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This article deals with a very real problem that can happen with our president- elect. It first mentions the worry of a Trump presidency, since with Obama the problem of sexual assault was something he had worked with to update title IX to interpret it to have educational offices have better enforcement with everything, but the main concern being the safety of all students. Since Trump has multiple allegations of sexual assault, people seemed worried what he could possibly implicate for the future of colleges. They bring up the comment of eliminating the office of civil rights, where sexual assault cases go through, but that would be a long process to get that done. The other concern with Trump is the real possibility of him cutting the budget, which would further extend investigations of sexual assault, which is currently at 940 days on average for one case. This is very much an opinion piece to what the possible future could hold with a Trump presidency and there are a few things that can become real changes with sexual assaults on college campuses. This concern is one of many following the president-elects unpredictable behavior with everything, including the unknown of what he could do in office. 
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This is an article that was posted on a Northeastern University Blog. the woman who wrote it explains the 3 separate occurrences of sexual assault involving an athlete to open her article further. The article goes in-depth with an instance of sex being a motivator to recruit athletes to Oklahoma State football team. She does also bring up a good point of the flip side of the coin. Being that the media also doesn’t report when and athlete is involved in preventing a sexual assault like Cristian Garcia, a linebacker for the University of Florida. Since there are few sexual assault with athletes happening, the important part from her article is that athletes can hurt or help the growing issue of sexual assaults on college campuses, they only need to lend their voice
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This was a video on the website I just posted about but i felt this needed its own post. This video is about famous actors, sports starts, politicions, as well as the president and vp, talking about standing up to sexual violence. It really shows that some of the men don’t stand for the idea of violence against women in any way. 
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This pages is bullet point facts page about sexual assault. They have general statistics with the main focus being ones related to sexual assault by an athlete on a college campus. I found this one through a link on one of the past articles. What it also good once you enter this link is that the whole webpage is further dedicated to stop sexual assault involving college athletes. It has support, prevention, survivors, and athletes links to go and learn more about each subject. This webpage is dedicated to exactly what I’ve been writing about and how to stop it from happening, as well as trying to deal with the aftermath from a sexual assault involving a college athlete.
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This article talks about a Brown University investigation into the school acting indifferent toward on for their students reporting she was raped by 3 of the schools football athletes. It's another moment when a rape allegation of an athlete was being overlooked at a university because of the players status for the school. The woman is suing the school based on nothing being done about her accusations against them. They even have found evidence of pictures of the girl and the students laughing about the incident through text, on one of the players phones. The school investigation didn't go anywhere from that point, until legal professionals got involved. It was also mentioned that this was not the first time the school has had similar problems with investigations in the past. This article also brings up the idea that the school didn't comply with the Title IX cause of discriminating against the woman.
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I found this article when searching through news reports and I managed to find this one. The article is discussing Baylor University and how 19 times their football athletes are being accused of sexual assault of 17 different women. The story is a little over a month old so it shows the current and ongoing problem of college sexual assaults involving athletes. The article also mentioned that the athlete department acted above the rules, like the other article mentioned with the case about the 2013 star football player. The article also brings up the mention of a Title IX violations, that would be discrimination of women. That then discusses what one of the article I researched talked about, the idea that it could be a hostility toward women problem revolving around why athlete college rape happens.  
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This article starts talked about a rap allegation back in 2013 that involved a football player that was the star of the school and how the university tried to do everything in its power to keep his record clean. The article then goes it to the other side about the victim where after the whole case was dismissed, she wasn't cared for like the star athlete and ended up dropping out of the college. The point of this story was to bring focus of the gap between athletes and average students on campuses. That divide can then lead to the athletes having a complex of being untouchable within that setting. It sets up one of the many reasons that athlete male rape on college campuses happens. It points out the flaws that most bigger schools have and I think it shows a perfect example to open up the topic.
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I liked this article since it brought up the dynamic of being in the locker room with athletes, as well as taking about the phrase “locker room talk”. This articles main discussion is related to the men’s Harvard soccer team that had rated the girls soccer team in all ways. It was created based off of that incident to almost set a precedent within the athletic community that at Harvard the behavior wasn’t accepted. It easily shows that the possibly hostility toward women cna possibly lead to further bad behavior.
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I enjoyed this article and picked it because it has a mention of why athletes rape, which is part of the research I did. While it only speculates about possible factors of rape with athletes, and they mention agression as a reason, which I have a source that disproves that. This article shows that its not a universailly know fact as why it happens. The articles main focus is about what you, as a college athlete can do to prevent rapes from happening.
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When it comes to college rape with athletes it can easily be seen one way. Since the Brock Turner case earlier this year, most people easily can forget the past cases with similar scenarios. I know there are ones in this article I completely forgot about and didn’t know. This is an article talking about the athlete rapes cases that have happened in the past, as well as showing the outcomes of them to show a decent comparison with the Brock Turner case. It shows that athlete rape does happen as well as how the school reacts to it. 
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