comailhot-blog · 1 year
Chat GPT and Education
Chat GPT can be beneficial for students to learn new things with a personalized response tailored to their comprehension level. Moreover, it can also be bad for them as it can enable them to become lazy when it comes to writing essays or finding original ideas. According to CHAT GPT, it believes that they have several implications when it comes to education. Firstly, there is personalized learning: CHAT GPT can be used to provide personalized learning experiences for students. With its ability to understand natural language, CHAT GPT can assess a student's knowledge and skills and provide targeted feedback and resources. Secondly, improved access to information: CHAT GPT can be used as a tool for students to access information quickly and easily. Students can ask questions and receive answers in real time, allowing them to learn at their own pace. Thirdly, Assistance for teachers: CHAT GPT can also assist teachers by providing them with resources and information to support their teaching. Teachers can ask CHAT GPT for suggestions on lesson plans, activities, and assessments. Furthermore, language learning: CHAT GPT can help students learn a new language by providing real-time feedback and conversation practice. Students can practice their language skills by conversing with CHAT GPT, allowing them to build their vocabulary and improve their pronunciation. Nevertheless, Assistance for teachers: CHAT GPT can also assist teachers by providing them with resources and information to support them. And finally, Innovation in assessment: CHAT GPT can also be used to innovate assessment methods. With its natural language processing capabilities, CHAT GPT can grade essays and provide feedback on written work. This can save teachers time and provide students with more detailed feedback.
Therefore, CHAT GPT does not encompass a lot of negative aspects when looked at from an academic standpoint, since there are more positive and helping aspects than negative ones.
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comailhot-blog · 1 year
Creative Work
Even though the film was created in 2010, I watched it for the first time in 2023. The movie was not like any other, it was at the same time beautiful and traumatic. it made the biggest impression on me because I felt like I was watching a real-life ballet performance, and it was soothing but also triggering psychological questioning. The way it was filmed brought the unsettling aspect of the movie to life. It impacted how I observed and analyzed movies because there were so many secret or hidden messages within the film. Moreover, it was really creative because it took a beautiful dance and twisted it in a horrific way to psychologically challenge its viewers. I found that the movie was very moving even though it is considered a horror film. It was captivating and the way they created the story was creatively beautiful. The emotions the characters were feeling could be felt by the viewers. As a person who likes to analyze movies, this movie took a second rewatch to truly understand the meaning and the hidden messages, which is amazing since good movies are never easy to watch. In addition, the costumes and the decor were so mundane but also amazing because they had a small number of unsettling aspects included within them. The colours they used were never "just" colours, they had double meanings or were just not what they were supposed to be. Notably, the colour pink is used often, but it is used for a grown woman, not a child, which means that the women believe she is innocent and youthful. However, as the story progresses we realize that the colour that she often wears is just a front to her real nature. Finally, the black swan is the most interesting creative work I have seen this year as it incorporates so many elements that are intriguing and triggers your analytical side.
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comailhot-blog · 1 year
As in any relationship, there are some disadvantages and some advantages. The creation of Chat GPT and Google Bard create a new sort of relationship between them and their users. In my opinion, Chat GPT can be beneficial when you want to obtain information that you cannot seem to find. It provides you with all sorts of data throughout the years and it can help you form either an opinion or obtain further knowledge. It does not only provide blurred-out information, but it can also explain school material and help you understand things you might not have understood before. These AI sites are useful when you want an idea for a paper or even when you want a scientific explanation. Sometimes, it even trumps the knowledge of a teacher and explains more detail than they could ever. It can also save hours of research for a subject and it can also provide you with quotations, citations and work cited. However, this relationship can easily become addictive. When discussing how helpful it can be in school, it can also become something that is not helping you further your education. More specifically, it can write essays for you, which can make you lazy and does not make you learn anything. Therefore, you never really understand what you write about or understand your material truly. These AI sites can easily become a way for a student to get their degrees without making any effort and thus impacting their knowledge in the long run and in their future careers. It puts a stop to true knowledge that comes from within. The relationship between Chat GPT and a user can greatly impact their mind over time, providing them with only one point of view rather to seek various explanations or opinions. The relationship is addictive and does not help further your opinions on certain matters. Chat GPT can be a positive site, but can easily become negative for the community.
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comailhot-blog · 1 year
Sleep No More
Punchdrunk's immersive show "Sleep No More" challenges traditional theatre norms by creating a unique interactive experience that blurs the one between audience and performers. Thus, this show changed the dynamic between the two by offering an entirely new way of experiencing theatre. Unlike traditional theatre where the audience is seated and watches the performers in front of them, "Sleep No More" takes place in a five-story building transformed into a 1930s hotel. The audience is then free to roam through the interesting designed and detailed set, which ranges from bedrooms to ballrooms to even secret passageways. The performers, who are dressed in the theme of the 1930s, move throughout the space, performing scenes and interacting with the audience. By removing the traditional stage and seats, the show creates an environment in which the audience becomes an active participant, and can even engage with the performers in a way that is impossible and deemed disturbing in traditional theatre. This immersive experience allows the audience to explore the world of the show and create their own narrative based on the scenes that they see.
Additionally, "Sleep No More" allows the audience to choose their own path through the show. Whereas traditional theatre has a set narrative that the audience must follow. The immersive show offers multiple storylines and allows the audience to choose which characters to follow. This creates a personalized experience for each member and adds an element of unpredictability to the show. Moreover, the lack of dialogue in "Sleep No More" also changes the dynamic between the audience and performers. Without words, the performers rely on their body language and facial expression to convey emotion and tell their stories. Thus, this creates a unique form of communication between the audience and performers, as the audience must interpret the performance without the help of language. In conclusion, "Sleep No More" creates a new form of theatre that challenges traditional norms and provides a unique and unforgettable experience for the audience.
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comailhot-blog · 2 years
Francesca Woodman's opinion
One of Francesca Woodman's photographs captured my attention when I looked at them. It was a depiction of the figure of a woman lying on the ground. I had the impression that Woodman's photograph was speaking to me as I stared at it. First off, the dark figure on the floor, which serves as the image's major focal point, is highly intriguing. It led me to consider the picture's potential meaning, and I mostly considered a woman's reflection on her own sexualization or regaining control over her body that she had previously lost. I discovered additional symbols while closely examining the image that could have enhanced the theme that I had previously connected to it. First of all, the image's primary symbol appears to be a black outline of her body that is burned into the wood, giving the impression that she is destroying prior perceptions of women's bodies. Moreover, another symbol which was present and made me think about the picture deeper was the black shows that she is wearing. They could represent her being her own protector and not letting anyone step over her or putting her foot down to stop being sexualized. The meaning behind this image, in my opinion, and from my perspective, is wonderful, hence why I really like it. The message seems to be about self-care or self-realization since the woman looking over her shadow is like her leaving the parts of herself that she does not like or leaving what people may think of her. She is letting go of her "shadow-self" and continuing on with her life. Nevertheless, I also loved this photo because it stood out from all the others images, and mostly from the self-portraits in her album,. All of this contributes to the fascinating nature of the image and offers room for personal interpretation.
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comailhot-blog · 2 years
We are still governed by rules.
We are still governed by rules during our most creative periods because rules provide a structure that helps us with our creative writing and processes. Therefore, rules act as guidelines which helps us make choices and shape our ideas, even when we may not be aware of them. One example would be the role of grammar in language. The rules of grammar ensure that we convey our intended meaning clearly and that our message is understood by others. Without these rules, communication would be chaotic and confusing, and our creativity would be hindered by the need to constantly clarify our thoughts. It may seem like a limitation to our expression, but in reality, it only guides us to express ourselves clearly and provides a framework from which we could always deviate. The rules which governs our creativity are also present in other creative domains such as music and even art. In music, for example, there are rules that dictate the structure of melodies and harmonies. These rules provide a foundation for musical expression and allow composers and musicians to create coherent and meaningful works. In art, rules such as perspective, colour theory, and composition provide a framework that guides the artist's creative decisions and helps them create visually compelling works. Thus, even when we intentionally break rules in our creative process, we are still working within a framework that has been established by previous artists and creators. I believe that rules are essential aspects of our creativity because they guide us through every little detail of our projects. Rules do not have to be negatively connotated, they can be positively interpreted by being present to frame our work, and either keep us within the lines of traditionalism or push us to go outside these lines. Therefore, by understanding and embracing rules, we can use them to guide our creativity and generate truly innovative ideas.
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comailhot-blog · 2 years
Why use Poetry ?
I believe there are several reasons as to why someone would rather express themselves through poetry instead of drama or pose. Firstly, I believe that poetry allows for greater creativity and flexibility in language. Thus, poets can use figurative language,paly with sounds and meanings, and create images that are more vivid and more intense than any other form of writing. Moreover, i think that poetry can convey emotional reactions by the use of metaphors, rhymes and rhythms. It is effective for expressing deep feeling and thoughts. In addition, i think that individuals use poetry to challenge their readers since the authors use unconventional language and structure, and therefore challenges the readers to think deeper and in a creative way to understand the text. Nonetheless, poetry can also convey meaning in a compact form, since it is shorter than a drama piece or an essay. Thus, their complex ideas and thoughts are expressed in a more concentrated way. Finally, I believe that individuals who use poetry choose to do so to in order to convey their messages in a more secretive way as well as using other forms such as music, tradition, playfulness and emotion to make it understood more clearly. Poetry is unique to itself, and has an amazing aspect of culture and richness that some other form of writing may not have.
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comailhot-blog · 2 years
Genius. What is it? Who has it and why?
We could generally describe a genius as being an individual with exceptional intelligence. They ask questions, and these questions and their curiosity brings them into different fields to seek an answer. Thus, they have the capacity to inquire high level knowledge and be able to communicate it clearly with others. Therefore, a genius needs to have a high IQ, curiosity and creativity to come up with questions which are at a high level of understanding. They see things that others cannot, they are exceptional thinkers and they have the willpower to discover new things or create new concepts. Overall, a genius is an individual who break normality and focuses on the inexplicable. However, genius can mean a different thing for different disciplines. Perhaps, for athletes, a genius is someone who won a gold medal at the Olympic, or in entertainment, it could be someone who won an Oscar. Being a genius can come in different forms for different individuals, but most likely we will think about someone who is excellent in various disciplines and knows pretty much everything, just like Stephen Hawking. Furthermore, we cannot be sure of who is a genius and why. It might just be genetics, an acquired characteristics or even luck. There is no consensus about who is a genius in our time. However, I do believe that people who have it are seen throughout the world by the bias of their creativity and their contribution to the world’s knowledge.
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comailhot-blog · 2 years
What is Creativity
Creativity is a large concept that many could interpret in various ways. Creativity is, in my opinion, the ability to create something new or bring to life an idea. These can be about anything, either a new technological device or a new poem. It may be an intangible or physical object. The pool of possibility is unlimited. Creativity is about broadening your mind and putting into existence something new. Furthermore, everyone can be creative, there are different levels of creativity, some are more creative than others, but in our everyday life, we all put a little creativity out into the world. 
“The worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt” - Sylvia Plath
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