confessionsofafemcel · 4 months
Some things about me! ~
Well if there's anyone who stumbled upon my blog and wants to know more about a girl wasting her young adult years living with her parents then hello, that's me! (^_^;) Well hmm~ might as well live up to the title of this posts name and say some fun facts about the girl writing this... My favourite food is Katsu Curry with extra veggies! I don't get it often but with careful consideration, that's the food I'd probably eat forever! That or anything pasta with red-sauce! Yummy! ~~ I'm drooling writing this! “ヽ(´▽`)ノ” And of course anything sweet!
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I also love the colour pink as you can tell and anything nerdy~! I draw a lot of cute anime girls in my free-time and also watch shows about cute anime girls! A very fulfilling life I know right? What else~~ I am a highschool dropout which is super embarrassing but hey! gotta be honest right? (^_^;) And not for any hardcore reason, just because I was depressed as a teen and flunked... Which sucks! because I was smart throughout school and got told about my "potential" but you know the way things go with a girl like me! Besides I'm working towards a GED, which is the General Educational Development Test! But first I need a job, which I'm slowly getting too... But I'm very tired
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Other than that though I have a pet cat named Mishi! She's a calico-cat which in some Southern-Asian countries means she is good luck, and I like to think of her as so! I've had her for almost 7 years and she's been the one good thing in my life, my good luck-charm Mishi~ * I also like video-games! I like classic Nintendo-Games and Visual Novels, I also play a lot of indie and RPG~! Maybe you'll hear about them soon enough! Who am I kidding, of course you will!
Until then!
<3 your local interweb loser, geek, femcel and so on <3
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confessionsofafemcel · 4 months
The Beginnings to an End.
Pardon the dramatic title (。-_-。) This I guess is an introduction of sorts, about my life and what I do daily, I thought it might be nice to have something about myself that'll last... and I have a fondness for writing so might as well do both! I've tried this before and have never been able to keep up with it, but I'm gonna honestly try this time no matter how cringey!
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And you know what? This might help me get out of the house to write about more interesting things, hopefully... But until then this is my pathetic call into the world that is the internet and the dying medium of blogging!
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Now that that's out of the way, some things you can expect from me aren't much but they have heart! ~~ Promise  (*´・v・) Maybe what I'm listening to that day ~ ! Or even about what game or television I've been letting take over my life. Hey, I'm a loser-girl, says it right in the description of this blog! Hopefully you can get to moderately accept me or even better, you don't have to pay attention to me at all * But if you do, hello * ! and get ready to get to know all bout' me!
<3 your local interweb loser, geek, femcel and so on <3
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