against himself and all because of the other. He wasn't new to this, to any of this in the slightest, but fuck it felt like any single thing P'Chai did would send him over the edge in the best and most intoxicating ways possible.
But then nails dug into and dragged over his back, and it was almost all over.
"F-fuck~...I...Nh..." Lips parted to gasp in a moaning breath, and if the twitch inside the other was any indication, those words and that touch would so, so soon be the end of him. Eyes fluttered for a thoughtless second as hips moved faster inside of the other, hand going into Chai's hair as Innie licked back into a shivering kiss, tasting and feeling the deepest parts of the older.
"W...What I... Want~?" Words muffled against lips because the younger simply wasn't able or willing to pull all the way back yet. But he did when he felt the little countdown timer in his brain near single digits, lidded eyes locking with Chai's after one more hard nip to those perfect, perfect lips.
"I-I'm.. I.. s-so close c..cus of you..." That came out as a coo, as lewd and almost delirious as it was tender. "So...~?... So all I want now? Is to see you let go~..." He leaned down, licking against the other's tongue just once more before locking lidded eyes, "I want you to cum for me, P'Chai~"
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collectivemesses · 20 days
Every word, every shiver, every moan of his name was driving Chai crazy. He had a mixed bag of clients - some much better than others.
Some that genuinely cared about whether he felt good too, others that took what they wanted and left. Some who were so oblivious to anything around them that they swore he had a good time when really, he'd barely felt a thing. But this? This right here? Inn, so perfect above him, an anomaly and a surprise and a shock all rolled into one? It was impossible to be anything but completely and utterly taken.
Words, however... words were harder. Answers to those questions, as much as he wanted to give them as clearly as he could, ended up coming out on a mix of moans and whimpers, whines and curses, entire body trembling with every thrust. And then that hand on his member had his entire body practically twitching head to toe, back arching off the bed before he could do a damn thing about it. He was so sensitive... and yes, he could feel how he was leaking but... but fuck, that image of Inn riding him too...
Chai wasn't usually one for that, but Inn? Inn, he could picture crystal clear, on his lap, giving him a sensation he hadn't felt in a long, long time.
"Yes. Yes, yes, yes," he whined between thrusts, fingers gripping and clawing on skin he really should've been far more careful with. Because that touch, so gentle, was so different from the thrusts and that difference was enough to nearly drive him completely insane. He was getting so close, trying to fight it so hard, because it would mean it was over... "Anything. Anything you want, anything for you.."
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"P....P'Chai~" It was on repeat in his brain, so it made sense that single thought would be on repeat on his lips too, right? Because really, there couldn't be anything else on Innie's mind right now, not as shivering hips pressed and rolled into the bundle of nerves. Inn's breath hitched at it all, the way those muscles quivered and twitched and grasped him closer. He let those thoughts repeat some more as he let moans tumble, lewd and thoughtless into their kiss.
One hand gripped Chai's tight, the other trailed down, touch light and trembling as he felt over the older's leaking member. He pulled away only after pressing their tongue, moaning as they dragged apart and lidded eyes locked.
"L..Look at you~ l...leaking, twitching s..so much~" Every single word was carried on a moan, broken apart by shivers and rolling eyes. His hips rolled just a touch harder as Inn bit hard at Chai's lip, head tilted, eye well and truly lidded with lust.
"I'd s... so love to ride you... one of these day's P'~" And lewd as it was, lidded as was his gaze, the words cooed from him, somehow dusting his cheeks even as his touch grazed over the other's slit. "F-..feel you leak... 'nd.. twitch inside of me.. Would you like that, P'Chai~?"
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collectivemesses · 22 days
Squatting in high heels like its nothing
Nut's insta story 26-04-2024
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collectivemesses · 22 days
hallelujah there is finally a gif hunt for mitchells fc 😭😭
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collectivemesses · 28 days
Quick and dirty - that's how most of the clients seemed to like it these days. Most of them, even when they wanted to make the most of the hour, tended to go more for a long, drawn out beginning, and then used him like he was designed for at the end. This? This was... something else. This meant that he felt every damn inch as Inn rolled into him, felt his every nerve light on fire as he was filled more and more, from painfully empty to blissfully full.
And oh, how he didn't want this moment to end. He'd usually find himself quite literally counting down the seconds or minutes until someone was done, and yet right now it seemed like time was already going too fast, like his body was already coiling, eager for release. But he would damn well fight it. It would feel every single blissful moment, thank you very much.
And the moans of his name had him whimpering right alongside the moans of his own that slipped into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut, back arching a little up into Inn, shifting the angkle, ankles hooking with legs around his waist, pulling him in more and more, wanting more and more... "Fuck.. Inn..." He whined when he brushed that spot again, and Chai had to shift his hips down again, to save ruining this too early, to avoid making a mess of himself long before Inn had been satisfied. "So good.."
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It was... Words were... impossible right now, as he leaned on his bed, buried inside of the other, feeling him twitch and tremble. Hearing those breathy moans tip deeper and deeper into desperation? Fuck it'd put his brain in a blender.
And at that request? There was a hint of an urge to bite as his own lip to retain.. some kind of control.. But with a smiling thought, Inn was leaning back down, biting at Chai's bottom lip instead. Lips parted only to take in a light, fluttering, shivering breath as hips pulled him almost entirely out.
Those eyes managed to flutter open, locking with the other's for as long as they possibly could. But as he rolled back inside? As his hips shivered, setting a slow, deliberate pace that still had him twitching? Those eyes rolled back to a close.
"P'...P'Chai~" The younger whimpered out a moan against those lips, more tumbling forth as hips rolls. Hands somehow felt around, somehow found the other's lacing their fingers as he licked and whimpered into a messy, thoughtlessly kiss.
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collectivemesses · 28 days
This too shall pass but like holy fuck
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collectivemesses · 1 month
my muses slowning gaining lists of k*nks and its all @vienrose's fault xD
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