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My stages of love
Love.  It’s as simple as playing with your partner’s radio station, a kiss on the forehead, or a simple text message in the day.  
Love can do crazy things and sometimes leaves you a lacuna in your heart.  
He is my love - my future, and he is sulit enough for me to hold on.
I can’t speak for all of the girls out there in the world, but I will speak for myself (and probably a few readers who can relate to this topic).  My stages of love.
Throughout the days, you see him.  You’re somehow very curious about him and will do anything things to grab his attention.  You make a move and when he says his first words to you, your heart melts.  You’re also frozen to the touch of being nervous.
Weeks later, you’re starting to know one another.  You understand each other’s flaws and strengths, but still fall in love with them over and over again.
Months later, he touches you.  He holds you the way you like to be held.  He kisses you while mini shocks of excitement are running down your spine.  He supports your lower back while you run your fingers through that blonde hair of his.  He pulls your closer to his body while you hold onto him tighter.  You can’t do anything but feel so close, safe, and warm next to him.  
A year later, you got the hang of things.  You can recognize the touch of his skin, the feeling of his kiss, and the emotions running through your mind when he explains why you are so beautiful through his eyes.  You fall deeply in love with him.
Years later, you come to the point where you feel either lost or strongly committed towards the love the you both built.  Your partner is 100 miles away while you’re still stuck at home.  You find a boy who you’ve been friends with for years.  The both of you start hanging out with each other and attending to local events as each other’s dates.  Then you end up exchanging one another’s love and wonder what life would’ve been like if you said “yes” to the question he asked you, years ago, when the both of you were single.
You realize that you’re lost.
At the end of the year later, you’re at the stage where no one can make you happy, but you.  You begin to doubt yourself and loose hope in your current relationship.  You contemplate whether or not the two of you are really meant to be.  You prepare when, where, and how you’re going to finally break up with him.
Now, you understand that relationships are not what you see on TV.  It’s not an easy “happily ever after”.  It’s built on hope, love, trust, and courage.  Even though you have your ups and downs, the number one thing you will always have is HIM. He will continue to keep you safe, always support you, and forever love you.
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“Does He Truly Love Me?”
As funny/sad as this is, I ask myself this question almost EVERY DAY.
My boyfriend and I have a wonderful relationship, but I can’t help myself from self-doubt and/or whether or not I’m the one for him.  I question myself, “what if I was taller?”, “what if I could speak ‘his language’ when it comes to cars and computers?”. As always, his answer is, “you’re perfect just the way you are and I love you.”
Oh yes!  HE went there!  Those three simple little words that can make your heart pitter patter.  Question is, does he really mean it?
So, being the curious woman, I am, I did some research.  Thanks to Google, I found a man name Michael Fiore and he taught me what love is to a man.  He states, “to really know if he truly loves you is by answering these SEVEN questions.  Answer them honestly and if you said ‘yes’ to all/most of them, he really/somewhat loves you.  If you say ‘no’ to all/most of them, maybe he is a scumbag...” 
You got it!  I took the seven-question test and here are my results:
1. Does he SAY I love you (and variations of it)?
As you read earlier, he does say that he loves me (he was the first one to say it in our relationship).  So, that must mean something. Right?!  Not only does he say it, but he shows it too; simply taking me out on dates, asking how I’m feeling, how my day went, and so on.
2. Does he make you A priority in his life?
Of course!  Every time we’re together he’s always making sure that I’m comfortable, having fun, and ate enough food (ya know, mama loves her food...)  As busy as my boyfriend can be, he really does try to talk to me and make sure that I’m still alive and breathing.  I know I’m not always on his mind, but honestly (and sadly) he’s always on my mind. So, I try to be busy, but sometimes being busy is EXHAUSTING!
3. Does he tell his friends about you and show you off?
Well... My boyfriend doesn’t really “talk about me” to his friends, but on the bright side, his friends like me (or I hope they do.  I don’t really know them that well.  Except one very close friend.) I do most of the “oh my gosh, my boyfriend is soooo amazing!  Let me talk your ear off for a good half hour AND if you really act as though you’re interested in what I’m saying, maybe a whole week!”  I can’t help but admire my boyfriend.  He doesn’t (really) show me off.  In fact, he’s just... him.  That’s what makes him so special, but he does allow me into his life with his family.  I do the same.  Except, when my older siblings come to visit and he’s with me, I may go “over the top” when showing him off.  You know?  You have to impress the siblings somehow.
4. Does he respect and encourage you?
Oh my gosh!  My boyfriend does FAR more than those two simple verbs.  He goes to pageants with me, will watch a whole chick flick movie/TV show, and believes in me more than anyone else does.  When I would rant to him, he has thee perfect words for me.  I absolutely love it!  Because it shows that he took the time to listen to my sad story and guide me to do the next thing: family/sister problems, school, and work.  He’s my go to person.  He’s my person.  And I try to do the same.  I just wish I was a lot more calmer in stressful situations like he is (and don’t jump to conclusion every time he doesn’t respond in 0.005 second).
5. Does he care about your pleasure during sex?
Someday... Someday he’ll care...
6. Do your friends like the way he treats you?
My girlfriends?  Yes.
My sister?  Yes.
My mother? Double Yes.
My father?  Infinite Yes.
Sadly, I find it quite annoying because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. my boyfriend comes over, my family takes him away from me!  I’m okay with it, but deep, deeeep, deeeeeeeeep down inside, I just want him all to myself.
7. Does he look at you with LUST and physical appreciation?
Honestly, I can’t answer this one.  I assume a “yes”, but I can’t speak for him on this question.  He calls me beautiful and he likes kissing me.  So... yeah...
So, there you go!  All seven questions to know if your man truly loves you.  I can tell you that my guy truly loves me ...and I hope for a very, very, very long time.
Welp!  Thanks for reading/skim scamming/skipping this long post of mine.  
Until next time! -XoXo
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