comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: She could feel her heart beating as she watched him sit up and obviously being excited because of the breakfast she had prepared for them. The girl grinned as she moved a bit to pick up the tray and place it next to them on the bed. "Nothing fancy." She said then and nipped at her coffee, before she leaned back against the headboard of her bed. "...it feels good being around you. I feel already...so much better." She admitted and a sad smile formed around her lips knowing she wouldn't be completely honest. "It's...great to have a friend like you."
Sean: He rolled his eyes playfully as he took a cup of coffee from her. "I don't care if it's fancy. Do you know what the twins eat everyday for breakfast? Toast and Nutella. I don't know how to make anything else." He chuckled, sipping his coffee. She hadn't mentioned the night before, yet. Maybe he had made it all up in his head. After taking a few more sips, he cleared his throat. He might as well ask.... "So... You're good? Everything from last night helped..."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: the girl chuckled as she saw him turn around, his voice still a bit sleepy. He looked adorable like this. Callie had no idea where those thought came from and so they surprised her, made her blush quite a bit and bite down onto her bottom lip. He had told her to avoid things like that right? She would. She wouldn't cause any kind of trouble between them and change a perfectly fine friendship. "A while. I...made us some breakfast. You hungry?"
Sean: Seeing her smile was like the best thing in the world. He was worried that she was going to stay sad and that there was nothing he could do. Sleeping must have been a good start. He knew that she needed it. He couldn't function if he doesn't get enough sleep for one night, so he couldn't imagine how she felt. At the mention of food, he sat up quickly on the bed. "Hell yeah. I'm always hungry." He said, feeling more awake now. As he woke up more, he started to remember the night before. He looked at her and wondered if she remembered what she said... Or if she even said it at all. Did he make it up in his head?
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: As she woke up the next morning she felt a lot better. Her body felt less tense and her head didn't feel so heavy like it had felt the last couple of days. she still felt a bit...exhausted but that was normal considering she had been avoiding sleep, food and sex - all necessary things considering the circumstances. But for now she felt incredibly good. She looked over at Sean and a smile formed around her lips. She wasn't alone. The smile grew wider and before she even thought about it the girl freed herself and got them coffee and something to eat - just a few toasts, some jelly and peanut butter and fruits before she came back and placed it all on a tray on her nightstand. She looked over to him again, her fingers playing with his hair...she haven't felt that good in long. sleep obviously helped.
Sean: He slept better than he thought he would. Maybe he was more tired than he realized, or maybe he was just that comfortable. He wasn't sure. He just knew when he woke up, he felt refreshed. Like it was the best nights sleep he's ever had. He was in such a deep sleep that he didn't even wake up fully until he felt someone playing with his hair. He chuckled as he rolled over onto his back. "Hey." He mumbled, voice groggy from just waking up. "Have you been up long?"
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: "Charming as always." The girl yawned and started to make herself comfortable in his arms and soon she found the perfect position, her face hidden in the crook of his neck, her hands finding the warmth of his back, underneath his shirt and her legs tangling with his. She felt how her heart started to slow down and before she could fall asleep the girl mumbled sleepily. "You feel so good...so warm..." Her lips were close to his skin, her breath hitting him right at his pulse point. "I...love you." And with those words the girl fell asleep. Leaving him with his thoughts.
Sean: He smiled as she started to fall asleep against him. He liked the position they were in. There wasn't a whole lot he could do for her, but holding her close was easy. At least he could do that. He wasn't as tired as she apparently was, because it took her no time at all to fall asleep. It made him think he was right to assume that she hasn't been sleeping. As she began to doze off, he decided to close his eyes to do the same. It was nice. It was the most content he's felt since he heard about what happened to Callie. Then she said something. His eyes shot opened and he looked down at her to see if she was awake. Did she say what he thought she did? And if so, in what what does she mean? They are friends, it wouldn't be totally weird.... But this was Sean. He made things weird. He couldn't help but think about what it meant... Or if it meant anything at all. All he knew was he couldn't ask her. He had to let her sleep, so he yawned and shut his eyes. He would have to worry about the rest another day. Right now, he was going to sleep.
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: She looked up at him, her eyes swollen and red from crying but they widened and her lips opened as she had heard his words. /I don't know what I would do without you./ Those words. Her heart started beating faster for the first time in so long. She felt how her lips even shook a bit, trying to form a smile. It failed but it was a try right? That was all that mattered. She sighed - annoyed with herself and her not so well working facial expressions. She bit down on her lip before she hid her face in his shirt again, she breathed out loudly and relaxed even more, feeling how tired she suddenly was. "Can we continue talking...tomorrow?" She had spend all days in bed - but she lacked sleep. She haven't had real sleep since that day she woken up all alone. Since then nightmares were hunting her...and her restlessness wasn't even letting her sleep.
Sean: He could tell she was tired. Exhausted, even. He wondered how well she had been sleeping since this whole thing happened. From the second she told him what happened, he knew that she wouldn't be able to handle it. He couldn't really blame her. Being ditched by people who claimed to love you is pretty fucked up. The nights had to be the hardest for her. He should have been there. He wasn't even sure if she wanted him, but he should have tried. "Yeah, of course. You look like you need sleep."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: She felt her heart break slowly. It just felt like her heart was breaking now that she allowed herself to be weak. Now that she allowed someone to see how bad she felt. How hurt she was. Not because of the relationship per se - but because of people leaving her. Because she felt so worthless again. She had always felt that way compared to her sisters. Compared to the things her fathers expected and what she was giving them instead. The girl heard his words and it was silent for a long while, before her fingers slowly stopped grabbing so hard onto his shirt. She relaxed again, her tears still ran over her face though - soaking his shirt. "If I lose you...I don't know if I could...if I could handle that."
Sean: It felt like a lifetime before Callie finally relaxed. He didn't really mind the grip she had on his shirt, but the way she was crying and how tense she was really freaked him out. He had no idea what he was doing there. Well, obviously he was there for Callie, but what could he possibly do to make her see that she wasn't worthless? It wasn't an easy task. He knew the feeling more than he would care to admit. It wasn't an easy thing; buliding up a person's self esteem. All he knew for sure was he could try. "You're not going to lose me. Believe it or not, I don't know what I would do without you."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: For the first time since she had arrived back at her place she turned fully around to someone. She looked Sean right in the eyes, hers still filled with tears and her body shaking as she suddenly started sobbing because she just couldn't hold it all in anymore. She had openly shown she was feeling awful and depressed and she had pushed everyone away as well as she could. But now she was showing just how awful she felt. Not because of her exes, but because of her broken self esteem and the trauma of being left alone - without knowing how to find her way back. She still felt haunted by the experience. She woke up every morning, all wet and hysteric thinking she was still in that motel - left alone, all by herself. "why does it feel that way though?" She asked, her voice so silent she was sure he wasn't even able to hear her. "Every morning I wake up...scared of...being left alone again. Don't leave me Sean, please...don't you ever leave me." She suddenly grabbed his shirt, holding tightly onto him. Her face hiding in his chest, her eyes closing so she couldn't cry more...which turned out to be impossible.
Sean: He couldn't describe what he felt when she finally looked him in the eye. The word "sad" wasn't enough. Devastated was probably better. He knew that them leaving her was bad. As much as he hated them, he knew that the relationship must have meant something to her. What he didn't realize was how much it had effected her self esteem. It made sense that she felt that way. He couldn't imagine how he would feel if the same thing happened to him. However, in his eyes, it was their loss and her gain. She had an opportunity to move on and find something better. If only she could see herself the way he sees her. "Listen to me." He said softly as he took her by the hand, tangling their fingers together. "I'm not close to a lot of people. I've never been good at comforting anyone or saying the right thing. I can't promise that I know what I'm doing here, but I can promise that I'll always be around for you. You don't have to worry about losing me, because I'm not going anywhere."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: The girl bit onto her lip. The fact he would be there for as long as she needed him sounded nice but...they had told her that as well. And now she was left. Again. Nobody stayed. Everyone always left. Her eyes filled with warm tears, but she didn't turn her face away. "Am...I that horrible?" She finally asked. "So...unpretty? Or unsexy? Am I...difficult? Or anything? Or all of it?" Her voice was shaking.
Sean: He had never been an emotional person. Of course there were times when he felt happy or sad, but he never dwelled on anything, either. When he was upset about something, he shook it off and moved on. Nothing could hurt him as long as he didn't let it. But as he laid there, hearing Callie ask what he felt were the craziest questions he's ever heard... He could have sworn he felt his heart break for her. "No. No, no, no." He repeated, shaking his head quickly. "You're amazing. You're beautiful and so sexy. Anyone would be lucky to have you and anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: The girl leaned more against him, her body actually even relaxing in his arms. She had been so tense all those days, she could even feel how her muscles had tensed up so badly they had felt rock hard. And now she felt how her entire body could unwind, rest against him so she felt a lot lighter. Not better, but lighter. That was a start right? "You being here helps." She admitted and her lips pressed onto each other, her head turned around slightly. She hated to show him her face - the dark circles, the swollen eyes, the cracked lips and pale skin. "Can you...stay the night`?"
Sean: As he felt her relax against him, he couldn't help but feel relieved. She felt so tense in his arms that he almost backed off, but he knew that wasn't what she wanted. For whatever reason, she wanted him there. Part of him wondered why. Sean was the worst person to go to for things like this. Another part, an even bigger part, was just happy that she needed him. It was nice to feel needed. "Of course. I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours for as long as you need me."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: It was difficult to explain why she was even sad now. She had been shocked and sad at first but the despair and sadness and depression she was feeling now was not because of her lost relationship. It was because of the way she felt because of it. So worthless - not lovable, not desirable, not...anything. Just nothing. Like she was nothing at all. The hole she fell into was so deep and dark she knew it would take time to get out of it, especially since the virus was doing its work as well - the abstinence was causing the depression to feel even worse and weigh on her shoulders, so when he lay next to her and held her close - asking her that question - the girl couldn't help but sigh. "It's not really stupid, but the answer would...just be not good." The girl replied and leaned more against him, her eyes closing.
Sean: Somehow, he knew that was going to be her answer. He sighed, trying his best to hold back his disappointment. He was afraid to tell her what he was really thinking. That the way she was acting was ridiculous. Truthfully, although he felt that way, he couldn't exactly tell her that her feelings were wrong... Could he? No, he couldn't. "I wish I knew how to change that." He said softly, resting his head against hers. "I don't like seeing you this way."
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: The brunette felt a little weight falling off her when she heard that knock and the familiar voice. He always had that effect on her - making her feel better right away. Even if he didn't do much. and while they have been fighting the last times they talked - she had still felt better. He had made her feel at least - something at all. Still the girl didn't sat up, she remained in her bed, but she pushed the blanket aside a bit, showing him once he would look over to her, that there was a place for him - right next to her. She just needed him close. No more no less.
Sean: Although he wanted to be with her, he couldn't help but feel disappointed when he saw her. Not because he didn't want to be there, but because he had hoped that she looked better than the last time they saw each other. She didn't. He smiled softly and gave her a quick nod as he walked over to the bed. He dropped his bag on the floor next to them before laying next her and holding her close. He didn't know why him being there seemed to help, but if that's what it took to make her feel better then he'd do it. "How stupid would it be if I asked how you were feeling?"
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comeforsean · 8 years
never leave me | sallie
Callie: The girl way lying down on her bed. She had made sure the door was unlocked and she knew Sean would find that out and just come straight upstairs to her room. She knew she looked horrible. She was pale, she had lost weight over the last couple of days and she looked incredibly tired. The girl could barely sleep, she couldn't eat and she couldn't be around people. She locked herself up in her room and only opened it when she needed to go down to get something to drink, or when she had a sudden desire for ice cream, which she usually ate and then...the girl would feel so sick to the stomach that it would come up again. She just couldn't keep anything inside her body. And she couldn't even talk about any of this to anyone. She was just so lost. So incredibly lost. The girl curled up in her bed, hiding underneath the blanket, her face hidden in the pillows waiting for Sean.
Sean: There was a lot of things going through Sean's mind as he drive his bike to Callie's house. Hr wasn't used to seen her so upset. Why she was like this, he'll never know. It's not like she lost a couple of prize winners. In his opinion, she's better off without them. As he arrived, he sighed as he took off his helmet. What was he doing there? To try and comfort his friend, but he didn't know how. He grabbed the bag he had draped over his handle bars before walking I side. He saw no point in knocking. He had seen Callie a couple of days before and knew she wasn't doing good. "Callie?" He called out, knocking on her door before walking in.
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comeforsean · 8 years
Callie: I would love that yes.
Sean: Then I'm coming over. We can stay in bed all day if that's what you want.
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comeforsean · 8 years
Callie: You are not everyone else Sean.
Sean: Do you want me to come over?
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comeforsean · 8 years
Callie: I...well if you say so.
Callie: So..don't leave me alone?!
Sean: But you keep telling everyone that you want to be alone....
Sean: You're confusing me.
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comeforsean · 8 years
Callie: What kind of picture though? An old one or what are you talking about? I don’t feel all too sexy recently.
Callie: I feel like staying in bed forever.
Sean: It was the one you used for your Tumblr theme. You look sexy as fuck. You always do.
Sean: That doesn't sound good. At least not when you're by yourself.
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comeforsean · 8 years
PM: of course I'm talking about you! I was just gonna shoot you a quick message, but then I got distracted by a pic of you... I thought I'd let you know. ;)
PM: You're right. That's not satisfying.
PM: Two things. 1) You're super hot. 2) How're you feeling?
Private: 1. You sure you’re talking about Me? 2. Well…I wish I could give you a satisfying Answer and because I don’t - I’ll just say nothing.
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