conflictedmuses · 5 years
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Lazarus “Taz” Kriz & Taallah Zurrosh
Taz is loved and written by Prisms, Tali is loved and written by me. 
Name: Taz (Lazarus/Taser) Age: 22  Height: 7’5”  Species: Orc/Ogre
Build: Solid, broad, decent amount of body fat over his stomach, decent amount of muscles Appearance: Taz has two sets of tusks, the other were originally canines that just over grew a little, the second set next to the first but much smaller, it makes him feel awkward when he smiles. He has broad shoulders and a square jaw, with an intimidating expression unless he is smiling- then his dimples show. His pattern is a darker steely blue, with a lighter being a bit peachier. His left eye has less blue around it, just like his father. At He gets stubble on occasion when he forgets to shave. Wears a tightly fitting hoodie with the sleeves cuffed above his elbows, and a beanie with the words 'Taser' in Bodzvokhan. Taz has horns that he keeps filed down so they are less noticeable and can be covered by his beanie. Body Mods: Taz has a septum piercing and a brow piercing, and a tattoo of a thick black band around his neck and wrists.
Personality: Lazarus is a rather shy, sweet and easy going guy. He is very careful of others both physically and emotionally, always the shoulder to cry on. Rather quiet to strangers, but open with friends. Very insecure about his appearance and how he manages to intimidate others when he never means to. Incredibly in touch with his emotions, and is likely to cry when extremely happy or upset rather than become enraged.(edited)
History: Lazarus joined the band soon after Mya created iit, responding to an ad for a drummer. Riot was the one to help make Lazarus’ stage name of ‘Taser’ though he always finds that far too intimidating, so Mya combined his real and stage name to have the nickname of ‘Taz’. He is the youngest to six older sisters, and embraced being the gentle younger brother in side. Side Notes: Taz always feels like it’s awkward when he smiles because of his dual tusks. He’s only ever been on one date, and it ended horribly with the girl walking out. He has never kissed anyone before, nor has he ever held hands with someone. He solemnly gives hugs as he is afraid to harm others with his unintentional strength. He has blue tongued skink named Nutmeg. He doesn't have many groupies, and he's alright with that as he sees himself as the least attractive out of the whole band. Adores space and planets, will talk your ear off about it. He enjoys smoking behind the warehouse before sets to calm his nerves. He is the drummer to the band System Riot
Name: Taalah (Tali) Zurrosh Age: 20  Height: 5’1” Species: Half Orc/Half Human Build: Curvy with some chub, but also a bit muscular under it all
Appearance: Tali is short for an orc, but she gets that from her human side. She looks more orc than human in that her body structure is almost fully orc. She has the pointed ears, tusks, even the patterned skin. She would almost be indistinguishable from an orc if not for her multi colored mohawk. She wears it in that style because she can’t grow a full head of hair. Her eyes look orcish from a distance. They are mostly yellowish orange, only when up close can the bright blue rings around the edges of her iris be seen.
Body Mods: Multiple piercings, just getting started on tattoos and looking for more. 
Personality: Tali has the sweet and innocent routine down so pat she fools herself sometimes. She is a bit of a prankster and is far too curious for her own good. She has been on the receiving end of many a well deserved ass beating because of that curiosity. She doesn’t always know when to quit. She isn’t naive but plays it well, she wants people to underestimate her. She has a big heart, sometimes too big, and will befriend people that may not always have her best interest at heart because she just wants to make a genuine connection even if she knows it is unlikely.
History: Growing up as a halfbreed Tali learned at an early age that live is an unfair, unbearable hellhole. She never asked to exist, but she tries to take each day as it comes. Tali is loved by her father, but not society and there is only so far a fathers love can take someone. Especially since her mother left her father for another man. She chose to stay with her dad to take care of him, even though she lied and said it was for other reasons. She doesn’t really have many friends because she can’t trust anyone. 
Side Notes: Tali doesn’t talk about her mother, when people assume her mom is dead she never corrects them. She has large scars running lengthwise down the insides of her forearms from a suicide attempt she somehow managed to survive.
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