comehometoyourwomb · 1 month
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Adrienne Rich, from Twenty-One Love Poems (VIII)
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comehometoyourwomb · 1 month
If you are female growing up in these systems of female repression, if you have been a “good girl” or awkward, religious, agreeable, or nice for much of your life, you must master the parts of you afraid for other people to see you as aroused, desirable or sexual—loving sex or sexually-awakened because you fear being preyed upon or seen as bad or called a whore. So much personal power and mysteries of universe wake up inside when you are no longer afraid of being harmed, drugged, humiliated, or degraded for feeling naturally sexual in your body, hard nipples bouncing breasts wet ass sensitive pussy frequency, which has less to do with another person and more to do with the quality of your own health and wellness. -India Ame‘ye
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comehometoyourwomb · 2 months
women with our yoni/dharma destroy demons which naturally deviate from the universal laws, from the ultimate truth of the universe which is love, as they see themselves as being completely separate and having completely forgotten oneness.
hm. men perhaps embody the energy of linear expansion, of forward movement away from source. while women embody the energy of the creator from which men naturally want to be away from but never can. that's why masculinity is the conscious mind and women the unconscious. man is the individual thought "i" or ego and woman is "we" or oneness.
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comehometoyourwomb · 2 months
the way to relax & feel the opposite of the nervous anticipation that makes my cervix close up is to do things with gusto, to feel pleasure in every cell
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comehometoyourwomb · 3 months
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comehometoyourwomb · 4 months
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comehometoyourwomb · 4 months
Healing & opening doesn’t mean you’ll never get hurt but it also doesn’t mean you’re helpless against pain. Getting unstuck & becoming flexible & open again means you’ll be able to take in & process any hits you receive through life.
Armor -> “I feel protected against pain but really I refuse to accept that life means pain sometimes & my rigidity makes it impossible for me to process pain”
Healing & flexibility -> “I accept that I can’t make sure I never get hurt. By keeping my tissues healthy I ensure I’m resilient enough to process & heal any pain I feel in the future”
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comehometoyourwomb · 5 months
How do other women stay on top of their classes and essays etc while on their period…? Or do they? My energy just flatlines when im bleeding, im slow, i find it sooo hard to be brainy. I want to just rest. These are all natural things i think but ofc it doesn’t mesh well w exam season. I like how my body works and i enjoy being on my period and hibernating for a couple of days but i feel that bc the system doesn’t account for this natural process at all it can feel like fighting against the current
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comehometoyourwomb · 6 months
I want to be pristinely clear that while "The Melody of Love" critiques patriarchy, it doesn't promote the war or tension between sexes, this deep soul wounding, or encourage the de-centering of men. While I do compassionately understand what women who participate in this movement are trying to say and do, when you listen to those who promote it, there is hidden, unaddressed hurt, pain, and a haunting hollowness at the root. The massive "de-centering men" movement would never be part of my mission. Far from it. As usual, I find myself not being apart of typical polarized ways of thinking, and more present in a nuanced 3rd lane which has been the case for most of my life.
Through my critiques, I am making a much larger point about the level of harm these systems that live in our hearts, hips, bellies, tailbones, and backs do to our bodies, how they impact our wellness like our moon cycles and experiences with menopause, and also how we breathe, how we love, and what we receive and attract. And I don't just critique like an academic, I lead readers towards sustainable solutions.
The melody of love movement is about deep spiritual repair and care: the strength and capacity of love, the truth of our soul and destiny, the intimacies and passion of the body meeting earth, and the regenerative qualities of the female body and how they favorably impact her quality of well-being and abundance. Essentially my work is an embodiment of love, a re-connection to our original sovereign template that taps us into the inexhaustible reservoir of endless energy that lives inside. After we build up our energy and increase our capacity, it is my vision that we will then lend our bodies over to being of service to something larger and greater that favorably impacts our global world into greater harmony.
There is actually a deep yearning present inside my own heart to witness more men truly rise into a more healthy honorable expression of themselves on the planet. To de-center men, no matter what your sexuality may be, yields great harm to the feminine heart. I’m not sorry to say this but-- a real woman could never do that. She would die sorrowful...deeply heartbroken. -India Ame'ye, Author
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comehometoyourwomb · 7 months
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feminine origins
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comehometoyourwomb · 7 months
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comehometoyourwomb · 7 months
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comehometoyourwomb · 7 months
What happens when you identify with your trauma is that you stop being yourself. You become a person defined by those who hurt you the most
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comehometoyourwomb · 8 months
Sometimes you win by giving up. You swim against the current sm thinking that’s the way to get to where you want to go when really if you’d let the waters take you you’d get there effortlessly.
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comehometoyourwomb · 9 months
thank you for your thoughtful response! so the ears capture the energy moving within our body as well? that makes sense since movement generates sound. i had heard ab the connection between the vagina and the mouth before. seeing your examples it makes sense why men tend to be quieter and not express pleasure vocally quite as much as women. both the mouth and the vagina are receptive but also giving and i can definitely see how they both relate to a feeling of power and expression and therefore freedom. creation is an obvious byproduct as well of the two as you pointed out. i think in this case it's interesting to also see the connection between feminine receptivity and the ears.
i think it's on a more universal level that i can't really wrap my head around how light can penetrate sound or what that even means and how that would express in our physical embodiments and the relationship between men and women for example. i guessed that she was referring to a particular quality of sound, as the result of movement, or as a wave, etc. i can understand why men are light bc of its qualities and the speed at which it moves. light naturally penetrates darkness. sound on the other hand is not visible, it moves slower... but idk i'm quite perplexed still that she chose sound to represent the feminine in that way. i don't know i feel like there's another layer i can't quite figure out haha
I’m subscribed to this emailing list and this teacher said that the masculine light penetrates the feminine sound. How fascinating. I’ve never heard anyone refer to the feminine as sound, only ever as darkness or chaos. Does anyone know more about this?
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comehometoyourwomb · 9 months
Masculinity is capable of supporting the security and prosperity of a society. Without masculinity a society becomes disillusioned at the hands of internal and external threats. x
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comehometoyourwomb · 9 months
I’m subscribed to this emailing list and this teacher said that the masculine light penetrates the feminine sound. How fascinating. I’ve never heard anyone refer to the feminine as sound, only ever as darkness or chaos. Does anyone know more about this?
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