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Donald Trump is not free
There was a brilliant New Statesman article this week about why we should pity Donald Trump. And we absolutely should. 
Donald Trump is nothing but Willy Loman in a $3000 suit. He is a man who has spent his life playing games; the game of being rich, the game of being powerful, the game of being famous. And he's been playing the games, not as an end in themselves, but because he thinks it’s going to set him free. 
I think that all the games we choose to play in life are disguises for what we all really want. We want to get free of whatever we’re clinging to. If we’re clinging to what other people think of us, then fame is a great game to play. If we’re clinging to being sexually desired, vanity is a great game to play. If we’re clinging to the idea that we are not enough, power is a great game to play. 
The problem is we - and Donald Trump is a great example of this - are never going to get free by playing the games. We just transfer our clinging from a fear lack of money to an accumulation of more and more. We transfer our clinging to the fear of loneliness to the idea that we can’t be without our partner. 
The moment that we start to think there is any quantifiable thing that is going to set us free - a better job, less time at work, a hotter wife - we just enter a different game. 
Freedom is something that can be felt in the darkest of times. People in prison can feel free. People who sit in the White House can be in prison. Becuase it’s not our circumstances that dictate our freedom. It’s our clinging to the way things we think should be. Responding to the actions of people like Donald Trump is a good chance to practice this. 
If we cling to the idea he is wrong and we are right, we have become part of his divisive rhetoric. Donald Trump acts divisively because he is clinging to his insecurities. The moment that we cling to the idea of him as an inherently bad force, he has enslaved us. He’s turned us from people who want to be free and help set others free, and he’s made us bitter and hateful. 
Donald Trump can take away abortion rights, he can take away LGBT rights, he can militarise our streets and build borders between us. But he doesn’t have the power to make us be hateful. He has only won if as a result of his actions we become violent, hateful and divisive. If we use his rhetoric to achieve results, he has won. Even if we get all our rights back, he has won because we lost what he can never take away; our freedom. 
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Compassion is a party
Everyone is invited and there’s no dress code and you can bring anyone you want and it doesn’t matter if you’re late
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