concertcritic-blog · 5 years
Sugarland & Kenny Chesney
Unlike the other concerts; this show we drove about 3 hours for. My Mom got a hotel room and everything. This was my first huge arena concert. And my Mom managed to score floor seats!!! It was SO great. This was on April 20, 2007.
Pat Green actually performed first; but we unfortunately didn’t make it in time to watch the performance. 
We did how ever make it in time for Sugarland! They were my favorite at the time. I sang/screamed along to every word to every song they played!! I think I even stood up on my chair at one point. They gave off so much energy; you could feel it all around the arena!! After their performance, it was Kenny’s turn. 
Kenny Chesney came out; and did all of his greatest hits! His performance was also great! He was so laid back! It was such a great time!! 
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concertcritic-blog · 5 years
Taylor Swift
Considering we are all currently sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to see what is going to happen on April 26th; it seems appropriate to finally post about the first time that I saw Taylor Swift, live in concert. As most of the concerts I have ever attended; this was also at the local the House of Blues. It was the day after Valentines day, the year of 2007. I was a Junior in High School.
She was AMAZING. She sang all her songs from her self titled,‘Taylor Swift’ album. The OG Taylor, with the long, curly, bouncy, blonde hair. My favorite thing about a Taylor Swift concert; is before every song, she tells a story about each song. Or she says something, that strikes so deep inside you, it instantly makes you weep tears. I remember there was a lot that she said that 16 year old me was like “YEEES--you know me so well”. 
She is still to this day, someone I would do almost anything to meet!! I love Taylor Swift SOOO MUCH!!!!
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concertcritic-blog · 5 years
Popular Songs: “Amazed”, “Mr. Mom”, “When You Walked In”, “I’m Already There”, “Cowboy Girl”
When I was in High School, Lonestar became one of my top favorite bands! “Mr. Mom” was one of the first ‘country songs’ I had heard, and that got me into country music at all. 
I was ever so blessed to have the opportunity to see LoneStar in concert on three separate occasions, and each time was amazing!!
The first time I saw them was at a House of Blues, again, in Myrtle Beach, SC on February 10, 2006. They were AMAZING. I was in the front row, singing my little country out. Legit; lost my voice! This was also a time before smart phones were a thing. However, on the flip phone that I did have, I could still record audio; which I was. During the concert, the lead singer, Richie McDonald, sat down on the stage in front of me. He took my phone from my hand because he thought someone was on it and he was trying to talk to someone. I explained I was just recording the song, so he continued to sing into my phone. 
On March 16, 2007, I got to see them again at different local theater, The Palace. This time we were celebrating my Birthday. My Mom had picked me up from school early so we could go pick up the tickets. Before leaving we tried to stop on the way out and take a photo of the tour bus. What were the chances, we met a super nice security guard who let me go in the gate to take a full photo of the bus. While I was doing that, my Mom was talking with the guard and told him we were celebrating my Birthday. Y’ALL. He asked if I had extra time to wait, and went and had me put on the list for a Private Meet & Greet!! 
We got back to the theater that night and they didn’t have my pass. It was big mess. While we were waiting for the manager, Richie came walking out to the lobby, apologized, and personally gave me my pass. A while later I got to go back and meet the band. I got a photo with them, and they all autographed stuff for me. They were soo nice!! And Richie remembered singing in my phone at HOB a year prior. During the concert, Richie also took my camera that I had with me, up on stage and took a bunch of silly photos of things, as well as one of the set list that was taped to the stage.
I don’t remember the exact date, but I want to say about a year or two later. They came back to the HOB, and again, I saw them for a third time. This time, I brought the photo from the Meet & Greet with me, to have them sign it. Again, I was in the front row. I was right in front of/below the keyboardist, Dean Sams. I was able to get his attention, and he came and got my photo and then they all talked about it on the stage. As well as all signed it & gave it back. 
They are the nicest guys and they put on an AMAZING performance. I’ll actually be seeing them for a fourth time next month in Florida. Which I am so very excited about!!  I give all the concerts 30 out 10 Stars!
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concertcritic-blog · 8 years
Aaron Carter
 In Sept. 2005 I saw Aaron Carter perform live at my local House of Blues. 
I was about 14 at the time. I was in the front row. Which was amazing! Unfortunately Aaron was about 2 hours late to the show. But when he finally got there he came out and performed an amazing show!!!! There were a lot of songs that I didn’t know. He did more of his (at the time) new rap stuff. Actually, I don’t remember knowing any. He didn’t do any of the songs that we had grown up listening to, which was kind of disappointing. So I had kind of lost the vibe. He noticed and reached down and gave me a towel!! (which I recently found in an old memory box.) He performed for about an hour.
At the end of the show, Aaron invited everyone out behind the venue where the busses are. He spent about 2 hours going around to everyone signing autographs and taking pictures with them. He kept apologizing to everyone for being so late and thanking everyone for being there. He was so nice and really sweet! He truly understands just how much his fans mean to him. I would go see him again in concert anytime!!!
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concertcritic-blog · 11 years
Jonas Brothers
So I mentioned in my last post that Jonas Brothers- before anyone knew who they even were, opened for Jesse McCartney in August of 2005 at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Well before the concert, we stopped to eat at Wendy's and while we were eating my friend (at the time-that was with me) and I had noticed these guys sitting across the way from us and we thought they were cute/hot/attractive. Being dared to go over & talk to them (and giving them our phone number) we did just that. *NOT KNOWING WHO THEY WERE*. We walked right up to them and started talking to them. It was cool. I still remember the conversation to this very day! At one point they had asked what we were up to that night, when we responded with going to see Jesse McCartney at HOB. I will never forget the next two sentences. They asked us if we knew who was opening for him and I responded "I don't know, some Jonas Brothers something or another. I've never heard of them so I don’t really know if they’re good." They just laughed at it and then we said our goodbyes and headed to HOB. They told us they would probably see us later, we didn't think anything of it. 
We get to HOB - they announce the Jonas Brothers..and guess who walks out on stage!? YEP. The guys from Wendy's. We couldn't believe it. We felt dumb, but boy did we fan girl! They dedicated a song to us as well. It was amazing. After the concert we had gone out back and we got to meet back up with them..again. This time we got pictures & autographs! 
Jonas Brothers has been one of my favorite bands growing up! They are and have always been AMAZING! I love them so much! I love them all don't get me wrong- but I may or may not be just a little obsessed with Nick!! He definitely has my heart! I would see them again if I could!!
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concertcritic-blog · 11 years
Jesse McCartney
In August of 2005 I went to my very first concert! JESSE MCCARTNEY! It was at the House of Blues of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Jonas Brothers (before anyone knew who they were) opened for him.
The concert was pretty amazing and a lot of fun! He played all of his amazing songs and I was able to sing a long with every single one of them. It was an overall great first concert experience...until the end.  I don't know about any other HOB's but the at this one, after the concert you can go out back and meet who ever you just saw perform. So what would make a first concert better than actually meeting Jesse McCartney himself? Well we went out back..where we waited. We waited for TWO hours! and his Managers & the HOB Bouncers kept telling everyone that he was coming out to meet everyone. Well when finally came outside- we walked to straight onto his bus & left. 
I wouldn't have been so mad & upset if his Managers weren't telling us "Oh yeah he's coming out - don't leave". When clearly, that didn't happen. But as far as the concert it self goes. It was pretty good.
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