My favorite song
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On Men, Women, Misogyny, Feminism
In relating it to long rooted gender role which shall be maintained to uphold balance, each of man when he is born, he is born with strength and when a woman is born, she is born with beauty.
Now when i said beauty i dont mean it as beauty standard, and it does not actually literally mean as that, but weakness. In which weakness is not a bad thing, and i would not want to even say i made this up by myself, but even biologically and with two eyes we can see ourselves that women are weak and men are strong.
Why i said beauty relates, again, to the root of gender role which shall be maintained (and why it should be maintained would lead to another explanation), and these roles as they go on it puts women in position of that she adores grooming and being seen as beautiful, she likes being paid attention and being valued, she likes taking care and maintaining of herself.
Now i am in full awareness that not all women like to put tons of makeup on her face or use tons of cream on her arms, but the possibility of a woman taking care of herself more, even though it does not mean makeup or excess skincare, is higher than the man to take care of himself (with exception). In a point of her life a woman will either put a cream on her face or powder and lipstick.* But once again i will never say that beauty means beauty standard, for every woman i think as they are born just as that, it means she is already the best version.
So i have mentioned the important premise from before, in which a man is born with strength and woman is born with beauty (rooted from weakness), and these two things are neither absolute bad nor they are absolute good, but instead they are responsibilities. For a man with his strength he bears responsibility related to that, and woman with her beauty she bears responsibility related to that also.
When i said that woman is weak, i will not say that i meant mentally or like this, but more to about physically, even though i will not deny that man has mental strain higher than that of woman, but women are also mentally strong because her role requires her to be so.
Now with these two things owned by each women and men, there are two options that someone can choose to use it for, in its relation to each other—women towards men and men towards women—and that is nothing but either goodness or badness. We will say that both these things, strength of men and beauty of women, as privilege of each, and with privilege comes responsibility, and specificly with this privilege also someone can choose to do good with it or bad. In the case that a man uses strength to dominate over woman injustly, that is when he uses it for bad, and when he uses it to lead over woman justly, that is when he uses it for good, and that he fulfills his responsibility.
In the case of woman, in the other hand, when she does not look after herself to not spread her beauty to men, that is when she uses her privilege for badness, and when she preserves her beauty only for the person who is deserving, that is when she uses it for good, and that she has fulfilled her responsibility.
The explanation as to why for women it is beauty is mere social construct, but as i have kept mentioning before, it relates to balance maintained by gender role, which i will discuss another time (if i remember and care enough). For sure it is a social construct, but this social construct has been examined carefully to create the balance needed, that if the balance is disrupted, it will give disadvantage towards people involved, and i am not saying just men or women, but that it includes children, which is unneglecible. And it will lead to chaotic order of living environment.
So i have seen many women in this world using their privilege for her own benefit, or probably unconsciously idk, and this creates disorder and disadvantage for the men. Some people will say, why then the men just not look at these women, and instead of that the women are blamed for “embracing” their beauty. The answer to that lies in fact that this beauty is privilege, just as strength for men is privilege, and it is very disturbing that a man would hit a woman, or abuse her, and in that i would assume of course the woman will want to let free from all the “abuse of privilege” and that she will defend herself, but, putting aside the fact that since start it is the fault of the man, we keep in mind also that if she defends herself already and tries letting go and still the man abuses her, we will say it is the fault of the man. Similar type of premise can be applied to the case of women doing her “abuse of power”, in which a man would already try not looking or try all he can, but if he is still tempted to look at the woman then it is the fault of the woman, neglecting the fact that since start it is already the fault of the woman.
It might seem so weird, how is it even an equal type of premise from these both, how is it hitting someone can be equalized to looking at someone, but it is just the fact that i did not make up. It is just apparent but hidden, under complexity of the contemplation of patriarchy, under double standards, that it is very hard to see, if a man was born with strength, naturally, then what is a woman born with? Is she born with nothing? Nothing at all?
“Nothing” is what misogynists will want to say, and that is why they treat women like object, cause woman is born with nothing, but men are born with strength.
That is why woman must born with something, not in the essence of wanting to have something similar to man, but in the essence of that if one is born with strength then someone that is not born with strength, born with weakness and with that weakness it must create something that the one can depend on. In the case of women, along with naturality of being civilized human of that a man stays with a woman, and they have descendant, these types of roles constructed at its best once again put women in position that she will depend on beauty as majority, and major trait.
Now keep in mind that beauty, once again, is not beauty standard. Nor does it mean it is the ONLY thing a woman has, nor is it the only thing she can use as a characteristic, nor is it something that she has to maintain so much, nor is it the only thing she can and should use to “attract” partner, these are all incorrect. When i said beauty i just mean how she is comfortable with it and what the term means, and a man chooses her, and a man will not be more care taking than her towards ownself, and even in that meaning she is already dependant on the “beauty” i meant. It is just in the equal case that no matter how strong a woman is (without effort and exceptional cases), a man will be stronger than her, beauty is like that in the same sense, that no matter how caretaking a man is (without exceptional cases), a woman will take care of herself more compared to the man.
Now that it is already clear about this how i didnt make things up about “dependance” not in literal sense, of men and women towards one thing, it paves way of observation, of that these two things determine how both of the gender from a place interact and which of the gender shows corruption. I have seen a place, western society, where the men do not abuse privilege but the women do, and i have seen in middle east, of that the men abuse privilege while the women dont, and in indonesia commonly neither the men nor the women abuse power (with exceptions.. it is rather dynamic in indonesia but im talking majority).
Moving on to the topic of misogyny and feminism. Misogyny is the cause of feminism, it is clear enough (but not to some), of which it all starts with patriarchy as natural way of living, for men are stronger than women, it is just something happening naturally.
Talking about patriarchy, we will want to define it as that since men are stronger than women, men will have to go out to work for search of allowance, and with that the workplace will be naturally dominated by men, they will have to use mind and physics in workplace, and women in the other hand, just as same they use mind and physics to take care of things at home, the only difference is that the women dont go out and dont have to deal with the workplace people to have allowance. With this naturality, it then is established a system in which the man rules in workplace buildings, ruling the country, and his responsibility, with his extra strength, is to rule justly. And i will not say “just” is an easy thing to attain, it is a very big responsibility, and nature puts it as burden on shoulder of the men.
Now misogyny, they are the men who have hatred towards women sincerely. I have not quiet understand the reasoning of misogyny, i think, simply put, they are just dumb, but one thing i understand of them is that they see women, as i have stated above before, as people inferior to them caused by that women are born with no strength like how men are, and with that they feel their strength as something superior, and someone inferior should listen to someone that is superior, and thus the logic of the misogynists. When the inferior does not want to listen to superior, then the superior shows how he is the superior, and thats why they hit women, and have hatred towards women.
For mysogynists, they dont understand the “role of women and men” like this, they think that women are there to serve them. They think when they marry a woman, they are marrying a house assistant. I did mention that woman stays at home and does home works, but it is merely given the fact that men are stronger so they go out to work, instead of the women doing that, so they stay at home and if the husband is very busy then any woman would then volunteer to make food, to do chores. But if the women themselves are busy, for example the children are very naughty and hard to take care of or like this, then food or chores or like this is responsibility not just of women, but of men. In other hand if the mans work is easy, then he should do chores. Misogynists dont understand this, that what happens around husband and wife is the work of the two, they think that woman should be the one doing every home work.
Misogyny is one of the stupidest thing on earth, of which someone summoning this characteristic has defect in their reasoning, they fail to reason, and with that they are nothing but a walking mindless.
The thing people confuse about are difference between patriarchy and misogyny, or the mixing of both two. Patriarchy in its essence is not wrong at all, any sane person can see this, thus if someone is defected enough in their sanity to think patriarchy is unfair, they are just hateful, and mindless. Patriarchy is an option, the other one being matriarchy, and if someone does not want patriarchy, then they want the other one. If they dont want the other one then they want the mix of two, in which it might disrupt balance, but that needs to be observed. The point is, patriarchy is not wrong at all, as long as,
As long as,
The patriarchy system rules justly.
When it does not rule justly, that is when the system is corrupted with misogyny, or men who lead badly in general, and with the injust characteristic of them i always call this kind of system as “injust patriarchy”. So there is patriarchy, and then theres injust patriarchy. Both are different things.
So the whole story starts when the men failed to rule justly, long ago, misogyny ruled in some ways in which they disadvantaged women a lot (in which in islam world it happened also, and even until now in middle east it still happens). Some men might have just failed to rule justly, in which it means they were just failing in their responsibility bearing the strength they were given, and some men might actually be misogynists ruling over. Both might disadvantage women, for women were ruled over, and they needed constant justice just how everything did, but the injust patriarch system failed to fulfill this, and to some extent, different cases in different places, women fell to great disadvantages.
In modern world where many things happened already, in the middle of disadvantages towards women in many places in the world happened in prolonged chain of events, feminism finally arose as an antidote for injust patriarch. The feminism, the women wanting their rights, itself, was caused by the failure of men, either misogynist system or mere mindless men unable to rule justly.
I have no problem with women wanting their rights. Women wanting to study, women wanting their partners to stop beating them, women wanting to let free of their stupid husbands who, as leaders, dont and cant rule justly and they think to be leader of women means they can do and tell women as they want without basic reasoning. No, that is not how you lead, you first have to be smart, you first have to be reasonable, understanding logic, understaning moral values, understanding what to do and what is right and wrong, this is the responsibility men should train themselves to lead a woman, to lead a household, let alone leading a system.
But, well, majority of people in this world, men and women, are mindless anyways.
But in this case, the stupidity of men caused women to riot, and after that women got their rights back. And so ok, but then appeared post modern feminism, consisting of a bunch of women who just want to inverse roles, of they want women to be leader of men, and they want to be fully equal to man, even when in basic observation men and women are not equal and can never be. And so this post modern feminism is a joke. They let women objectify themselves and they call it empowering, in other words, they let women use their privilege freely towards men, just how men used to do towards women in the past, and they call that normal.
It is not normal.
These women they want to be equal to men, they want no separation from men, but in the essence of doing it they let free their privilege of showing themselves towards men, taking advantage out of that just how men used to, just how the misogynists used to do, and in this phenomena i figured that many men are really against this. They think that women are using their privileges as women, and these women, instead of acknowledging, they will call the men as misogynists. They are not misogynists, but if “post modern feminists” or these women do not stop taking advantage from their privilege, these men might become one (mysogynist). They might become men who think in order for the women to understand that what they are doing is wrong, they need to be abused.
In other words, these post modern feminists, instead of creating equality, they create further division.
It might sound weird, impossible, and insane how i write it that equation of privilege is strength for men and beauty for women, and that when men abuse women the women are in great diasadvantage, whilst when women “abuse” their privilege, men are not in equal disadvantage, it is almost like the equation does not fit, but my points are two. That one, it was not meant to be equal since the start, but i kid you not, that to men, this beauty of women is somehow a very great deal for them, that if they fall trapped to it, it is that they have lost their mind, for a man. For a man, his common sense is defined as when he does not give in to his ultimate desire of wanting women. This is specificly not even something social, or a kind of fitting-logy, it is in fact, science. It is biology. It is something that comes naturally with men, that when they have fallen trap towards women (as object of beauty), their reasoning in life becomes questionnable, they have failed to fulfill moral duty as a human being. With that when they fall trapped towards women, noting that the women dont “mind” about what they are doing, they are, actually, in a very great disadvantage themselves. In the construct of the balance, it is a requirement for men to have mostly just 1 woman, with exceptions. And exceptions are always rare. The point number two is that, for the men as leaders, when he falls trap to beauty of women, it disadvatages not just him, but people that come along with him, especially his wife and kids. A man should know what is wrong and what is right, that when he fails to do so, he becomes mere questionnable individual, someone that has partial failure in him, someone that disadvantages others. Thus the explanation on how big womens beauty is in contributing to the balance of the world, and how it is in assurance to put it in equality as mens privilege which is strength. No matter how someone will want to deny this, they cant. Because it is truth in real life, no matter if its not truth in their mind and opinion.
Women will think they are empowering, when in fact, they realize just as how they open their eyes after being awake from sleep, that out there men are seeing her, bad men are seeing her, men who are tempted are seeing her, and just as much as i want to blame these problematic men, it is so hard to not understand that for men, scientifically they are like that, they are like that naturally, and so they shouldnt be tempted ever, and that they should refrain themselves from being tempted. The naturality of men itself which decides its a two sided thing, but women, people, want to believe and pretend its not. That it is just responsibility of men. This is defective belief, cause it is not the truth.
I am a woman and i acknowledge the above matter, but i do understand that many women in this world choose not to see it as so, even when they realize they are in fact in advantage when they show off their beauty, but they dont want to acknowledge it. Thats why for me i am not a person of gender stance, i will neither stance for women nor do i stance men, i have group of men which i hate and group of women which i also do, so instead i stance the people who manage their privilege/responsibility rightly: the men who use their strength for goodness and justly lead women, the women who preserve their beauty for the right man, instead of spreading and showing it to everyone.
I think that, since feminism is caused by injust men, it is better for men to keep in mind that even though they rule, they need not to forget to put women in just always, and with that the women will feel comfortable and undisadvantaged. The women, meanwhile, have to acknowledge that their role is not to lead men or system, and therefore should stop pretend that women are equal to men in ways that they arent.
In the case that a man has beauty, his obligation to not show it mindlessly to others and take advantage with it is same as how women should not, because just as when a woman happens to be stronger than man, she shouldnt hit men as abuse of power, the same applies to men when they have privilege of women.
I do not have expectation that the world will have the balance needed, for people lack intelligence and reasoning, and they are controlled mostly by desire, and desire, and desire. I have no expectation, but i do know it is what is right, for i have observed fully, relation between what men have and what women have (by social construct, whilst for men its naturality), and how it impacts the world, and how it makes the world works. It is a proven relation that no one talks about, for it is hard to see in the middle of the complex situations currently happening in the world.
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🌺On Reviewing Things I Like: Guerlain Mon Guerlain Eau De Parfum🌺
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I am not big fan of perfume, and the only reason i bought this was because of its popularity, and cause the gift set was on discount.
At first i did not like the smell, and in first spray, as i had figured how it would be, it did not intrigue me at all. I was like, OK so this is how it smells.
But then after sometimes i noticed the smell changed and it became smell of something familiar, in which it is so weird cause i never knew anyone using this perfume before. And i kept thinking about it, that i felt like i have smelled this from someone before, but i dont know who, nor do i know whether its real or not.
What i know is after that, since the feeling of familiarity appeared, i happened to like the perfume much and it is so consistent. If you put it in wardrobe, the smell will stay there when you open it and it is never gone. It has long stay power, and the fragrance is just likable. I love it.
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On Reviewing Things People Don’t Review Much: The Body Shop Lemon Range
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I was contemplating on which to buy from the range and i decided to buy these two: body lotion and hair and body wash. The other variants from the range were hand gel (some kind of hand sanitizer) and facewash. I dont have any preference towards hand sanitizer as i deemed it of no value to me, whilst for facewash im not really type to try and change products, especially if a product is comedogenic and offers no specific benefit (im so done with the body shop facewashes that are mostly comedogenic).
Since i wear hijab im not even going to talk about hair, but the point being that for the care of hair i wanted a soft shampoo cause all these times i have been using drugstore shampoos (tresemme) and i wanted not harsh one. I in fact once used to stick to the body shop shampoo until i realized OK its too soft. But now i understand that i can just make it 50:50.
I was super excited when i saw this Lemon range came out, cause to be honest i love lemon.. i dont like raw lemon but i love lemonade, lemon tea, and lemon fragrance, so when this lemon range popped i thought that i needed to try this range at least, and so i bought online........
The first thing that i judged when it came was the smell, and it was bad smell. It is non-intriguing smell of citrus candy, nothing lemony at all. It smells like jeruk nipis and i dont like that. So i was there thinking like, OK, i shouldnt buy things online expecting the fragrance to be nice. But after some days, just like with other weird fragrance from the body shop products, i got used to the smell and even though i will not say yes i like the smell, i will say it does not bother me as much.
For the quality of content though, both are good. The body lotion has lotion consistency, nothing creamy, and it absorbs fast and leaves glow on skin. At first day i feel like it did not do much but within days i keep using it it actually changes my skin to more moisturized and smooth. The quote from the packaging of the range itself is something like “protection from external aggressor” and i was quite skeptical but after some days it actually does as it claims. As the lotion is not creamy, though, i reapply often to maintain moisture.
For the hair and body wash, i have no intention on using it as soap, so i use it for hair and well it works good. Nice. It is soft shampoo, as expected from body shop shampoo. Other than that, nothing else.
For short, i love the range and i think theyre worth it (to buy and use), but i hope they change the fragrance to more lemon like. Or they shouldve had named it as Citrus Candy range.
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On Reviewing Things I Like: Kiko Milano Matte Fusion Pressed Powder Shade 04 Honey
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This was not really my first compact powder ever. My obsession towards makeup products started when i was about to visit my fiancè’s house and by that time i had only been using sunscreen and liptint in my whole life, and so i was in hesitation to buy any more products to apply to my face. I then bought Iba Compact Powder and since then i kept using it over sunscreen, and as that compact was not so much pricey it actually does its job.. well.. quite worthily. And after that time i decided i would make compact powder a regular daily use, and so i bought this Kiko Milano one and once I used it i fell in love with it.
As a smart move before buying, i did research on affordable brand that is liked by experts and at some point i came accross this Kiko Milano brand, and as i dug in i actually figured that it is a very good brand which aims for high-end quality with affordable prices, and so i bought the powder and i did not regret. It costed around 1000 something.
To me as this was my first time buying another product besides sunscreen and lip tint, i had no clue whether this powder can be called good or not. For result after application itself im overly satisfied, to me it works of buildable coverage, it makes skin looks matte and actually porcelain-like, and it stays on for LONG. It is not even a makeup powder, it is mere pressed powder, but the stay quality is very nice that i rarely did retouch after using. Even if i do sheer application it is noticeable in making my skin looks better in term of smoothness. It also does not dry skin out, even though im personally unsure since everytime i will go out i always apply sunscreen which works to moisturize also, so if the powder is drying i will not notice.
I did not buy any other pressed powder after but i for sure will buy this again after i finish current one, cause i really love it, even though i might try from another powder range from Kiko Milano.
In comparison, i happened to buy Dior Forever powder makeup and comparing dior to this kiko milano one, i feel like dior is too much pricey for only that much quality, and in reverse this kiko milano works so nicely in low price. So i would say this powder is worthy of the price. The only noticeable difference between that dior one and the kiko milano one is that the dior will not stain face mask while kiko milano does stain. Is it because the dior one is makeup powder or is it because of the brand, i have no idea.
The case is super luxurious and goodlooking, and sponge applicator is very fine and washable (i washed it often as i love it a lot and want to keep it good as long as possible), and the size, the compactness, the way it opens and closes, all are just nice. Even the applicator from dior was so-so, unattractive at all, but applicator of this powder was so specialized.
I just had heard that Kiko Milano might stop producing and i hope they will never do that. It is one of the most underrated, unheard brand out there that actually is of very good quality. It offers some vegan products also, and their products are non comdeogenic so it never breaks me out. Just that from what i observe is that Kiko Milano’s eyeshadows range are not that much pigmented, though i never bought one. I never understand eyeshadows. I think they are a waste. They have only product expiry of 6 months, they dry your eyelids, and on top of that they offer so many colours in one palette which in no way you will be able to finish in just 6 months unless you sleep with those eyeshadows on.
Which reminds me, this pressed powder has expiry date of 30 months after you open it, which is something very amazing and i dont find it much on beauty products. One more reason to love this brand (and the pressed powder).
Images; on the powder also there was stamp of KK symbol but for some reason i did not take pic of it
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Everyday looking like a witch
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On Why Beauty Standard is Manmade: A Testimony (from myself)
I remember since i was little until i grew up (grade 12) i never ever had the idea of what pretty is, or what handsome is. Believe it or not but in these times i literally saw everyone as same (of course not in terms of gender also-_-cause clearly male and female has apparent physical differences). If they have eyes nose mouth ears hair then theyre just humans. I still remember not understanding why people called that woman celebrity as pretty or man celebrity handsome. I sometimes tried hard to think oh this man celebrity is handsome, but no, it just didnt work. I just didnt know why he is considered handsome.
Hearing this some people might think oh my god probably im just blind at differentiating peoples face, but that wasnt the case, the case was that since i was little my mom didnt care about beauty stuff (even though shes one of the prettiest and young-skinned woman i have ever met, and no, i dont say this just cause shes my mom) that i just didnt have any idea about what pretty is, let along knowing what is a handsome guy. And i would have my own definition for these two. I still remember very very clearly the whole time people will say “this girl is pretty” and i would look at that girl and think, i dont think so..? Is she? Is prettiness even something? Why didnt i feel something different when i looked at pretty and unpretty? Something that will shout from inside me, hey this girl is pretty and that girl is not!
I didnt see my friends or people around me as pretty and unpretty. I just saw them as humans. I remember this the clearest i could do.
The same thing happened in matter of guy. Its not good talking about this cause i feel its wrong (cause i already have someone).. but of course in my life i had happened to like some guys. And as far as i have observed, the guys i liked were not always comsidered as handsome by men beauty standard. Ok skip that, i already have someone now so i feel bad talking about this :) but for sure i want to emphasize that usually what made me liked a guy would be his intelligence (just, brain), and manner, and sense of humour. So face...? Well..?¿ NO.
But it all changed after i liked this one particular guy (which is now my fiancé) and i wanted to change into what this world considers as “pretty”. So i prayed to God, and after that of course i had to find out, what is considered pretty? What is considered handsome? And then with that start my obsession of white-washed beauty standard.
Beauty according to beauty standard in this world is a caucasian woman.
Are you indonesian? Are you chinese? Japanese? Korean? African? Arab? (Honestly arab looks like caucasian though so skip)
Does not matter from what race you are, what ethnicity you are, if your face does not look similar to caucasian characteristics, you are not fully beautiful.
This is one of the most messed up thing in whole universe, but people just blindly adhere to it.
I dont care though, someone i forgot who once said it will not be considered something unless we ourselves contribute to believe that its something (it pretty much sounds like this?) SO if you want to be woke, stop that. Everyone is handsome and pretty, and even if someone is not handsome and pretty, it doesnt matter. They have nose ears and everything, you know, they have same things like those people you consider pretty and handsome. Beauty standard is not natural—it is taught. And its always your choice to want to adhere to it or just ignore it overall.
But if you dont want to be woke, and you still want to point out to that girl who has pointed nose and white porcelain skin and say, “that girl is so pretty cause our colonizers brainwashed us to think it as so.” Or “that man is handsome cause he looks like korean idol” then its your choice.
I am just saying, that according to my experience living like 17 years in this world, i didnt think of people as pretty or handsome according to beauty standard. Only after i exposed myself to this so called beauty standard then i understand, that, in this world, some men just decided the whole world should have the same beauty standard as they do.
But in reality, it does not even exist.
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On the saying “be aware of your mental health”
⚠️Warning: triggering post ahead⚠️not for people with weak mind⚠️
Note that on this post everytime i said “help” it means therapist/people who say they are expert on mental illness. Of course, though, to seek help and company from people around you—friends, family, siblings, close people you know, when youre in doubt or struggling or feeling down or in need of support emotionally or anything, this doesnt have to be questioned—it is something of a must. Why? Cause humans are social beings. They are dependant to others. Therefore everytime i say “help” on this post i really just mean mental help (therapist/people who will diagnose you with mental illnesses).
The thing that i observed, of what causes mental health issue, is the inability to know the identity of oneself.
In order to live, the first thing one should know and make peace with isnt the environment, or family, or ones brain, or anything, but themselves.
Once someone cant do this, they simply become questionnable as an individual.
How can you be born in this world, have the ability to think of cracking down things to even the simplest, and yet you cant even deal with, understand, and know your own self—the thing closest to you? The thing that is actually yourself? The thing that matters the first?
It might seem like a pity, but more than it is a pity, it is an individual choice.
Every individual should deal with themselves. No one should tell them how, no one should tell them they “cant” and that they need help of drugs in order to deal with themselves. I feel that the moment they feel they cant, and that they need help, is the moment it becomes their choice, and that they have lost themselves.
Is losing oneself something good? Is it that when someone is depressed, i should have pity on them and treat them differently, even when its their choice?
People say its not their choice, but it is. It is ones fault that one lost temselves. Everyone is given intelligence, ability to think. What is this world? What is the purpose of this world? What is the purpose of me? What is right and wrong? With the ability, if someone still cant figure out life, once again, it is their choice.
One of the phrase that i found very dislikable is that we should be aware of our mental health.
What does that even mean?
We should be aware of our mental health, and then what? When i am sad, i can be sad, if i want to cry, i can cry, if i want to be upset and angry, let me be upset and angry, if i am happy, then let me be, if i feel deep sadness, no one can stop me, but someone can do all this without having to lose themselves. Someone can do all this while controlling it. What is this saying we should be aware of ourselves?
Should we be, sad and crying on the floor, sad and crying on our pillow, and then we question ourselves: am i in deep sadness? And then we seek the answer to someone else? Is this what “being aware” means?
How can someone else know us better than ourselves? Why should i believe someone who thinks they “studied” human psychology, whilst i myself am human and i am given the ability to control my psychology, telling me i am like this and like that.
No one can control their physical stuff, virus gets inside your throat and makes you sick, your kidney is worn out and you dont take care well so they malfunctioned, but how can mental—something that doesnt even have physical form, something that cant permanently unchange, wear out and leave you be just like that? It is not even something separated from you. It is you.
We should be aware of our mental health, that is right, but it means nothing. Everyone has done this ever since the first time human existed. It is not something new. Theyre always aware. Are they sad? Are they happy? Are they raising their chin high up and being brave?
The only difference is instead of questioning their ownselves, they control their own selves. Is controlling your ownself something forced?
No, it is naturality.
In the past, people seek for immortality, tales were told about this thing and that which can make someone immortal, in the past people lost their parents in young ages, go to war, and in Islam a hadith said one of sign of the end day is that people look at grave and say “if only i was the one that is in that place”.
I am not at all saying what happened in the past was all good, most were even bad, i will say. I am just saying people in the past lived in worse condition but they managed, and whats “glorified” is of cherishing life.
So, what caused everything to change?
1. The idea that people have had mental issues since long time but they “hid” it.
2. Glorification of mental health issues as if its really something urgent, when its not even something new (in the sense that, in most times everyones “mental health” is fine thats why we never thought about it much and only in this mOdERN thInkInG ScHEmE we are told to figure whether we are fine or not).
3. Individualistic, materialistic, atheistic, way of life.
My opinions on those:
1. Once again mental health is not diagnosed and then unchangeable, it is controlled. Someone can be a whiner and if theyre told to go to army they will be strong. It is built, it is trained, not given. In the past, in the future, this concept still hasnt changed that it thrills me whenever someone thinks mental health is not part of them and that they need someone else to “fix” it. If mental ilnness is such a big deal in lives of people of common society we wouldve heard much about it in the past about people who couldnt “function” or live like other people normally. We dont hear about them, much, because they were not told that they mightve had mental issues, instead they just lived usual. In other hand we know well that people in the past had physical illnesses—black plague, or anything, it was physically there and we heard it a lot. Or we mightve heard in some tales about people who were insane, crazy, outcasted. But NOT mass of people who couldnt function normally and deemed abnormal. Its because the truth is mental illness is nothing. Someone might have severe depression, or someone might have depression in lives, but chance to have severe depression is very low, and chance to have depression that makes you need medication is as low. You dont need medication. Just live.
2. The one that made it widespread, as ever, are leftists people. I just recently played tumblr but i have heard a lot about this tumblr movement that happened long time ago, lets call them SJW. SJW are social justice warriors and they went to tumblr, but i heard now theyre dominating twitter. So when they were in tumblr they think they were “quirky” and “unique” and they mostly were weird people. And on basis of political correctness they started bring about the idea that LGBT is fine. But not just that, this “be aware of your mental health” and post-modern feminism and “abortion is a choice” also started. Political correctness is so much of people who are too emotional and they use their brain and logic less. I know i sound biased, you can do research on your own if you want. I also have theory on how these people who played tumblr mostly were women, cause as far as i know around that time men played video games usually. But that will make it long.
Just im saying that this “be aware of your mental health” stuff doesnt just occur naturally as evolution/progress of advancement of thoughts. It was brought about politically, by people who think they are the most right, when they are the ones knowing things less, romanticize everything, they are like toddler who figure out new things and think that is what is most right, you can go to twitter and figure. This all though, is just my conclusion based on my own observation of the world.
3. Say no more, these all are just characteristics of the west, unfitting for outside of west world. Individualism rarely happens outside west (with exception) and people always have someone to tell problems to—friends, family, close people. Individualistic society will be more prone to not having anyone and therefore has to go to therapist to talk about their problem. Someone once said though religion cant stop mental health but that is such a joke. As i have stated, to know and control your own mental is to know yourself and your identity. If you are an ugly person and you dont think youre ugly, if someone says to you that you are ugly, then you will not even feel bad for yourself. If someone tells you we are living in void and that this world is so bad and that theres no point of living, if you understand those sayings are wrong, then you will not drown in the same bitterness as they do right? In this world and life everyone and everything will tell and say many things to you throughout your life, and if you cant even think on your own whether theyre right or should you listen to them, i dont even know how you live. Anyhow, the right religion will tell you purpose of life so if you are given purpose of life and you still feel life is so pointless, you are not taking the religion seriously.
I have quiet grown tired of writing, so i will just state what to do to help yourself so you wont eat all these pointless “be aware of your mental health” slogans:
1. Understand that psychology is not exact science and therefore not completely reliable. Sorry to break it to you. I myself am a hardcore unbeliever of psychological study. Unless someone cant think straight (insane), theres no need to rely on what psychology says about oneself. Its not even science. If biology says youre having cancer, then youre having cancer. But if psychology says youre diagnosed with this and that, its just cringe. How do you know? Is the “depressed cell” there and shows themselves to you through microscope? Psychologists dont even know sometimes that psychology is not exact science.
2. Psychology is not a unique or unreachable field. In the sense of its not worth to “understand thoroughly” about it that you think you need to ask expert if you dont. Rule about psychology is just: humans are divided into two, people who can think straight and cant think straight (sane and insane). As long as youre sane, you have the ability to control what you do and yourself. Thats all.
3. Know yourself and your identity. If you are asked, who are you? What is your identity? You should know. If not, youre a confused person and you will for sure think for nights if someone says to you “you are narcissist”, you will think you really are even when its not true.
4. Dont rely on forced positivity to escape fear of having mental illness. Forced positivity dont help😐just acknowledge out there people live normally without having to have so much positivity to survive. Why? Because too much positivity is not normal.... just be yourself and live
5. Fix yourself. Do you feel youre a narcissist? Do you feel you have one of those traits of being mentally ill? Then make those traits gone. Dont think that you are permanently mentally unstable and therefore need help. No. Help yourself first.
6. To feel is ok. Be sad, be happy, be angry, cry all you want. But just acknowledge that you can control yourself, cause you have ability to be sane. After letting those all go, youre fine again.
7. Everyone makes mistakes. Did you make mistake just yesterday? Did you make mistake that made whole world hates you? Its totally fine. Just promise to yourself, instead of to people, that you will improve and will not make the same mistake again. That is right, it reminds me,
8. Everyone feels what you feel. Do you some times feel deep sadness? Do you some times feel so hopeless that probably die is best thing? Do you feel things that you think people dont feel? Dont worry, everyone feels it in some times of their lives. Just cause someone looks fine the whole time doesnt mean they are in fact fine the whole time and doesnt feel like how you feel about stuff. This world is not really a good place so it will torture everyone. You are not different, so dont feel different. You are normal. Indulging in emotions thinking people dont feel the same emotion will just make you lose yourself. People are not fine in a day, and they will be fine in another day, and they feel happy in another day, its just life.
9. Dont live up to peoples expectation. Of course its not like if your parents want you to be good kid then you shouldnt live as good person. I mean to say, if society expect you to be like this and that, but theres no benefit in acting as they do, then nothings wrong with you if you dont do as they do. Just understand what is right and wrong and that is enough.
10. Be determined about your stance. Dont get easily influenced. Know what you stand for by thinking about it thoroughly.
11. Be comfortable with yourself.
12. You are who you think you are. Fake it til you make it. Be fine until you are really fine.
13. Youre the only one who can save yourself. People will help you, but the choice to be saved and become fine again can only be done by you. No one but your own self is going to come and “save” you.
My point of writing this is that, most people in the world are sane and not mentally ill/sick in severe sense til they need pSyChIAtrIsT help. One of question i heard much is that “so what if people think they have mental illness? Whats in it for you to judge them?” Well first of all it will create generation of weak minded people that think they need help for anything. Second is that i just feel sorry when someone who is fine mentally comes accross this kind of thing and they start thinking whether theyre “mentally normal” or not. One of the funny experience i had is when i was just googling on why cats are so cute and on quora someone says its because humans are masochist so they like cats biting and clawing them (and he got many votes)🤦‍♀️i really feel pity for him probably being sure what he said is true. If people are masochist, they will pet tigers or crocodiles instead. The truth is, hearing about probability of having mental illness without actually understanding it will make you paranoid. So i write this to let everyone know, that probability is the lessest thing. Unless you live in full tragedy, chance is you are fine and will continue to be so.
Indulging in psychology is not worth it if for common people, for people who have mental disturbance (crazy/insane) then ok but for commoners who once again have ability to think sane and are given intelligence, its such a waste of time to question whether one is “normal” or not. If you are able to think logically and know what is right and wrong then that is enough.
People are not so different from each other.
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Even therapists who understand the truth will know that psychology and therapists are semi-real and therefore useless for common society unless in the case of people with severe cases
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On Kamen Rider Faiz: Between Being the Most Perfect Series and Mere Chaos
When i started watching kamen rider faiz series, i initially thought it was potentially better than my all time favourite kamen rider kabuto. I was like, where have i been? Why all this time i only watched kabuto, which besides the overall good story, isnt as complex or realistic as faiz? So i got excited in both watching it and finishing it. But as i got to the end of the series and i finished it, my stagnant reaction was like: no😐 this is nothing better than kabuto. It is even worse than common childish unlikeable rider series. Which is very questionnable, cause it started off as superb!
To understand why faiz is perfect and disappointing at the same time it has to start with the contents itself.
Takumi Inui
Before i watched faiz every time i came accross it and saw this person i always thought he was a nice guy with justice heart or something, like a hero, but after i started watching everyone knows how my perception surely changed. The word gangster suits his outter personality more. Hes rude and doesnt care about most things. On top of that, we dont see his thoughts much, or life, which makes it as if hes.. well.. mysterious?—besides the fact hes the main figure?
Anyhow i still liked this character portrayed cause its fitting to the story and the plot, his character is enjoyable to watch cause it adds dimension and his flow is realistic. And this doesnt just happen in the start of him being unheroic hearted person, it continues throughout the series until the end, that he is nothing but dimensional character.
Sonoda Mari
I like this girls personality since first time she appeared. I truly dont like woman character that is just there just to be protected and become romance partner of the hero (typical western superheroes) and at same time i dont like woman character that is too much strong as if shes not in need of any help (typical feministic western superheroes). The thing about this girl is that shes just there—shes neither a standout nor is she a complementary. Shes just another character to make the story flows, her character is made so sincerely and realistically. I mean, shes just a girl. Shes not magical girl who is stronger than men or happens to be hero’s romance. With that kind of realistic character, shes truly likable. Her personality and portrayal is consistent throughout the series.
Yuji Kiba
Hes my favorite character in the series. I wont say if im him i will be like him, but surely he is what most humans are. He represents humans. It might not seem like that for other people, but throughout the series hes the sanest one with cold head, no dilemma, no contemplation, only determined turns. I feel like while watching i sometimes thought like “why is this character doing this? Why is that character doing that?” And yuji kiba was the only characted i never criticized—any decision he has is unquestionnable cause its always sane decision. Even to the end. Hes the only character i stanced whatever decision.
Except when in the end he fought with faiz and then what—he stanced human? Unacceptable.
Kusaka Masato
I can write thousand words essays on this guy on why i hate him so much (as a character :) ). I really liked the Kaixa form but because of this guy i cant again. Its not even just about his annoying, hateful personality (he needs mental help), its also about how the maker of the series actually decided to just put him NOT as secondary character—but in position of almost as same as main character. Sonoda Mari and Yuji Kiba? Just forget them, his position is same as Faiz in the series from the starting of his appearance. He started off as someone we think oh wow. I mean he goes to college (none other of them go to college), he is presidents of clubs, and moreover hes the chosen Kaixa? Wow. He must be something. Yes, he is something, the story starts to collapse by the time he appeared.
It raises question why he is placed almost as main character, but the simple answer would be that the story plot makes it like that. The maker somehow has to place him there, cause he is the maker’s inner dilemma.
Orphenocs are the monsters, the ones that are not humans. They are said to be result of unknown rapid evolution of human being, but they dont look like human being. They look like monsters and they have powers that humans dont have, but they can turn into human forms.
The Story
To start it off, Faiz series is weird in ways that are.. well.. unique. We expect Rider gear to choose one person and just stick to that one person, instead of being able to be used by many people. That is the concept of rider gear we want to see, cause we want to see someone being the chosen one and admire them, or hate them in the case theyre the villain. Rider gears on faiz series are not like that, theyre mere killer tools instead of tool that determines “chosen one”. Anyone—humans or orphenocs—can just take the belt and wear them, become kamen rider, and thats it. Then whos the hero?
That is a very good question, cause faiz series contemplates about that throughout the series. Thats why we see characters that have very complex changes revealed time by time. So let me start.
The story started off with Takumi coming accross Sonoda Mari and they then met orphenocs, and Takumi happened to be able to transform to Faiz, and with that they just came back to each other again and again. This is a very good start, both have strong leads of the story that it makes you think probably they will dominate the whole story and they will eventually become together. This is what the story more or less indicated, and so we keep that in mind. Other figures started appearing and this far it was nice, Keitarou is the type that has justice and kind heart, Yuji Kiba as a sane person, Yuka as someone we would have empathy for, Kadoya which is unlikable both in personality and necessity of character in general; but hes there as a flawed complementary and the maker feels he must be “important” in the end of the series, the powerful Smart Brain. As long as it circles around the trio figures (Takumi, Mari, Keitarou) of orphenocs killer solving what is going on and discovering Smart Brain’s doings, it is all enjoyable and good.
The most uninteresting part about the story is Mari’s kindergarten past life. It must be because it was not introduced since start so we get excited upon whats happening now instead of minding Mari’s kindergarten people. I mean, in agito series the Akatsuki Gou was always something that makes us curious and when it was revealed, we finally feel fulfilled (i rate agito 6.5/10), but in this series even when it was revealed about her kindergarten people, theyre very uninteresting people with some of them having psycopathic tendency towards their own “kindergarten friends”. More than they are characters that are fresh and we can consider to stance and look forward to, theyre all dull, boring, and naturally have no good aura. And when i say it, i mean ALL of them. It was nice that many of them just vanished fast. The one that lasted was i think Delta, which is really really disappointing. It would be better if they dont starre Delta at all. I like Gatack as “strongest rider but not main figure” but Delta is just a pure no. No one wants to see lifeless Mari’s kindergarten people.
But instead of just get over them, we got imposed all the time by this kindergarten stuff by having Kusaka suddenly becoming someone that is starred the whole time. He is a very hateful, twisted character, and also smart. He standsout from Takumi in the way that Kusaka is trying to solve the problem from the very root, he is just smart. Takumi doesnt care about these stuffs. With that, started the era of the series having two main figures.
Nothing is wrong with two main figures, but Kusaka has very bad personality that it honestly is frustrating to watch him. He gets in the way of Takumi and Mari, he gets in the way of Takumi in general, he is just.. a main figure with bad personality. Who likes that? But that is not just it. Its not that Kusaka appeared and then Takumi looks neglected. Takumi was, in fact, neglected, because Kusaka would stand out everytime doing the whole stuff (in his annoying way) while Takumi most of the time just stayed silent. He didnt talk back when Kusaka said anything, he didnt do anything to support himself, he is just being there. He was no longer someone with thoughts, he hid his thoughts from the audience to extent we dont even know again what he thinks. He becomes so soft like a cat.
Why is this two main figures importat? Because Takumi turned out to be orphenoch.
I have suspicion that the maker is in fact, confused himself. I mean for me myself i dont mind about orphenocs. I dont think humans are any better than orphenocs, nor that orphenocs are any better than human. Its not about coexisting, its about if orphenocs win then orphenocs win, if humans win then humans win. This is the main reason i like yuji kiba. Will tell more later.
Kamen rider stories always center around fight of humans and monsters, and they always have to give reason as to why we should stance humans. On kabuto, humans are portrayed as nice, and so it happens on agito, and monsters are portaryed as inevitable evil. But on faiz, orphenocs are evoluted humans, they think like humans, they are in fact humans. With this kind of plot to begin with, there is really no solution to the story, and that is why the story is just a bunch of realistic events being put, about figures that change from this to that, about emotion of the figures being told. I really like this part of the story. I dont like how Takumi is silent, but I really like how he is actually an orphenoch, no, its not just a plot twist. Its just a story!
With the annoying changes happening from interesting story to dull kindergarten people appearance, from the fierce Takumi with harsh mouth to quiet Takumi which all the time gives the look of “it will really be better if i just vanish from this world”, from interesting adventure of the Trio with dynamic characteristics to story circling around disturbing Kusaka, the only consistent figure is Yuji Kiba. He had always stanced humans since he became orphenocs, he always believed that orphenocs and humans can coexist. Of course this is what common humans will think once they become orphenocs, unless you have unexplainable grudge towards humans like Yuka or Kadoya. But in general Yuji Kiba is what a sane human usually will be. But the part i like the most isnt him being sane despite of whats happening, it is the fact that the story has to somehow show him being hurt by humans, to prove humans are not as nice as he thought they are. Coexisting? What a joke. And in that instance, he changed. The whole time stancing the humans immediately turned into him leading the orphenocs. I just love that, hes not hopeless like Takumi nor he is disturbingly and unreasonably hateful like Kusaka. He keeps in mind what is fact and acts accordingly. Very plausable. I cant even blame him for hating on humans.
But besides the Yuji Kiba consistency, nothing left is to be liked out of the rest of the plot. It couldve ended goodly by portraying Takumi more and we could follow him to the end, but no, its just Kusaka and Kusaka until Yuji Kiba killed him. Such useless character no one wants to see, but in the same time he justifies the makers dilemma cause if Kusaka character didnt exist, it would seem like the maker was stancing for orphenocs. No, you dont do that in kamen rider series. But until the end i dont understand the makers true intention. I feel like for this level of series it requires a very smart person to write it, so is he trying to say that even humans can be annoying and orphenocs can be nice, or does he somehow have to make character that no matter what always stances human for no reason?
Kamen rider faiz is very realistic and complex and full of emotions and events, its not boring at all, but its inability to make the story continuously intriguing by serving what people will want to see (professionally! Not marketly or like this) it instead just serves what they want to serve, even if it means frustrating the audience and twisting the story as they want as such is switching the main figure.
Kamen rider faiz is, for its professionality (that beats other Kamen Rider series including Kabuto), 10/10. But for the rest of the thing. 5/10!
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