companionmaidscs · 6 years
Best Way To Clean Grout
Best Way To Clean Grout Find more on: Companion Maids Blog
Grout is that necessary element that holds your tiling and fixtures into place. It's also one of the most renowned spots for collecting gross grime and weird things that can discolor it and make it look even dirtier than it might actually be. Cleaning grout is seldom easy, since it lies between the ceramic, stone, or glass it's tasked with keeping steady. With that said, it's existence is something that shouldn't be ignored. With a few handy tips and tricks, you can keep your grout looking gorgeous. Can't do it yourself, you may need to hire an apartment cleaning service.
1. Prep the Area
Make your job as easy as possible by surface-cleaning the area before you really start digging into the dirt. Use hot water and a stiff-bristled scrubbing brush to loosen surface dirt and debris. If you have a steam cleaner on hand, put it to work on your grout; the super hot temperatures and steam liquid will help prep your soon-to-be-bright grout.
2. Try the DIY Route
There are plenty of pricey products on the market that'll promise you the world and more, but you don't have to succumb to the expenses associated with brand-name items. Instead, mix up a DIY solution using a few items you probably already have in your home. The tried-and-true combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda creates the perfect grout-cleaning solution. When coupled with a bit of laundry detergent, you'll be able to cut through the grease and goo that gets tracked into your home.
1/2 cup of baking soda
1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide
1 tsp of dish soap
Mix the baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together first. Then, add the dish soap and continue mixing until it's combined into a smooth ingredient. Spoon your mixture on the grout, wait 5 to 15 minutes, then scrub and rinse.
3. Find Some Comfort Factors
Cleaning grout isn't exactly a pleasant process (although people who love to clean often find it very therapeutic). The fact of the matter is that grout lives in places that require you to make your body a little uncomfortable. If you're cleaning the grout on your kitchen or bathroom floors, you'll be on your hands and knees for a while until you get it looking as white as you want it to be. If you're scrubbing the walls of your shower, you'll probably have to bend and stretch your body in ways that aren't natural to your day-to-day life. Find ways to decrease the stress you're putting on your body by wearing accessories such as knee pads to relieve excess pressure. Make sure you take breaks while you're working, too. This will help your muscles come back to a relaxed state after they've stayed in a weird position for a while.
4. Get Your Toothbrushes Ready
By nature, grout is hard to reach, even when it's out in the open. An arsenal of toothbrushes will be your best friend as you begin to tackle this task. They're small enough to follow the lines of grout without overlooking the reason you're doing this type of cleaning in the first place. Bear in mind that toothbrushes can get pretty gnarly fairly quickly, and you don't want to swap one layer of dirt for another. For this reason, it's important to have several toothbrushes available at your disposal when you're ready to get down and dirty with your grout. If the bristles start to look haggard, you still have plenty of mileage left on them. Remember, you're not brushing your teeth; you're cleaning grout. If it starts to look like your toothbrushes are bringing more dirt with them than they're eliminating, however, it's time to switch to a new tool. You don't have to go out and buy a bunch of new toothbrushes. Instead, keep the old toothbrushes your family swaps out when they get a new one. Those are perfectly fine for your flooring and bathroom tiles.
5. Work in Sections
You might not want to conquer your entire grout-cleaning task in a single mission, particularly if you have an expansive kitchen or bathroom. Rather than setting yourself up for a painfully long day of Cinderella-like cleaning duties, section off big areas so you only have to do a little at a time. If you start to get tired or simply have something to do that's a little more fun, you can easily walk away and come back to the next section tomorrow. Painter's tape is a great option that'll help you create even sections without leaving sticky residue behind. Before you start scrubbing, create squares with painter's tape so you'll know where you left off if you need to finish your task on a different day.
6. Don't Forget to Let the Solution Set
We said it above, but it's worth repeating—make sure you leave your cleaning solution on the grout for 5 to 15 minutes. Grout is porous, meaning it absorbs a lot of the elements your tiles can ward away. It needs time to soak in your cleaning ingredients so the gross stuff that's buried deep within the materials can benefit from the concoction you mixed together. You can always apply solution with a sponge.
7. Apply a Grout Sealer
It's a given that your grout is going to get a little gross from time to time. Because it's the glue that holds all of your beautiful tile together, it's subjected to a lot of wear and tear. Grout sealants fill the pores of grout, helping to keep out the grime and goo that causes it to get dingy in the first place. It's important to ensure your grout is dry before you apply a sealer. Wait at least 24 hours after your cleaning project is complete to apply the sealer. If your grout's getting the best of you, it's time to call in the professionals. Companion Maids is an award-winning Chicago cleaning company that'll clean your home as it's our very own. Ready to get rid of the grime on your grout? We're just a phone call or online contact form away!
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Pros And Cons Of Living In A Chicago Doorman Building
Pros And Cons Of Living In A Chicago Doorman Building is available on http://companionmaids.com
Chicago's the type of city where you have options for nearly anything you could imagine. If you feel like hanging out inside a dark and quiet lounge instead of a loud, raucous bar, the city will provide you with dozens of places you'll love. If you'd rather enjoy a pricey plate instead of a homemade meal, you can rest assured that any chef in the Windy City would be glad to make your entree. When it comes to apartments, there are just about as many options as anything else you could think of. One great debate seems to be more present than any other: should you choose a building with a doorman or one without? Like most things in life, there are pros and cons to each option. The building that's best for you may not be a great fit for your friends or family members. It's a very personal choice—one that's best made after evaluating all the pluses and minuses available in either case. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of living in a building in Chicago that has a doorman.
Pros of Having a Doorman in Chicago
We'll start with the positive features of doorman-guarded buildings.
1. Safety
Great doormen pay attention to everything. That means they're watching who comes into and out of the building, who might be loitering on the property, and which faces look like they don't belong. The people who are approved to go into a doorman building have been vetted by the professional person who knows how to keep his (or her) building as safe as possible.
2. Convenience
When you're away at work all day, it can be hard to plan your schedule around picking up packages. If you live in a building without a doorman, you might have to rely on your neighbors to keep an eye out for your boxes when they arrive. Even then, you're leaving a bit of your package-delivery success to luck. Doormen eliminate this unwanted shuffling of the clock. They're there to get your packages and secure them until you're able to pick them up. And, what if you have someone coming over to clean your place, such as a maid service, while you're away? Don't worry! Doormen do that duty, too. They'll let your housekeepers in and make sure no one's there who's not on your list.
3. Luxury
It's so nice to have someone open the door for you when you have your hands full, but doormen don't care if you've got anything in your hands or not. They provide the intangible service of ensuring the people in their building feel special. Having someone open the door for you makes you feel like you're a celebrity, no matter how un-famous you are. Doormen greet you with a kind smile and wish you a great evening when you leave. Many of them offer concierge services that'll enable you to make the most of your city with insider tips and special reservations.
4. Assistance
Trudging those last few steps after you've already hiked a few blocks with groceries in-tow can be excruciating. Coming back from a trip where you're juggling tons of luggage poses another awkward situation in terms of getting from here to there. There are plenty of ways people need assistance every day, and a great doorman will do his best to mitigate stressful situations when they arrive at his building. He'll help you lug that luggage into the building and will take it upstairs for you if he's able. He'll open the door when you have your hands filled with groceries, and he'll probably suggest a good recipe, too. Whether you simply need help navigating the lobby, or your shopping excursion has taken you past the limits of carrying bags by yourself, your doorman will save the day.
Cons of Having a Doorman in Chicago
Now, let's look at some of the reasons people choose to live in non-doorman buildings in Chicago.
1. Lack of Privacy
Doormen don't necessarily care what you're doing or who you're doing it with, but they are watching. By default, their job is to no one—and nothing— comes into the building without authorized access. That means they're paying attention to the guests you're bringing onto the property and the packages they're signing in your name. If you're a stickler for a quiet life where nobody knows what you're doing or who you're hanging out with, a doorman building is probably not your best option.
2. Expense
Doormen aren't volunteers. They're professionals, and most of them take their jobs very seriously. As such, they expect to be paid the type of wage worthy of someone who looks after the safety and well-being of an entire building. While you won't see an invoice from your doorman directly, you will incur the expenses by way of rent that's higher than that of no-doorman buildings in Chicago. For many people, this is the trade-off cost between saving money and maybe having some extra living space or paying a higher monthly fee in favor of a bit of luxury. If you'd prefer to forego higher rent in favor of a bit of savings in your pocket each month, you might be better off looking for a building that doesn't employ a doorman.
3. Expense (Continued)
If you live in a doorman building, your base costs are covered by your rent or the monthly fees you pay your property manager or HOA. The expenses don't stop there, however. A large portion of doormen's income is derived from tips, particularly around the holidays. Although you're certainly not required to tip your doorman, you can be certain that he is keeping tabs on the residents who have failed to show their appreciation monetarily. If you don't tip your doorman, he may accidentally forget to open the door for you when it's pouring rain outside, or perhaps he won't be there to sign for our package. Is it professional? No. Does it happen? Absolutely. It's best to factor in the cost of a tip every now and then to ensure you'll be getting the service you're ultimately paying for if you choose a doorman building.
4. Chitchat
Chitchat can be a bonus for people who like to interact with a familiar face every day, but for people who'd prefer to run through the lobby and get into their homes without interacting with another human being, doorman buildings can create uncomfortable situations. By nature, doormen tend to be pretty social people who care about their residents and want to hear about their lives. If this scenario makes you cringe, you're probably better off looking for a place that doesn't have an attendant. Don't rule out individual apartments until you see them for yourself. Be sure to write down a list of pros and cons as you go exploring. If not having a doorman is a deal-breaker, tell your Realtor upfront. However, if you're open to exploring the possibilities that could be found in buildings that don't employ doormen, set some time aside to explore both options. You'll probably know which place is right for you as soon as you walk into the building.
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Best Ways To Use A Magic Eraser
The blog post Best Ways To Use A Magic Eraser is courtesy of www.companionmaids.com
First patented in 2004, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, a melamine foam sponge—which was billed as one of Time Magazine’s “Coolest Inventions” of that year—has since been busy removing dirt, grime, and sticky stains from everything from shoes to stovetops. Learn more about how this unique sponge works, the many ways in which you can utilize its cleaning powers, and a few things you should never use a Magic Eraser to clean.
How Does A Magic Eraser Work, Anyway?
Although a Magic Eraser looks like an ordinary sponge in many ways, this unique cleaning tool is actually made from melamine foam. Melamine resin is a versatile plastic that is created by mixing melamine with formaldehyde; when this resin is used to create foam, the final product is an ultra-fine abrasive that’s similar to sandpaper. Adding the power of water retention to this microscopically gritty sponge gives it a cleaning power that is truly magical.
Ten Ways To Use Your Magic Eraser
In addition to the seemingly obvious uses for a Magic Eraser (like scrubbing soap scum out of showers and sinks, cleaning scuff marks from walls, and wiping burned-on spills from an induction cooktop) there are dozens of other situations in which a Magic Eraser is truly a secret weapon.
#1: Erase Crayon or Marker From Your Walls
If you have children (or have hosted children) who tend to view your bare walls as a canvas, don’t fear cleanup—the Magic Eraser can handle both waxy crayons and penetrating markers, even permanent markers.
#2: Remove Rusty Residue from Porcelain
For households with hard or iron-heavy water, rust stains on porcelain can be tough to get rid of. But a Magic Eraser makes short work of these stubborn red and brown streaks, easily restoring your bath, shower, or tub to like-new condition.
#3: Refresh Grout and Caulk
If your tile is looking dingy, a good scrubbing with a Magic Eraser may be enough to bring back that bright white grout. And if you’ve caulked around the edge of your sink, shower, or tub, this eraser can remove stains and grime that could potentially degrade the caulk seal over time.
#4: Protect Walls from Artwork
By cutting a tiny slice from a Magic Eraser and using it as a “bumper” behind shelves or mounted artwork, you’ll avoid scratches and scuff marks on your walls. Just attach the Magic Eraser to your frame with a tiny bit of superglue (which you can later use a Magic Eraser to remove!)
#5: Eliminate Sticky Residue From Just About Anything
Whether you have hairspray build-up on your curling or straightening iron, the sticky remnants of a label on a glass jar, or another type of hard-to-remove stickiness, a Magic Eraser can break down these gluey bonds quickly.
#6: Detail Your Car
Whether you’ve got a dusty dashboard, a smeared windshield, or sticky leather seats, a Magic Eraser can give your car that brand-new appearance again (albeit without the new-car smell).
#7: Remove Stains From Fabric
If you're dealing with a stubborn stain that even pricey laundry detergent won't remove, try using a Magic Eraser. Often, this abrasive surface can be just the trick for stains that seem impervious to other cleaning agents. It can even remove blood stains in some cases.
#8: Shine Your Car's Headlights
Over time and with exposure to salt, hard water, and road dust, your vehicle's headlights can become dingy and dull. A few quick swipes with a Magic Eraser may be all that's needed to restore your headlights to new.
#9: Try Your Toilet Tank
One fun experiment involves placing a Magic Eraser in your toilet's water tank. As the Magic Eraser remains waterlogged, it will slowly release its micro-abrasive particles as it dissolves, helping keep your toilet bowl clean and sparkling.
#10: Shine Your Silver
Because silver is generally hard enough to resist scratching, it's a great candidate for a good cleaning with a Magic Eraser. Remove tarnish, water spots, and other discolorations without using harmful chemicals or tarnish removers.
Five Things To Avoid Cleaning With a Magic Eraser
While a Magic Eraser can seem like a fairly innocuous cleaning tool, its micro-abrasive surface isn’t a good idea for certain materials. Here are just five of the things you should never use your Magic Eraser to clean.
Your Car
The abrasive surface of a Magic Eraser is almost certain to leave tiny scratches in your car’s paint job. Resist the urge to use a Magic Eraser to get your vehicle super-clean; instead, opt for cleaning tools that are specifically designed for vehicles.
Your Kitchen Counters (Usually)
Some countertop surfaces are quite delicate. Using a Magic Eraser on marble or granite countertops can scratch them; and while you may not notice this damage at first, over time, the use of abrasive cleaning products can lead to pitting, discoloration, and cracks.
Your Television or Computer Screen
You wouldn’t use sandpaper to clean your television, would you? Because a Magic Eraser’s micro-scrubbers rely on the same physical principles as fine-grained sandpaper, using one of these sponges to wipe down your television or computer screen could give you permanent wipe marks. (However, using the Magic Eraser to clean the keyboard is just fine.)
Fine China
Magic Erasers are so good at removing surface dust and grime, they’re a poor choice to use to clean fine china or other delicate dishes, as they may scratch the surface or remove patterns.
Anything You Haven’t Tested First
Unless you’ve used a Magic Eraser on a certain surface before (or know, beyond a doubt, that the surface is Magic-Eraser safe), it’s a good idea to do a small spot test in an inconspicuous area. This test will reveal whether the Magic Eraser might damage the surface and help you avoid causing a much larger mess than the one you’re trying to clean. With these Magic Eraser tips, tricks, and cautions, you’re ready for just about any cleaning project that comes your way! But if you're ready to take the next step toward improving your home environment, consider hiring an outside cleaning company like Companion Maids. Our flexible scheduling and experienced staffers can help you get your home into ship-shape on your schedule and at your convenience.
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
How To Remove Blood Stains
How To Remove Blood Stains Read more on: Companion Maids Chicago
Whether you get blood stains on clothes, furniture, carpets, or another area of your home, it can be distressing to see a continual reminder of an accident. Depending on the amount of blood and how long it had to soak in, you may be able to remove it with one or more of the tips that we outline below.
Removing Blood Stains From Clothes
The first thing to do when blood has splattered onto clothes is to remove them and soak them in cold water. Next, you can pre-treat the garment by placing liquid detergent into the cold water and allowing it to sit for up to five minutes. You may need to push down on the item of clothing with one hand to ensure that it remains fully under water. You are ready at this point to wash the blood-stained clothing with other clothing items or sheets and towels. The other items you wash with the pre-treated clothing should be as close to its color as possible. There is no need to rinse the water or detergent off the piece of clothing with the blood stain before you put it in the wash machine with the rest of the items. Run a load of clothes through the wash machine as you normally would but make sure the dial is set to cold water. Unfortunately, using warm or hot water will cause the stain to set into the clothing rather than remove it. If the bloodstain does not come out completely when the load has gone through a drying cycle, you can try to repeat the same process. You may need to hire a maid service if you do not want to do this yourself.
Removing Blood Stains From Furniture
If your child had a nose bleed while sitting on the sofa or your cat got a claw stuck and left a little blood behind, you might think the stains are impossible to remove. While some will be difficult to get rid of entirely, others will come up with the right combination of elbow grease and cleaning product. Keep in mind that blood is always easier to clean up when it is fresh and has not yet had the opportunity to dry and harden on the surface of your furniture. Many home goods, discount, and online stores sell cleaning products designed only for removing blood stains. These products work by making the properties of the stain water-soluble so you can simply wipe it up. At Companion Maids, we encourage you to research several blood removal cleaning products and to read the reviews about each product. With so many options available, it really becomes a matter of preference as to which one you will buy. You also have the option of trying to remove the blood stain without special cleaning products. Here are some tips that can help:
Pour hydrogen peroxide on the blood stain. This is a common trick in the medical and veterinary fields.
Spray window cleaner on the blood stain before you attempt to wash the fabric. You will need a cloth to rub the window cleaner gently into the stain.
If the fabrics of your furniture are washable, try pouring salt water on the blood-stained area.
For removable pieces of furniture such as couch cushions, place several inches of water in the bathtub and then add a denture cleaning tablet. The blood-stained item can remain in the bucket for up to one hour before you remove it and wash it by hand.
Try rubbing lava soap on the stain and then return in three hours to see if the stain is gone.
Tips For Removing Blood Stains From Carpets
The first step in getting blood out of carpet is to saturate the area with cold water. After allowing the cold water to sit for several minutes, try to blot out the stain with a clean rag. Be sure not to use a wiping motion since this will spread the stain rather than remove it. A wet/dry vacuum cleaner can also work on a blood stain that has not set in yet. As an alternative to water, you can try using a tablespoon of ammonia and the same blotting process. You may need to buy a carpet cleaner if neither of the above methods is effective at removing a blood stain. Be sure to follow the instructions on the back of the can, which will likely call for you to sprinkle some cleaning product onto your carpet, allow it to sit for a specified time, and vacuum the area.
Hiring A Maid Service
What each of the above tips have in common is that they may or may not be effective while still costing you time and money. It could be a better use of both resources to contact Companion Maids for a one-time cleaning session. We use strong, professional-grade cleaning supplies that you probably don’t have access to as a consumer. We have also made a significant investment in heavy-duty cleaning equipment such as wet/dry vacuum cleaners. The likelihood of getting a blood stain out of your furniture or carpet is much higher when you work with us. Companion Maids also offers laundry services as an add-on to regular cleaning sessions. Whether you have concerns about set-in stains or not, the best way to prevent your home from becoming dirty and cluttered is to arrange for regular maid service. For your convenience, we offer cleaning packages every seven, 14, or 28 days. We welcome you to call our office in Chicago at 773-346-6714 to learn more about how we can clean your home and reduce the stress in your life. You can also request services by completing this form.
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
How To Unclog A Drain
The following blog post How To Unclog A Drain See more on: http://companionmaids.com
Sometimes a drain gives warning signs that it’s about to clog. For example, you notice water pooling around your feet when you take a shower or the sink takes longer to drain when you wash dishes. Depending on what is stuck in your drain, you could also smell unpleasant odors. While dealing with a clogged drain is not always pleasant, the good news is that you may be able to unclog it yourself.
Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Trying to Unclog a Drain
If you see hair in the shower or food particles that didn’t go down the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink, you may remove it by hand and think that is the end of your clogged drain problem. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case. A product such as Liquid Plumber or plunging the clogged drain manually may also fail to produce results.
Home Remedies You Can Try
You will need to do something quickly or risk having a pipe burst. One of these do-it-yourself strategies may work for you:
Pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar into the drain. The mix should contain one-third of a cup of each ingredient that you pour into a measuring cup. You will know the two ingredients are mixing together as they should when they start fizzing inside of the cup. Be sure to pour the mixture down the drain immediately to avoid it overflowing and making a mess. After the baking soda and vinegar has sat for an hour, pour a cup of hot water down the drain.
Use a wet and dry vacuum cleaner. If you are fortunate enough to own a shop vac with wet and dry settings, it might help you clear your clogged drain. You will first need to adjust the setting to vacuum liquids. Next, cover the vent and create a tight seal over your drain. A head from an old plunger will work well for this purpose. You should now turn the vacuum cleaner to its highest setting for liquids to see if it can get the job done. Although there is no guarantee that it will work, it is always worth a shot.
Use a bent wire hanger. This is an old trick, but it can still be an effective one. Find an old wire hanger and bend one end of it into a small hook. Holding the hanger from the large end, insert the hook into the drain by pushing it down as far as you can. The goal is to pull out as much junk as you can without pushing it further down the drain. Once you have as much as you think you can retrieve, run hot water over the drain.
Use a drain snake. A drain snake is a simple piece of equipment that you can buy at any hardware store. Once you have it home, place it down the drain to attempt to loosen whatever is causing the clog in the first place. You will first need to remove the bottom of your drain and place a bucket underneath it to catch anything that the drain snake loosens.
Use sodium hydroxide. Also known as caustic soda, this chemical is available at any hardware store. However, you need to use extreme caution if you choose to work with it since it can cause chemical burns if you don’t protect yourself with gloves. Start the process by pouring three-quarters of a gallon of cold water into a large bucket and then add three cups of the sodium hydroxide. Use a large wooden spoon to mix the ingredient with the water. It should start fizzing and getting warmer right away. You should now pour the entire bucket of water and sodium hydroxide into the clogged drain and wait approximately 30 minutes. The last step is to use a bucket full of boiling water to flush the drain.
Avoid Clogged Drains With Regular Maid Service
A clogged drain can be a nuisance besides taking time and money to fix. The good news is that you can prevent them entirely by arranging for regular Chicago housecleaning services from Companion Maids. We can clean your drains during each visit or on a schedule that you determine. Companion Maids offers customers the option of a one-time service or having maids clean your home weekly, every other week, or every four weeks.
Why You Should Choose Companion Maids for Your Housecleaning Needs
Trust and superior service are two of the top things that a cleaning service can provide to its customers. We are happy to let you know that our customers consistently give us high rankings in these and several other areas. Our company has received a Superior Service Award from Angie’s List, a watchdog organization for consumer rights that provides information and reviews on thousands of companies nationwide. This award is so prestigious that only the top five percent of businesses in all categories are eligible to receive it. Are you ready to put messes and clogged drains behind you? Book with Companion Maids today.
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Kitchen Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier.
Kitchen Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier. is courtesy of http://www.companionmaids.com/
The things we consider the hardest are most likely to be done in a simpler way and actually work. Some of us view the kitchen as a room for the experts only and shy away. The very complex things you see being done in the cooking channels are as easy as a walk in the park if you try some of these simple kitchen hacks. They are suitable for saving time and money. You can call them shortcuts that really go a long way.
Keep your tomatoes fresh.
The most nagging problem in the kitchen is finding your tomatoes rotten after some time. We buy enough tomatoes to last us through the week but before it ends, you start seeing rotten sports on them. Keeping them in the fridge is not the solution because eventually, they will still go bad after some days. What you should do is, when buying tomatoes, be sure to mix both raw and ripe tomatoes. Buy some few lemons as well and put them together in one basket. Be sure to place a lemon in the middle of four tomatoes. The lemon slows down the ripening process making the tomatoes stay fresh for longer.
How to store your coriander.
Putting coriander stem in water won't keep them fresh. They wither after some time and turn yellow. The best way to ensure that they stay fresh for up to 10 days is very simple. Buy your coriander and cut off the roots. D  o not cut up to the stem. Wash them thoroughly and put them in a container. Seal the container tightly to make sure no air goes inside. Store them in the fridge and only open it when you need to take some out and use. Close the container and return to the fridge for use on another day. Your coriander will stay fresh up to two weeks or more. Remember, store in the fridge and not the freezer.
Slice your onions without tearing up.
Every time you slice an onion, you always find yourself ‘crying'. The smell of the onions irritates our eyes which causes us to tear up. A helmet could work yes, but having to go to the store and buy a helmet yet you don't own a bike could seem awkward to yourself. It is also expensive to incur unnecessary costs. To avoid all this, peel your onions and soak them in salty water twenty minutes before you cook and that will do the trick.
Need to store peeled potatoes?
For instance, you go to prepare dinner, you have already peeled your potatoes ready to be cooked then, a friend pops in with the takeaway food. That situation is tempting and you suddenly feel like you don't want to cook anymore. What will happen to your potatoes? If you leave them like that, they will turn black by morning and you don't want to boil them. Just wash them well and put in a bowl with water then place small slices of bread on the water. Bread floats on water while the potatoes are underneath the water. By the next day morning, the potatoes will still be very fresh, as the bread will have sacked up the gas that causes them to darken.
Do not throw your jars.
Most if not all stores, sell empty jars for us to buy and store spices, sugar, salt and other things in them. To avoid these costs, just improvise on what you already have. The empty Nutella and honey jars can come in handy. Simply remove their labels and put nametags of what you want to keep in them. This is a good form of cost saving.
Peel tomatoes with less hustle.
Sorting tomatoes peels on the side of your plate as you are having dinner is a lot of work. You could even lose appetite while at it. You don't have to keep doing that. If you don't prefer blending your tomatoes, you could opt for this very simple hack. Soak your tomatoes in hot water for thirty minutes. This will soften their skin making it easy to peel with your hands. Peeling with a knife is not a good idea as you might deeply cut out some part of the tomato, leaving you with a very small tomato.
Replace plastic bags with containers.
Storing food leftovers in plastic bags and placing them on the shelves look a bit messy. The entire kitchen tends to look clustered just because of that shelve. The best way to avoid this is to get rid of plastic bags and opt for containers. Foodstuff like beans and peas can be put in cereal containers instead. If you need to have plastic bags around, get a drawer for them.
Do not throw leftover bread.
For the lovers of bread, you do not have to throw the one remaining piece every day. Dry the bread and put it in a jar in form of crumbs. After a few times of drying your leftover bread, your jar will be full and you can use the crumbs to fry chicken or make meatballs. You will have saved the cash that you could have used to buy breadcrumbs from the store.
Preserving your tomato paste.
Whether in the fridge or not, tomato paste seems to go bad soon as you have unsealed the can. You end up throwing away a merely used can of paste. To prevent this, simply pour some little olive oil on the paste. The oil prevents bacteria from forming on the paste keeping it fresh for longer. You could use cooking oil too in case you are out of olive oil. These simple hacks are a lifesaver for almost every situation. Some of the hacks are basic science that we learned in our early school days. Do not attempt any hack that you are not sure of to prevent loss or damage of your stuff.    
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
How To Upgrade Your Bathroom Without Spending A Lot
How To Upgrade Your Bathroom Without Spending A Lot is available on http://companionmaids.com/
  It is possible to take your bathroom from pale to fabulous without risking bankruptcy. Often, when giving a tour of your home, the bathroom rarely gets mentioned. If it does, it’s only with an ‘it is over there ‘and you move on to showcase your kitchen. There’s nothing wrong about that. However, it is not a place to take décor shortcuts. Remember anyone entering your home must at one point—like some unwritten rule, visit the bathroom. If they find urine stains, no tissue or soap in the dispenser, irrespective of whether it's clean or not, they will cringe. It is, therefore, important to update the vibe of your bathroom. It should be a place where you can find solitude after a long day. Most people know better than to bother anyone using the space. Anyway, does anything feel as good as a long bath or shower after a bad day? With the bathroom of your dreams, it raises the experience a notch higher. Whether you need a change from your dated bathroom, or you are bored of with the status quo, it is possible to do it in a snap and on a budget too. Here are some ideas that will help you brighten up space without using a fortune. Painting Painting is one of the easiest ways you can refresh and give your bathroom a different look. Additionally, small bathrooms are a burden to most and, you could do with some more space. Turns out, depending on the color of paint you choose, you can easily and cheaply make your space look larger. From cool white to dramatic red, colors literally evoke certain feelings. There's no precise rule on how to paint the space, it's a matter of personal taste. However, since the space is generally limited and has unique functions, special consideration should be taken as you pick your color scheme. Think of what mood you want to generate. Do you want laid back rhythms that encourage relaxing at the end of the day? Or do you prefer alarm-clock hue that stimulates your senses during your morning routine? Painting can do so much in changing your space’s overall look. Basically, think about shades that will make your space appear larger, brighter, warmer, and more welcoming. Upgrade your mirror There is definitely a mirror for every taste, whether modern or classic. Mirrors are key in pulling off a trick that fools the eye that there’s more space in a room than there actually is. Besides playing a key role in grooming, mirrors can be used creatively to refresh and contribute to giving your space a charismatic effect. If you already have a mirror in your bathroom, you don’t have to lose it and buy a new one. Easily upgrade it by changing its frame. As with art, mirrors can be grouped, or stand alone. Although be careful as you hang your mirrors since as easy as it is for a mirror to reflect the beauty of a room, it can also cast back undesirable reflections. Add character to your bathroom space by creating a gallery of different mirrors. Group them together to create an area which dazzles, adding light and interest to the room. Exploring with your mirrors gives you endless opportunities to add that extra something to your bathroom. Re-grout bathroom tile Tiles are amazing in the bathroom. They are long-lasting and simple to clean. However, if your grout is stained or crumbling, it brings down the whole look. Furthermore, if ignored, falling out grout will cause leakage which leads to more damage. While it is not a luxurious material you will use as you update your space, it plays a big role in the final look of your bathroom. Re-grouting cannot fail in refreshing the look of a tiled bathroom. The process is actually easier than it sounds. Yet if you are doing it yourself since it will be more economical, it takes time, technique and you will want to take it easy. Maximize storage There is nothing that messes up your bathroom like clutter. It is a limited space and you’d be wise to maximize your storage space in the most creative ways. Well, since it’s easier said than done, you will need some help in keeping clutter at bay to create an appealing look. First, start by decluttering. Throw away the empty bottles and broken combs. Also, find a different storage room for things you don't use regularly in the bathroom. You can then make use of decorative baskets. It reduces the number of items displayed, therefore, gives off an organized look. Also, make use of open shelf instead of adding more cabinets. Having an organized bathroom goes deeper than the aesthetic purposes. It also gives you a good start while preparing yourself for the day. Lighting Beautiful lighting plays a big role in every room, but it plays a particularly important role in your bathroom. Incidentally, too often lighting bathroom is low on the list of priorities. A bathroom is no longer just a functional room. It’s a room that you can go to and take hours, all by yourself. Therefore, create a sanctuary by instilling different types of lights. When it comes to the bathroom, you need both beauty and functionality. The best and cheapest way to let in more light is by maximizing the natural light. Ensure your window treatment lets in light. Then you can go ahead and choose the right bulb and light depending on the effect you want. With lights, you can totally refresh your bathroom look. Update your accessories Accessories are key elements in creating the mood, style and look of your bathroom. Mostly, people think of the bathing or shower system as the most important of all as they upgrade. This might be true but you don't want to deny your home that effect of well-picked accessories. When you select the right accessories, you can make your bathroom look inviting, cozy, and glamorous. Try out some of the things mentioned above and watch your tired old bathroom come back to life on a budget.  
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
How How Clean is The Air Within your home? Things to Ensure clean air at home
The blog post How How Clean is The Air Within your home? Things to Ensure clean air at home is courtesy of http://www.companionmaids.com
How clean is the air in your home? This may seem like a simple question to answer but it's not. Many people think that air pollution is something that only happens in the outdoors and when they are in their homes they are safe from air pollutants. Well, you are safe but also the air in your home is prone to these pollutants meaning your health and that of your family is in jeopardy. Dust, fur, dirt, and other allergens are some of the things that can make the air within your home hazardous. Air aeration in your homes has been compromised by sealing so many spaces to ensure that our houses retain much heat, especially during the cold season. Such has led to building up of dust that makes the air contaminated and unfit. Ensuring the air in your home is clean involves various steps that are easy to implement. Here are some ways that you can purify the air in your home. Opening windows. There's no other better way to drive out bad air from your home and drive in the fresh air other than opening windows. Windows act as a pathway through which air is let in. It's very advisable to open your windows for about 10 minutes each day preferably in the morning. This also adds light to your house making your house appear bright and appealing. However, it's paramount to note that dirt and dust can find its way into your house when you have opened your house. Avoid opening the windows when its windy as this will drive in dust and other pollutants straight into your house.   Avoid the fireplace. Lighting the fireplace during the night can get charming and romantic but it’s very dangerous. Burning wood releases toxins into the air that are very detrimental to the health of any occupant in that house. These toxins invade the lungs and interfere with the functionality of the lungs leading to various breathing difficulties complications. Wood smoke is far worse air pollutant compared to car pollution thus lighting the fireplace is very dangerous. There are other better ways of creating warmth.   Proper disposal of the garbage. The garbage doesn’t hold clean things but it needs to be clean lest you will have a bad odor to deal with in your home. Rotten food tends to produce a foul smell that will contaminate the air in your home. The pollutants released from decaying food poses a great threat to your health and that of your family. For this reason, it’s of the essence that you empty your garbage bin daily especially if you keep your bin in the kitchen. After emptying it, make sure you wash it thoroughly with clean water and detergent. Vacuum your house the right way. The main reason for vacuuming a house is to get rid of the dust found on the floor. Dust happens to be one of the leading cause of indoor air pollution, thus how you vacuum your house matters a lot. Professionals urge that one should move the vacuum slowly when cleaning the floor. When you vacuum your house vigorously and faster, you will end up raising more dust and dirt into the air. When this happens, you have failed to achieve the purpose as to why you wanted to vacuum your house. Additionally, you should vacuum your house at least twice in a week. Remember to empty the bag of your vacuum cleaner while you are outside lest you will have to vacuum your house again.   You need to own an air purifier. You need to eat clean food so as to steer clear of diseases and thus you also need to breathe in clean air so as to ensure we remain healthy. Air gets polluted all the time and it’s a fact that even indoor air gets polluted. If you are worried about the indoor air you breathe, then you need to get an air purifier. These devices have been engineered to collect any contaminant that is lingering in the air making your indoor air fresh and fit for inhaling. Air purifiers have filters that trap the dust particles in the air. There are mobile purifiers that you can move from one room to the other to make the air fresh and clean.   Avoid toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals happen to be in almost every spray cans people buy. From perfumes to pesticides, chemicals are present in all these substances. So, when you take that pesticide can and spray in your house you need to know that you are doing more harm than good to yourself. These chemicals cause devastating diseases such as lung cancer. There are better ways to control pests in your house and spraying pesticides isn’t one of them. Also, you should opt for perfumes that have a natural scent but not perfumes that are full of hazardous chemicals.   Test for radon gas. Radon gas is odorless making it very dangerous. Actually, after cigarette smoking, this gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer. This gas is found in the soil and it can easily find its way to your house through cracks on the floor or through poorly fitted pipes. The fact that radon gas is odorless, it makes it a silent killer. You need to test for the presence of this hazardous gas in your house. Thanks to the advancement of technology, there are cheap and simple ways of testing for this gas. Get the test kit today and improve the odds of you living in a house that has fresh and clean air. Nothing beats the sensational feeling you get when breathing in fresh air. Noses are very sensitive and they can detect any foul smell with ease. With this ability, you can eliminate any unwanted foul smell in your house within a matter of seconds. Air pollution is real and if you want to breathe in the clean air don't pollute the environment even when you are not within your home.    
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Creative tricks To Make Your Home Ceiling Look Higher
The following post Creative tricks To Make Your Home Ceiling Look Higher See more on: Companion Maids Blog
People love living in houses that are spacious enough. Well, this has remained to be just a dream thanks to modern techniques of construction. Most modern apartments are not as spacious as the tenants would love. From small rooms to lower ceiling boards this has become a culture that many homeowners have been accustomed to. Ceilings add a very irresistible appeal to any house but lower ceilings make a house look squeezed and small. Living in a house with a sunken roof may make you feel imprisoned and restricted in your own house. Since it may prove futile finding a house with a higher ceiling, there are other ways to make your lower ceiling look high. With the right set of skills and tricks, you can just have that high ceiling you have always yearned for in your house. So, how do you achieve that? Here are compiled methods that can help you create an illusion of making your ceiling appear high. Play with colors.   If you ever want to create a different illusion of something then playing around with colors would be your first step. With the right choices of distinct and attractive colors, anything can appear totally different and unique every time it’s repainted. Having the right color coordination in your living room, your ceiling board will appear high. If what the experts advise is something to go by, then the ceiling should be brighter than the walls, this is so because the ceiling will be the center of focus. Thus, the ceiling will appear to be higher. You can opt to have a darker floor this will enhance the appearance of your ceiling. Keep the light up. This is a trick that will easily create that illusion of having a higher ceiling. Lighting brightens up a room making the room look appealing. Beams of light rays hit the empty spaces of a room making the room look spacious. Mount wall lights on the corners of your living room. Don’t opt for chandeliers as they send their lights rays on the floor as opposed to wall lights. The wall lights will illuminate all over the ceiling creating an impression that your ceiling appears higher. By mounting the right wall lights your ceiling height gets enhanced.  High curtains. Modern or most houses have very tall windows that make a room look attractive. Not only that but they also enable you to get a glimpse of the neighborhood from the comfort of your room. Air aeration in your room is also enhanced making the air in your room so fresh and clean. Well, these windows have another advantaged; they can make your ceiling appear high. All you need to do is have floor-sweeping curtains. These curtains are very long running from the curtain rack to the floor. They also have artistic designs such as vertical stripes that run from up to down. These curtains are just what you need to create a different impression in your room. Accessorize your walls. Having an empty wall will definitely make your low ceiling appear very low in fact. On the other hand, you wouldn’t want to add so many details on your walls as this will make your walls appear so much squeezed. Having details up on your wall will change the appearance of your ceiling. You can opt to have beautiful flowers vases mounted on the wall, beautiful and artistic photo frames, or even mirrors. All these will add an impact on your wall and in turn, your ceiling will look distinct. However, bear in mind not to overdo it, in that case, go for elegance and simplicity.  Opt for lower furniture. Selecting the right furniture when you have a low ceiling in your house becomes a very hectic process. It's quite impossible to have very tall wardrobes as they may not even fit in your limited space. Since you don't have the luxury of adequate height space, opt for low designed furniture. This includes having coaches that are low in size since your ceiling will appear to be very high. While at it, don't go for a lot of furnituresthat will make your house look so much cramped and cluttered. If you can opt for multipurpose furniture the better for you. The lower the furniture the higher the ceiling appears to be. Vertical stripes. Have you ever noticed that when a short person wears a shirt with vertical stripes they look somewhat tall? The same trick and concept can also be applied in interior design when you want your ceiling board to appear high. Vertical stripes that are running from top to bottom tend to take the focus of anyone who enters your house. These verticals also create a sense of beauty in your house making your house look elegant at all times. With these stripes, you won’t have to add so many details on your walls which would make your walls appear crowded. Think vertically. Thinking vertically, figuratively speaking, is the key thing when it comes to making a low ceiling appear high. There is a lot of space vertically that you can tap in to and change the appearance of your house dramatically. You can have shelves on the walls, shelves that run from the floor upwards, you can also have drawers mounted high up the wall or even have artistic works fixed high up the wall. Basically, maximizing the vertical space pushes the ceiling up higher, illusionary. If you want to be a happy homeowner living in a house with low ceiling board doesn’t have to be a barrier anymore. You don’t need to reconstruct your house again neither do you have to shift to another house, all you need to do is apply some few tricks here and there. Getting creative with the design and display of your house will turn around the look of your house immensely. Everyone who steps into your house will admire your house. Besides these steps, you can always seek professional help.  
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Useful ways of disinfecting your home
Useful ways of disinfecting your home is available on http://companionmaids.com
It is a no-brainer that germs at home are bad news. They are small living organisms that cause diseases in your body. Majorly, they include bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa. They are found in all kinds of places and can easily spread from one person to another if hygiene is not observed. Unfortunately, since they are invisible to bare eyes, most people wholly ignore they exist. Well, you might have gotten away with that severally but if it’s the flu season, you have to disinfect your home. Unless you are a fan of washing handkerchiefs, you’d be grateful you read this. However, before you even think of disinfecting your home, it is important to take precaution. I don't mean you live your life so tight up but simply develop good habits. Consider the small things, sometimes it’s all that matters. For instance, you should wash your hands regularly. By doing just that, solves your problem by half. It helps prevent the spread of germs to your home from various places. This is a habit you’d want to also instill in your kids since they find everything else to eat but their food. Otherwise, regular disinfecting your home will be a big step in ensuring you and your family live healthy lives. While plain water and soap do a great job of cleaning your home, there are situations that they won’t do the trick. There are sensitive areas such as kitchen, bathroom and other high traffic areas that need to be disinfected regularly. Viruses such as flu can breed very well in bathrooms because of the warm steamy atmosphere that germs love. Therefore, be sure to stock up on the right supplies to get the job well done. And you can also go green by using natural means of disinfecting. Here are some ways you can use to disinfect your home. Washing You can start sterilizing your home by washing house linens such as towels, and clothes that can harbor germs. Taking much care of tablecloth and towels. If you are going to wipe down your surface using a dirty tablecloth, it beats the whole purpose of doing it. It is important you wash your household linen properly with the disinfectant that's working for you. Additionally, something that helps kill germs is the use of hot water. While you are washing, try to set the highest temperature that the cloth instruction allows. For those that are soiled, you can soak and bleach them before putting them in the washer. Soaking Soaking both your surfaces and clothes will cut down the time needed for a complete job. Soaking is done mostly on stained surfaces. Although for a much easier time, it is better for you to deal with stains as soon as they happen. It is another way of reducing the number of germs you will have to deal with in your home. Furthermore, it is much effective to disinfect a surface that's already clear. Water, soap, and detergent After your surface or linen is stainless, you can now clean it wholly. Plain water and soap do a good job of cleaning. Although to maximize cleaning and minimize time spent on the task, a detergent will come in handy. The detergent helps to break down any organic matter and make cleaning simpler. Most detergent products really work and are worth the investment. Since they not only make work easy but also maximize the cleaning process by breaking down slime, which can harbor germs. Antibacterial spray Since you are sanitizing, what better man for the job than an antibacterial spray. You should, however, know that disinfecting should only be done on a clean surface. Otherwise, your work will be in vain. Therefore, for the antibacterial spray to be effective, ensure you have cleaned the surface. The best feature about the spray—apart from the fact that it can kill germs; it's effective to use on hard to reach areas or irregular shapes. Before using it though, ensure you read the instructions for antibacterial sprays range from each other. For instance, some will require to air dry while other will need a wipe to remove excess residue. Yet with all of them, you should rinse after spraying. Disinfectant wipes Disinfectant wipes are as effective as an antibacterial spray. However, they are not so practical to use in certain areas, such as wiping the toilet flush. They are best used to wipe large, flat and easy to reach places like your kitchen counter. But of course, feel free to use wherever you want. You use by simply treating it as you would a sponge. Try to always have a pack in your kitchen so that you may disinfect after every meal preparation. Natural disinfectants For some reason, you might lack commercial disinfectant but there’s no reason to panic. There are numerous household ingredients that can suffice as a disinfectant. And anyway, disinfectants are so many in the market all claiming to be the best; you can do with the reduced pressure. Here are some of them. Vinegar Vinegar is the one thing that should not lack in your home; in fact, lacking it should be made illegal. It comes through in many ways to solve cleaning emergencies at home.  Its household uses are endless, plus it works miracles as a disinfectant. Furthermore, it’s affordable, biodegradable, and non-toxic and has been used as a disinfectant for years. Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is used to for many applications and among them is disinfecting. Unlike vinegar, hydrogen peroxide doesn’t have a strong scent. It is a colorless and odorless liquid that has bleaching properties. Plus it’s non-toxic and, can be used to disinfect literally anything; from your toothbrush, wounds or kitchen counter. However, you need to store the bottle in a dark place because it becomes unstable in contact with light. Tea tree essential oil It is mostly used for cosmetic and skincare purpose and still makes a great household cleanser. This is because it is naturally antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal. Both natural and manufactured products get the job done. Settle for the one you are most comfortable with and be proud of your healthy home.
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
The Dos And Don’ts Of Cleaning Your Home Roof
The Dos And Don’ts Of Cleaning Your Home Roof is courtesy of http://www.companionmaids.com
Roof cleaning is not something to do regularly; considering the risks associated and the city’s hustle and bustle. Chances are there are countless things you are supposed or would rather do. However, you can’t wholly ignore the fact that there’s a roof on your home that obviously gets dirty over time. And unless you clean it, the dirt is going nowhere. As a result of dirt and paint pilled off, your whole house will look dingy. Who wants to own a house that neighbors and passers-by take a double take for the wrong reasons? By now, you ought to know that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. But if you are not doing it for the looks, think about the expenses involved in repairing your roof. Mostly, natural rainfall is enough to wash off the appearance of dirt. But there’s a catch; your rooftop makes a perfect environment for the growth of algae, fungus, and moss. Now those are trickier to get rid off by rain. Additionally, letting your roof get overridden by moss and algae goes much deeper than appearance. They actually damage your roof by eating up and rooting your shingles and wood; shortening its life. Also, when your roof is covered up with mold, it is unable to reflect the sun’s ray off of it. Therefore, your home reflects more heat than it should. So cleaning your roof is more economical than having it repaired. With that, if you are planning to clean your roof, it's only reasonable to know your way around it. To increase your curb appeal and home value, here are some dos and don’ts to consider while you are at it. Take proper precaution Do: Since roof washing is not in your top 10 things to do on a Sunday afternoon, it’s only fair to take the necessary precautions. Most people think washing the roof is simple. What can it take? Just taking soap and throwing it up there, and then rinse it with water. If you have the same mentality, don’t even think of washing it. There are precautions you should take to ensure you are safe while cleaning. Consequently, you will need more than a ladder to get it done. If you can do the job on top of the roof while maintaining three points of contact, then do it—it can be quite a sight. Don’t: if you notice it is too risky for you, at no point should you take the chance. The fall might not claim your life but there can be dire consequences. You safety takes preeminence. Majorly, know what you are doing or get someone who does. Check the roof Do: check your roof first for any damage before you start the cleaning process. If you have a helper it would be great. An extra set of eyes cut the work by half. If the shingles are damaged or there is leakage, consult a professional to prevent further damage. Don’t: do not ignore repairing any damage on your roof. Importantly, don’t even begin washing if there’s one. A single, small damage is cheaper to repair than when it’s bigger. High volume, low pressure Do: As much as you want to have a clean roof, you don’t want to damage it. Soft cleaning is very essential. As mentioned earlier, rain does a good job of cleaning your roof. Nevertheless, if you don’t do maintenance, you might have stains to deal with too. The unattractive, dark stains on your roof are caused by algae. As a result, you might be tempted to wrongly scrub it away. Or you might blissfully use a pressure washer. It gets the work done but problem is, it doesn’t know the difference between the algae and loose shingles. It can tear, uplift, or dislodge your shingles.  With that said, now the job looks overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. You can get suppliers that will do the work for you really. And all you’ll have to do is use high volume water with low pressure. Don’t: never use a pressure washer on your shingles. When damaged, they are expensive to repair. Assess the surrounding area Do: It is important to assess the surrounding area of your roof. It sounds like a no-brainer but you'll be surprised by how many people ignore to do this. It’s vital for endless reasons. With houses so close to each other, the dirty water can find its way into your neighbor’s compound. Worse still, if you are using products that are harmful to plants, you will destroy them. Assessing the area also helps you get round cleaning easier because you’ll have an idea of where you’ll start and end. Meanwhile, be sure to cut off any extra limb tree from your roof for easy cleaning. You will also be able to take notice of potential dangerous area in your site. For instance power lines and unsafe roof access areas. Don’t: never ignore your landscape and the surrounding areas to prevent accidents and damage. When to clean Do: No doubt it’s not every day you wake up thinking of cleaning your roof. In fact, if it was just for aesthetic purposes, most would have just left it to be the mess it’s supposed to be. Unlike vacuuming your house, roof cleaning is more efficient under certain conditions. Try to clean your roof on a calm cloudy day. When there is no threat of rain and no wind is blowing. Don’t: Avoid working in extremely cold or hot weather. Extreme weather conditions might damage the shingles or prevent them from sealing properly. When you work on a sunny day, when using bleach, it is quickly evaporated. This will, therefore, limit its cleaning effect. Prevent growth Do: When it comes to your roof, you should embrace the cliché, prevention is better than cure. Use the necessary chemicals to keep algae at bay. Also, trim the tree branches overlying on your roof, and keep your gutter clean to allow proper drainage. Don’t: avoid letting dirt accumulate and cause damage for you to take control. Be sure to take the necessary precautions while you are at it. If you are unsure about something concerning your roof, you can consult with a professional.  
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Smart ways to kill fruit flies once and for all
Smart ways to kill fruit flies once and for all was first published on www.companionmaids.com
Unlike some other fly species, fruit flies seem to be very harmless. Their size and the fact that they can’t bite is a good cover. Frankly, most people get rid of them just because they are a nuisance. They seem to materialize out of thin air and beat you to the fruit bowl. But that is just considering their numbers, their association with rotten food exposes them to various bacteria and virus. In return, they can spread them throughout your home. Additionally, they are extremely fertile and breed so fast by laying many eggs that eliminating them might seem impossible. Fruit flies fly and land on any surface in your home—including things that get into your mouth. Consequently, these places become a possible site for bacteria to breed, hence increasing your chances of infection. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of the little evils. On the other hand, it is one thing to know how to kill fruit flies, yet what is more important is knowing how to prevent them in the first place. Honestly, fruit flies are not things you’d like spending your time dealing with. Save yourself the trouble by cleaning your counter to prevent them from turning into a snack bar for the pests. You should also cover up or store your fruits and food properly. Dealing with odor immediately by cleaning drains and garbage bin will play a big role in cutting the crap. Otherwise, if they have already infested your home, there are various ways you can eliminate them. But before that, it is worth mentioning that a lazy approach to their control will not help. Consistency is key in pest control. Here are clever ways you can use to totally eliminate fruit flies from your home. Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar is a great household product to have around the house. It works miracles in your home, including killing fruit flies. Simply take a bowl and pour some apple cider vinegar in it. Next, wrap the bowl tightly with a plastic cover. Using fork tines make holes on it, you want to make a way for them to come in and not get out. Therefore, do not make them too big. Then set the trap where the flies gather and when you come back, you’ll find some of them trapped. Apple cider vinegar is irresistible to fruit flies. Apparently, they love the smell of fermentation and the vinegar imitates that. Use traps There are several traps you can easily make with things you already have at home. One of the traps is using a bottle with a funnel on top. You can use your kitchen funnel, or if the thought doesn’t sit well with you, roll out a piece of paper. If you don’t know how to make a funnel, you can easily check for tutorials. Fruit flies will have a hard time getting out of the bottle since it is half empty. You can either have vinegar or spoilt fruit that you already have in the bottle. Better still, if you are near the end of your balsamic vinegar you can use too. Balsamic vinegar can be expensive, therefore, just a bit of it would do. Clean the drain If you’ve been wondering where fruit flies appear from, one of the places is your drain. They like congregating and breeding there. What better way to deal with them than destroying their breeding site? Not that it’s the only place but the war is won by half. However you can’t just go round it blindly, you need to be sure the eggs are destroyed. Therefore, boil a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Then slowly pour the mixture down the drain ensuring it passes through the sides. Repeat the same process for a week to ensure you destroy them completely. Unlike what most people think, fruit flies have a longer lifespan. They can exist for over a week. Dishwashing soap and vinegar A mixture of vinegar and soap also gets the job done. Vinegar is what attracts them. Then the soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar in which the flies might use to get out of the trap. Therefore, making them drown in the solution. If you lack vinegar for whatever reason, you can also use beer. When soap dish is added, the flies won’t be able to detect it. Then place the trap where flies are dominant. Use wine If you think you are the only one who loves wine, try forgetting your bottle open. Fruit flies love wine too. To be specific, red wine cuts the deal. It only gets better; you don't have to add anything else to it. You will, of course, have to make a trap. The bottle funnel trap will work perfectly. Spray essential oil There are various natural essential oils that are offensive to fruit flies. They will not lead them to their death but will keep them away. Plus you will be killing two birds with one stone since some of these essential oils have a pleasant scent. Some of the essential oil to try is lavender, cinnamon, or lemongrass. Simply fill a spray bottle with hot water and around ten drops essential oil of your choice. Shake the bottle well and spray in areas infested by the pests. If spray bottle doesn’t cut it for you, you can use a diffuser. Use it to waft the fragrance in your home and instantly drive away the flies. Sugar, milk, and pepper You can also get rid of the annoying flies by making a concoction of milk, sugar, and pepper. Simply combine some milk, with 2 ounces of ground pepper and 4 ounces of raw sugar, and then stir for a few minutes. Cover it with a plastic bag and punch some holes on it. With these clever tips, you can take back control of your kitchen. Remember to be patient and consistent since it may take more than one try to eradicate them completely.    
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Simplest Ways To Help Your Children Clean Your Home.
Simplest Ways To Help Your Children Clean Your Home. See more on: http://companionmaids.com
It is very difficult for one to get their kids to do some chores or simple cleaning around the house without some frowning involved. The thought of entering your kid’s rooms is just tiring. Having to take a peek at their bathroom is another nightmare all by itself. However hard you think it is, it may turn out to be a walk in the park for you. No age is too young for them to start cleaning as long as you can communicate with them. Here are some very simple ways to help your kids learn how to clean your home.
It doesn’t have to be a serious ordeal.
Scolding your kids for them to do chores around the house will not help them at all. Punishing them using chores will make them hate those chores even more and in turn become rebellious. Explain to them why they have to do their chores and give them a hand as well. A good leader does not just sit around pointing out what is to be done, instead, he helps out to show that he is part of the team too.
Start your kids early.
Do not wait until your kids are teenagers so that they can start handling chores. Start with them when they are toddlers but with minimal work, as they are not strong enough to handle complicated work. You could even come up with a song for them as they are sweeping those crumbs into the dustpan. This will be fun to them and it will act as bonding time between you and them. It is not advisable that you let them work for long, as they will get bored and hate the whole experience.
Get some reward cards.
You don’t have to give tips every time your kids do chores but you could make it fun by leaving behind reward cards after two to three times when they finish with their chores. Place the cards where they are visible and at the point of the end of the chore. For instance, you could hang one on your trash can outside for them to site it as they are throwing out the trash or sneak up on them as they are doing the dishes and place the card on the kitchen table. This will act as a form of encouragement for them.
Come up with a duty roster.
Just as you may have a menu for your meals, come up with a duty schedule for your whole family. Distribute the chores and divide them into daily activities. Do not overwhelm them with chores as they also have their schoolwork and playtime of their own. You could secure thirty minutes or one hour of their time for chores. Be sure to make that hour fun. As you assign the chores, make sure you don’t give the younger kids dangerous chores like cleaning the kitchen area and if you do, it should be under strict supervision to prevent accidents.
Do not be bossy about it.
There are many ways to kill a rat. Cleaning doesn’t have to be done your way. If your kid is to vacuum then wash the dishes later, do not insist on him to vacuum first then wash dishes later. Let him feel independent and choose what to begin with first. Agitating him in that way will lower his confidence or even get him angry. Assign the chores and only help if asked to since kids are different. Some children prefer doing the chores alone so give them their space to do it.
Set an example as a parent.
You cannot tell your kids to do chores whereas the same chores are difficult for you to do. Kids look up to their parents or guardians. If you are lazy, they will also be lazy. Imitation starts from when they are toddlers. You may be folding laundry and notice your daughter trying to hold her own too as she carefully observes what you are doing. Start with yourself and teach them the tradition of always cleaning after themselves. By doing so, you will not even have to assign them chores or force them to clean their rooms.
Appreciate their work.
Always have time to check on them as they work and give a cheer here and there. If at all you could be at work and come home an intact house with everything clean, show them some appreciation by praising their efforts. Make them their favorite meal or take them out for pizza. Do not do that frequently as it may imply that they will only be appreciated once they do chores. Even if you find a messy house, ask why before jumping on their necks to scold them for it
They don’t have to be perfect.
It takes time before perfecting something. You wouldn't expect the dishes to be entirely clean after the first few washes from your child. Accept the fact that your dishes will have traces of grease, your bathroom will not be spotless and their beds will be halfway made. Kids learn as they grow and perfection is a learning process for them. Encourage them and you will notice them trying harder and harder. Encouragement acts as a motivator.
Start small.
Start your kids with chores that do not require too many steps as they may get distracted along the way. Vacuuming sounds easy but for you to teach your kid how to put it on the vacuum and afterward put it off and dispose of the dirt from the vacuum bag would be very complicated for them. Switch the vacuum on for them and after they are done, help them get rid of the dirtbag. You can teach them the other steps after they get used to the first step and that is vacuuming. All of us learned about chores from our parents or relatives and we are perfect because of their long patience. Study your child's ability before handing them the chore. Do not assign the same chore to one of your children but instead interchange them after some time. Be sure to make it fun and accept mistakes. No one is perfect after all.    
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
The Best Dogs To Keep In Small Living Spaces
The Best Dogs To Keep In Small Living Spaces was originally published to Companion Maids Blog
Dogs are not only a source of security but also a great source of friendship and association. Some people hold a negative perception towards these creatures. Others don’t believe that dogs should live under the same roof together with humans. Such people believe that dogs should loiter in the streets going from one garbage bin to another looking for meals. Despite the outdated notions, there are people who have embraced the idea of having dogs as pets and they look after them as if they were little kids. That aside, when it comes to choosing a dog for your house you may want to consider the space you have. Some dogs thrive indoors while others thrive outdoors, so essentially, not all dogs can be pets. Some dogs thrive well in big spaces so if your living room is small your dog will lack space to play in. At the same time, there are dogs that require small spaces. Here is a list of dogs that can do extraordinarily in small living spaces.   1.Bichon Frise. This has to be one of the breeds that will survive excellently in a very small environment. They are naturally small in size and they don’t grow any longer than a foot taller. This breed of dog is very well known for having energy in abundance. This means that they are very playful. You will need to play your Bichon Frise regularly to put that energy to better use otherwise your dog may develop dog zombies. Since they are small, they require a very small space to play.   2.Boston Terrier. This is yet another breed that is very popular among people with small living spaces. This breed doesn’t grow taller past one foot making it very ideal for someone who wants a pet but is restricted by space availability. Boston Terriers are always psyched up thus they need to be exercised daily. Evening walks will just do the trick as this will help burn the excess energy your pet has. To enjoy the best out of this pet, make sure you give him proper exercises. 3.Bulldog.   This type of dog has rightfully earned the title of being the laziest dog among all the dog breeds. Bulldogs are very beautiful despite them being termed as lazy dogs. They are small sized pets that barely grow taller than 18 inches. Since they are lazy they aren’t hyped thus a short evening walk will keep them happy always.  
French Bulldog.
Not all bulldogs are lazy after all. This type of bulldog has made for itself a reputation as one of the best dogs to be a night watch. This dog only barks for a reason and when it barks know something is not right. If you want a dog that will remain calm and not bark unnecessarily, French Bulldog is your best bet. They are very gentle and only require a short walk outside the house to keep the smiling every time. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. This breed of dog has to be one of the loyal dogs on this earth, no wonder they say as faithful as a dog. These dogs love nothing but spending time with their owner and getting cuddles and belly rubs all the time. These dogs will do so well in small spaces as most of their time they want to spend near their owners. Though housetraining them proves difficult a task, with time they get to learn. Since they love attention from their owners, these dogs are less likely to cause you any sort of a headache.  
Also known as the Velcro dog, these dogs are also well known for being fond of their owners. They would prefer to spend time next to their owners rather than rooming outside the house. Despite having such a personality, they are full of energy making them very playful especially when their favorite company, the owner, is around them. Since they don’t grow tall you will want to consider this breed for your apartment or house.  
Despite their beautiful appearance, these dogs are known to have a furry energy a lot of time. They don't really crave the attention of the owner so you can leave them at home and probably they won't even notice your absence after all. Since they are very fluffy, they
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
Reasons Why your Wooden furniture is rotting
The following article Reasons Why your Wooden furniture is rotting Find more on: http://companionmaids.com
Wood rotting is the most irksome thing that could happen to a homeowner. Imagine your wooden furniture crumbling because of decay. It can be a very discouraging thing. If you are a homeowner who values that lovely classic look of the home when it is decorated with wooden furniture then you will feel that sense of loss. Sometimes it is usually the fault of the homeowner who has let their furniture go. It is therefore important that the homeowner understand the wooden material, how to take care of it and what causes the rotting and decay in order to take measures to prevent it. Outlined below are a few reasons why the wood furniture in your home is rotting. Moisture Exposure Is your wood furniture exposed to moisture in any way? Do you clean your floors with a lot of water which touches the furniture that could be one cause of exposure? Also if you cook in the kitchen and don’t let the steam out, then it is bound to find its way on your furniture and settle there. Another reason could be, your home is leaking somewhere and the water comes into contact with your furniture.  Think of all the places exposing your furniture to water and eliminate them. When water seeps into the wood it definitely causes it to rot. You Haven’t Painted Your Furniture   Apart from giving your furniture a great look, paint also protects your furniture from the elements. When water comes into contact with the wood furniture, it finds a layer of paint which prevents the water from seeping in and causing it to rot. This will give you a chance to wipe your furniture clean and dry it up before the water damage occurs. You Clean Your Wood Furniture Using Water If you clean your wooden furniture the wrong way, it is bound to affect its look. Just like hardwood floors, wooden furniture shouldn’t be cleaned using water. Use lemon or special wood cleaner for cleaning and polishing. Using water will not only cause the paint to peel, but it will also leave your wood exposed to water which is the number one cause of wood rotting. Your Wood Did Not Dry Out Completely You could have left your furniture exposed and it rained heavily. If you didn’t let your furniture dry out completely before putting it away, the water that has seeped in will cause the rot. The best thing is to always allow your furniture to air-dry before you cover it or store it away for the season. You Leave Your Furniture Outdoors During Rainfall If you leave your wood furniture outdoors when it is raining, the rainwater will soak in and cause the furniture to rot. The best thing is to keep the wooden furniture covered or under a safe area where rainwater doesn’t reach it.  You can even store your furniture in the shed or garage during harsh winters or rainy seasons. Thinking That Your Hardwood Furniture It Rot Resistant
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You might have made your wooden patio furniture using the strongest hardwoods such as teak or cedar.  Do not be overconfident that the strong nature of the wood will not be affected by weather. When you leave it exposed too long, it will definitely begin rotting. The solution to this is applying coats of water repellent once every year. You might also consider protecting your patio area where the hardwood furniture is to prevent rainwater from finding its way and soaking in your furniture. Never assume that the strongest hardwood can never succumb to rotting because it can. Take some care. If you have chosen wooden patio furniture, remember that it requires regular maintenance. Even the strongest woods, like teak or cedar, require some protection. We recommend annual coats of water repellent.  To stay on top of things as you build your backyard, you might also want to consider investing in furniture that is naturally rot resistant can be a huge help.   Of course, it is up to you. Maybe you prefer the look of weathered wood as the sun fades it from shades of brown to neutral greys. However, in order to save yourself money and protect your guests from potential injury, protect your wood from moisture by sealing all holes with wood glue and layers of paint. Be kind to your patio furniture by protecting it against harsh rain and UV rays, and you will have a backyard setup that will entertain folks for years.   Stop The Wood Rot So, how do you stop the wood rot? Well, you can always remove wood from the equation, but for most of us, that would mean remove our entire house. Let it Dry It is going to rain or snow and the wetting of your house is not a cause for concern. The concern is when wood isn't able to dry out. There are a few things you can do to help the wood in your house dry out.    No Standing Water If any part of your house gets standing water after a rainstorm, then that area is much more likely to rot. Standing water will find its way into joints and cracks in the paint and seep into the wood giving rise to perfect conditions for rot. Redesign these elements to allow water to shed off of them.    Allow For Air Good airflow helps in faster drying out and the faster things dry, the less likely rot will happen. Trim back shrubs and trees from your house so that there is enough room for some airflow between the two. Wet shrubs directly against siding are a major cause of rot in many houses. If you can keep it dry, then you will enjoy the beautiful look of your wooden furniture for a long time. Yes, the cause of rot is the fungus, but if you focus your energies on keeping the exterior surfaces of your house dry you'll stop it in its tracks. Keep in mind that preventing rot is a lot easier than stopping it once it really gets rolling.  
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
15 Kitchen Gadgets that Will Save You Time and money
The blog post 15 Kitchen Gadgets that Will Save You Time and money was first published on www.companionmaids.com
Everyone one wants an easier time in the kitchen especially if you are lazy at cooking and have little patience. Time is a crucial factor for a hungry person.You want the food there and then. A few people would part with money especially when it comes to the kitchen little do they know it would save them time and money. Here are a few kitchen gadgets that will make the kitchen your favorite place if you invest in them.
The egg slicer
This can not only be used on eggs alone but on mushrooms and strawberries. It slices the hard boiled eggs evenly within a short time. It’s made of a plastic holder with wires with the same spacing.
Egg white separator
Egg separation is a stage in cooking. This is when the egg white is separated from the Yolk. The egg white separator should be one of those must-have kitchen gadgets if you practice egg separation frequently. Those who don’t want to buy this gadget could also crack open the egg manually and separate with a spoon. In this case, this was made easier by inventing the egg white separator. It can come in rubber, plastic or metal design. It is affordable and every household can own one.
This is a tube-like item that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom used to guide liquid or powder into a container with small openings. It is very effective and saves you a lot of time. It also minimizes spillage and wastage.
Lemon squeezer
A lemon squeezer has silicone handles to ensure it has a firm grip. It is made out of stainless steel because it is durable. It has a large space to fit the fruit in it easily. Cut the fruit. Place it in the hopper facing down.Press the lemon and see how much juice will come out it because the squeezer inverts the fruit turning it inside out and no seeds will go in. It's super easy to hand wash and doesn't take too much space when storing.
Fruit and vegetable keeper
  Fruits and vegetables go bad easily and we try to keep them stay longer so that we can enjoy them. This gadget lets you enjoy the small part you would want to eat first then keep the rest for later without it not getting spoilt. You can also let your kid carry a small part of the fruit to school with this.
A mini waffle maker
When the waffle maker is plugged in, takes about ninety seconds to warm up. Clean up is easy. Generally, it takes 2-4 minutes to cook depending on how brown you want them. It’s fast and the kids really like it. Whenever you need to make an easier breakfast that is cheaper, waffles can always be the best option. Just dribble honey on them with a slice of your favorite fruit.  
Pressure cooker
This is very effective for foods that take longer to cook at the best temperature. For example cereals, tough meat and some vegetables that takes too long as well. A pressure cooker can come in different size depending on the purpose used like 2 litres,5 litres and 10 litres.This saves you money because it takes a shorter time to cook compared to when you used  ordinary cooking pots. It will last you up to 20 years and you can hand it down to your children.
From smoothies to ice cream, soup, cake mixes, it can do all this and save you so much time. It comes in different sizes. It has different modes depending on the consistency you want. So far there is no competition for this.It polarizes the small seed to the biggest ones. It is fast ,efficient and easy to use. It also has a manual in cases where the user is not familiar with its usage. It is readily available in supermarkets or utensil shop .The spare parts are now readily available if need be.
A grater was first invented to grate cheese in the 1540’s.It is used to grate food to fine pieces. You can find in different colors and sizes. Its prices are very affordable. A grater is safer than a knife. It also makes you get different sizes of whatever food you are grating. It is made of metal with sharp perforations.
Sandwich maker(dual)
It takes about three minutes to heat up after plugging it in. First put the bottom half of the sandwich then the meat, then the cheese. Then you can crack your egg in the top, season with salt and pepper, then put the top part of the sandwich. It has a timer, which blinks when the food is ready. Clean after use and store out of reach of children. Its mobile you can take it camping with you. You can carry the sandwiches to work or let your kids carry them to school and it will save you a lot of money 12.A sharp knife A blunt knife is more likely and injure you. A sharp knife saves you a lot of time and reduces stress. It is one of those kitchen gadgets that you will find a lot of use for. 13.Kitchen scissors A kitchen scissor is different from the normal scissor because it it more versatile. It could be made from aluminum or steel. When purchasing it make the blades open wide for easy gripping on the chicken joints or any other thing that would need cutting. It can also be used to slice pizza without making the toppings fall off. It is also used for gripping that is why the handles are made out of rough plastic for easy grip.
Silicone Garlic peeler
Peeling garlic looks like it take an eternity in the kitchen. Kitchen gadgets have been created to make the  exercise easier. All you need to do is cut the ends of the cloves and put them in the silicone rubber peeler one after the other. Roll the silicone rubber applying pressure and if you are keen you can hear the covers coming off. It is fast and easy to use. 15.Express whisk The express whisk makes you mix everything effortlessly. You only need to pump the handles to make it spin. The rods can be adjusted depending on the type of foods. It uses a non-slip base that prevents it from scratching. It is very sturdy and easy to wash. Your cooking shouldn’t take you a lot of time. All the above kitchen gadgets and more of them should make your work easier. Do things the modern way during these times of great innovations and technology advancement.Make your home life easier while adopting more kitchen secrets with the gadgets as inspiration.
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companionmaidscs · 6 years
How To Deal With Gnats And Fruit Flies In Your Home.
The post How To Deal With Gnats And Fruit Flies In Your Home. See more on: http://www.companionmaids.com
It's so irritating to find fruit flies in your kitchen hovering around. No matter how hard you swing that broom or dustpan to make them go away, they will always gather again at the same point in less than a minute. This also applies to gnats as spotting their eggs could be a bit difficult. The difference between these two insects is that gnats are mostly found around your houseplants or bathroom and sink drains while fruit flies are mostly found around the kitchen or garbage area. Here are some ideas to help you get rid and control these insects.
Use the glue trap method.
Get a glue trap, of course, made of glue, to nab the fruit flies. It has a distinct smell that tends to attract the flies and gnats towards it. The smell cannot be easily detected and is not harmful. Be sure to hang it where kids will not bump into it as they are very curious and might try licking it.
Take out the trash regularly.
Fruit flies like to be around the trash can as it is one of the places where they find their food. It is therefore advised that you take out the trash before going to bed. If this is almost impossible for you, cover the trash can tightly so that no insect will have to be attracted by the smell from the garbage.
Dry out your drains.
Do not leave water on your drains either on your kitchen sink or your bathroom drain. Always leave it dry so that no water is left stagnant since it will be a laying ground for gnats especially for the rarely used bathrooms. Clean your kitchen sink well after doing the dishes and unclog from time to time to prevent blockage. You could also pour slightly hot water mixed with lemon and dishwashing soap just to be sure your drains are clean and clear.
Observe hygiene.
Apart from the bathroom, the kitchen and dining room are the second places that hygiene should be highly observed. Gnats feed on the remains of whatever we have eaten. To prevent them from raiding your kitchen, get rid of the food remains which fall on the table or on the kitchen floor immediately after you are through with your meal. Those fruit flies cannot stay in a place where there is no food.
Do not over water your houseplants.
When watering your houseplants, you should be keen so as not to give your plant too much water. The water should not be visible or appear flooding at the top of the plant soil as it can be a laying ground for gnats. Do not, however, be mean to your plant for the sake of saving yourself from the annoying insect. Put a reasonable amount of water on your plant. If the gnats persist, change the soil in the plant pot.
Come up with a home remedy for the insects.
You could use food to trap the gnats and fruit flies. One idea is to put some fruits, preferably sweet and rotten in a jar then leave it open. The insects will get attracted and fly into the jar then immediately you can cover the jar and get rid of it. Do not worry about catching one or two insects as they come in groups after a very short time. Sticky fruits will be effective so that the flies do not escape.  
Store your food well.
The manner in which we store food could also be one of the causes of infestation in our house. The best thing to do is store food in clean containers and have them sealed airtight. You could store some fruits in the fridge for those that can survive in there. Ensure that you check for any holes or defect in the fruit before storing and be keen on the fruits that ripen very quickly. If the gnat and fruit fly problem persists, you can go for an insecticide. Seek professional help and guidance on how and when to administer the insecticide. Also get to know which one can be harmful to you so that you can keep off. Insecticides help in getting rid of the flies much quicker. It is also a good idea to use insecticides in cases which cannot be controlled by natural remedies.
Avoid spillage of sugary stuff.
Sometimes you might be in a hurry to get to work and spill some coffee while running around. It is better to take a minute and wipe away that spillage because it will become sticky after some time and attract a whole army of gnats that fly above the mess which may take almost forever to get rid of after that. Do not to leave sugar or empty bottles of soda out in the open as well.
Do not leave your window open for too long.
From time to time, you need a breath of fresh air and have to open up your windows. This is a chance that you give to the gnats to fly in and cause damage to the house. You could decide on closing your windows and not opening them often or if you really need to keep them open, you could think of having one of those fly stoppers on your window. Stressing too much over gnats and  fruit flies will ruin your day for nothing. Have a look at one or two tips that might kick-start your journey to a clean and insect free environment. Above all, observe cleanliness and inspect your home from time to time as you do your general cleaning. The gnats and fruit flies might carry germs to your food which may result in health complications no matter how minor. In very severe cases, seek professional help.
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