concernattheparty · 2 months
My sleep paralysis demon if he slayed:
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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Every single on of those registrations was a single person deciding to register. When you think you're just "lil ol me" and your voice doesn't matter that much: Remember this. Your actions have impact, your voice and your vote matter.
Get Registered and VOTE
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concernattheparty · 2 months
Who is Kamala Harris?
These are all from her Wikipedia page. I have picked the top 5 for each of these sections. Maybe you think other things are more important, these are just the things that stood out to me:
Highlights as District Attorney of San Francisco:
was tough on gun crime: created a gun crime unit, set 90-day minimum sentences, raised bail for gun-related crimes, and prosecuted all assault weapon possession cases as felonies.
created a hate crimes unit specifically focused on LGBTQ hate crimes against children and teens in school.
was (and is) against the death penalty; during her time as DA did not cave to pressure in several cases to seek the death penalty.
helped create the San Francisco Reentry Division, aimed at helping prisoners reintegrate after their sentences are through; the program became a national model.
refused to enforce prop 8, which was at the time California's ban on gay marriage.
Highlights as Attorney General of California
introduced the Homeowner Bill of Rights and fought against banks, mortgage companies, and credit card companies.
fought for financial reimbursement for public employee and teacher pensions.
fought for environmental protections and secured settlements and indictments against several oil companies for oil spills.
conducted a review of implicit bias in policing and the use of deadly force and introduced implicit bias training.
declared a law that California law enforcement had to collect and report police violence.
Highlights as a California Senator:
condemned Trump's Muslim ban.
opposed Trump's appointments of Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions, his nomination of Neil Gorsuch, and voted against confirming Kavanaugh.
tried to make lynching a federal hate crime.
urged the Trump administration to investigate the persecution of Uyghur Muslims in China.
voted to convict Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Highlights as Vice president:
as President of the Senate, cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate that ensured the passing of the American Rescue Act.
has cast more tie-breaking votes than any other Vice president in US history - she is responsible for many of the achievements of the Biden administration actually passing the Senate.
created task forces on corruption and human trafficking.
created a women's empowerment program.
has criticized Israel's actions during the current conflict in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire.
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concernattheparty · 2 months
As an Irish person… yeah…
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concernattheparty · 2 months
"democracts always say that this election is the most important one yet" yes because we're in the flaggy bit of the history book that could either end with "end of american democracy, lead up to war world iii" or "tensions fizzle, beginning of post trump restoration" depending on how you vote. like every election since 2016 has been "the most important election yet" because trump won in 2016 and trump has made his desire to be a dictator clear.
in fact, i don't think 2008 or 2012 were given the same weight of "this is the most important election ever" because we were not living in the dangerous time of a dictator literally trying to take over the united states
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concernattheparty · 2 months
“no one for president” you sound like such a fucking cringe edgelord and unless u plan on staging a massive revolution in a country of 300 million spanning 3.8 million square miles and overthrowing the government before November I would suggest voting for the candidate who DOESNT cater to white supremacy subcultures, getting involved in local community services & initiatives, donating to causes, or campaigning/protesting instead of this performative mock activism
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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Newsmax is a far-right conservative network. These are supposed to be bad things. I feel like I'm watching a Simpsons episode. This season of America was written by The Onion.
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concernattheparty · 2 months
im not even the type of guy to go "actually it's frankenstein's MONSTER" because a painting by rembrandt or picasso or any other artist is often called "a rembrandt" or "a picasso" as shorthand. so in this respect frankenstein's monster can be considered "a frankenstein"
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concernattheparty · 2 months
you actually don’t have to go on dating apps to find girlfriends. many beautiful women are waiting for you on rocks out at sea
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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concernattheparty · 2 months
Whatever happens, two things remain true: 1. Trump might be distancing himself from Project 2025, but his Agenda 47, which is on his website, is basically the same thing. 2. Third party voting is useless without ranked choice voting; it's mathematically impossible to elect a third party candidate. DO NOT SPLIT THE VOTE.
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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concernattheparty · 2 months
Remember when Conservatives and Republicans spent the better part of four years WHINGING about how the government has too much control over America and the people?
THEN they came out and endorsed Project 2025, which pretty much uses legal loopholes to turn America into a borderline theocracy?
Wow, it’s almost like it’s only “too much control” if the Democrats / non-conservatives do it… 🫠🫠
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concernattheparty · 2 months
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Kamala Harris' goal is to get a cease fire between Israel and Gaza. Harris plans to free Palestine. there is no reason not to vote for Kamala Harris, democrats. she feels for Palestine, she is against this genocide. she is calling and negotiating for a ceasefire. a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote to FREE PALESTINE. a vote for Trump is a vote to continue this genocide.
say it with me:
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concernattheparty · 2 months
The crazy thing about all the people on here moaning that harris is no better than trump is that they almost never propose a viable alternative. It’s just a big paragraph of complaining. Like even the ones that say “vote third party” like okay which one? Because right now our congress is blue and red, it’d be nigh impossible to mobilize enough people to tip the scales even close to have a third party win. And like, NOT having project 2025 fuck up every single thing we hold dear is a win. It’s not a win in every category, but this isn’t a fucking dog show, it’s politics and it’s not possible to have a candidate who you support and agree with 100% in our current climate. Trump is worse than Harris, BY A LOT, and everyone who’s saying otherwise must have had their head up their ass the entire time Trump was president.
Anyways I will be voting, because if voting didn’t matter, the right wouldn’t put so much effort into trying to stop you doing it. I’d rather vote and say I tried to do what I thought was right than limp out in a skewed attempt to keep my hands clean and see Trump in power but as a dictator this time, shooting to take away my right to abortion, birth control, no-fault divorce, my national parks, and the countless other completely evil things that are outlined as targets by Project 2025.
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