compliancehelp · 6 days
What Are the Pillars of a Safety Management System
The role of a safety management system is to ensure systematic protocols are in place to reduce risks. An effective safety control system helps a company comply with all regulatory obligations. Organisations can minimise insurance premiums by adhering to safety regulations. An ISO safety management team assists authorities in building trust among their workers. Their productivity increases and further strengthens the company’s brand reputation. The system is tailored according to a company’s size. It adds a competitive edge that supports sustainability.
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Workplace safety and security is a fundamental requirement, and it also advances productivity. Employees feel secure and valued by the authority. Safety management is therefore a strategic asset for increasing morale too. The system is designed based on various concepts which serve as these pillars. They then create the foundation. The system will only be effective if those pillars are acknowledged and established. The following blog talks about those pillars in detail.
5 Pillars of Safety Management System
Leadership and management commitment
Reluctant and ignorant management lead to an ineffective and non-competitive control system. The concept of safety begins with the management personnel. Leadership and commitment are two pivotal aspects to prioritise safety. The first rule of a safety management system is to detect major hazards. Leaders are responsible for identifying threat factors. They must demonstrate their accountability through prompt actions. They must design strategies and select resources to mitigate risks. Their commitment is the key to determining an effective safety control protocol. An exemplary leadership team never negotiates on the security of their workforce. Transparent communication is the predominant part. Each manager must share opinions and plans to detect risks with the departments.
Assessment of hazard identification
The second pillar of a safety management system is hazard recognition. The management team needs to conduct an assessment after monitoring all records. The upcoming dangers must be listed and aggregated. The authoritative body must calculate all potential workplace risks that could be of concern to a workers' health. All managers must evaluate the workplace, the technical equipment, and the procedures. Once the authorities have prepared a list, it is time for mitigation. Once again, the record must be acknowledged so you can learn about the budget and its resources. If present resources are not enough, alternatives should be acquired. Stakeholders should be aware. Preventive strategies should be enforced and monitored.
Training for empowerment
The third wheel is to give training to the various concerned departments. Skill development is a necessary part of safety management. Workers must know what is coming in the future. They should be prepared to face unwanted situations and take precautionary measures. The management team must also organise training workshops. This training will help the employees operate critical equipment at work. Other safety-related sessions should be conducted too.
Safety measures
Once all the employees are trained, it is time to design safety measures. The management team and concerned stakeholders must take part. Each strategic measure must comply with all regulations. They need to be employed from time to time and monitored.
Continuous improvement
For continuous improvement, the management must take note of past incidents. Every incident regardless of the impact allows learning. The management team must perform regular audits to address amu nonconformities.
Implement an effective safety management system with the help of professional support. ISO consulting services are made to help companies meet clauses. Consider their expert help.
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compliancehelp · 14 days
Do Quality Assurance Consultants Provide Support for Filling Gaps After a Gap Analysis?
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A quality assurance consultant is not just a professional who helps with meeting ensuring compliance to all statutory laws, but these professionals have a responsibility in terms of conducting assessments and audits to determine a system’s level of adherence. When the fundamental aim is to ensure an effective management for quality assurance, these consulting experts concentrate on several things including awareness, training, resource allocations, supervision, and readiness reviews. The four basic facilities provided by these executives include a basic consultation for resolving queries, gap analysis, internal/surveillance audit, and readiness reviews.
The term gap filling refers to the following processes of a gap assessment. A set of strategic solutions are opted by the managerial authority to ensure that identified gaps have been efficiently covered. A gap refers to the difference between a company’s present system and outlined objectives. By filling in these gaps, it gives indication that a system complies with all regulations and fulfils every key requirement.
The present blog will discuss if it is a smart idea to hire these consultants to help assist with strategic solutions for gap filling or not.
What are the fundamental duties of the quality assurance consultant?
Design and implement QA processes and policies to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.
Create and maintain documentation related to QA standards, methods, and procedures.
Perform regular audits and inspections of processes, products, and services to ensure compliance with established quality standards.
Identify areas for improvement and ensure corrective actions are implemented.
Train staff on QA processes, procedures, and best practices.
Use statistical methods and quality control techniques to analyse production data and identify trends.
Recommend and implement process enhancements to improve efficiency and product quality.
Collect and analyse customer feedback to identify quality issues and areas for improvement.
Work with customer service teams to resolve quality-related customer complaints.
How do the quality assurance consultants assist in gap-filling?
1. Identifying Gaps
Gap Analysis: Conduct a thorough gap analysis to identify discrepancies between current practices and desired quality standards or regulatory requirements.
Documentation: Document the gaps in detail, specifying areas where improvements are needed.
2. Developing Action Plans
Action Plans: Create detailed action plans to address each identified gap. This includes outlining specific steps, resources required, timelines, and responsible parties.
Prioritization: Prioritise gaps based on their impact on quality and compliance, ensuring that critical issues are addressed first.
3. Implementing Solutions
Process Improvements: Recommend and help implement process improvements to fill the identified gaps. This may involve revising existing procedures, developing new protocols, or adopting best practices.
Technology Integration: Suggest and integrate appropriate technological solutions to enhance quality assurance processes and close identified gaps.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Progress Monitoring: Regularly monitor the implementation of action plans to ensure that gaps are being effectively addressed.
Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of gap-filling measures and make necessary adjustments to ensure continuous improvement.
6. Documentation and Reporting
Record-Keeping: Maintain comprehensive documentation of the gap analysis, action plans, and progress reports.
Reporting: Provide regular updates and reports to management and stakeholders on the status of gap-filling efforts and overall quality improvement.
7. Stakeholder Engagement
Collaboration: Work closely with various departments and stakeholders to ensure that gap-filling measures are understood and implemented effectively.
Feedback: Gather feedback from stakeholders to refine and improve the gap-filling process.
Hire quality assurance consultant after checking reviews, ratings, and certificates. Ask for comprehensive and bespoke solutions from them.
Also Read: How to Obtain Asset Management Systems Certification?
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compliancehelp · 28 days
How Does a Business Management System Support Construction Companies?
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A business management system is a comprehensive model for providing support for how to accomplish various business objectives. For construction companies, it is necessary to fulfill customer demands, maintain the best market practices, and keep a safe and secure working place. An effective management system can help with a plethora of issues within a workplace. From improving the quality of products to risk management or data safety management. These management standards are designed by ISO companies and have comprehensive benefits. The present blog will discuss the type of help a business management standard can provide to construction companies.
Project Management
Project Planning and Scheduling: Define project scope, objectives, and deliverables. Use project management tools to create detailed schedules, allocate resources, and set timelines.
Resource Management: Plan and manage the allocation of resources such as labour, equipment, and materials to ensure efficient use and availability when needed.
Cost Management: Develop and monitor project budgets, track expenses, and ensure that projects are completed within the allocated budget. Implement cost control measures to prevent overruns.
Compliance and Regulatory Management
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with local, regional, and national regulations, including building codes, environmental regulations, and labour laws.
Permitting and Approvals: Manage the process of obtaining necessary permits and approvals from relevant authorities.
Supply Chain and Procurement Management
Supplier and Subcontractor Management: Evaluate and select suppliers and subcontractors based on their ability to meet project requirements. Manage contracts, monitor performance, and ensure timely delivery of goods and services.
Procurement Processes: Establish procurement processes for the purchase of materials and services. Ensure competitive bidding, cost-effectiveness, and quality.
Financial Management
Accounting and Financial Reporting: Maintain accurate financial records, including income, expenses, and cash flow. Generate financial reports to track the financial health of the business.
Invoicing and Payments: Manage the invoicing process and ensure timely payments from clients. Monitor accounts payable to ensure timely payment to suppliers and subcontractors.
Quality Management
Quality Assurance (QA): Develop and implement quality assurance policies and procedures to ensure that all construction activities meet predefined quality standards and comply with regulatory requirements.
Quality Control (QC): Perform regular inspections and tests at various stages of construction to ensure the quality of materials and workmanship. Document and address any defects or non-conformities.
Supply Chain and Procurement Management
Supplier and Subcontractor Management: Evaluate and select suppliers and subcontractors based on their ability to meet project requirements. Manage contracts, monitor performance, and ensure timely delivery of goods and services.
Procurement Processes: Establish procurement processes for the purchase of materials and services. Ensure competitive bidding, cost-effectiveness, and quality.
Client and Stakeholder Management
Communication: Maintain regular communication with clients and stakeholders to keep them informed about project progress, issues, and changes.
Customer Satisfaction: Implement processes to gather feedback from clients and stakeholders. Address concerns and ensure that their requirements and expectations are met.
Information Technology and Data Management
IT Infrastructure: Implement and maintain IT systems and software to support project management, communication, and data management.
Data Security: Ensure the security of project data and sensitive information. Implement measures to protect against data breaches and cyber threats.
To understand which business management system you must get, you can consider getting consultation from ISO certified agencies. Their consultation is bespoke and comprehensive. You can accomplish 100% compliance without paying hefty fees.
Also Read: Is Having an ISO 14001 Certificate Equivalent to The AS5377 Accreditation?
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compliancehelp · 1 month
How Does a Laboratory Operate Under the ISO 17025 Certification?
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When the discussion is on laboratory quality management, the most hyped phrase that comes to mind is the ISO 17025 certification. It establishes a list of clauses, that prepare a quality management system according to a customer needs and the best industry practices. The ISO 17025 not only elaborates and focuses on the quality assurance aspect but also ensures that the system meets the requirements of the target segment.
By becoming accredited to this standard, certain demands are met effectively. Criteria in general quality management, technical awareness, resource, and process requirements are some of the key aspects. The following blog will discuss the distinct needs a laboratory proactively will accomplish when it meets this global standard.
How does a laboratory meet requirements for sustainability with the ISO 17025 certification?
The General Management Requirements
Quality Management System (QMS): The laboratory must establish, implement, and maintain a QMS that aligns with the ISO 17025 standard. This includes quality policies, objectives, and documentation.
Organisation and Management Structure: Clearly defined organisational structure, roles, and responsibilities to ensure effective management and operation.
Document Control: Procedures for controlling and maintaining documents and records, ensuring they are current and accessible.
Resource Requirements
Personnel Competence: Ensuring all staff members are competent, adequately trained, and have the necessary skills and experience to perform their duties.
Facilities and Environment: Providing appropriate facilities and environmental conditions to ensure the integrity of test and calibration results.
Equipment: Ensuring all equipment is properly maintained, calibrated, and suitable for the intended use. Equipment must be regularly inspected and calibrated to traceable standards.
Process Requirements
Test and Calibration Methods: Validating and documenting test and calibration methods to ensure they are suitable for their intended purpose. This includes developing standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Sampling: Procedures for proper sampling, handling, and storage of samples to maintain their integrity.
Handling of Test and Calibration Items: Procedures for the receipt, handling, protection, and retention of test and calibration items to prevent damage or contamination.
Technical Requirements
Measurement Traceability: Ensuring all measurements are traceable to international or national standards. This involves using certified reference materials and participating in proficiency testing.
Method Validation: Validating methods to ensure they produce accurate, reliable, and reproducible results. This includes assessing the uncertainty of measurement.
Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty: Calculating and reporting the uncertainty of measurement for test and calibration results.
Reporting Results: Issuing clear, accurate, and comprehensive test and calibration reports that include all necessary information, such as the method used, results, and measurement uncertainty.
Customer Requirements
Communication: Establishing effective communication channels with customers to understand their needs and requirements.
Confidentiality: Ensuring the confidentiality of customer information and test results.
Customer Feedback: Soliciting and addressing customer feedback to improve services and customer satisfaction.
Quality Assurance
Internal Audits: Conduct regular internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the QMS and identify areas for improvement.
Management Reviews: Periodically review the QMS to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. This includes reviewing audit results, customer feedback, and performance indicators.
Corrective and Preventive Actions: Implementing procedures to identify, document, and address nonconformities, as well as to prevent their recurrence.
Achieving the ISO 17025 certification is not complicated when a company has the right assistance from a reputable ISO consultancy company. The aforementioned requirements are addressed with efficiency when you have expert support from certified and experienced consultants.
Also Read: Is Having an ISO 14001 Certificate Equivalent to The AS5377 Accreditation?
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compliancehelp · 2 months
What Does the Evolution of The ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Look Like?
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Companies regardless of their size rely on the ISO 45001 2018 occupational health and safety management system as a comprehensive solution for implementing, managing, and enhancing the effectiveness of workplace safety. Getting certified to this standard has turned out to be a trend, as results have proven that you can increase revenue, retention, and sustainability. Occupational health and safety management is a serious aspect of business control since employees are your assets and you must keep them protected. The evolution of the global standard started in the early 90’s when repeated injuries and accidents made it difficult for construction agents to generate revenues. Australia has a strong foundation in occupational health and safety, with various state and federal regulations aimed at ensuring workplace safety.
A brief understanding of the progress, changes, and upcoming auditions in the benchmark will help you enforce better practices. The following blog will decode some of the significant aspects associated with the history and present mode of the ISO 45001. By adopting this international standard, Australian companies are better equipped to protect their workers, comply with legal requirements, and enhance their overall safety culture. Therefore, learning about these trends and the past journey will be beneficial.
What are the current trends of the ISO 45001 2018 occupational health and safety management systems?
Widespread Adoption: the ISO 45001 has been widely adopted across various sectors in Australia, including construction, manufacturing, healthcare, and services.
Integration with Other Systems: Many organisations are integrating the ISO 45001 with other management systems like the ISO 14001 and the ISO 9001 to streamline processes and improve overall management efficiency.
Focus on Mental Health: Increased attention is being given to mental health and well-being as part of comprehensive OHSMS.
What are the early developments of the ISO 45001 2018 occupational health and safety management systems?
The early 1990’s
The Australian and New Zealand standard for OHS management systems, the AS/NZS 4801 was widely adopted by Australian organisations. It provided a framework for managing health and safety risks and ensuring legal compliance.
International Collaboration: The development of the ISO 45001 began as a collaborative effort by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) to create a global standard for OHSMS.
Involvement of Australian Experts: Australian OHS experts and stakeholders participated in the development process, contributing their expertise and insights.
The early implementation process of the standard across Australia
Training and Awareness: Training programs and workshops were conducted across Australia to educate organizations about the new standard and its requirements.
Certification Bodies: Accredited certification bodies in Australia began offering the ISO 45001 certification services, supporting organizations in their transition from the AS/NZS 4801 or the OHSAS 18001.
Government and Industry Support: Australian government agencies and industry associations promoted the adoption of the ISO 45001, recognizing its potential to enhance workplace safety and health.
What are the upcoming trends?
Continuous learning from global best practices and innovations in occupational health and safety management.
Emphasis on building organisational resilience and adapting OHSMS to address emerging risks, such as those related to pandemics or climate change.
The use of digital tools and technologies to enhance OHSMS, including real-time monitoring, data analytics, and mobile applications for safety management.
Before implementing the ISO 45001 2018 occupational health and safety management system, invest your time and money in consultation from a reputable ISO consulting house. Appoint the right experts to accomplish this standard and be 100% compliant.
Also Read: A Detailed Overview of The ISO 27001 Accreditation Cost in Australia
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compliancehelp · 2 months
What’s The Fee for ISO 27001 Certification Consultants to Conduct an Audit?
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Hiring ISO 27001 certification consultants is a comprehensive solution when getting information security management standards is a top priority. As the number of cyber scams being reported each year grows, the need for accreditation and have a global data security standard like the ISO 27001 is increasing. To meet compliance, companies are opting for professional help that will provide them with holistic and bespoke solutions. As previously discussed, the career potential as a consultant can be far reaching.
In Australia, the interest in becoming an information security management consultant has increased over the last 5 years. One of the more common questions searched online is how much a consultant can expect to earn. More precisely, since internal audits are a crucial part of the accreditation process, enthusiastic candidates desire to know more about the salary ranges for an ISO 27001 audit consultant.
The following blog will first list the basic duties of these consultants and then it specifies the amount these consultants can expect to earn.
What are the duties of ISO 27001 certification consultants?
Conducting a Gap Analysis: Assess the organisation’s current information security practices against the requirements of the ISO 27001.
Identifying Gaps: Highlight areas where the organisation does not meet the standard and recommend necessary improvements.
Project Planning: Create a detailed project plan outlining the steps required to achieve the ISO 27001 certification.
Setting Objectives: Define clear objectives and timelines for the implementation of the ISMS.
Policy Development: Assist in developing and documenting information security policies, procedures, and controls in line with the ISO 27001 requirements.
Risk Assessment: Conduct risk assessments to identify information security risks and determine their potential impact.
Risk Treatment: Develop risk treatment plans to mitigate identified risks and implement appropriate controls.
Employee Training: Provide training sessions to ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities within the ISMS.
Awareness Programs: Develop and implement information security awareness programs to promote a security-conscious culture within the organisation.
Conducting Internal Audits: Perform internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the ISMS and compliance with the ISO 27001.
Identifying Non-Conformities: Identify non-conformities and areas for improvement and assist in developing corrective action plans.
Audit Preparation: Prepare the management for the external certification audit by conducting mock audits and addressing any issues that arise.
Coordination with Certification Bodies: Liaise with the certification body to schedule and prepare for the external audit.
Ongoing Compliance: Ensure that the ISMS continues to operate effectively and remains compliant with the ISO 27001 requirements.
Continuous Improvement: Facilitate continual improvement of the ISMS by monitoring performance, conducting regular reviews, and implementing necessary changes.
Strategic Advice: Provide strategic advice on information security management and help align the ISMS with business objectives.
How much do ISO 27001 certification consultants make annually?
ISO 27001 certification consultants are certified audit specialists. They must acquire audit certifications through practice and earn addition experience. An authorised expert can make between $83k to $138k. Before hiring any professional, you must verify their credentials and documents. A consultant with more than 10 years of experience is always a wise choice.
Also Read: A Detailed Overview of The ISO 27001 Accreditation Cost in Australia
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compliancehelp · 2 months
Three Unique Options for Customisation Offered by ISO 9001 Certification Consultants
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ISO 9001 certification consultants are utilized because of their professional efficiency in not only improving quality management systems but also ensuring regulatory compliance. By employing strategic and customised courses of action, they will mobilise the best and most relevant resources. They will help your management team generate awareness, communicate with your workforce, and ensure 100% regulatory compliance without complication. Since, a quality management system is the most crucial aspect for a sustainable business management, companies need the assistance of consultants to ensure compliance to all statutory conditions.
Now a days, consultants are ahead of their time as they manage and provide customised solutions to their clientele. Companies (small, entrepreneurs, and medium) who mostly ignore the details of their service features will end in unsatisfied. If one can successfully optimise their service facilities as provided due to personalisation through a consultant, then optimal productivity will be achieved.
The following blogs will talk about the three special bespoke services offered by these professionals and align with your budget.
Three Unique Customised Offering by ISO 9001 Certification Consultants
1. Customised QMS (quality management system) development
Consultants are certified specialists who can design personalised quality manuals, policies, terminologies, and precise procedures.
They will work closely with your team to map out existing processes, identify inefficiencies, and design optimised workflows that align with the ISO 9001 requirements while keeping things seamless with your business operations.
To integrate these requirements and the protocols as outlined with this international quality management system, the ISO 9001, they will design and implement bespoke strategic measures.
2. Personalised audit, gap analysis, and reviews
Every ISO 9001 consultant is a certified audit specialist. They will design bespoke auditing programs to match the existing demands of the system. They will support your management team in focussing on very critical areas of your operations, ensuring that audits are both thorough and relevant to your specific business context.
They will create tailored action plans to address identified gaps and support your team through the implementation of these corrective actions, ensuring a smooth transition to ISO 9001 and its compliance requirements.
For a personalised gap detection and assessment, consultants will first familiarise themselves with your existing policies, resources, and objectives. Accordingly, they will conduct root-cause analysis and design a road map for gap minimisation.
3. Bespoke training programs
After an analysis is completely to determine the competency level of the workforce, ISO 9001 certification consultants will move on to design and organise training sessions for different levels of the organisation. This will ensure that your top management team, middle management group, and operational staff fully understand their specific responsibilities within the QMS.
Their workshops will prioritize each particular challenges and processes within the organization, using real-life examples and case studies relevant to your industry.
They will also hold continuous training and coaching sessions that are tailored to your organisation’s ever evolving needs, ensuring that all staff stay up to date on best practices and any changes within each ISO standard.
To locate and hire reliable consulting partners, check reviews and ratings online. Reading customer testimonials is also important when you are looking to hire anyone for the first time. If you are reluctant, you might have to pay hidden fees.
Also Read: A Detailed Overview of The ISO 27001 Accreditation Cost in Australia
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compliancehelp · 2 months
How to Become ISO 17025 Accreditation Consultants?
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Becoming an ISO 17025 accreditation consultant is a common and popular choice these days based on the vast exposure candidates enjoy if they show potential. The ISO 17025 is known to be the quality management standard for laboratories and calibration centres. These consultants work like a support system who not only help to resolve any questions regarding terminology but also extend their help to ensure compliance. Understandably, their role is pivotal to the success of a company being certified. They will conduct an effective analysis and their evaluations helps to minimise non-conformity-related risks. Companies suffering from low employee morale and lack of customer engagement, should contact them for help.
From helping you decode the regulatory clauses to listing the most relevant resources for timely completion, their help is comprehensive, available for customisation, and budget friendly. As a result of that, their demand is at its peak. Thus, one of the common questions online is what the exact process is to become successful consultants.
The following blog will discuss each step-in detail so that you do not have to waste time on endless research.
A step-by-step guide for how to become and ISO 17025 Accreditation Consultants
1. Education
The candidate must have a strong technical background. He/she should be fluent in engineering science, biology and chemistry.
The person must obtain a university degree in laboratory science. So that, he/she can effortlessly comprehend the predominant terminologies and apply relevant resources.
2. Hand-on expertise
The person must acquire knowledge of working in a laboratory or testing house.
He/she must work there as a quality manager/lab technician/supervisor to learn the practical aspects of testing/calibration elements.
3. Understanding the clauses
As part of their certification process, they must show proficiency in comprehending the fundamental clauses of ISO 17025. Those clauses are:
Normative references
General, structural, and resource requirements
Process and management requirements
Continual improvement via monitoring and supervision
4. Participation in audit
They must gain experience in assisting in internal or external audits of laboratories to better understand the audit process and criteria for the ISO/IEC 17025 compliance. For that, they must complete a certified lead auditor course for the ISO 17025. This course will provide in-depth knowledge of auditing principles and techniques. Alongside, they must be registered Certified Quality Auditors (CQA) or have other relevant quality management certifications from recognised bodies.
5. Consulting skills development
Project Management: Develop strong project management skills to handle multiple clients and projects efficiently.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate complex concepts clearly and effectively. Strong interpersonal skills are essential for working with diverse teams.
Problem-Solving: Cultivate problem-solving skills to address unique challenges faced by laboratories during the accreditation process.
Final Words
Most important above all, is that to become a reputable and knowledgeable ISO 17025 accreditation consultant in Australia, you must market your services both online and offline. Ask your patrons for ratings and reviews online. These days, testimonials work as the best advertisement for concerned users. It is advised to regularly participate in continuing education opportunities to stay updated on changes to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard and new best practices.
Also Read: A Detailed Overview of The ISO 27001 Accreditation Cost in Australia
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compliancehelp · 2 months
How to Become Health and Safety Consultants in Australia?
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Looking at the fact that workplace safety is necessary for retention of employees, companies regardless of their size and type must invest in acquiring the ISO 45001 standards. This international standard for health and safety management is a classic benchmark that contains a set of clauses for regulatory compliance. Awareness is tremendously beneficial and so is the growing interest in becoming efficient health and safety consultants. Becoming an expert in this field requires a person’s passion, education, dedication, and commitment towards the international occupational safety management clauses.
In Australia, there are countless potential awaiting enthusiastic candidates who want to see themselves in the industry of ISO consultation. There are more than 500 job opportunities currently in Australia with an average salary of $90k. The average job growth is 15.9%, which makes the profession a viable option for many jobseekers. The most interesting part is the positive rate for job satisfaction is reportedly 4.0.
As a health and safety consultant, your responsibility is to verify if the management system complies with all regulatory conditions for a safe work atmosphere. Their duties involve conducting internal audits, gap analysis, and readiness reviews.
How to establish a career as a health and safety consultant in Australia?
1. Educational needs
Get a certificate in BSB41419 - Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
Diploma of Work Health and Safety - BSB51319
A bachelor’s degree in occupational health and safety management
First aid certificate
Construction Industry Induction Card (white card)
Optional - vocational education and training courses
2. Work experience
Entry-Level Positions: Begin with entry-level positions in health and safety, such as a safety officer or assistant. This provides practical experience.
Internships and Volunteering: Engage in internships or volunteer work to gain additional hands-on experience.
3. Soft skills
Communication: Effective communication skills are essential for training and advising employees.
Analytical Skills: Ability to assess risks and identify safety hazards.
Attention to Detail: Ensuring compliance with safety regulations requires meticulous attention to detail.
Problem-Solving: Ability to develop solutions for safety issues and implement them effectively.
4. Extra certificates
NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) - An advanced qualification for those looking to specialise in health and safety.
Lead auditor certificate in the ISO 45001 - This certification is beneficial for those looking to make a career precisely in auditing and implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) based on the ISO 45001 standard.
CCP or certified chartered professional, which is offered by the Australian Institute of Health & Safety. It helps to demonstrate a high level of professional competence and commitment to the field of health and safety in Australia.
Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods Handling: Certifications related to handling hazardous materials can be beneficial depending on the industry.
High-Risk Work Licenses: Depending on the sector, specific licenses for high-risk work may be required.
5. Professional Membership
AIHS can provide networking opportunities, professional development, and access to resources and events. Hence, membership in AIHS adds extra miles.
CPD or continuing professional development is another place for gaining professional development and education while working.
Most importantly, to become a health and safety consultant, you must value your customers’ priorities and individual system flaws. Prepare customised solutions for them depending on the resources they have.
Also Read: A Detailed Overview of The ISO 27001 Accreditation Cost in Australia
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compliancehelp · 3 months
What Are the General and Specific Requirements of The ISO 55001 Asset Management Audit Checklist?
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The ISO 55001 asset management system implementation needs a rigorous audit analysis to determine if protocols have been implemented and administered effectively. Before registering your system for final inspection by a third-party audit team. Companies must exhibit accountability to conform to the general guidelines. Conducting an internal audit is the most crucial step for ensuring every regulatory condition has been met effectively.
Since asset management certification defines a standardised set of best practices for continuous improvement. Periodically you must check on progress as necessary. As a crucial element in meeting compliance, an audit checklist must be designed and utilised systematically. To acknowledge the “plan, do, check, and act” template for continuous development, the ISO 55001 asks companies to accomplish specific criteria. The checklist carries significant aspects that determine the approach and readiness of a system to protect assets from potential threats.
The following blog will discuss the general and specific requirements for designing a relevant audit checklist.
What are the general requirements for the ISO 55001 asset management audit checklist?
To comply with the regulatory conditions as set forth by the ISO committee, the following criteria must be met.
An established policy for asset management
A well-developed asset management plan
Time-to-time identification and assessment of the risks associated with managing assets
Time-to-time identification and assessment of the opportunities and positive factors associated with the prime assets
Managing risks as well as opportunities by mobilising proper resources
What are the specific requirements of the ISO 55001 asset management audit checklist?
Apart from the general requirements for maintaining assets, your management team must comply with specific requirements to ensure systematic completion. They are as follows:
A properly designed and implemented asset management system
A well-established asset management objectives
Detection, assessment, aggregation, and prevention of risks
Identification and evaluation of all the opportunities
Selecting and implementing relevant measures for timely control
Monitoring the implemented asset management plan and organising review meetings to determine compliance
Role of ISO consultants in designing the audit checklist
ISO certification consultants work as a support system for accomplishing all regulatory clauses of a business management standard. They provide holistic solutions, including a gap analysis for readiness reviews. One of the crucial elements of their service is to perform audits to ensure zero nonconformity. From designing the audit checklist to conducting the interviews, these consultants will streamline everything and provide an effective assessment. They will create customised checklists according to the individual problems of a system. Some of their crucial efforts include:
ISO consultants will work with organisations to customise their audit checklist according to their specific processes, risks, and objectives. This ensures that the checklist is relevant and comprehensive.
They will help map out an organisation’s processes, identifying critical points that need to be audited and ensuring these are included in the checklist.
ISO consultants ensure that the audit checklist includes all relevant regulatory and legal requirements, helping your management team stay compliant.
They will align the checklist with the company’s internal policies and procedures, ensuring that internal and external requirements are met.
To hire experienced ISO 55001 asset management audit consultants, invest time in researching the professional’s portfolio and testimonials. Read reviews and check ratings before hiring the experts. If you want them to just perform the audit, appoint them for the short-term or for surveillance purposes.
Also Read: Business Continuity ISO 22301 Standard and Audit Checklist
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compliancehelp · 3 months
7 Elements of Health and Safety Management System for Compliance
Why do I need to implement a health and safety management system? This is a question you might have asked the internet! Employees are the backbones of every business organisation. If their requirements for workplace safety and security are not prioritised, it is a failure on the part of the employers. Eventually, workplace hazards lead to employee burnout and ineffective productivity due to loss of morale. Also, companies must carry extra financial resources as compensation for any injured workers. The cost of hiring new employees is high as well because in such cases the employers must provide the necessary training to meet the requirements.
The international standard for health and safety management, as set by ISO 45001, offers a set of clauses that essentially help management in easily detecting and preventing workplace-related hazards. There are some key elements, which design the protocol of an effective safety management template. This blog post will discuss 7 of those elements, in brief, to provide the readers with a better understanding of compliance.
What are the 7 elements of the international health and safety management system?
Commitment - A concise and transparent safety management policy is the base of an effective safety management system. The commitment of the organisation to designing workplace security policies is crucial and mandatory.
Program plan - A well-executed plan streamlines every action and ensures the safety management strategies are being implemented timely. Companies must develop strategic plans and objectives for managing health and safety risks, including identifying hazards, assessing risks, and setting targets for improvement.
Management responsibilities - The management must take full accountability to define individual roles and responsibilities of each working department. They must reflect their leadership qualities in communicating and generating awareness about the occupational safety management program.
Risk assessment - The most pivotal element of a health and safety management system is a comprehensive plan for risk management. The clauses of ISO 45001 (the global standard for occupational health and safety) ask for regular risk assessments to identify upcoming threats and evaluate existing controls to mitigate disruptions. Administering additional controls as necessary to eliminate risks.
Emergency preparedness - To effectively respond to emergencies and minimise their impact the system asks to design emergency protocols. Develop and implement emergency response plans, including evacuation procedures, first aid provisions, and communication systems.
Performance measurement - The next significant element is measuring performance through continuous monitoring. There should be clear performance indicators, which would act as the metrics to compare the performance of the executed plans and individual departments. Companies can think of hiring ISO consultants who have expertise in tracing progress, tallying them with the objectives, and detecting the areas that further need improvement.
Audit and Review - Internal audits and management reviews are essential for compliance. Conduct regular audits and reviews of the system to ensure compliance with legal requirements, industry standards, and best practices. Identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing corrective actions as necessary.
Final words
If you have acquired a substantial amount of understanding from the above discussion and desire to know more about the health and safety management system, then contact reliable consultants. Achieve ISO 45001 compliance by meeting the regulatory conditions.
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compliancehelp · 5 months
Why Should Small Companies Sell ISO 13485 Certified Medical Devices?
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The small companies selling medical devices often fail to keep pace with their market competition. The industry giants and the pressure of the new businesses are two significant and common issues for small companies. Selling ISO 13485 certified medical devices is necessary for sustainability with your market. The growth potential for certified medical device selling is high in Australia. Therefore, becoming internationally certified is more than a necessity for companies that are new and relatively small.
The ISO 13485 is a globally recognizred standard for quality management and was designed specifically for the medical device manufacturing and supply sector. The established clauses help your management team to better comply with all regulatory terms and definitions. At the same time, ISO certification enables companies to play strategic role within their market.
The following blog will unveil and the beneficial aspects of selling ISO-approved medical devices in the market.
Benefits of selling ISO 13485 medical devices for small companies
Regulatory Compliance: The ISO 13485 is an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems within the medical device industry. Selling ISO 13485-certified medical devices ensures compliance to all regulatory requirements in many countries, facilitating market access and regulatory approvals.
Enhanced Quality and Safety: The ISO 13485 emphasises the importance of product quality and patient safety throughout the entire product lifecycle. Selling medical devices manufactured under the ISO 13485 process helps ensure that your devices meet the most stringent quality standards, regulatory requirements, reduce the risk of defects, failures, and adverse events.
Improved Customer Confidence: The ISO 13485 certification signals to customers, healthcare providers, and regulatory authorities that the manufacturer is committed to quality, safety, and compliance. This can enhance customer confidence in the reliability and performance of your medical devices, leading to increased sales and increased market share.
Global Market Access: The ISO 13485 certification is widely recognised and accepted by regulatory agencies and healthcare organisations around the world. Selling ISO 13485 certified medical devices can facilitate market access in multiple countries, streamline the regulatory approval process and reducing the time it takes to go to market.
Competitive Advantage: The ISO 13485 certification can provide a competitive edge in the medical device industry by demonstrating a commitment to quality, compliance, and customer satisfaction. Manufacturers of ISO 13485 certified medical devices may be preferred by customers, healthcare providers, and procurement agencies over non-certified competitors.
Risk Management: The ISO 13485 requires manufacturers to implement risk management processes to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with medical devices. Selling ISO 13485 certified medical devices helps manufacturers demonstrate adherence to robust risk management practices, enhancing product safety and reliability.
Efficiency and Continual Improvement: The ISO 13485 promotes a culture of continual improvement within small companies, encourages the implementation of best practices, process optimization, and performance monitoring. Selling ISO 13485 certified medical devices can lead to increased operational efficiency, cost savings, and product innovation.
Supplier Relationships: The ISO 13485 certification extends beyond the manufacturer as it includes suppliers and subcontractors involved in the supply chain system. Selling ISO 13485 certified medical devices may enhance relationships with suppliers, ensuring consistency, reliability, and quality throughout the supply chain.
Final words
I hope this blog answered or cleared up any doubts that you may have had regarding the importance of implementing the ISO 13485 quality management system. Selling ISO 13485 medical devices is important can become accredited with the help of professional experts it crucial.
Also Read: A Comprehensive Compliance Checklist for The ISO 45001
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compliancehelp · 5 months
How to Reduce the Number of Threats with The ISO 22301 standard?
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Business continuity management is mandatory overall for businesses or industries that cover the globe as they can become increasingly vulnerable due to growing market competition. The ISO 22301 standard is a simple solution to maintain sustainable growth for a company as it helps your management team better prepare your workforce on how to act when unwanted adverse situations occur. To prevent unforeseen situations, a company must have strategic measures in place to counterattack and preserve its resources. Obtaining the ISO 22301 certification is the ideal way to combat disruptive events and reduce lethal impacts on operations.
Risk management is necessary to control threat counts. The ISO 22301 is a benchmark that offers a holistic approach for detecting, assessing, prioritising, and evading unfavourable situations. Reducing threat counts within the context of ISO 22301, is the international standard for business continuity management. It involves implementing measures to prevent, mitigate, and respond to threats that could disrupt business operations.
The following blog will showcase the various ways these are applied according to aforementioned standard.
How to reduce threat counts with the ISO 22301 standard?
1. Assessment and analysis - First and foremost, these protocols ask your management team to perform a comprehensive assessment. This will highlight the potential threat factors which can have an enormous impact on your management team and operational controls. These threats include natural calamities, disruptions in supply chain management, cyber-attacks, and a variety of internal emergencies. Each threat factor must be evaluated based against it root cause as there is potential for these to cause severe damage and all of it must be calculated and documented. 
2. Prioritisation and mitigation - After recognition of these probable issues, it is now time to aggregate all issues and prioritise them according to their ability to make an impact. Also, you must develop and implement risk mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood of each occurrence and then measure its impact. This may include measures such as implementing robust cybersecurity protocols, diversifying supply chains, securing backup facilities, and implementing emergency response procedures.
3. BIA - This refers to a business impact analysis that asks your management team to design effective measures and maintain them with the help of robust initiatives. To analyse the business impact, companies need to consider outlining individual roles, responsibilities, recovery strategies, communication channels, and objectives for recovery management.
4. Training and Awareness - As part of these protocol, your management team must ensure that employees are adequately trained and aware of their accountabilities to respond to threats and implementing business continuity measures. Regular training exercises and drills can help reinforce procedures and improve response capabilities.
5. Collaboration - Without collaboration and cooperation from all stakeholders and your internal workforce, the ISO 22301 will never ultimately work efficiently. So, therefore the clauses of this standard will ask your management team to foster and promote a work culture where every stakeholder will be given equal value and priority. They must communicate properly and maintain active role. This includes implement program for communicating with every stakeholder and acquiring their individual opinions about how the various threats should be handled.
Final thoughts
Hope this blog has answered some of your questions regarding the effectiveness of the ISO 22301 standard in mitigating unforeseen threats. To learn more, contact our professional consultants who have experience in these relevant industries.
Also Read: What Are the ISO 13485 Quality Objectives to Maintain 100% Compliance
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compliancehelp · 5 months
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compliancehelp · 6 months
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compliancehelp · 6 months
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