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Easy Roof Solutions LLC is the local commercial roofing contractor you can trust to tackle all types of commercial and industrial repair projects.
Emergency commercial roof repair is often necessary, and we are here to help 24/7! If this is the case for your property, get in touch with our commercial roofing contractors for a free estimate or roof consultation! We proudly serve Arizona. We look forward to working with you!
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Do’s and Don’ts When Hiring a Local Commercial Roofer
As a commercial property owner or manager, maintaining the roof’s integrity is crucial to safeguarding the building. When it comes to repairing, replacing, or installing a commercial roof, hiring the right local commercial roofer is essential. 
A commercial roofing contractor can make or break the quality of your property’s roofing system. Here are some do’s and don’ts when hiring one.
Things To Do When Hiring a Local Roofer
If you need installation services or emergency commercial roof repair, here are some of the things to consider when choosing roofing contractors.
Check their license 
Before choosing a company to do your commercial roof repair, make sure to ask for their valid license and certifications. The license of the roofing company assures you that they are qualified and recognized in the commercial roofing industry. Thus, they can conduct commercial roofing installation and roof repairs properly. 
Ask for references 
Reputable Phoenix roofers should have a list of references from their previous clients. Request for the contacts of the references and reach out to them to find out about their experience with the roofer. 
Are the previous clients satisfied with their work? Was the project completed within the agreed timeline and budget? Were there any unexpected costs or issues? These questions will help you gauge the quality of work and professionalism of the roofer. 
Alternatively, you can also search the roofing company online and see the reviews they have from their previous clients.
Ask for their experience
The roofing industry is continuously evolving, and new technologies and materials are introduced now and then. Therefore, it is essential to hire commercial roofing services with considerable experience in the field. 
An experienced roofer has probably encountered various roofing problems and knows the most appropriate solutions to address them. They are also likely to have a good reputation and a vast network of suppliers and subcontractors, which can be beneficial during the project.
Ask for a written contract
A written contract is essential when hiring roofing services. The contract should include details such as the scope of work, timelines, payment schedule, warranties, and guarantees. It is also crucial to ensure that the contract complies with state and local regulations. 
The written agreement protects both you and the roofer and serves as a reference point in case of any disagreements.
Consider their communication agreements during the project 
Communication is a vital aspect of any project. Choose Phoenix commercial roofing services with excellent communication skills that will keep you informed throughout the project, including any unexpected issues that may arise. Consider a roofer who is easy to reach, responsive, and able to communicate effectively.
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Things To Look Out for When Hiring a Roofing Contractor
Don’t hire based on price alone 
A low price may be an indication of poor quality workmanship or the use of substandard materials. In contrast, a high price does not always guarantee high-quality work. Therefore, consider other factors such as experience, reputation, and references when making your decision.
Don’t overlook the importance of warranties and guarantees 
A reputable roofing company should offer warranties and guarantees for their work. These should cover both materials and workmanship. 
The length of the warranty may vary depending on the roofing material and the roofer. Make sure to read and understand the terms before hiring a contractor.
Don’t hire without verifying credentials 
Unfortunately, some individuals may claim to be licensed roofing contractors when in reality, they do not have the necessary credentials or qualifications. Make sure to verify their credentials with relevant authorities such as the state licensing board. 
Don’t ignore safety measures 
Roofing is a hazardous job, and accidents can happen. Therefore, a reputable commercial roofing contractor has to prioritize safety measures. They should have the necessary safety equipment and protocols in place to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries during the project. Ask the roofer about their safety measures and policies before hiring them.
Don’t rush the decision 
Hiring commercial roofing contractors is a significant investment, and rushing the decision can result in costly mistakes. Take your time to research and evaluate different roofing contractors before settling on one. 
Benefits of Hiring a Local Commercial Roofer
Hiring commercial roof repair companies within your geographic area offers several advantages over hiring contractors from distant places.
Here are some advantages of hiring a local roofer:
Knowledge of local weather patterns
A local commercial roofing company should be familiar with the weather conditions in your area.  They can recommend the best roofing system and solutions to withstand the local climate. 
Local roofers understand the unique challenges that come with roofing in the area and can provide practical solutions.
Convenient and accessible 
Hiring local commercial roofing contractors is more convenient and accessible than a roofer from another location. They are more likely to be available when you need them, and you can easily reach them in case of emergencies.
Local knowledge and relationships 
A local commercial roofing contractor has local knowledge and relationships with suppliers, subcontractors, and regulatory authorities. They can leverage these relationships to ensure timely and cost-effective completion of the roofing project.
Support local businesses 
Hiring a commercial roofing company supports the local economy by keeping the money within the community. It creates job opportunities and contributes to the growth and development of the area.
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Questions to Ask When Hiring a Commercial Repair Company
When hiring a commercial roofing contractor, asking the right questions can help you make an informed decision. Here are some important queries to consider:
Can you provide proof of license, certifications, and insurance?
How long have you been in the roofing business, and can you provide references?
What roofing materials do you recommend for the local climate, and why?
What is your estimated timeline for the project, and what is your approach to managing unexpected issues?
Can you provide a written contract that outlines the scope of work, timelines, payment schedule, warranties, and guarantees?
What safety measures do you have in place to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries during the project?
What is your policy on cleaning up after the project, and what steps do you take to protect the property during the roofing process?
Hiring a local commercial roof contractor is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. By following the do’s and don’ts outlined above and asking the right questions, you can find a reputable roofer who will provide high-quality work and ensure the longevity of your commercial roof.
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Spray Foam Roofing Cost in Phoenix, Arizona
Getting a spray foam roofing project is a popular choice for commercial properties in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a commercial roofing system that uses a combination of two chemicals to create a foam that adheres to the roof substrate, creating a seamless, waterproof barrier.
In this blog, we will discuss the average spray foam roofing cost in Phoenix, AZ, the factors affecting the prices, as well as its pros and cons.
What Is the Average Foam Roofing Cost in Arizona?
The average cost of spray foam roofing in Phoenix, Arizona, is about $5.50 per sq foot. An average commercial facility owner pays about $55,000 for a 10,000 sq ft property. 
This price range includes the materials and installation costs. The actual cost of spray foam roofing will depend on several factors, which we will discuss in the next section. Keep reading below.
What Are the Factors That Affect the Cost of Spray Foam Roofs? 
Spray foam roofing is a major decision that business owners need to consider, especially when it comes to expenses. 
Several factors can affect the cost of a spray foam roofing system, including:
Roof size: The size of the existing roof can affect the labor costs associated with the installation. Larger roofs will require more time and effort to install the spray foam insulation and coating.
Roof complexity: Roofs with complex shapes or multiple levels may require more preparation work. If the roof has obstacles such as chimneys, skylights, or vents, it can be more difficult to install the spray foam insulation and coating around these areas, which can increase material and labor costs.
The thickness of insulation: The thicker the insulation, the more material will be required. This can eventually increase the cost per square foot of spray foam installation.
Type of spray foam: There are different types of spray foam (open and closed cell installation) with varying insulation values and costs.
Condition of the roof: Roofs in poor condition may require additional repair work before the spray foam is applied.
Access to the roof: Roofs that are difficult to access may require additional equipment and labor. Before proceeding with the project, it is highly advised to check if your roof is accessible enough by removing any blockages or debris around it.
Local labor and material costs: The cost of spray polyurethane foam roofs can vary depending on the local labor and material costs in your area. More experienced roofers may charge higher. 
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Is it worth it to spray foam roof?
Spray foam roofing is an excellent investment for commercial property owners in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a durable and long-lasting roofing system that can withstand extreme weather conditions, such as high winds, heavy rain, and extreme heat. 
Moreover, a spray foam roof is also energy-efficient, which can help reduce energy costs and improve the comfort of the building’s occupants. 
Advantages and Disadvantages of Foam Roof
Just like other roofing systems, there are advantages and disadvantages when you choose to install spray foam roofing:
Durability: Spray foam roofing is a durable roofing system that can last up to 50 years with proper maintenance.
Energy-Efficiency: It can help reduce energy costs by providing insulation and reducing heat transfer.
Waterproofing: Spray foam roofing creates a seamless, waterproof barrier that can prevent leaks and water damage.
Installation Complexity: Spray foam roofing installation requires specialized equipment and trained professionals. 
Initial Cost: The initial cost per square foot of a spray foam roof can be higher than other roofing systems. This can be an initial disadvantage if you’re not considering its long-term energy efficiency features.
Maintenance: While spray foam roofing is durable, it requires regular maintenance to ensure its longevity. Neglecting maintenance can result in damage and costly repairs.
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How long does spray foam last on a roof?
Spray foam roofing is a long-lasting roofing system that can last up to 50 years with proper maintenance. The lifespan of spray foam roofing can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of installation, the condition of the existing roof, and the level of maintenance.
To maximize the lifespan of spray foam roofing, it is essential to work with a reputable roofing contractor who has experience installing spray foam roofing. It is also important to schedule regular maintenance to ensure that the roofing system remains in good condition.
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Commercial Roof Cost per Square Foot (Arizona Buying Guide)
For business owners, every expense matters. When it comes to commercial roofing costs, it’s important to understand the different materials and factors that can affect the overall price. 
In this blog post, we’ll help you understand the commercial roof cost per square foot of your building’s commercial roof system.
Everything from installation to commercial roof replacement will be tackled in this article. Let’s get started!
Breakdown of Commercial Roof Cost per Square Foot
The purpose of this article is to give you a breakdown of the expenses that you need to expect for your commercial roofing project. This section has information about the costs of commercial roof installation, repair, and replacement per material. 
Note: All costs are estimates only and are calculated per square foot.
Single Ply Roof
Single-ply membrane roof is a popular roofing option for commercial buildings due to its affordability, energy efficiency, and ease of installation. This roofing system is composed of a single layer of synthetic material that is either mechanically attached or fully adhered to the roof substrate. 
Installation: $3 to $7.50
Repair:  $0.10 to $0.60
Replacement: $7 to $10 
Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing (SPF)
SPF commercial roofs are composed of a layer of foam that is sprayed onto the roof surface, followed by a protective coating. This roof system provides excellent insulation and can help reduce energy costs for heating and cooling a building. The foam layer conforms to the shape of the roof, creating a seamless, monolithic surface that can withstand harsh weather conditions, including high winds and heavy rainfall.
Installation: $4 to $7
Repair: $6 to $12
Replacement: $7 to $11
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Roofing
A PVC roofing system is composed of a single-ply membrane made of a thermoplastic material that is reinforced with polyester.
PVC roofing is highly resistant to water, fire, chemicals, and UV radiation, making it ideal for buildings in harsh climates or industrial areas. The roofing material can be manufactured in a range of colors and thicknesses, allowing for customization and flexibility in design.
Installation: $6 to $9
Repair: $7 to $13
Replacement: $6 to $9
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Roofing 
EPDM roofing system is composed of a single-ply membrane made of synthetic rubber, which is mechanically attached or fully adhered to the roof substrate. This roofing can be installed over most existing roofing systems and requires minimal maintenance.
Installation: $4.50 to $5.50
Repair: $3 to $12
Replacement: $3 to $7
Modified Bitumen Roof Systems
These roofing systems are made up of layers of asphalt and polymer-modified materials that provide flexibility, strength, and resistance to damage from UV rays, extreme temperatures, and wind. Modified Bitumen Roof Systems can be installed using a variety of methods, including torch-applied, cold-applied, or self-adhered, depending on the specific application and building requirements.
Installation:  $2.50 to $4.00 
Repair:  $4.00 to $7.50
Replacement: $4 to $8
Built-Up Bituminous (BUR) Roofing
Built-Up Bituminous Roofing (BUR) is a type of flat or low-slope roofing system that has been in use for over a century. BUR consists of multiple layers of asphalt and felt materials, applied in hot or cold liquid form and then mopped or rolled onto the roof surface. 
Installation: $4 to $7
Repair: $4 to $8
Replacement: $11.50 to $14.50
Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing
TPO roofing is made up of a single-ply membrane that is typically white, which reflects sunlight and helps reduce cooling costs.
Installation: $6 to $9
Repair: $5.50 and $8.75
Replacement: $8 to $12
Metal Roofing
Metal roofs are made up of metal panels, typically aluminum or steel, that are designed to interlock with each other and provide a watertight seal. These roofing systems can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, high winds, and snow, and are resistant to fire, pests, and rot.
Installation: $5 to $10
Repair: $1 to $5
Replacement: $8 to $12
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Factors Affecting the Prices
Several factors can affect the prices of commercial roofing installation, repairs, and replacement including:
Material – Different roofing materials have different costs, and some materials may be more expensive than others.
Size – The size of the roof can also affect the cost, as larger roofs require more materials and labor.
Complexity – Roofs with more angles, curves, or other unique features may require more time and labor to install or repair.
Location – The location of the building can also affect the cost, as labor costs can vary depending on the local market conditions.
Expertise – More experienced roofing contractors may charge higher rates for their services.
FAQs About Commercial Roofing Systems Costs
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How do you calculate the price per square foot of a roof?
To calculate the price per square foot of a commercial roof, you first need to determine the total square footage of the roof. This can be done by measuring the length and width of the roof and multiplying those numbers together. 
For example, if the length of the roof is 100 feet and the width is 50 feet, the total square footage of the roof would be 5,000 square feet.
Once you have determined the total square footage of the roof, you can then divide the total cost of the project by the total square footage to get the price per square foot. For example, if the total cost of a commercial roofing project is $50,000 and the total square footage of the roof is 5,000 square feet, the price per square foot would be $10.
What type of roof is typically used on commercial buildings?
Commercial flat roofs are one of the most common types of roofs used on various buildings. This is because flat roofs are easy to construct, cost-effective, and provide a large, level surface that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as HVAC units, solar panels, and rooftop gardens. 
What kind of roof would a low-cost commercial building have?
The type of roof used on a low-cost commercial building can vary based on several factors, such as the size of the building, its intended use, and the local climate. Generally, a low-cost commercial building may have a simple and cost-effective roofing system such as a built-up roofing (BUR), metal roofing, or a single-ply roofing membrane.
What percentage of a building is the roof?
According to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), the roof typically represents about 10% to 12% of a building’s total construction cost. 
The exact percentage can vary depending on the type of roofing as well as its size and shape. Local labor and material costs are huge factors too.
The costs discussed above are just the average expenses that a business owner can expect when it comes to a commercial roofing project in Arizona. Nothing beats getting information directly from a credible roofing contractor so make sure to consult one in your area. 
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What Is a Fabric Reinforced Roof?
A fabric reinforced roof, also known as a reinforced membrane roof, uses a synthetic fabric material that has been coated with a waterproofing agent to create a protective barrier. 
It is commonly used in commercial establishments and can be directly applied to a flat roof, concrete roof, or any existing roof system. 
That’s how versatile fabric-reinforced roofing systems are. Keep reading below to find out if it’s the best choice for your commercial roof.
What is Fabric Roof and Reinforced Roof?
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To understand what a fabric-reinforced roof is, it’s important to first define the terms “fabric roof” and “reinforced roof.” 
A fabric roof is a type of roofing system that utilizes a membrane made of synthetic materials such as Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) to create a waterproof barrier over the structure. This type of roofing system is often used in commercial and industrial buildings because of its durability and resistance to the elements.
On the other hand, a reinforced roof is a roofing system that utilizes additional materials such as metal, concrete, or fiber to “reinforce” the roof structure and increase its strength and durability. Reinforced roofs are commonly used in extreme weather conditions or where the roof is expected to withstand heavy loads such as snow or equipment.
What is the Purpose of a Fabric Reinforced Roofing System?
The main purpose of fabric reinforcement roofing is to add strength and durability to an existing roofing system. Fabric reinforcement materials, such as polyester or fiberglass, are applied to the surface of the roof and then coated with a waterproofing material to create a strong and durable roofing membrane. 
This roofing membrane can help protect the underlying roof structure from damage caused by weather, foot traffic, and other types of wear and tear.
Fabric reinforcement roofing can also help control leaks and extend the life of the roof. The added strength and durability provided by the reinforcement prevent cracks and other types of damage from forming, reducing the likelihood of water infiltration and different types of damage. 
All these features further protect the interior of the building from water damage and other issues, which can be expensive and time-consuming to repair.
Pros and Cons of Fabric Reinforced Roof Systems
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Fabric-reinforced roofing has both advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when selecting a roofing system for a commercial or industrial building. Here are some of the pros and cons:
Cost-effective: Fabric-reinforced roofing systems are typically less expensive than other roofing systems, such as metal or concrete, because they require fewer materials and can be installed more quickly.
Durable: This durable roofing system is highly resistant to tears, punctures, and other forms of damage, making it an ideal choice for areas with extreme weather conditions or heavy equipment.
Lightweight: Fabric-reinforced roofs are lightweight and easy to transport, which can help reduce shipping and handling costs.
Easy to install: The fabric membrane used in fabric-reinforced roofing can be installed quickly and easily, reducing labor costs and disruptions to business operations.
Excellent Energy Efficiency: Some types of fabric-reinforced systems are designed to reflect the sun’s heat rays and reduce the amount of heat absorbed by the building, which can help reduce energy costs.
Vulnerability to punctures and tears: While the synthetic fabric material used in fabric-reinforced roofing is highly resistant to damage if installed improperly, it is still possible for sharp objects or heavy equipment to puncture or tear the membrane. These damages can lead to leaks and other issues like expensive roof tear-offs.
Limited lifespan: Fabric-reinforced roofing typically has a lifespan of around 15-20 years, which is shorter than other roofing systems such as metal or concrete.
Maintenance requirements: Regular maintenance is needed to ensure that the membrane remains in good condition and to prevent leaks and other issues.
Limited color options: The synthetic fabric material used in fabric-reinforced roofing is typically available only in a limited range of colors, which may not match your desired aesthetic.
Make sure to consult an expert roofer in your area to assess your building and help you decide whether a fabric-reinforced roof is ideal for your property.
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Average Commercial Membrane Roofing Cost in Phoenix, AZ
If you are a business owner in Phoenix, AZ, and need a new roof, preparing your budget is a must. In this article, we will discuss membrane roofing cost factors that can affect your waterproofing expenses for your commercial roofing systems.
What Is Membrane Roofing?
Membrane roofing is a type of roofing material that consists of a flexible, waterproof membrane installed over a building’s roof deck. This membrane is typically made from a synthetic rubber or plastic membrane material, such as Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) roofing. 
The rubber roof membrane is most commonly used on flat roofs or low-slope roofs, as it allows for efficient water runoff.
One of the biggest advantages of membrane roofing is its durability as it can withstand harsh weather conditions, including extreme heat and cold, heavy rain, and strong winds. They are also resistant to fire and chemicals, making them popular for commercial and industrial buildings.
Average Commercial Membrane Roofing Cost
On average, a commercial membrane roofing would cost about $7,000–$23,000 (around $8 to $10 per sq. ft.). Keep reading below for a detailed guide to the possible expenses that you might encounter.
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Several factors can affect the average cost of installing a membrane roof on a commercial building in Phoenix, AZ. These include:
Size of the roof
The larger the roof, the more material and labor will be required; hence, the higher the cost. Roofing contractors will typically charge per square foot of roof area, so expect to pay higher if your building has a large roof.
For a regular 1,700 square feet of roof, you can have a new membrane roofing installed at about $7,225–$23,800.
Type of membrane 
There are several types of membrane roofing materials available, including Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) roofing, TPO, and PVC. Each material has its own pros and cons, and the cost can vary depending on the type of material chosen:
EPDM membrane roof$4.50 to $14 per square footTPO membrane roof$4.25 to $12 per square footPVC membrane roof$5.25 to $13 per square foot 
Attachment type
Attachment types are usually categorized as mechanically fastened, fully adhered, or ballasted.
Here’s how much a rubber roof costs per attachment type, labor fees included:
Ballasted$1.80 to $2.50 per square footMechanically Attached:$2 to $3 per square footFully Adhered$2.50 to $3.50 per square foot
Labor costs
Expect to pay around $2.50 and $11 per sq. ft for the labor cost of installing your rubber roofing. Certain roofing contractors get paid by the hour, and it usually ranges from $45 to $75. You have to take note that half of the entire cost of your rubber roof installation would go to labor costs.  
Additionally, rubber membranes that need to be installed with heat guns will cost more than other types because of the extra time and skill required.
Complexity of the roof 
If the roof has many angles, corners, or other features that make it more difficult to install, the cost of the installation may be higher. A simple, flat roof is typically less expensive to install than a roof with many complex features.
Here are the costs of installing a rubber flat roof and shingles:
Flat Roofs Cost$4.25 to $13Rubber Shingles Cost$5.50 to $15
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Replacement Cost
If your existing roof needs to be replaced, you can expect to pay around $2.50 to $8 per square foot. This still depends if there are certain repairs needed for your roofing. Depending on the extent of the damage, replacing your roof may take one to two days.
How Long Should a Membrane Roof Last?
Generally, a well-maintained membrane roof can last anywhere from 20 to 30 years. Some high-quality materials can even last up to 50 years.
To ensure that your rubber roofs last as long as possible, it is important to have them inspected regularly by a professional roofing contractor. They can identify any potential issues and make any necessary repairs before they become more severe.
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Average Commercial Metal Roofing Prices in Phoenix, AZ
Metal roofing is gaining popularity in the construction industry due to its durability, sustainability, and ease of maintenance. In Phoenix, AZ, metal roofing is an ideal choice for businesses seeking long-lasting roofing solutions that can withstand the harsh desert climate. However, one of the primary concerns for many business owners is getting accurate commercial metal roofing prices this 2023.
We have gathered all the important information for the average costs and the factors affecting the possible expenses of having a commercial metal roof. Let’s get started!
How Much Are the Average Commercial Metal Roofing Prices in Phoenix, AZ?
The cost of commercial metal roofing in Phoenix, AZ varies depending on multiple factors. According to Homeyou, the average cost ranges from $7 to $12 per square foot. This cost covers the installation of the metal roof, but it does not include additional materials, such as insulation, underlayment, and fasteners.
Factors Affecting Prices of Metal Roofs
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Generally, metal roofing costs are higher compared to regular asphalt shingles.
Several factors determine the cost of commercial metal roofing in Phoenix, Arizona, including the following:
Roof Size: The size of the roof system is a crucial factor in determining the cost of metal roofing. A larger roof will require more materials and labor, hence, costs higher.
Roof Design: Complex roof designs may require more labor and materials, increasing the cost.
Roofing Contractor: Hiring the right metal roofing contractor is crucial too. Different roofers have different rates, and the quality of their work may vary. A more experienced commercial roofing contractor may charge higher than usual rates.
Type of Metal: Different metals have different costs, with some being more expensive than others. Let’s take a closer look at the prices of metal roofs according to the type of material:
Exposed Fasteners or Corrugated Metal Roof: $7 to $12 per square foot
Metal Slate Roofing: $10 to $16 per square foot
Metal Shingles: $8 to $12 per square foot
Insulated Metal Panels: $8 to $15 per square foot
Aluminum Roof: $11 to $17 per square foot
Copper Roof: $23 to $35 per square foot
Zinc Roof: $15 to $25 per square foot
Galvanized Steel Roof: $9.50 to $15.50 per square foot
Cost of Metal Roof per Project Type
The cost of installing a metal roof in Phoenix, AZ, ranges from $7 to $10 per square foot. However, this cost may increase if additional materials such as insulation, waterproofing, underlayment, and fasteners are required. 
The commercial roof installation is also affected by the type of metal used. For instance, steel roofing is cheaper to install than copper roofing.
Now, let’s talk about the cost of repairing an existing roof. Repairing commercial roofs with metal sheets costs between $500 to $2,000 depending on the extent of the damage and the type of material. 
A commercial metal roof replacement costs between $650 to $1,300 per square foot. This varies depending on the type of metal used, the size of the roof, and the complexity of the system’s design. 
Remember that replacing a metal roof is often more expensive than repairing it, but it is sometimes the smarter option when the existing roof is severely damaged.
What Type of Metal Roofing System is Best for Commercial Buildings?
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Several types of metal roofing materials are suitable for commercial buildings, including:
Exposed Fasteners or Corrugated Metal Roof: This consists of sheets of metal with raised, corrugated ridges that run vertically down the roof. 
Metal Slate Roofing: A type of metal roofing that mimics the appearance of natural slate tiles. Metal slate roofing is typically made of steel or aluminum, and is available in a range of colors and finishes. 
Metal Shingles: Metal shingles are typically made of steel or aluminum, and are available in a range of colors and styles. They are designed similarly to traditional shingles but are made of metals instead of asphalt or wood.
Insulated Metal Panels: Consists of an insulated core sandwiched between two metal panels. These panels are designed to provide both structural support and insulation for a building’s roof. 
Standing Seam Metal Roof: A type of metal roofing that features interlocking panels with raised seams that run vertically along the roof. 
How Do I Estimate the Cost of Metal Roofing Systems?
To estimate the cost of a metal roof, you will need to consider the following:
Roof Size: Measure the size of your roof to determine the square footage.
Type of Metal: Choose the type of metal that you want to use for your roof, and refer to its cost per square foot above.
Roof Design: More complex designs usually require additional labor and materials.
Additional Materials: Consider the cost of additional materials such as insulation, underlayment, and fasteners.
Roofing Contractor: Obtain quotes from several roofing contractors to compare their rates and quality of work.
Once you have gathered this information, you can use a roofing calculator or consult a roofing professional to estimate the cost of your metal roof.
How Much Should I Budget for a Metal Roof?
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A budget between $7 and $12 per square foot for installing a metal roof is recommended for business owners. Remember that while the upfront cost of a metal roof may be higher than traditional roofing materials, the long-term savings in maintenance and energy costs make it a worthwhile investment. 
Additionally, metal roofs can last up to 40-70 years, making them a durable and sustainable roofing solution for commercial buildings.
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When estimating the cost of a metal roof, consider all of the factors mentioned above. With proper installation and maintenance, a metal roof can provide long-lasting protection for commercial buildings and save business owners money in the long run.
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What Is Membrane Roofing? Is It Worth It?
Membrane roofing is a great investment for commercial buildings to keep their structural integrity over the years. However, it is not a secret that roofing membranes are quite costly to protect your roof from getting damaged by environmental elements like rain, hail, and snow. 
What is membrane roofing, exactly? Is it actually worth installing? Let’s find out more in this blog.
What Is Membrane Roofing?
Membrane roofing uses a membrane to cover the top of a building. The roof membrane is made up of a thin sheet of plastic or rubber, which can be rolled out to cover a building’s surface. The membrane is usually installed on the roof and then secured by attaching it to structural members such as wood beams or steel columns.
Roof membranes are popular in areas where it rains often because they’re easy to install and maintain. They also provide good insulation against heat loss, which is important in areas with cold winters or hot summers.
What Is the Purpose of Membrane Roofing?
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The main purpose of a roof membrane is to provide a reliable and low-maintenance solution for protecting buildings from water damage and maintaining a comfortable and safe indoor environment.
The waterproof barrier of a roof membrane is manufactured to protect a building or structure from possible water damage, especially if your area experiences heavy rains, snow, and thunderstorms. Roof membranes are designed to be flexible, durable, and long-lasting, making them an ideal choice for low-sloped or flat roofs.
3 Types of Roof Membranes for Commercial Buildings
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Check out the most common types of roofing membrane materials for commercial flat roofs:
TPO Roof Membrane
Thermoplastic Roofing Membranes (Thermoplastic Olefin) is a type of single-ply roofing membrane that is commonly used in commercial and industrial roofing applications. It is a blend of polypropylene (a type of plastic) and ethylene-propylene rubber, which gives it a unique set of properties that make it well-suited for use as a roofing membrane.
Thermoplastic membranes are known for their durability, weather resistance, and energy efficiency. TPO roofing membranes come in rolls that are typically 10, 12, or 20 feet wide, and are available in different thicknesses. The rolls are installed on the roof using mechanical fasteners or adhesives, and the seams are heat-welded together to create a watertight seal.
EPDM Roof Membrane
EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) is a type of synthetic rubber that is commonly used as a roofing membrane in commercial and industrial buildings. It is a durable and flexible material that is known for its resistance to weathering, UV radiation, and thermal shock.
EPDM roofing membranes are available in large sheets that are typically 10-20 feet wide, and can be as long as 100 feet. The sheets are typically installed using mechanical fasteners or adhesives, and the seams are sealed using specialized tape or adhesive.
PVC Roofing Membranes
PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) roofing membrane is a type of single-ply roofing material that is commonly used in commercial and industrial roofing applications. It is a flexible, synthetic material that is designed to be highly resistant to weathering, UV radiation, and chemicals.
What is the Average Cost of Commercial Roofing Membrane in Phoenix, AZ
The average cost of installing a single-ply roof membrane for a commercial flat roof is about $8 and $10 per square foot for the materials and labor of the roofing contractor.
How Long Does a Membrane Roof Last?
The lifespan of a membrane roof can vary depending on several factors, such as the quality of the materials used and the installation process, the location and climate of the building, and the level of maintenance it receives.
In general, most membrane roofs have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, although some high-quality systems can last up to 50 years or more with proper maintenance.
Pros and Cons of Roof Membranes
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Roof membranes became a popular choice for flat roofs or low-sloped roofs in commercial and industrial buildings. To help you better with your purchase decisions, here are some of the pros and cons to consider:
Highly durable and resistant to weathering, UV radiation, and other types of damage.
Many membrane roofing systems are available in white or light-colored options that can reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption, helping to lower energy costs and improve the energy efficiency of the building
Helps prevent leaks and water damage to the commercial building
Easy to install
Requires little maintenance, making it a good choice for buildings where access to the roof may be limited
Can be more expensive than other types of roofing materials, especially for high-quality systems.
Some types of membrane roofing rely on seams that can be vulnerable to damage or leaks if not properly installed or maintained
Generally available in a limited range of colors and styles, which may not be suitable for all types of buildings
Can be susceptible to punctures from falling objects, foot traffic, or other types of impacts
Some types of membrane roofing, such as PVC, can have a negative environmental impact if not properly disposed of or recycled
The right roofing contractor with years of experience can help you install your preferred roofing membranes. 
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3 Types of Roofing Membrane for Commercial Buildings
Business owners would want to protect their commercial buildings to make them last a lifetime and provide safe infrastructure for their businesses and employees. But it is not enough to install a reliable roofing system, you also have to invest in a roofing membrane to ensure its resistance to different weather conditions. 
In this article, we will help you find out the most common types of roofing membranes made specifically for commercial roofs. 
What is a roofing membrane?
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A roof membrane is a type of roofing material that is used to provide a waterproof and weather-resistant layer for a low-slope or flat roof. Membrane roofing is typically made from synthetic materials. 
Membrane roofs are usually installed in large sheets or rolls, which are attached to the roof deck using mechanical fasteners, adhesives, or a combination of both. They are typically installed on commercial, industrial, and residential buildings.
Purpose of a Membrane Roofing
The purpose of a roofing membrane is to provide a waterproof and weather-resistant barrier between the building and the elements. Roofing membranes are installed on the roof deck or insulation and provide a continuous covering over the roof surface.
Roofing membranes are designed to protect the building from rain, snow, hail, wind, and UV radiation. They also help to regulate the temperature and moisture levels inside the building. 
Types of Roof Membranes
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Now, let us talk about the most common types of roof membranes. A roof membrane is a single-ply material made of a layer of synthetic polymer used to cover a building’s roof 
Check out the common types of roof membrane that you can use for your commercial building:
PVC Roofs
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membrane roof is commonly used for low-slope or flat roofs. It is made from thermoplastic vinyl polymer, which is a type of plastic that is widely used in a variety of applications due to its durability, flexibility, and weather resistance, which is great for commercial roofing.
PVC roofs are typically manufactured in large sheets or rolls, which are heat-welded together to form a continuous, waterproof barrier over the roof surface. The material is available in different thicknesses and colors and may have additional layers for reinforcement or insulation.
Advantages of PVC Roofing Membranes
Highly resistant to fire
Long lifespan
Requires minimal maintenance
Reduces costs over the lifetime of the roof
Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) 
A TPO roof membrane is made of a single layer of synthetically produced polymer material that is reinforced with a polyester fabric.
TPO roof membranes are typically white or light-colored, which helps to reflect sunlight and reduce the amount of heat absorbed by the roof. This can result in lower cooling costs for buildings. TPO membranes are also known for their resistance to UV radiation, ozone, and chemical exposure.
One of the benefits of TPO roofing is that it can be installed using a variety of methods, including mechanical fasteners, fully adhered adhesives, or ballasted systems. This makes TPO roofing suitable for a wide range of roofing applications and allows for installation flexibility.
Advantages of TPO Roofing Membranes
Easy to install
Great at energy efficiency
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM)
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) is another type of membrane material commonly used for low-slope roofs. It is a synthetic rubber material made of ethylene, propylene, and a small amount of diene monomer.
EPDM roofing membranes are available in both black and white colors, with black being the more common color used. They are known for their durability, flexibility, and weather resistance, with a lifespan of up to 30 years or more.
These roof membranes can be installed using mechanical fasteners, fully adhered adhesives, or ballasted systems. The installation process is typically straightforward and quick, making it a cost-effective option for many commercial and industrial building owners.
Advantages of EPDM Roofing Membranes
Has a lifetime of over 30 years
Low environmental impact
Can withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions, including hail, high winds, and heavy rain
What is the most common roof membrane?
EPDM is a durable roof covering that reflects the sun’s light rays. Its durability is versatile and easy to install. 
What is the most durable roof membrane?
EPDM membrane roofing is very durable which is essentially similar to splinter-resistant rubber roofing. Because of its strength, a fully-adhered EPDM flat roof system can last between 25-30 years.
What’s the Average Commercial Membrane Roofing Cost in Phoenix, AZ?
The average cost of commercial roofing in Phoenix, Arizona ranges from about $8 to $10 per square foot depending on the materials used and the roofing contractor’s rates.
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How To Find the Right Commercial Roof Repair Contractor for Your Building
Commercial roof repair is a very important part of keeping your business going smoothly all year round. Some businessmen tend to neglect it until it reaches a point where no further repairs can be done by their commercial roof repair contractor, and replacing it is the last and only option. 
But let’s say you just found out that you need an urgent commercial roofing repair in Phoenix AZ. Maybe you found some leaks on commercial properties – but you’re not yet sure about how to find the right commercial roof repair contractor for you and your business.
Fret not! We have gathered all the critical things that you need to factor in when it comes to choosing the best commercial roofing services.
Things To Look For in a Commercial Roof Repair Contractor
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Whether you have damaged flat roofing or metal roofing needs, you have to know that not all commercial roof repair providers can fix your issues with the same service quality.
Commercial roofing requires to have a reliable roofing company that can offer these important details:
Credentials and License Information
Credentials such as licenses and certifications demonstrate that a commercial roofing contractor has the necessary training, knowledge, and skills to perform high-quality work. This can give you confidence that the contractor will do the job correctly and professionally.
Licenses and certifications also ensure that a flat roofing contractor is complying with local and state regulations, building codes, and safety standards. This can help prevent potential legal and safety issues down the road.
Lastly, credentials such as references, certifications, and industry memberships can provide reassurance that the contractor is reputable, reliable, and has a history of satisfied commercial customers.
Getting referrals from other customers will give you an idea of the contractor’s track record. Look for positive reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers so you can have the reassurance that you need that your commercial roof and commercial property will be well taken care of.
Referrals can also give you an idea if they can provide exceptional workmanship and outstanding service for your roofing needs.
A warranty protects you as the property owner. It can cover defects or issues with the roofing materials or workmanship that arise after the project is completed, providing you with peace of mind that you won’t be responsible for additional costs if something goes wrong.
Companies have to offer you warranty protection for the commercial roofing service that they offer. This can be a great indicator that the company more likely has a great reputation and they are confident of providing you with high-quality work. 
With just a simple search on the Internet, you can easily find out the ratings of a commercial roofing repair company that you’re eyeing. Reviews can demonstrate the commercial roofing contractor’s transparency and commitment to accountability.
This can include being transparent about the costs of getting a commercial roof repair, a new roof replacement, or even a quick leak repair. Through reviews, you can have the peace of mind that the costs are reasonable and you can trust that this roofing company can give you good value for your money.
Quality of Materials Used
Check if the contractor uses high-quality materials that are appropriate for your specific roofing needs. The quality of materials can affect the longevity and durability of the roof, and your commercial roof should have strong and durable materials that can last for years to keep your business growing.
Look for a contractor with a proven track record of completing commercial roofing projects similar to the one you need. Check their portfolio, references, and reviews from previous clients to verify their experience.
You can also check their expertise and experience in emergency roof repairs or replacements.
Communication and Customer Service
Excellent workmanship and long years of experience are all no good if a commercial roof company doesn’t have great customer service. 
As a client, you are entitled to know how your roofing contractor will communicate with you regarding project updates, requirements, and more. Good communication is a great indicator of their commitment and reliability as a commercial roofing services provider.
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Average Commercial Roof Repair Cost in Phoenix, AZ
When it comes to getting the average commercial roof repair cost, you, as a business owner, would have to understand that there are several factors that you have to consider. You might have looked through the Internet to get an idea of how much roof repair costs. 
In this article, you’ll find more insights on the importance of knowing the different factors that you need to consider when getting a detailed repair cost quote for commercial roofing in Phoenix, Arizona.
Read on to learn more about commercial roofing systems and their repair expenses.
What Do Roofing Contractors Consider When Giving a Repair Cost Estimate?
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In Arizona, getting a commercial roof repair can range anywhere between $5 to $8 per square foot. This already includes the labor cost and materials, but this price range can still depend on several factors like the expertise of the roofer, the complexity of the project, materials to be used, and more. 
 A credible and professional commercial roofing contractor will have to check several details to give you an idea of how much the project will cost. Here are some of the major categories that may affect the cost of your commercial roof replacement or repair:
Roofing Type
Commercial roofs are made with different materials that can directly affect the cost of your repair project. For example, tile or metal roofs can be more expensive to repair than flat roofs. 
Metal roofing requires more specialized skills and tools, which can also increase the cost per square foot. Meanwhile, commercial flat roofs may be less expensive to replace or repair than other roofing types.
Commercial roofing materials play a major role in affecting the costs of your roof system repair but your contractor will definitely give you some ideas about the costs per roofing type.
Access to the Commercial Roofs
If the roof is easily accessible, with good ladder access or a flat, walkable surface, contractors can complete the repairs faster and easier, potentially lowering labor costs.
However, if your commercial roof is very high or has steep slopes, the contractors may need to use specialized equipment such as scaffolding or a crane to safely access the roof structure. The additional equipment and labor may raise the overall cost of your commercial roof replacement or repair.
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Condition of the Existing Commercial Roof
If the commercial roof is in poor condition with extensive damage or decay, the cost of repair may be higher as more work will be required to fix the issues, and if replacement is needed for some parts. Getting a commercial roof replacement cost quotation is often more expensive than a repair.
The roof may also require more extensive repairs if it has not been properly maintained. For example, if you have a commercial flat roof that has been leaking for a long time and has caused water damage to the underlying structure, repairs to both the roof and the interior of the building may be necessary. This can ultimately raise the overall cost.
Lastly, if the existing roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may be more cost-effective to replace the roofing materials entirely rather than perform repeated repairs. This is because repairing an old roof may be a short-term solution and the underlying problems may continue to occur, leading to further repair costs.
Surface Area to Be Repaired
Contractors usually calculate the costs per square foot of the damage needed to be repaired. The larger area to be repaired means that you need to pay for more roofing materials and labor. 
What are the Most Expensive and Least Expensive Repairs?
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Now that you know the different factors that roofing contractors consider when finalizing the overall cost of your upcoming repair project, let’s take a look at the most expensive and least expensive types of commercial roofing repair.
Most Expensive Repairs:
Roof replacements
Storm Damage
Hail Damage
Emergency Repairs
Least Expensive Repairs:
Patching up minor leaks
Clearing of debris from gutters
Replacement of missing or damaged shingles
Sealing around a vent or chimney
How much does it cost to replace 1000 sq ft of a roof?
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It would usually take about $5,000 to $50,000 to do a complete commercial roof replacement. There are several factors that business owners may have to consider like the roofing material, complexity of the replacement project, regional labor costs, expertise of the roofer, etc.
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6 Signs You Need a Commercial Flat Roof Repair
Commercial properties usually have flat roofing systems since they are considered to be very durable once it is properly installed and maintained. However, there are still times when commercial flat roof repair is necessary especially when your area experiences extreme climate conditions like heavy rains, snow, and very hot temperatures. 
But how exactly would you know that your building’s flat roof needs a repair? We have gathered some signs that you can check out when it’s time to call in your roofing contractor. Let’s get started!
When Should You Get a Commercial Roof Repair?
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We have listed down the most common signs of damage that you have to watch out for. 
If you notice any of these signs, it might be time to consider getting a commercial roof repair as soon as possible.
Mold Growth
Once you see signs of mold growth on your flat roof, you have to act fast and prevent it from spreading. It can be due to a variety of factors like excessive moisture, lack of sunlight, and even poor ventilation. 
Aside from compromising the structure of your flat roofs and the entire commercial property, mold growth can also impose health risks to the people who are inside the building. People who are prone to allergies and have respiratory issues may have health issues, which can hamper the smooth operations of your business.
Water Spots on Ceilings and Walls
Water spots on ceilings and walls are a sign that water is penetrating through the flat roof and potentially damaging the building’s structure. 
Over time, this water infiltration can cause significant damage to the roof and underlying materials, leading to rot, mold growth, and potential collapse of the roof. Additionally, water damage can impact the building’s insulation, electrical systems, and other components, which can be costly to repair.
Bubbling of Interior Walls
The bubbling of your interior walls can also be a sign of water damage on your commercial roof. You may see some small bumps or blisters on the surface of your wall, and it can be due to the buildup of air or moisture between the wall and the extra moisture penetrating from the flat roof. 
It’s highly advisable to have a professional roofer inspect your flat roof systems if you see these bubbles.
Water Ponding
Water ponding on a flat roof can be a sign of poor drainage or an insufficient slope, which can cause water to accumulate and potentially penetrate the roof membrane. 
Over time, the water infiltration can lead to damage to the commercial roof and underlying materials, as well as potential structural damage to the building. Getting commercial roof repair may involve improving your drainage system or the existing roof slope of the building.
Visible Wear and Tear
The wear and tear signs of your commercial roofing can manifest in various ways like cracks, blisters, tearing of the roof membrane, damage to flashings, and more. Commercial roofing repair involves adding durable coats, patching the holes and cracks, or even getting a roof replacement.
It is also important to do proper maintenance procedures to ensure that your roofing system is checked for any damage that needs to be addressed.
Loose Flashings 
The flashings on a commercial roof are the thin metal pieces that are installed on a flat roof. These pieces of metal are installed in commercial buildings and residential roofings to create a waterproof barrier on the joints. 
Damaged flat roof flashings can create gaps because they are no longer attached to the commercial flat roof. The roof repair company may do commercial roof repairs by reattaching and securing the flashings back to the joints.
What Is the Best Way to Repair a Flat Roof?
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When it comes to roof repairs of commercial properties, the best way to do it is by identifying the root cause of the damage. For flat roof repair, the usual methods consist of applying sealants or installing layers of reinforced fabric or membrane. 
It is vital that commercial roofing repairs are done by certified roofing contractors as improper installation and repairs may impose more damage.
Which Product Is Used to Repair Small Leaks in Commercial Flat Roofs?
Commercial roofing repairs can use various products for patching up a leaky roof. These products can be roofing cement, liquid rubber, patching kits, and silicone sealants.
Can You Repair a Part of a Flat Roof?
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Yes, it is possible to repair a part of a flat roof without replacing the entire roof. In fact, repairing a specific area of the flat roof is often the most practical and cost-effective solution when only a portion of the roof is damaged or deteriorated.
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Waterproofing Flat Roof: 4 Tips From a Professional Roofer
Flat roofs are very prone to water ponding because of their structure, and this can lead to irreversible damage to your flat roof. It is indeed true that prevention is always the best, and you can waterproof your commercial roof to prevent this.
Before you go with waterproofing flat roof, I have gathered some of the best tips that I can share with you. These tips came from my experience in the roofing industry, and there are several factors that you have to consider before starting your waterproofing membranes installed. Let’s take a better look at these tips!
What Are the Types of Flat Roof Waterproofing?
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Before we talk about the top essential tips that you need to know, let’s talk about the most common types of flat roof waterproofing:
Liquid Waterproofing
This involves the use of waterproof coatings that are applied as a liquid and it dries out to form a solid, waterproof membrane. 
Reinforced Bitumen Membranes (RBM)
This type of flat roof waterproofing is one of the most popular options for commercial buildings. Reinforced Bitumen Membranes need to be applied for two or three layers before pouring the hot bitumen, which is the material that holds the materials to create a waterproof surface.
Liquid Rubber
If you’re up for a DIY waterproofing project, liquid rubber can be your choice. You can use this material for small and large flat roof surfaces, but you have to take note that this is not meant for quick fixes. It is usually recommended to be applied for newly built buildings. 
Single Ply Membrane
It is a single layer of flexible material, such as PVC, TPO, or EPDM roofing, that is applied to the roof surface as a continuous and seamless membrane.
3 Tips for Your Waterproof Flat Roofing Project
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As a roofer with over 25 years of experience in the industry, here are the most important tips that I can share with you to ensure the success of your flat roof waterproofing project:
Make sure that you have the right tools and materials
If you’re about to do the flat roof waterproofing yourself, you have to get all the necessary materials and tools before you start with the project. You might need to look for sealants and patch kits, especially if you need to repair certain areas of your flat roofs. 
As for the waterproof roof membrane, you can have various options to choose from what we have mentioned above. In choosing the right waterproof membrane, you have to consider the climate conditions of your area. 
Small Details Matter
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When I say details, I mean paying attention to the seams and edges of your roofing. It is always best to take some time to check every single corner of your roof and seal everything that needs to be sealed. Spending a little extra time for sealing areas that are prone to water pooling can lessen the chances of getting an emergency roof maintenance procedure.
Choose High-Quality Waterproofing Products
Your flat roofs deserve the utmost care and attention since it keeps your commercial buildings running smoothly throughout the year. Plus, it keeps you safe against all the environmental elements. 
That’s why you have to invest in high-quality waterproofing methods. Using materials from a reputable manufacturer gives you the assurance that you are getting the best out of each dollar you pay for your flat roof. It will also ensure the durability and effectiveness of your waterproofing system.
FAQs About Waterproofing a Flat Roof
How do you waterproof a flat roof?
Here is the most common installation process that you have to follow when you are to waterproof your flat roof:
Clean the surface of the flat roof by removing any dirt and debris.
Check for any damages like cracks, holes, and other damages that need repair before proceeding with the application of the waterproof material.
Before proceeding with the waterproofing method, apply a roof primer to ensure that the liquid waterproofing material will adhere properly to the flat roof.
Install the waterproofing membrane on the roof surface and ensure that it is properly sealed at all seams and edges.
What is the best waterproofing for flat roofs?
The best waterproofing material for a flat roof depends on several factors such as location, climate, roof traffic, and budget. Speak with a licensed roofing company to determine the best option for your commercial building
Can you seal a leaking flat roof?
A leaking flat roof can be sealed. There are several easy steps that you can follow to seal your flat roofing. First off, you have to identify the source of the leaks, it can be by checking the flat roof surface for any cracks, holes, or water ponding. Next, you can now apply a sealant on the roof deck. 
You may apply a silicone or rubber-based waterproofing sealant to the cracks and holes of your flat roof. Just make sure to follow the instructions that come with the packaging of the sealant if you are doing this by yourself. 
How much does it cost to waterproof a flat roof?
On average, the cost to waterproof a flat roof can range from $1 to $4 per square foot for a basic installation, with the total cost ranging from $500 to $2000 for a standard coating.
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Waterproofing Metal Roof: 4 Tips From a Professional Roofer
Metal roofs are prone to corrosion or rust, which can lead to leaking and unwanted repair. Waterproofing metal roof coatings is one way to protect your building, especially if you’re in an area that gets rained often.
If you’re a commercial building owner, keeping your roof durable enough is a must to keep your operations running smoothly all year round.
As a professional roofer with over 25 years of experience, I have gathered the most important waterproofing tips for your metal roofs. These tips are critical for you to know especially if you have an upcoming waterproofing project for your metal roof. Let’s get started!
Common Problems Affecting Metal Roofs
Metal roofing can be an especially challenging surface to work on. While metal can offer a reliable roofing solution, leaks often occur from compromised seams or loose fasteners caused by natural expansions and contractions of the structure. Another frequent issue for commercial metal roofs is corrosion – both corrosion and rust involve chemical processes that lead to material disintegration.
Waterproofing Metal Roofs: What’s In It For You?
Before we dig into the tips for efficiently waterproofing your metal roof, let’s discuss first the major benefits that a commercial building owner can get from installing metal roofs:
Energy efficiency: 
A metal roof coating is highly reflective and has excellent UV stability. Waterproof coatings bounce the sun’s radiation back, and away from the building. This can avoid hot temperatures inside the building, so you can save money on high electricity bills.
Provides adequate protection to the entire building: 
A roof coating system can efficiently protect a building from water damage. This prevents further damage to the building’s interior structure.
Reduced maintenance costs: 
Metal roofs are prone to rust. But since the entire roof surface is covered with a waterproof roof coating, it gives the metal roofs more durability and strength. This prevents any hefty and tedious repairs and maintenance costs.
Best Tips for Waterproofing Metal Roof Coatings
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1. Always Check the Surface
Before the start of your roof coating project, it is always important to start with the surface. Clean off the entire surface with denatured alcohol, acetone, and lacquer thinner and avoid using soap when cleaning the metal roof off. Soap can reduce the adhesion properties of the waterproof coating that you will use.
Additionally, you also have to check the current condition of your metal roof. If you notice that there are loose fasteners or rusted metal sheets, focus on repairing them first before applying the roof coating. You may use liquid rubber seam tape to seal the joints and seams of your metal roofing.
2. Remove Existing Waterproofing
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Not a lot of people know that previous coatings of waterproofing membranes should be removed before applying another coating on your metal roof. Your existing roof coating has to be removed through a chemical application or by physically scraping off the old coating.
3. Use Appropriate Roof Coating Sealant
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One good thing about metal roofs is that they are made not to allow fluid to pass through, but you still have to take care of the edges, seams, joints, and contact points of your building structure. Sealants should be applied to these areas to prevent moisture and water from getting into the roofing system. 
There are currently two basic categories of metal roof sealants that you can choose as a property owner: 
Solvent-based: This type of sealant is highly resilient to harsh environmental elements, and has a thicker texture. It is also more expensive, and the application needs a professional-grade aspirator due to the toxic fumes that it emits.
Water-based: This sealant is less expensive than solvent-based ones and it doesn’t emit harmful fumes during application. However, it is less resistant to harsh weather conditions and may need additional coatings every few years. 
Liquid Rubber: This is a type of synthetic rubber that can be applied as a liquid and then cured to form a flexible, durable, and waterproof membrane. It is typically made from a combination of natural and synthetic rubber, along with various additives to improve its properties.
Silicone sealants: This sealant is made from silicone polymer, which is a synthetic material that is both heat and chemical resistant. 
4. Invest in Underlayment
A roofing underlayment is considered the second layer of protection for your roof, but not all underlayments are created equal. You can either use synthetic or felt underlayment for your metal roofings to create a better sealing action against water and moisture.
FAQs About Metal Roof Waterproofing:
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Check out some of the frequently asked questions about metal roof waterproof coatings:
What kind of sealant to use on metal roofs?
We have talked about the two categories of waterproofing sealants for metal roofs, but there are 5 kinds that you can use for your metal roof. They are the following:
Liquid Rubber
Sealant tape
Can liquid rubber be used on metal?
Yes, a liquid rubber waterproof sealant is solvent-free, non-toxic, and water-based, so it can be applied to generally any type of roof surface, including metal roofs. 
Liquid rubber adheres to all surfaces such as wood, metal, concrete, bricks or stone, fabric, wood, plastics, aluminum, and porcelain.
Does a metal roof need a moisture barrier?
Yes, it is highly recommended to have a moisture barrier on your metal roof. This is essential to prevent condensation and protect against moisture buildup on your roof that can lead to leaking. The buildup of moisture can cause rust and mold buildup that can cause extensive damage to your roof panels.
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What Is Waterproofing Roof Membrane? Uses, Types, Applications
It’s a fact that all roofs will leak eventually. Whether due to damage, wear and tear, or just getting old — it’s inevitable, unless you do regular preventive steps to keep it leak-proof. Nowadays, commercial building owners would prefer to use a waterproofing roof membrane over a standard roofing system to protect their infrastructures.
The challenge lies in determining which type is right for your building. Don’t worry! We will help you learn more about the different types of waterproofing membranes for your roof and everything there is to know about. So, keep reading!
What is a waterproofing membrane roof?
A waterproofing membrane roof is a layer of material that covers the top of a roof. It helps keep water from penetrating the bottom layer, which can cause problems like mold and mildew.
What are the Uses of Waterproofing Roof Membranes?
A waterproofing membrane for roofing is used to create a barrier against water infiltration to protect the building and its contents. Some of its main usages include:
Protecting the building structure: The main function of a waterproofing membrane is to protect the building structure from water damage. This is especially important in commercial and industrial buildings, where a leaking roof can cause significant damage to the building and its contents.
Improving energy efficiency: A waterproofing membrane can help to improve the energy efficiency of a building by preventing heat loss through the roof. This can help to reduce energy costs and make the building more comfortable to occupy.
Enhancing the appearance: In some cases, a waterproofing membrane is also used to enhance the appearance of a building. For example, a white membrane can reflect sunlight and help to reduce the heat gain in the building during summertime.
Reducing maintenance costs: A waterproofing membrane can also help to reduce maintenance costs by protecting the roofing system from damage caused by water infiltration. This can help to extend the life of the roof and reduce the need for costly repairs.
Types of Waterproofing Membranes
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Here are the most common choices for waterproofing membranes that you can use for your commercial roof:
Liquid Membrane Waterproofing:
Liquid membrane waterproofing is a method of applying a waterproof coating to a surface using a liquid material. The liquid material is typically applied using a roller or brush and forms a continuous, seamless membrane on the surface. 
The most common type of liquid membrane waterproofing is cold-applied liquid-applied membranes. The liquid membrane is applied in multiple coats in an existing roof and is allowed to dry between each application. Once the final coat is applied and has dried, the surface is ready for use.
Where is it applied?
Roofs and balconies
Foundation walls
Above-grade and below-grade surfaces.
Cementitious Waterproofing:
This type of waterproofing is typically applied as a dry powder and mixed with water on-site to form a slurry or paste. The mixture is then applied to the roof surface and allowed to dry, forming a waterproof barrier.
The main advantage of cementitious waterproofing for roofing is its durability and long-lasting performance. Cement-based materials are resistant to extreme temperatures and weather conditions, making them an ideal choice for roofing. Additionally, cementitious waterproofing can be used to repair and waterproof existing roofing systems.
Where is it applied?
Concrete roof
Clay tile roof
Metal roof
Bituminous Coating Waterproofing Or Asphalt Coating:
Bituminous coating and asphalt coating are both types of waterproofing for roofs. Bituminous coating is a liquid-applied, asphalt-based coating that is typically used on flat or low-sloped roofs. It provides an effective waterproof barrier and can also help to protect the roof from UV rays.
Asphalt coating, also called “hot tar” or “asphaltic” coating, is a similar product that is applied as a hot liquid. It also provides a waterproof barrier and can protect the roof from weathering. Both types of coating are durable and can last for several years, but they should be reapplied periodically to maintain their effectiveness.
Where is it applied?
Flat roof
Low-sloped roof
FAQs About Waterproofing Membranes for Roofs
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What is the best waterproofing material for a (commercial/industrial) roof?
The best waterproofing material for a commercial or industrial roof depends on your specific needs and situation. You’ll want to consider things like whether you need the roof to last a long time, how much water will be coming into contact with it, and what kind of maintenance you can afford to do.
How do you use a waterproofing membrane on a roof?
First, you need to install a vapor barrier. This prevents water from getting through your roof and into your home.
Next, apply a liquid membrane, which will create a barrier between your roof and the water that’s trying to get in. This layer is applied either with a brush or roller and will protect against water damage while also providing an airtight seal.
What can I put on my roof to make it waterproof?
There are a lot of different kinds of waterproofing material that you can use for your roof. You may choose from Polyurethane Membrane Waterproofing, Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing, Liquid Membrane Waterproofing, Cementitious Waterproofing, Bituminous Coating Waterproofing, Or Asphalt Coating.
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Top 3 Commercial Roof Waterproofing Materials
Not everyone knows that water can create irreparable damage to many types of roofing material, and we don’t want that to happen to your roof! As business owners, keeping the entire structure of your building less susceptible to damage lies under the condition of your roof.
One way to protect your roof is to apply commercial roof waterproofing materials. These materials can help lengthen the lifespan of your roof and prevent any possible instances of roof replacement or repairs once it’s installed properly. 
A waterproofing roof membrane can be applied to common roof structures like metal roof, flat roof, etc. To learn more about the different types of roof waterproofing solutions for your commercial building, read on!
Bituminous Waterproofing Membrane
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This waterproofing material is made with modified bitumen, and other materials like polyester felt or fiberglass. It comes in a liquid membrane or a bitumen-based roll membrane. A bituminous waterproofing membrane is commonly applied on flat roofs, walls, and foundations.
Application Process:
Before the waterproofing process starts, it is important to clean off all the debris on the roof using a broom or an air blower.
Bituminous waterproofing membrane involves the use of a blow torch to heat up the membrane until it becomes soft and pliable. After that, the heated material is pressed onto the roofing structure.
The waterproof membrane can also be applied using a cold method with the help of a special adhesive. 
Can be applied on any surface
Flexible material
Can be applied on interior and exterior corners of walls, chimney edges, parapet returns, etc.
Long lifespan
Resistant to UV rays
Can be easily repaired
Self-Adhesive Membrane
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Did you know that a waterproofing roof membrane has also been innovated into a self-adhesive membrane? An easily peelable waterproof membrane made from polyester felt and fiberglass is now available for your waterproofing of metal roofs, concrete surfaces, and sloping concrete roofing. 
Application process:
First off, the surface must be cleaned and free from any dirt and debris since it could affect the adhesion of the roof waterproofing material. Cracks and holes should also be checked and repaired before the process starts.
Next, a liquid primer will be applied to make sure that the optimum adherence of the self-adhesive membrane. The membrane has to be cut into appropriate sizes, then peel off the membrane and press it firmly. 
Bubbles and wrinkles should be smoothed out. Lastly, excess material should be trimmed before applying a flashing grade sealant.
Easy to install since it requires less labor
Flexible and long-lasting
Can withstand harsh weather conditions
Easy to apply on edges of chimneys and parapet walls
Can be installed in areas with freezing temperature
No heat and flame are needed for installation
Cost-effective than traditional waterproofing application methods
SBS (Styrene Butadiene Styrene) Modified Waterproofing Membrane
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This roof waterproofing membrane consists of a blend of polymers made from styrene butadiene styrene (SBS), asphalt, fiberglass, and some fillers. One layer of this roof waterproof material is coated with a polyethylene film and the other layer can be coated with some mineral stones, silica sand, or aluminum foil.
Application Process:
Just like the first two roof waterproofing membranes, the surface of the roof has to be cleaned off and free from any contaminants. Priming using a liquid primer should also be applied.
Next, the mineral stone coated later should be heated up on the joint and the minerals should be buried using a trowel.
Applicable to various kinds of surfaces even at cold temperatures
Can be applied to chimneys and parapet returns
Highly flexible and durable
Resistant to UV rays
FAQs About Commercial Waterproofing Materials
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How do I waterproof my roof?
While it is possible to waterproof your roof yourself, it’s not easy. If you’re willing to learn how, here are the steps:
1. Clean off all loose dirt, leaves, and debris with a broom or leaf blower.
2. Apply a penetrating sealant with a paintbrush or roller applicator. You have to make sure that you cover any cracks or holes in the surface of your roof as well as any seams between shingles or tiles.
3. Let the sealant or waterproofing materials dry for 24 hours before applying another coat, again making sure to cover all seams and cracks/holes on the surface of your roof.
Which waterproofing is best for an old roof?
The best waterproofing method for an old roof will depend on the condition of the existing roof surface and the type of roofing material used for the establishment. It is recommended that you consult with a professional roofer to determine the best course of action
Does roof coating stop leaks?
This all depends on the current condition of your roofing system. If the roof is in good condition and it never had any major water leak issues, applying a waterproof coating can prevent further leaks. However, if the roof already has lots of leaking, necessary repairs should be done before applying a roof waterproofing membrane.
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7 Questions To Ask Single Ply Roofing Contractors Before Hiring
As a busy businessman, you don’t have the time or energy to sift through all roofing contractors for your commercial buildings. And let’s face it, choosing single ply roofing contractors can be stressful enough, especially if you’re doing this for the first time. 
Not all contractors are created equal, and if you don’t know the right questions to ask, a half-hearted contractor could do more harm than good. But if you do your due diligence by asking the right questions before hiring, you’ll have a better chance at ensuring that your roofing project gets done properly the first time around.
This blog provides a handy list of questions to ask single-ply roofing contractors before hiring to make sure you get the best service possible!
What is single-ply roofing?
Single-ply roofing is a single layer of shingle or other material. The term “single ply” refers to the fact that it is one layer thick and not made up of multiple layers like asphalt shingles.
The single layer can be made out of different materials. The most common types of single-ply roofing membranes are EPDM, PVC, and Thermoplastics. This type of roofing is usually installed on commercial buildings with a flat roofing system.
Important Questions to Ask Single Ply Roofing Contractors
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These questions will help you make the best decision for the best installation experience of your single-ply roofing membrane: 
1. What kind of warranty do you offer?
The warranty offered by roofing services is an indicator of how confident they are about their workmanship. Look for companies that offer at least 25 years on all materials used in their roofs, as well as lifetime warranties on labor. These guarantees show that the company has faith in its own abilities as well as confidence in its products.
2. How long have you been in business?
A good roofing company will be in business for years, if not decades. If they’ve been around for less than five years, they may not yet have built up a solid reputation in your area. But even if they’ve been around longer than that, make sure their references are from recent projects. The older the reference is, the more likely it is that something has changed since then.
3. How many roofs have you installed? What is your average number of installs per year?
These are good questions to ask because it allows you to get an idea of the contractor’s experience. If they have done hundreds or even thousands of roofs throughout their career, then they will likely be able to handle any issues that come up during your job. But if they only install 10-20 roofs a year, then there may not be enough experience to guarantee a quality installation.
4. Will I get a written project estimate before the work begins?
Getting a written estimate is the best way to ensure your expectations are met. This will give you some flexibility in price range so that you can find something in your budget range that still meets your needs and expectations for quality workmanship.
5. What kind of insurance do you have? 
Your roofer must carry liability insurance in case anything goes wrong during their work.
6. Do you have any references? 
A good roofer will have past clients who can speak positively about their services. Ask these people whether they would hire this contractor again and why or why not. Happy customers mean that the roofing contractor you are eyeing provides excellent workmanship. Customer experience is a great factor to consider when hiring roofers.
7. What materials are used in your roofing system?
It is important to know what types of materials are used, as well as the quality of those materials. You want to ensure that the roofing system will last for a long time and protect your commercial building from any environmental damage or unexpected mishaps.
FAQs About Single-Ply Roofing
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How long does single-ply roofing last?
A single-layer membrane can last for years with high strength thanks to its highly effective raw material. Typical life spans are between 25 and 40 which corresponds to a building’s service life.
Is single-ply roofing the same as TPO?
Yes, both are the same. TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) roofing systems are a specific brand of single-ply roofing product. TPO roofing systems are often applied with an insulation board underneath the membrane to prevent mold and moisture from developing.
How is a single-ply roof installed?
Single-ply roofs are usually installed using a combination of adhesives, nails, and staples. The single-ply roofing membranes are laid out on the roof deck and the required amount of adhesive is applied. The adhesive is spread over the entire surface, ensuring that there are no dry spots.
Once the adhesive has thoroughly dried, the next step involves nailing down the edges. This is done by using a hammer to drive nails through the top fabric into the underlying insulation. 
Each nail should be driven at least 3/4″ into the insulation below so that it can withstand high winds and heavy snow loads. Once all of the nails have been driven in place, your roofer can now begin stapling down the roofing material. 
Choose a Credible Single-Ply Roofing Contractor Today!
To sum it all up, it’s essential to do thorough research and to ask your roofing contractor about all the necessary project details you need before you hire them. After all, you want to make sure that you get everything you need for a good deal. 
Asking about the costs, warranty and guarantees, materials used, and other relevant information about single-ply membranes will help. You will learn more about them as a company too. 
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