colouranehel-blog · 6 years
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colouranehel-blog · 6 years
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#his smile omg #soft & pure!!
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colouranehel-blog · 6 years
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i want a COOL ASS identity reveal please 
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colouranehel-blog · 6 years
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colouranehel-blog · 6 years
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colouranehel-blog · 6 years
Fatal Victory Part - 1
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You come from a long line of mobs. You are the heir to your dads’ business. But someone suddenly threatened your dad.. You swore to kill whoever was trying to hurt your family.
Wordcount: 2.2k.
Warnings: Swearing - violence.
“Y/n! You already took care of the Johnsons’ downtown?” your dad asked surprised. You could see that you had interrupted a meeting in his office. Almost every boss of each clan was there. You looked suspicious, and your dad could tell. He turned in has massive black leathered chair on wheels, and said: “We’ve..  had a bit of an issue with someone on the inside-“ He never finished a sentence. You panicked for a second.
“An inside job? What did they do?” You asked him while you slipped through the heavy cigar smoke and men in suits. He laughed nervously at first, but when you stood in front of his desk, face to face, his face turned serious and a bit pale.
“Dad, tell me” you demanded in your sweet voice, you knew you dad couldn’t resist. He sighed, and put his cigar in the huge ashtray beside him. All the men stood there and watched the situation before their eyes. Your white sneakers made a hard thump, when you positioned yourself, ready to receive some bad news.
“I’ve been getting some threats here and there, for a couple of weeks now. It’s someone inside the mansion, someone who has access to everything in this house” he finally said, being completely honest with you. Your dad could see the shocked look on your face. Your high ponytail swung across your shoulder when you turned around. You looked at all the men in the room, trying to figure out who it was, since it was probably one of the men right in front of you who was trying to knock your dad of the throne. You weren’t having any of it. Your parents meant everything to you and nobody was going to threaten your family that’s for sure.
“Listen you goddamn motherfuckers! I will-“ before you could finish your threat to all the men, your dad had already given his guard a hand gesture to walk you out. Teddy, the guard had grabbed your arm, and most likely dragged you out of the room. You didn’t really remember, all you remembered was the fury that boiled in your veins knowing, that someone was undermining your father, the boss of all bosses.
After Teddy tried to calm you down, you walked straight to your room. The thought of a rat inside your business killed you. Someone was trying to hurt your dad, maybe even your mom, who was as innocent as can be. You were on your king-sized white and black bed, covered in silk when you heard a small knock on the door. You knew immediately who that was.
“Come on in!” you answered loudly, but sad in a way. The large white wooden door was opened very carefully, when your beautiful mother walked in, her blonde hair almost faded in with the white wall and door. She had a sympathetic look on her face. You didn’t look at her, until she sat next to you, on your bed. You could easily smell the sweet Gucci perfume she wore, oh boy did she love it. She sighed, and tried to make eye contact with you, but that didn’t happen until you put your phone down. She smiled like an angel.
“What did you get?” you asked your mom. Your parents had made an agreement when they fell in love back in the day. She hated your dads’ business, but she knew he couldn’t leave it. The whole town would basically fall apart without him. So, every time he had an important meeting in the mansion, she would go either out of town, or on a shopping spree. You remembered those long days when you were a kid. Endless shopping, restaurants and stores. Your family never lacked in anything, especially not when it came to money. You would point at various toys, costumes and such, and get it. Back in the day, it happened pretty frequently probably more than it should have. Your mom enjoyed herself, then she wouldn’t have to deal with all the scary stuff, and she’d know you were safe.
“I got you something” she almost whispered. The sudden smile on her face shocked you a bit. Maybe she didn’t have a clue on what was going on? Someone was trying to take a hit on our father, her husband. She pulled up a big shoe box. Your attention was immediately drawn to the box. You positioned yourself, beside your mother. You hurried and pulled yourself up so you could hug her big time.
“Here! Open it!” she chimed happily. You could easily tell it was a Louboutin shoe box. The nude packaging, red bow and a little smudged kiss imprinted on the front from your mothers lips. You carefully removed the bow, while smiling to your mother and she looked so happy too. The nude stilettos with sparkly diamonds all over it, made everything seem so bland and boring next to it. You loved red, it was your favorite color. The red heel and bottom was what you also really loved.
“Mom, you really didn’t have to. You know that..” you said in the calmest voice ever. She smiled lightly.
“Of course I did! There’s a huge gala in two months and you haven’t even had a fitting for a dress yet. And I knew today would be hard on you” she answered. You nodded. Knowing, that she knew what was going on.
“We have to act as if it doesn’t bother us, or they’ll think they’ve won. We don’t want that. We don’t want them to think we’ve been defeated. It will make us look weak, and they’ll see it as an opportunity, you know?” She said while stroking your long flat ironed hair. Her hand went on to your pink cheek and she kissed you on the forehead. “- I know you want to protect him, and so do I but there’s only so much we can do. This business is dangerous, and this isn’t the first time this has happened. And it certainly won’t be the last, I can tell you that honey” she continued. You nodded. It had been a long time since she opened up like that about your dads’ business. You always thought she looked the other way, ignoring and didn’t care. That’s how it felt anyway.
“But mom, what if they actually.. kill him?” you asked nervously. You’ve always been taught not to ask questions you don’t want the answer to. But you needed to know. You needed to know from her, your mother.
She chuckled a bit before answering. Her face became a lot more serious in a matter of seconds.
“Trust me honey, they would wish they had never been born” she answered in all seriousness. That answer pleased you, and you were a lot calmer about the whole situation.
“Daddy isn’t done yet. Why don’t you ask Jacob to come over? I bet you’ll feel more comfortable if he was around” she changed the conversation to ease you. Jacob Batalon, your very best friend ever since your 15th birthday.
“Yeah, I guess I could hear what he’s up to” You answered. Immediately your phone found your hand once again, but before you let your mother leave, you stopped her. She turned around.
“Thank you so much, mom. I love you” you almost sang across the room. Your smile melted her right away.
“I love you too honey. Jacob can join for dinner if he wants to” she chimed before she left your room, and closing the door behind her. You looked down on your phone, and texted away.
Hey. You wanna hang out? :)
An immediate response came from your best friend.
Sure. I’ll be there in 20.
The twenty minutes felt like hours. You were left alone with your thoughts and fears. The insecurity found its way to your head again. You sighed, and tossed your phone away. Eventually a hard knock was heard from the door and before you could answer, Jacob entered.
“Finally. What took you so long?” you asked. You stood up, with a devious smile upon your lips. Jacob chuckled. He knew you were impatient he always knew it was a weakness of yours.
“My dad told me what’s going on around here” he said, trying to be sympathetic. He lunged himself onto you bed, and sat on the edge. You stood there beside him.
“Yeah, and we’re going to find out who it is”
“Please, don’t!” she screamed from the corner of the small dark room. She was tied up, pretty well according to yourself.
39 hours later
“No more! We’ll tell you anything!” she screamed again as your steps got closer and closer to her bloody, wounded and pathetic fiancée. Your long babyboom colored nails dug onto his scalp, forcing his head up high. The one and only light in the dark room exposed him so it made him growl with discomfort. You got a good look on his busted lip, bloody nose and the black eye that you caused him. You turned your head to his girl, smiling. You always wore your favorite true red lipstick when you were doing these kinds of things. Beating people up, until they gave you the necessary information you needed.
You came from a long line of mobs. Your family was one of the most successful ones in town, if not the most successful one. Your family and allies had your hands in everything: politics, law enforcement and of course, all the other mob families. You were an only child, hence why you were the heir of your dad’s small kingdom. You didn’t have any brothers’ that could take the throne after your father were supposed to resign. You remembered it all so vividly. On your 15th birthday, your dad threw a huge party for you, and he told you that all of your friends were invited; they had never been to your house. Your dad was a criminal, of course he didn’t want kids running around in his mansion, his private house. You were so excited. Your whole family and some of the other kids from some of your dads’ allies were even there. The hours went, but no friends, no school buddies, nothing. The only ones, who were there, were people who was in the mob. You suddenly heard a clean sound cu through all the talking and laughing that was going on. Everyone went silent, and looked respectfully up upon your dad.
“We are here today, to celebrate my little girl, or should I say woman.. “ Your dad coughed a bit, and raised his champagne glass a tad higher. He continued. “Y/n, today.. Well, for boys in this family, a 15th birthday is not only a birthday, it’s their special day. They get to join the business and take their rightful place in life. You are my only child. You are my only little girl, but you are also my only grown son now. You must take your place by my side, and get ready for the day you are the new boss in town”.
It was devastating news back then. All you wanted to do was graduate high school, go to college, find true love and live a normal life. That wasn’t going to happen. You remembered one specific moment, when your dad pulled you aside at your party when everyone was chatting away once again. He had dragged you out in the kitchen. He saw the look on your young face. You were sad, not necessarily because you were the heir, but because your few high school friends never showed up.
“Listen sweetpea. I know you wanted to share your birthday with your high school friends. But know this: these people in this house will have your back, at all times and never fail. Those from your high school will not. They were scared of the rumors going around about your old man, and made a no-show. Friends, allies and family don’t do that. So don’t be sad, okay? You’ve got a massive family in here that loves you”
You were 20 years old. Five years later here you were, beating up backstabbing spies and their loved ones. You looked over at the girl, your perfect red smile scared her. Your curly dark hair was perfect, as always. Your makeup was flawless as ever. The sweat from your pores had melted the powders together perfectly.
You leaned in, whispering to the guy. “So, what made a guy as loyal as yourself turn on my dad. Money? Threats? Both?”. The poor guy couldn’t open his right eye. His blonde hair was practically red after all the blood that splattered from his face. You let him go. He coughed. He growled once again and looked into your ice cold blue eyes.
“I-I can’t tell you. They’ll kill her..” he answered unsecure. His fiancée cried even louder than before. You walked in slow circles around him, making sure that your high velvet boots made a hard thump noise every time you took another step, keeping him on edge.
“Really? What if I told you my family could protect you again? If you gave us the information we needed. I would do anything to get the names I need, even if it means I have to make sure the two of you, make it through. Please, I just want the goddamn info, Teddy!” you spat out. The fiancée stopped crying. She listened to your promises.
“It was Holland!” she yelled.
“Holland who!?” you asked harshly.
Teddy looked at his fiancé and almost cried.
“Dominic and Tom Holland...” he finished her sentence.
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