communityloverot · 4 months
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communityloverot · 4 months
you, me & the sea
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communityloverot · 4 months
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communityloverot · 4 months
You're just a mammal. Let yourself act like it. Your brain needs enrichment. Your body needs rest. You feel hunger and grow hair. You need to pack bond with other sentient things so you don't become unsocialized and neurotic. You are biologically inclined to seek dopamine and become sick when chronically stressed. "Hedonism" is made up to place moral value on taking pleasure in sensory experiences. I am telling you that if you don't let yourself be a fucking mammal, as you were made, you will suffer and go insane. No grindset no diets no trying to be above your drive for connection. Pursue what makes you feel good and practice radial rejection of the constructs meant to turn you into a machine. You're a mammal.
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communityloverot · 4 months
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communityloverot · 4 months
Water falls upon sand
My hands falls upon yours
Gripped tightly
All I can think about is loss
I’m terrified of a future
Water hits my feet
Bare feet
Dog pulls me towards
And then away from water
Your hand falls away from mine
Cold water numbs
You complain of the sharp glass
I don’t feel it
I’m just looking at you,
Playing with the dog
I hope I don’t ruin this
Fog rolls in
Ocean gone
Trees going
I feel myself slipping away
I don’t know if I’ll catch up to it
Do the fish think?
Or do they just get carried by waves
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I miss writing poems about you
I miss writing poems
I miss you
I miss
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communityloverot · 4 months
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a little personal response / tribute to "here's the life i've always longed for" by Anna Haifisch. the original means so much to me, and even though it's hard, I feel like every day i'm making more steps toward finally being on the other side of that fence <:)
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communityloverot · 1 year
passports…should not expire
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communityloverot · 1 year
we are in a media literacy crisis
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communityloverot · 1 year
pasta expands and spinach shrinks. if we could have them mate we may be able to creayte a food which does not change at all when cooked
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communityloverot · 1 year
reject booktok culture. go to the library and get a weird little novel you’ve never heard of in your life and read it all in 2 days like god intended.
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communityloverot · 1 year
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woop there it is
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communityloverot · 1 year
thinking about two jestergirls passionately making out
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communityloverot · 1 year
deletes you forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [you still exist as metadata]
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communityloverot · 1 year
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richard siken, in pithead chapel
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communityloverot · 1 year
While taking a nap today I dreamt there was a hazard sign called "never found" which was used to indicate a location where people disappeared never to be seen again
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communityloverot · 1 year
why dknt we let the girl who sucks and is bad at everything have a try
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