colorofchange2 · 4 years
Color of Change Analysis
The topic I chose is racism. Racism has always been an important topic for me because I believe in treating each person with respect. Everyone deserves to be treated how they would like to be treated. The organization I have chosen is “Color of Change”.I chose this organization because they have a great way of accomplishing their goals. The purpose of their organization is to design campaigns that are going to end practices unfairly held against African Americans. As well as present champion solutions until justice is accomplished.
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They use visuals such as the videos and pictures that they showcase. Linguistics informing you with information. Spatial in the organization of placing things on their website. The rhetorical appeals used are logos, ethos, and pathos. They use logos by showing the accomplishments by having power in numbers. Such as their marches and boycotts. They use ethos by using the people such as celebrities, politicians and corporations. Color of change also uses pathos by connecting with you emotionally with making you feel what the victims are feeling.
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Color of change is an organization that campaigns that builds up the black communities. They hold corporate and political leaders accountable. As well as challenging injustices every day. It has over 1.7 million members fighting to build political and cultural power for black communities.
My organization does a great job of getting people with influenced involved to make change. For example they gain support from politicians, celebrities, news reporters and cooperation’s. When they saw the whitewash princess Tiana they persuaded Disney to keeping her normal form. They persuaded Facebook to hold its first civil rights audit. They also defended the Jena Six changing the course of events for them. Another thing they have done was target ALEC which forced more than 100 of it cooperate supporters to pull out.
Also my organization is good at persuading you to get involve. For example they do this by making you feel included, up to date, and accomplished. They let you know what’s the next step to take and how to get involved. All their accomplishments are on their page as well as videos. So even if you’re not there, its plenty of way of making you feel like you are.
On the other hand my organization is not so great at giving good details on why. For example they have plenty of campaigns. Yet some people wouldn’t know what they were fighting for right away. They give small briefings of what going on. If you were not a member and not really educated you wouldn’t know what’s really going on.
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Next Steps
My organization mission is to design campaigns powerful enough to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward. Until justice is real. They have accomplished a lot of the so far. They still have a long way to go. This is a subject that do not just go away.There are some steps they could take that could improve the organization. They could get their name out there with more advertisements. Try to have better communication with the people who do not know about them. Team up with other organizations with the same values. Give more information on what happens after they accomplish the goal. Maybe get a spokesperson as well. With every success its always something that stands in the way.The obstacles they might face is people who are racist. Companies who wants no parts of being involved in a controversial subject. Gaining support from the right people. Slandering the name of the organization. 
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colorofchange2 · 4 years
Let’s help Stop racism and injustice !
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