commatothetop · 5 years
Coming into a fandom late
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commatothetop · 5 years
Okay so he’s smart and capable and all, but how absolutely fucking handsome is Mayor Pete?
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commatothetop · 5 years
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commatothetop · 5 years
every time I see more of the ‘ao3 is evil’ crap circulating I think, ‘well, tumblr is evil too and I don’t see you stop using it’
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commatothetop · 5 years
Oh my god yes this! Jesus H Christ this!!!
I was so happy with how they ended Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, it was what I always wanted. Heartfelt and lovely and creating hope for all those characters we’ve grown to love over the years.
But White Josh deserved better.
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commatothetop · 5 years
Okay so we’re doing this
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better   so here’s the thing, I can’t actually do that because @hondagirll already tagged @jicklet and @bethanyactually and that’s about all the people I could come up with to tag in addition to her, so... 
favorite color: like a mulberry purple, maybe? I’m drawn to deep jewel tones, really. 
top three ships: Oh good lord how do I even. I’m going mostly the same route as Steph, so I’m sticking with the ones I could write a ship manifesto for in the space of like two hours if so inclined on a dark night. I should preface this by saying ODAAT is the first time I’ve been in a fairly sizeable fandom while it’s still alive, while also being a fan of the fandom’s most popular ship. This list will so reflect. (It will also reflect that I am willing to cheat extremely vigorously to avoid making decisions.)
Dan/Casey (Sports Night)
Kevin/Raymond (Brooklyn 99)
tie: Hotch/Morgan (Criminal Minds) vs. Radek/Rodney (Stargate Atlantis)
Two more ships that are HIGH on my list but who I would argue should not be counted towards my total because #1 is such a tiny ship in such a mostly dead fandom, while #2 is RPF and should never be on lists: 
#1: Gail/Mulcahy (M*A*S*H) #2: David/Lee (British Comedy/Would I Lie To You?)
last song: Kyrie by Mr. Mister, which is embarrassing, because I’m trying to write a novel that has the tentative working title ‘Eleison’ so I’ve cobbled together a playlist of songs that center around the Kyrie Eleison prayer for inspiration. 
currently reading: Book-wise I’ve been stuck in the middle of two books for a while now, almost since Christmas?, one is ‘Fabrikör Liljeroos luftskepp’ by Arto Paasilinna (a Finnish author who sadly passed away this winter, I am reading the book in its Swedish translation), the other is ‘Jerusalem: The Biography’ by Simon Sebag Montefiore. Both good books, but I’m not in a book-y state of mind lately. I mostly read my twitter feed and whatever’s new in my favorite tags on AO3.
last movie: I was about to say Captain Marvel but in fact I more recently watched Ralph Breaks The Internet which I thought was immensely cute, very nearly living up to it’s predecessor which is a rare feat for a sequel. 
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commatothetop · 5 years
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Robin and Barney high fives
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commatothetop · 6 years
I understand it as a narrative choice, but I am still extremely sad that Darryl and WhiJo won’t end up back together. 
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commatothetop · 6 years
some of you never learned the difference between “bad writing” and “narrative choice i didn’t like” and it shows
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commatothetop · 6 years
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my favorite scene in the whole tv history
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commatothetop · 6 years
I am an intelligent, eloquent, well-mannered young woman who just so happens to say “fuck” a lot.
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commatothetop · 6 years
I will never not reblog the majestic Brianna.
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Brianna “red is my power color” Hanson
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commatothetop · 6 years
some of you never had to see your favorite character being ruined by bad and inconsistent writing and it shows
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commatothetop · 6 years
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Brianna “red is my power color” Hanson
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commatothetop · 6 years
Heimebane S02 trailer
I have just seen the Heimebane s2 trailer and I have SO MANY thoughts!
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First a small explanation: I love Mannen som elsket Yngve (2008). Like, with a burning passion. I quote it randomly quite often, and watch it like once a year or so just to feel it. Needless to say (I think) that I love the actors from this film. Every time I see one of them in something my heart skips a beat. Rolf Kristian Larsen is a revelation as Eivind Brattskjær.
In season two of Heimebane, another MSEY alum appears on the scene: Ole Christoffer Ertvaag (aka the eponymous Yngve)! Fun fact, while Rolf Kristian Larsen was already a working actor (having done Fritt Vilt) when they shot MSEY, it was the first acting job for all the other young actors. While it seems from IMDB that RKL has worked more reliably in film/tv over the past decade, Ole Christoffer has been in quite a few lovely things the last couple of years and I'm ECSTATIC to see him in Heimebane. His character is nameless as of yet, and so I shall call him Yngve, if for no other reason then because it’s shorter than Ole Christoffer.
Okay, background info dispensed with, on to the trailer! 
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The good/heart-rending/pulse-raising:
·      I like the ominous presence of Yngve* and Marian Saastad Ottesen's character up in the stands during a match. As it turns out, they may be filthy rich people who want to buy the club? Later, Espen talks about "she" and" her", not "they", even though there were two of them in that meeting. Is she the money and Yngve someone else? Her brother, maybe?
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·      Espen having a drink with Yngve – with papers in his hand – omg, is Yngve the scary lady's brother, and is he honey-trapping Espen?
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·      OH FCUK “Har du noengang ligget med en mann du?” MY HEART! I don't even care that Espen's reply kills my head canon that he is lowkey gay but just hasn't had a boyfriend since he moved back Ulsteinvik to care for his ailing father after taking a Bachelor's in Sports Management in Oslo. Because THAT SMILE when he says "Nei, nei"!!!! Cut to them standing SO CLOSE and Espen is looking at Yngve's lips and then up in his eyes and -- There will be boy-on-boy kisses on this show and I genuinely thought I couldn't love this show more. Turns out my love had unknown depths.
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·      Helena telling Espen that he's sacrificing everyone else to protect himself, and Espen retorting that this is a matter of Varg's soul! I obviously have no way of knowing who’s in the wrong here, but in a fight over Varg's soul, my money is on Espen – every time.
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·      “Hvis du ikke kan sitte her og være Mr. Varg, da har du ingenting igjen!” Well, fuck me if Helena didn’t bring the big guns. I'm super afraid that there won't be any coming back from that for their partnership, because you wouldn't go there with Espen unless you meant to cut him deep. My scariest prediction for S2: Espen will leave.
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The kind-of-meh:
·      They hit the money stuff hard up front, which is to be expected, Espen telling Helena to smile more in her media appearances, at the behest of a sponsor. I understand this is what this season will be about, but the awkward stuff with Helena out of her element doesn’t do much for me.
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·      The Adrian/Camilla/Helena stuff is going to bring. The. Drama. I’m guessing this season will end with Adrian leaving, though probably more amicably in the end than the trailer would have us believe. I wish I could build up the wherewithal to care about this bit, I probably will when the season is underway, but at the mo' I'm much more intrigued by the other storyline because gay or bi Espen is basically all I have ever wanted from this show.
A couple of stray thoughts:
·      I love that Yngve references Lorry Gundersen. “Det var han som scora ti mål med kukken, var det ikke? Det har jeg ENORMT stor respekt for.” I laughed HARD at that line.
·      The rumors the writers teased ages ago, adressed by Mons! There really is gossip about Espen and Mario, God I love it! Also God, please don’t have Mario being a dick about it. (Or Mons, or any of the guys we know and love, really. Michael can be a dick about it if he wants, but I somehow doubt homophobia-ville is where his character’s heading)
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·      Looks like Michael is full-time asst. coach now, can't see him in a jersey at any point.
·      Fuck, Mons injured! if they hurt him for real I will cut a bitch
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commatothetop · 6 years
After listening to Hamilton for the first time: Oh wow so many words how did the cast memorize all those fast raps
After listening to Hamilton for the 1000th time: I mean yeah you can buy The soundtrack if you want but I can just sing the whole show to you right now start to finish nbd but whatever you prefer let me know HOW DOES A BASTARD ORPHAN
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commatothetop · 6 years
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father mulcahy: moral pillar of the 4077th
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