2 Blog
Week 2-4: Interview and Hypothesis:
We, psychology students taking GEE 16 (Entrepreneurial Mind), conducted an interview related with the proposed products which is the "bio- based insulator".
A bio-based insulator contribute to a pleasant and healthy indoor climate.
A bio-based insulator could replace conventional in many case without loss of thermal performance.
A bio-based insulators heat insulation performance can complete with mineral or fossil-based materials.
Indicated in the latter part of this entry are the answers of the eight (8) interviewees to the following questions:
Are you familiar with the term "heat insulator"?
We're planning to make a product called bio-based insulator an organic insulator that can be used to substitute plastic insulators. Do you think this is good products given the fact that we need sustainable products to help alleviate the heat we experience due to global warming?
Additionally, we will show the summary of all the answers to justify whether the proposed products is feasible or not and of course, we will share our experience in interviewing people through face to face.
Out of 8 students 3 answered "No" and the following reasons is "this is my first time of encountering this term". Most of the students who answered "Yes" almost have identical answers and the results of this is:
"it is actually being used often to prevent us from burning while we cook and also it is so helpful to keep cooling our foods and drinks.
"I think it's a very good thing that we use sustainable products knowing that our planet is in critical condition because of the global warming, this can alleviate it's effect if this is produced.
With the second questions:
We're planning to make a product called bio-based insulator an organic insulator that can be used to substitute plastic insulators. Do you think this is good products given the fact that we need sustainable products to help alleviate the heat we experience due to global warming?
Most of 8 the students they answered "Yes" and the following answers are:
"Yes it is good products to prevent or to alleviate the heat due to Global Warming so it will reduce and prevent plastics anywhere".
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_The Market
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Null: There is no significant difference
Alternative: There is a significant difference
The second interview that was conducted help in social skills. Interact with different people opened in my eyes. It made me more smoothly, although it was clear that we still persevered. I have strengthened from where we stood at first, which is my truly. I have also noticed that my interviewing skills have improve it, also seems my patience has been more lengthy.
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1 Blog
Week 1: Interview and Hypothesis:
We, psychology students taking GEE 16 (Entrepreneurial Mind), conducted an interview related with the proposed product which is the "Bio Plastic".
A solution to plastic pollution.
To saves non-renewable source of energy.
To Reduces Carbon Emission.
To Costumes Less Energy.
Plastics are all around us. A life without plastic is unimaginable today. It is a material that meets the most needs of everyday life. Its properties are easily modified so it finds wide use.
What is the issue of this?
Non-biodegradable plastic waste.
Plastics in landfills.
Plastic pollution in the oceans.
Toxins in Plastic.
So, Indicated in the latter part of this entry are the answers of the eight (8) interviewees to the following questions:
Plastic are one of the main causes of land pollution. Do you agree?
We're planning to make a product called Bio Plastic_a biodegradable plastic made from corn. Would you buy it?
Additionally, we will show the summary of all the answers to justify whether the proposed products is feasible or not and of course, we will share our experience in interviewing people thru online.
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_Angel Mae
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_Sherlen Me
After conducting through online interviewing with different students residing within dologon and valencia, we received different responses. For the first questions: "Plastic are one of the main causes of land pollution. Do you agree?" 8 interviewees are answered yes and the main common reason behind their answers: Yes, because of the various human activities. One of the main things is the use of plastic bag, bottles and many more.
We learned something valuable from our interviews, not just a something related but also several lessons. We can surely use working together as a surely helped us in understanding one another.
The second question is: "We're planning to make a product called bio plastic_ a biodegradable plastic made from corn. Would you buy it?" 8 answers say yes, because less more plastic garbage and also to keep the environment clean and also to our surroundings.
It is possible to make usable bioplastic at home from renewable resources.
A sustainable alternative to traditional plastics, bioplastics are fully or partially biobased or compostable. In other words, they are plastics that are made from renewable resources (plants like corn), and they will break down after than traditional plastics, which are typically made from petroleum and other fossil resources such as natural gas.
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