concreteharts · 10 years
You either destroy, or get destroyed.
(via tellurianwitch)
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concreteharts · 10 years
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            " it's fine. "      while she won't hand out pity or empathy,      she speak with care and keep the word      from passing her lips in his presence.      after all, she's not heartless, simply paranoid      and careful with the emotions she gives way.                     " i'm colbie, by the way.                        with an 'ie', not a 'y'. "
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            ❝that makes sense. sorry i just—-               not a fan of the word.❞
                it was stupid for him to think that                 she meant to insult him, but she                 was a stranger who seemed to                 not care if he was offended. maybe                 his pitiful, sad eyes tugged on her                 heart a bit to make her feel a little                 pity for the kid who loves computers.
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concreteharts · 10 years
                                                                                           I                                                                                            WILL
                                                                                           SO                                                                                            YOU                                                                                            WON’T.
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concreteharts · 10 years
(via inperfecti)
Fuck your soft words. Compare me not to stars But to storms, to hurricanes and typhoons. See me not for my beauty and fire See me for the natural disaster I am. Fuck your soft words Because I am not soft.
- “margot”  l.w.  00:21
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concreteharts · 10 years
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         " it wasn't an insult. "                   she'll frown and lower her drink onto the table,                   paying no heed to the loud clatter the aluminum                    can makes.                                       " it's habit. y'know how some people                                        say 'like' every other word or how                                        they had 'yeah' to the end of their                                        sentences? habit. "       her irate expression fades into passiveness once more.       call her paranoid, but she still inwardly notes the other's       propensity towards technology, her outward demeanor       remaining noncommittal.                       
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            ❝you called me kid. that’s not               degrading at all.❞
                actually, it kind of was. the fact that                 she thought he was young enough                 to be called that upset him, greatly,                 but he would play it off as he looked                 at her computer. it was new, so he                 wanted to check it out. he also wanted                 to make sure they hadn’t changed                 much in the software so he could                 hack into them every now and again.
            ❝windows 8 is a bitch, in general, so               i don’t think it would be very hard to               make it your own.❞
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concreteharts · 10 years
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       she almost reprimands him for his language,        but  she's  not  quite  sure  if  he's emotionally        sound   at  the  moment,  so,  she'll   settle  for         awkwardly           patting          his        shoulder.
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            ❝jesus f u c k i n g christ.❞
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concreteharts · 10 years
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    " Aw, c'mon, Bebe, not even a 'hello'? "                     he'll grin and bat his lashes,                     innocence shining in his brown eyes.                                  " Maybe I just wanted to visit you. "
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“How’d you end up here this time? This is, what, your fifth time in NYPD custody?" 
                    ( needless to say, phoebe is not impressed. ) 
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concreteharts · 10 years
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      " the touch screen's the best part, kid. "                  she won't return the smile,                  ( she's not a smiling kind of person, excuse her. )                  but her rigid posture will relax                  and the sharpness of her gaze will lessen.                            " it helps me make windows 8 my bitch. "                  she'll reach out and lift her NOS energy drink                  to her lips, hiding her ghost of a playful smirk                  behind it. as she takes a drink of its' contents,                  colbie arches a brow, silently prompting him                  for his reply.
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            ❝nice model. not a big fan of                the touch, but i’ve gotten                over it.❞
                being social isn’t exactly something                 trevor is good at, but he tries. when                 the consumer knows what their                 computer is and the specs of it, he’s                 interested. especially when it’s a                 woman that seems to show slight                 interest in him. he’ll sit across from                 her with a small smile.
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concreteharts · 10 years
me: i love roleplaying
me: roleplaying is so fun
me: this is a fun time
me: takes 90 years to reply
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concreteharts · 10 years
The person I reblogged this from is hella rad
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concreteharts · 10 years
What's your career goal after college?
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concreteharts · 10 years
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        a heavy sigh passes her lips and she saves her work,            callused hands gently closing the laptop seconds later.                                   " toshiba kirabook 13 i7s touch. "            she gestures to the empty seat across from her as she            bows her arm and rests her elbow upon the table, chin            fitting into her palm.                                               " go ahead and sit. "
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            ❝i was just wondering what kind               of laptop that is.❞
                it really wasn’t about that, as no one                 came to a cafe alone without a laptop                 for a friendly reason. trevor thought                 she was pretty, so he wanted to spend                 some time with her, though it seemed                 that she didn’t want to talk, just work                 on her computer as if it were the last                 thing she ever did.
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concreteharts · 10 years
!!; { disillusionedjustice }
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      " is there something i can do for you, ma'am? "                       of course, however, charlie knows exactly who this woman is.                       after all, her boss is a careful and clever woman and was quick                       to ensure that charlie was knowledgeable about notable figures                       in the major law forces and criminal underground as soon as she                       joined her in her 'line of work'.
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concreteharts · 10 years
!!; { gasolinx }
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            " i'm busy. "       she voices bluntly, gaze momentarily lifting to assess the other.       a noncommittal noise passes her lips and her fingers continue       to fly across the keyboard of her laptop. while she detests coffee       and sweets, the cafe is warm and the quiet murmur and clatter       of others is comforting, the atmosphere just calm enough for her       to focus upon her work.                                              until now, of course.                                  " is it of importance? "
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concreteharts · 10 years
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concreteharts · 10 years
reblog if it’s 100% okay for mutuals ( or anyone ) to tag you in a starter
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concreteharts · 10 years
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