concerned-third-party · 9 months
Nonbinary AMAB people I love you so much. I'm sorry everyone acts like you're "basically just a trans woman" if you're feminine and then gets confused when you tell them you're not a woman, or else treats you like you don't exist at all if you're masc or fluid. I love you and I see you.
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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reblog to be eaten by this thing
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
The demon is hungry
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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Image Description.
Facebook post from Matt Norris.
Post reads like a conversation between 2 people:
Prison labor is a problem we need to address soon.
Convicts in prison should have to work like the rest of us.
You mean like slavery?
No, we’re giving them 3 meals and a bed, at our expense, while they just sit around and watch TV. They should have to work!
Right. Like slavery.
It’s not like slavery!
Can they leave?
Can they refuse work?
So how exactly isn’t this slavery?
We DO pay them!
Do we pay in accordance with labor laws?
No. We pay them between 33 cents and $1.41/hour with a maximum daily wage below $5, then take up to half of that as room&board fees and victim compensation.
Right. So like slavery.
Image then links to this url.
Below URL image reads “fun bonus fact: enough of our labor market currently relies on labor at these depressed rates, that it has a substantial downward pressure on both wages and job availability in low-skilled sectors. Immigrants aren’t taking your jobs. Slavery is.
End description.
I’d also like to add it’s not just private prisons. It’s also private detention centers where ICE keeps the immigrants.
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
Fuck hostile architecture, I want unhostile architecture. I want benches to be designed to be as easy as possible to sleep on. I want little places for pigeons to nest to be purposefully put on buildings. I want people designing public spaces to think about what they'd be like to skateboard on. I want "Please loiter" signs. I want people to be kind. I want...
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
Merry Christmas everyone!
Христос Рождається!
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
the two transfems spitroasting me have started arguing dialectics and their disdain for each other’s philosophical leanings has caused them to further ruin my poor body
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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Seven years after, I see you again 😚
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
“I wish Star Trek could be more realistic in its vision of a utopian society!”
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“I wish there could be a Star Trek show that focuses on interspecies alien interactions rather than alien vs. human interactions!”
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“I wish Star Trek would do a better job of displaying all the nuances and moral grays that go into maintaining diplomatic relations.”
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“I wish Star Trek had a captain that wasn’t just another white dude.”
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“I wish Star Trek had at least one canon LGBT character.”
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“I wish Star Trek had a well-written female character with flaws and an engaging backstory and good character development for once.”
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“I wish science fiction in general would stop assuming everyone will be an atheist in the future.”
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“I wish Star Trek could be bolder about calling out real life social issues without their guise of poorly-handled metaphors to protect them.”
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“I wish Star Trek would stop assuming that things like intergalactic wars could be resolved or forgotten in just a couple episodes.”
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“I want Worf to get more screentime.”
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“I want—”
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Deep Space Nine. 
You want Deep Space Nine.
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
Thinking about when I worked at a shitty restaurant + one night it was just me + 3 other women on closing shift, so some guy came in the back and waved a knife around, presumably for money but I’m not actually certain, bc he was met with the bartender holding a much bigger knife, a tiny teenager wielding a cast iron pan, an elderly woman holding up a crockpot of clearly boiling water, and me, turning on the meat slicer with eye contact for maximum effect. He left, but the moral of the story is not girl power or whatever, it’s just. Why the fuck would you threaten a room full of underpaid and sleep-deprived blue-collar workers surrounded by lethal weapons.
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concerned-third-party · 9 months
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