CCC post one
Hello everoyne and welcome to the tumblr blog for Collosal Card Combat
Whats it supposed to be?
A card game mixed between war, rock paper scissors with inspirations of theme around fighting games and anime tropes.
Whats done?
Nothing besides this beta idea of the game which I will provide in this post. Ā This beta I tried to make with most things everyone has and I hope to get feedback on it as well.
Why Tumblr?
I wanted to turn to tumblr to find other people who may be interested in wanting to work on it. Ā I don't intend on making money just something fun for people to play.
What do I need to try this game.
For now just a average 52 poker card deck, a coin and another person to play with.
Can you tell me how to play now?
Tell me the rules now.
> Okay the first step is to flip the coin this is to decide who draws their hands first.
> Now the object of the game is to inflict more ā€œhitsā€ onto your opponent. Ā Remember this for later.
> Red cards are considered ā€œattacksā€ and the black cards are considered ā€œblocksā€ Remember this for later.
> This player shuffles the deck as a sign of fairness and then proceeds to draw 6 cards.
> The player who lost the coin toss now draws the same amount.
> Ā Now the player who won the coin toss can discard up two cards without showing the opponent. Ā These two cards let you replace any unwanted card from your hand into a discard pile face down. Ā The two are replaced by being drawn from the top of the deck.
> Ā The opponent follows suit after you replace yours and cannot see the discarded cards, do this so both players have no idea whats in the discard pile.
> Now that both players have had replaced their cards at their own discretion its time to lay out the cards face down in a vertical row.
> The object is to predict what your opponent is going to put down on the row in order to either block or attack.
> Lay the 4 cards down and await for your opponent to do the same so neither of you can see each other cards.
> Now from right to left turn over the cards one at a time. Ā This begins ā€œthe roundā€
> If a player flips a ā€œattackā€ against a ā€œdefendā€ neither player gets a point, but the player who played the ā€œdefendā€ is considered ā€œblockingā€ the ā€œattackā€. Ā When a ā€œattackā€ is blocked then the next card does not flip over for the player whos attack is blocked. Ā If the next card played against the card of the blocked player is a attack against the face down card then the attacker (Who previously blocked.) gets to inflict a hit Ā (If you have a facedown card that cannot be flipped due to blocking and the opponent attacks. Ā The opponent inflicts damage.) Ā In shorter terms when you block a attack you get no damage and it lets you ignore the next card in the line of the opponent.
> If two players place a attack the player with the higher attack gets the hit.
> Jacks considered 11, Queens considered 12, King is considered 14, and Aces are considered 15
> If the two players match each others attacks with the same number or both play blocks, then no hits are landed and both players move to flipping the next card in the line.
> After the row has all its cards flipped and both players reached the end put the cards with any face down cards into the discard pile.
> The player who won that ā€œroundā€ draws second after the opponent shuffles the deck and draws 4 cards, followed by the winner of the previous ā€œroundā€
> The game follows the same sequence and the player with the most ā€œhitsā€ wins the game after 3 rounds.
Terms and Phrases to look for in future updates
> Replenish = The phase where you discard cards and draw new ones.
> Row, Battle Row = The row of cards you play your attacks and blocks on.
> Clash = When two cards face off against each other in a row
I don't understand.
Well feel free to message me so I can elaborate more.
Is this the whole game?
No I'm using this as a framework of sorts. Ā I will try to impliment updates and new rules to give one or two new mechanics.
Will it always be done with playing cards?
Eventualy I will have original cards added to give more mechanics and features to the core game.
How will you deliver these cards.
Hopefully I can make it into something for tabletop simulator or get to work on its own webpage maybe (Highly doubtful I'm terrible at everything but maybe a friend would want to help)? Ā More then likely just a printable copy but its dependent on who may want to help with it. Ā As far as card design I may do up a card design at the very least, but more then likely it will be reliant on the players or those who are interested (If theirs enough interest then I will just pay a artist, Iā€™m not going to beg if worse comes to worse I will just do it myself. Ā Iā€™ve had friends go down this road before and found very snobbish artist who just take money and disapear or think on it with the money then complain about being rushed. (TLDR( Yeah can at least do the templates for the cards and art myself unless I can find a artist I can trust paying.).
Is their anything else I will need in the future for this game?
Aside from possibly printing out cards if a physical version is made, but you may also need a paper and pencil for future updates, and a twenty sided dice.
What mechanic might be added next to the game?
Well I may impliment the combo system next to the game but for now send that feedback so I know how it plays amongst everyone.
Can I make my own house rules / mode / version of the game in the future?
As long as you give me some credit I'm fine with it. Ā Reason being is that since it will be made by such a large group of people it would be insulting to claim it as your own idea (Even if theirs no trademark.). Ā  Ā In fact when the game is mostly done I encourage house rules and takes on it. Ā I pitched the full game idea to someone and they told me how it could be made into a almost D&D game or from another could make a boss battle mode.
Can I suggest stuff.
Yes! Ā You may not have the final say but do not be afraid to add your two cents for criticsism of anything I might add. Ā To put it simply I want the people to be my beta testers and those who are interested will keep it alive.
When will the full game be done?
No idea but if its succesful enough amongst people I will try to make sure to have updates on a regular basis
Why not take it to kickstarter or patreon?
I just feel at the moment its just a idea and I would still like to add stuff to the game, but I want to test it first so the game is refined.
Why a card game again?
I always wanted to make a game and this game in particular seems fun for anyone to pick up whether its for verterans of card games / fighting games or someone wanting to try something new, generaly so all can have fun. Ā 
So why do we share a deck?
Well I want the game to be a bit chaotic and random, the skill falls in with prediction of the opponent and making plans with your cards (Will see more in the future.). Ā Also if the game ever does become something that is sold in physical form I would rather just have the majority of the game to be bought in one deck and shared with the occasional update and booster sets, then to dole out so much money to keep playing or compete.
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