congeriesofchars · 5 years
(This is a personal character of @mtraki.  She is displayed here for sharing purposes, but also as an example for how a character can be fleshed out from a more basic profile!  Please ask the Concierge before borrowing this character for any content.)
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Name: Estrella “Essie” Guistina Montserrat Floortje
Acceptable forms of Address:
Formal/Polite address: Lady Floortje; Lady Estrella Floortje; my lady
Formal introductions customarily require the whole name to honor the family.  She is very reluctant to give formal introductions.  Most everyone who needs that much information (her peers in the Niflheim and Accordo courts, and some in the Lucian courts) already know it.
Species: Human; Niflheim nobility
Age: 28-30; she answers this question evasively
Sex: Female
Setting: FFXV fanworks
Roles: This is a Original Character (OC) for FFXV fandom works and roleplay.
Physical description: Essie stands a proud 5ft 9in/ ~1.7426m with a lean-- almost thin-- build.  She has golden blonde hair in a pixie cut and dark hazel eyes.  She almost always wears makeup, focusing on her eyes and keeping the rest very light and natural.  Her neutral/repose expression tends to appear somewhat condescending to others.   She is right-handed.
Until recently, Essie found it important to wear fashionable clothing and jewelry to match her social station.  She was fond of long, fluid coats over very structured, corset-like tops with blouses and fitted trousers.  She had a number of riding boots, both with and without heels.  Skirts were long with high slits up one or both sides, and worn only for special occasions or consorting with someone she wanted to look particularly sexy for-- the general consensus being that she has very nice legs to make up for her lack of prominent curve.
After fleeing Altissia and the majority of her wardrobe, the lady found herself in a fashion crisis.  What clothes she had managed to bring with her were not as suited to a life on the long road as she had anticipated.  Unskilled in mending and used to simply discarding and replacing stained or damaged garments, Essie quickly ran out of fashionable things to wear.  Nowadays, she wears whatever she can put together, focused on comfort and durability, though if she can, she’ll trifle with fashionable choices.   At the very least, everything matches or complements.  Jewelry, such as earrings and her signet ring for House Floortje, are worn consistently.  Occasionally, she will add additional rings, and perhaps a choker or torc.  Other necklaces and bracelets are avoided for their disadvantage in the wilds and combat-- and many she owned were sold.
Essie openly carries her sabre sword, Ferro Lingua, on her right hip and a pistol holstered just below the small of her back.  While in the wilds or otherwise anticipating a fight, she will wear an intricate, short leather gauntlet tipped with metal claws on her left hand--upon close inspection, it is clearly magitek.
Personality: Poised, articulate, curious, and headstrong; Essie scales from cool to red-hot.  As a noblewoman and heir to the estate, she was raised to uphold the honor of her House through her good manners, social graces, and education-- so these are very important to her in general.  As an individual, she balances a number of decidedly conflicting interests as a scholar, a skilled warrior, and an unrepentant party girl.
Though a self-proclaimed scholar, and able to spend days on end studying with great discipline, she does not believe in reading for pleasure, finding it a foolish waste of time.  She is well-read and has a gift for picking things up easily-- ‘naturally talented’ is a phrase often used.  Essie is as proud of her swordplay as she is of her breadth of knowledge, and almost just as proud of her pistol marksmanship-- a very rare skill among noblewomen.  These accomplishments appeal to her personal pride due to their controversy and her competition with her social peers.
The Lady Floortje is a humanist and a hedonist.  In her education and limited experience, the gods of Eos are too far removed from the doings of humankind to be truly considered, much less worshiped or obeyed.  At best they are unpredictable, prone to wrath, and untrustworthy.  At worst, they are humanity’s greatest threat-- seeking to bind mortals to slavish, short existences for their mercurial whims.  Instead, she celebrates the great accomplishments of her kind-- regardless of political borders-- and is just as likely to admire the city of Insomnia and its seeming mastery of magic as she does her own home of Gralea and the wonder of magitek.
Though from a noble House of Niflheim, she has no aspirations for imperial government, seeing such a position as a great shackle to her otherwise fiercely independent nature.
Though no great patriot, one will be hard-pressed to convince the lady that Niflheim is guilty of any actual evil or dishonorable underhandedness-- any news otherwise is chalked up to ‘Lucian propaganda’.  “Emperor Aldercapt purposefully and underhandedly turned the treaty signing in Insomnia into a massacre, unprovoked?”  Nonsense!  The Emperor was gracious enough to propose and sign a treaty in enemy territory, at great risk to his own life.  It is preposterous that he would instigate further, needless violence.  Whatever happened in that room, it is more likely some hot-headed Lucian patriot started it.  Everything after was simply a terrible, tragic consequence.  That being said, she does not believe Lucians to be inherently evil or degenerate either, and certainly does not consider any of them to be her enemies without sufficient evidence.
She is a humanist and believes in the greatness of people.  Each person is worthy of respect for their potential to add to the great fabric of human ascendance and the progression of society.
She is charitable when she can afford it-- and sometimes when she ought not try to…
She is happy to do a favor for almost anybody.
She is the first to buy you a drink if you’ve accomplished something… or if something terrible has befallen you.
Essie is curious and loves to learn new things-- which she finds easy to accomplish.
Articulate and well-educated, Lady Floortje, is charismatic and engaging with most people.
She is fiercely independent, makes her own decisions based on careful consideration of facts, and is unwilling to rely overmuch on others despite no longer having access to a fortune and a house full of servants to attend her.
Essie is often very impulsive when her curiosity or temper get the better of her.  Or when drinking.
Though she affirms every individual is worthy of respect, she very often falls into the trap of classism, thinking herself and her peers are due an extra dose of respect simply for their social status.  Anyone of lesser status treating a noble with disdain or disrespect risks her displeasure.
Essie loves to learn things, and pursues knowledge with great enthusiasm, revealing her naivete due to a sheltered upbringing.  The easiest way to bargain with her is to appeal to her curiosity and thirst for knowledge-- the danger comes that she may already possess the knowledge being offered!
The Lady Floortje is known for her hedonism.  She enjoys, and will seek out, good food, good drink, fine clothes, entertainment, attractive and pleasant company, and pleasure in all its various forms.  Untold hours will go wasted while she sates her appetites.
Pleasure costs money--especially these days!--and she often forgets she no longer has the seemingly endless resources of her House.
Sex is for pleasure, and Essie has few compunctions concerning seeking it out from anyone she wishes, whenever and wherever she wishes.
Sadly, the former Lord and Lady Floortje did not survive Altissia.  As an only child, Essie is the heiress and sole-survivor of her noble line.
Essie’s lifestyle and personality don’t provide much room for meaningful relationships, however, she does have notable connections in Altissia and Niflheim.
The members of court in Niflheim are sometimes allies, more-often stumbling-blocks.
Court Superiors:
Emperor Aldercapt - He knows her and respects the history and loyalty of her House, but since their flight from Gralea, he has more or less written her off.
Chancellor Izunia - They are acquaintances, and appearances are maintained on both sides.  Essie respects his knowledge and resources-- particularly concerning magitek.  She’s not so fond of his often smarmy, theatrical mannerisms.  Likewise, he is amused by her, but overall considers her of no use in his plans.
Research Chief Verstael Besithia - She considers him a brilliant, but secretive and perhaps disturbed man.  Her family was once a great supporter of his work, finding great merit in taking the citizens of Niflheim off the battlefield.  In turn, Besithia remembers fondly the support of her House, but otherwise is too busy with his own affairs to acknowledge them.
Court Peers:
Lord Caligo Ulldor - House Ulldor and House Floortje have been fierce rivals for generations, competing for imperial favor.  Caligo was the arch-rival of Essie’s father and considers the facts of Lord Floortje’s lesser military accomplishments, and failure to produce a son to replace him as a general, to be proofs of his superiority.  Essie considers him a cruel, twisted, pig of a man and takes pleasure in humiliating him in conversation whenever afforded the opportunity.
Lord Loqi Tummelt - Loqi and Essie met in their schooling, though Loqi was always behind Essie due to his younger age and her ability to learn and master things more quickly.  Aware of their social positions as equals and rivals for the favor of the Emperor and glory of their respective Houses, he resents her so frequently showing him up.  Therefore, Loqi takes great pride in the fact that despite all her accomplishments and humiliation of him during schooling, he is a brigadier general of the Niflheim army and she never will be.  Meanwhile, Essie considers Loqi very infrequently, deciding the most effective way of dealing with his frequent childish moodiness is to ignore him.  There are two significant but unconfirmed rumors about the two of them: 1) That there was an illicit tryst between them once. 2) That Loqi desires to wed her for the pleasure of proclaiming once and for all, for everyone to know, that she must finally submit to him.
Ravus Nox Fleuret - There is an intense rivalry and admiration between the two of them that goes back to their schooling days.  It is much debated which of them is a better swordsman, as they favor similar weapons and had tutors who were also bitter rivals.  Upon completing their training, a match was arranged with a points system and Essie was declared the victor, awarded with the superb blade she still carries at her side.  Naturally, she and Ravus have conflicting accounts about how this occurred:  Essie claims simply that she outright won.  Ravus maintains that she was chosen out of favoritism-- strongly insinuating that she had been sleeping with the judge of the contest.  Despite this, Ravus acknowledges that she is a woman deserving of respect for her skill and knowledge, and Essie agrees that it is mutual.  Still, Ravus was born a prince and considers Essie his social inferior, which he does not keep a secret.  Meanwhile, Essie is unsure how to treat Ravus-- as a deposed-Prince of a conquered kingdom, he surely is no longer her social superior, but is he her peer or her inferior?  This confusion is exacerbated into frustration by the traditions and decisions of the Imperial Court-- he leads men into battle (and is later promoted to High Commander) while she is never to be permitted such a role due to her sex.
Commodore Aranea Highwind - Despite her inferior social rank as a mercenary, Essie has a great deal of admiration for the dragoon as a self-made woman.  They have never met in person, but Aranea has heard plenty about Lady Floortje from the Niflheim court and is reserving judgement.
Essie is one of the few remaining unwed noblewomen in Niflheim court, however she refuses to let this dictate her future-- one of the prime reasons she has not returned to Gralea to take up her House.  This may not stop her peers from attempting to formally court or claim her…
There is noone in particular she feels particularly beholden to… That being said, Essie is not shy about initiating or accepting a tryst with attractive company.
Her preferences are unclear.  She doesn’t concern herself about the labels.  If she’s attracted to a person, she has little compunction with an intimate liaison.
 In spite of (or perhaps because of) her own lack of obvious female attributes, she seems to prefer her men to look traditionally masculine and her women to look traditionally feminine.  Bishounen men have a better shot than less-traditionally feminine women, however.
Good hygiene and a ‘put-together’ image.
If someone knows something or does something interesting, they have her attention.
Dogmatic speaking will encourage her to send someone packing.  She likes people who think for themselves.
Fortune favors the bold.  It punishes the obnoxious.  Confidence is sexy!  Pushiness isn’t.
Shyness doesn’t exclude a person, though.  She might get very forward in this case-- if they back off or resist too much to her advances, she’ll just let them go.
Courtesy for her as a lady scores someone points.  Restricting her behavior for the sake of chivalry or preconceived notions of acceptable female behavior will quickly lose them-- it’s a delicate balance. (Good luck!)
Flattering her skill or intelligence gets a person much further than flattering her appearance-- That being said, if she thinks they only appreciate her mind, then she isn’t going to show them her body…
If the goal is to win her heart… there is a long, turbulent voyage ahead.
Essie is a lady of the Niflheim court.  Though she is separated from Gralea and therefore unable to claim the authority and resources of her House, she still commands respect and has many connections there.
She is a very well-read scholar.  She knows a great many things.
She is a formidable combatant:
Sabre: Essie is an excellent swordswoman due to a long, grueling education and her determination to prove herself capable of competing with her male peers.  Her fighting style is unique in that she wears her blade on the same side of her body as her sword arm.  She draws with a reverse grip for a very fast, very strong (often surprise!) opening attack right out of the scabbard, sweeping a wide, rising overhead, arc.  While overhead, she uses the full guard and inertia to spin the blade into the proper grip.  Still, this leaves an opening on her right side-- especially low-- between her first and second strikes.  Most opponents are too surprised to take advantage.
Pistol: Essie is a decent marksman with her pepperbox-style pistol, though she is decidedly much better when not moving, which puts her at risk if there are multiple combatants.  If she is using her pistol, she cannot use her gauntlet.  Her accuracy and timing are much worse if she is wearing the gauntlet.  Her pistol carries only four rounds, but reloading is a quick and simple process (though it requires both hands).
Gauntlet: She possess a short gauntlet (coming only to her wrist) of leather, armored in engraved steel plates and strong steel claws at the end of the fingertips.  This article is a piece of armor and weapon both, with magitek properties to boost both.  As a piece of armor, outside of the usefulness of other gauntlets, she can activate a small energy shield that operates much like the ‘Protect’ spell, though this shield has a smaller diameter than the length of her forearm and relies heavily upon the strength of her arm and body to hold in place.  As a weapon, aside from the metal claws that can be an additional melee weapon against anyone that gets inside her guard with the sabre, she can also deliver a very painful magitek-fueled electric shock to anything she grabs hold of.  Outside of combat, she can use the gauntlet to assist with climbing.
Essie is a normal human who cannot use magic.
As a Niflheim citizen and noble, she is understandably in more danger than others in war-embittered Lucis.
As a noblewoman, there are a great many things she does not know how to do because it was unbecoming for her to learn.  These things include (but are not limited to): cooking, cleaning, mending, driving a vehicle, keeping track of her own appointments, buying her own groceries, etc.
Brief History:  Essie was born and raised in Gralea, where she also began her formal education.  With the first news concerning the “Vanishing Sickness” coming to the capital city, Lord Floortje evacuated his family immediately to Altissia, establishing there quickly and easily due to some connections with the more prominent citizens there.  They lived comfortably in the Protectorate for many years before the arrival of the Oracle, followed by the Lucian Prince and his Retinue.  With the arrival of Lord Commander Ravus, Lord Floortje begged Essie to cut her long, beautiful golden hair so he would not recognize her-- for an unknown reason, he feared their discovery in the city.  Eventually agreeing, she cut her hair to shoulder length, though she always held it against him after, as her hair was perhaps the most feminine part of her appearance.  With the awakening of the Tidemother and the fall of the city, Essie was forced to flee alone after discovering the deaths of her parents.  Unwilling to face the political machinations in store for her at the hands of her peers and superiors in Gralea, she went instead of Lucis by boat and began traveling.  In a sort of remembrance for her father, as well as a very traditional custom for mourning, she cut her hair again very short.  Wise enough to know the sentiments of Lucian folk toward Imperials, she made an attempt to hide her identity, particularly through the almost exclusive use of a nickname.
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congeriesofchars · 5 years
Krista Swanson
Name: Krista Swanson
Species: Human
Age: Mid 20s
Sex: Female
Favorable Settings: Science-Fiction, Science-Fiction Variant
Possible Roles: Due to the various themes and traits of this character, she would serve most easily as a :
Heroic Support
Villainous Support
(‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ are used to describe morality-- ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ respectively-- instead of ‘Protagonist’ and ‘Antagonist’ since evil characters can be the focus of content too!)
Physical description: She’s approximately 5 ft 6 in/ ~1.68m, however she often wears high heels.  She has a feminine, almost girlish build.  Her hair was dark but she’s dyed it blonde and her eyes are blue.  She has ruddy skin which only causes her to look even more perpetually nervous.  This character is left-handed.
She dresses ‘casual professional’, in khaki shorts and a collared shirt under a box-cut suit jacket and high-heels.  She very rarely wears stockings or hose.  She frequently wears necklaces that feature multiple chains.  She also wears a fine chain belt and chain bracelets.
Personality: Classy, accurate, and industrious, this character is the picture of professionalism on the job-- unless you happen to catch the rare occurrence of her spinning in her swivel chair.  Off the job, however, she reveals a different side, seeking out evening company without compunction whereas in the office she comes off very aloof and unsociable.  At heart, however, this character simply behaves the way she thinks everyone expects her to, which she privately acknowledges makes her something of a pathetic coward.
This character is very professional and accurate with her work.
This character cooperates easily with others.
This character is rather pathetic, easily folding to the whims of others.
This character lacks ambition, fears change, and will resist any changes to her status quo.
This character spends her evenings seeking the attentions of men to validate her self-esteem.
Both parents who are proud of her office position and pay less attention to other details.
An older sister who she is convinced is better at everything.
There are many acquaintances but no close relationships.
This character has many beaus due to her evening activities.
This character is respected by her coworkers as a true professional.
Her workplace has access to advanced and alien science!
This character resists change out of fear.
This character has a strict work regiment enforced by a heartless boss.
Background:   An office worker in a building that researches and/or develops super advanced and alien technologies!  She works hard all day, despite attempted bullying by crooked contractors, a whip-cracking boss, as well as the temptations of her swivel-chair.  At night, however, she lets her hair down and goes looking for love-- usually in all the wrong places.
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congeriesofchars · 5 years
Staford Notman
Name: Staford Notman
Species: Human
Age: Late 30s
Sex: Male
Favorable Settings: Any
Possible Roles: Due to the various themes and traits of this character, he would serve most easily as a :
Heroic Support
Villainous Support
(‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ are used to describe morality-- ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ respectively-- instead of ‘Protagonist’ and ‘Antagonist’ since evil characters can be the focus of content too!)
Physical description: He is 5 ft 11in/~1.8m.  He has a powerful, muscular build that is starting to thicken around the middle due to lifestyle changes and slowing metabolism.  Tan and clean-cut with artfully tousled brown hair, he still retains much of the charm of his acting days.  Has a ready smile and an energetic look to his hazel eyes.
This character primarily dresses in nice suits, always custom tailored, but often removes the suit jacket for temperature control reasons-- as his frame generates a great deal of heat.  He wears what some might describe as too much cologne or aftershave.
Personality: Alert and curious, this character is quick to catch bits of information.  However, a combination of stinginess, intensely politically-charged worldview, and general ignorance and vapidity make his ability to reliably pass along information a challenge.  This character frequently attempts to take advantage of any lingering glory from his past career, and is not afraid to try and garner sympathy by indicting his political rivals who-- according to his accounts--ruined everything for him.
This character has a charismatic visual appeal.
This character has excellent observation skills.
This character is generally stingy-- unwilling to give away anything without getting something in return-- even toward friends and allies.
This character is notably dim-witted.
This character presumes most shocking or unusual events are either staged as publicity stunts, or machinations of the political party(ies) he opposes.  Usually both.
This character’s worldview is very politically charged!  He tends to be very vocal and forceful about his political views as well.
This character relies a great deal on his previous fame.
Wife (Separated; not-divorced)
Daughter (Lives with mother)
This character has a number of allies and acquaintances.  Lasting friendships are more difficult for him to maintain.
This character still has warm feelings toward his estranged wife.
This character likely has a large number of conquests…
This character was once a famous action star!  He has a number of contacts in the entertainment industry and is well-known.
This character has a large amount of personal wealth.
This character has acquaintances in politics who owe him favors.
This character isn’t very bright…
This character’s reputation was publicly tarnished when his acting career abruptly ended.
Background:  One of the box-office’s brightest action stars was sent crashing down after a huge scandal.  He almost lost everything.  Now he’s trying to make his way into the political arena and save the world (and get revenge) for real!
Brief History:  Staford-- ‘Staf’ to friends-- had always been charismatic, loud, and built well.  Acting was an obvious fit, even when it became apparent that half the time he didn’t know what the movies he was in were even about.  His was a quick and intense fame-- an instant hit-- but as the old saw goes ‘what goes up must come down’.  Years and many accolades later, a very public scandal ruined him-- no producer would take a risk on him, no director would work with him.  His wife left him, unwilling to risk her own reputation and career.  ‘Friends’ in the industry turned away, pretending to have never known him.  Having made quick connections during the height of his fame with politicians eager to use his hype to their advantage, Staf-- relying on his looks and rhetoric-- took his own steps into politics.
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congeriesofchars · 5 years
Remliel the Juridical
Name: Remliel the Juridical
Species: Angel
Age: Ancient and Ageless
Sex: Female
Favorable Settings: Fantasy, Fantasy Variant, Science Fiction Variant
Possible Roles: Due to the various themes and traits of this character, she would serve most easily as a :
Heroic Support
(‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ are used to describe morality-- ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ respectively-- instead of ‘Protagonist’ and ‘Antagonist’ since evil characters can be the focus of content too!)
Physical description: Her height is 7ft 5 in/ ~2.2606m.  She has a thin build and a rosy complexion with brilliant green eyes and a secretive smile framed by long blonde hair that is kept very straight and loose behind her shoulders.  Hardly ever is a strand out of place.  Her appearance is altogether very tidy.  She wears elaborate, armored white robes trimmed generously with gold and silver filigree, and delicate-looking lace over swirling skirts and elegant billowing cloth.  Her wings, also, are trimmed with gold filigree that does not seem to interfere with her ability to fly.
She carries a large white tome that appears to be made of marble or porcelain, detailed in gold with pages of very fine paper.
Personality: Poised, righteous, sometimes overbearing.  This character stands for justice and the letter of the law when it comes to all that is good and right in the world.  Oftentimes, standing for justice requires cynicism and wrath, and she is capable of both despite her gentle, unassuming looks.  Easily roused to anger, this character will espouse a tirade in the Angelic tongue, which most mortals unfortunately do not speak.  Further, more than one troublemaker has met her displeasure with a double-handed blow with her book of law!  Still, those close to her have come to find her outbursts somewhat amusing, and her wry and sardonic observations even more so.
This character is honorable and just.
This character is graceful and poised in her mannerisms-- usually.
This character is intimately familiar with righteous justice.
This character is prone to outbursts of irritation and frustration.
This character’s intimate familiarity with righteous justice cause her to side with the law-as-written, even if a different alternative may be more compassionate or helpful.
Though this character may respond with violence, she is not a skilled combatant-- which might get her in lots of trouble!
Therefore, she is often perceived to be ‘heartless’.
This character is cynical about the motivations of others.
This character is very concerned about tidiness.
She has many allies among her fellow angels, as she is often sought out for her wealth of knowledge concerning justice.  Mortals holding offices of law also seek her consul.  She has a few close friends, and is respected by the majority of her peers.
This character is an Angel, with unrestricted access to the heavens.
This character can fly with her wings!
This character has a book from which she studies, which grants her intimate knowledge of righteous law.
This book can also, occasionally, be used as a bludgeoning weapon that inflicts holy damage.
This character is not a skilled combatant.
This character has an ostentatious appearance, making it difficult for her to be unnoticed.
Background:  A servant of Justice and the Divine Order, Remliel the Juridical is an expert in righteous law-- the letter of all that is right and good from the perspective of the heavens.  Occasionally, this service requires her to travel to the world of mortals to deliver judgement.  Sometimes, she is so incensed with the wrong-doing that she makes her declarations in a language the mortals do not understand.
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congeriesofchars · 5 years
Allysum Cloudysprout
Name: Allysum Cloudysprout
Species: Fairy
Age: Late 20s to early 30s.
Sex: Female
Favorable Settings: Fantasy, Fantasy variants
Possible Roles: Due to the various themes and traits of this character, she would serve most easily as a :
Villainous Second-in-Command
Pertinent NPC
(‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ are used to describe morality-- ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ respectively-- instead of ‘Protagonist’ and ‘Antagonist’ since evil characters can be the focus of content too!)
Physical description: Her standard height is 4 in/10.16 cm, but she can change her size with magic.  She has a curvy build and pale teal skin with light purple ‘points’ (like a Siamese cat) at the elbows, knees, small of the back, feet, back of the hands, center of the face, and the tips of her pointed ears.  She has a curvy hourglass figure.  Her wings are shaped like a dragonfly’s and appear smoky black, protruding from her shoulder blades.
She is most often wearing her armor made of black leather scales, which provides excellent protection, except it does feature very short, high-waisted, cheeky shorts.
Personality: Tough, cruel, calculating.  This character is uncompromising toward others, forgiving no weaknesses and fast to correct or punish with a lash of her sharp tongue or even physical harm.  Any compassion shown for others is dripping with condescension.  Her peers and enemies alike are intimately familiar with both her arrogance and her inclination for direct confrontation as opposed to more subtle avenues-- though she is far from brash or reckless.
This character is observant and mentally sharp.
This character is very emotionally resilient.
This character is viscerally avoidant of heterosexual relations-- they disgust her in a dramatic fashion.
This character cannot express compassion for others without sounding very insincere.
This character fought hard to gain her position of authority and is quick to correct challenges to it with violence-- which she excels at!
This character has fallen desperately in love with her captor/master.
Her parents are/were King and Queen of a fairy kingdom.
She has many subordinates who fear and obey her, though she does not trust or confide in them.
Her once-captor is now her master and she is desperately in love with them.
This character can use magic.  All magical casting is accompanied by incantations that must be said aloud.  At least one magical ability is to change her size.
This character carries, and is proficient with, many, many hidden weapons.
This character is a very effective combatant, excelling in surprise attacks.
This character is a princess of a fairy kingdom.  She has knowledge of the political doings of her homeland, courtly procedures, and proper behaviors.
This character is restricted to a physical location because of the power her master has over her.  This character will die within a short time due to a powerful curse if she leaves the designated location!
This character sometimes receives orders that blatantly contradict previous orders, make very little logical sense, or are obviously dangerous to her own survival.
Background:  Allysum currently serves a powerful master while lording cruelly over minions of her own.  She is trusted to accomplish difficult tasks-- but sometimes these tasks make her suspect that something may be terribly wrong with her master...
Brief History:  Allysum once had a prosperous and languid existence as princess.  However, such peaceful, dreamy times ended when she was abducted.  While in the custody of her abductor, Allysum was slowly indoctrinated and soon saw justification for the machinations of the one who held her prisoner.  After securing her alliance in this way, her captor-now-master began forging the princess into a powerful general in their army.  During this grueling training and transformation, Allysum found herself falling even more deeply under her master’s thrall.  Now she is bound to them by chains of love-- far more formidable than any fetters placed on her before!
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congeriesofchars · 5 years
Joseph Freville
Name: Joseph Freville
Species: Human
Age: mid 40s
Sex: Male
Favorable Settings: Science Fiction, Science Fiction Variant, Psychological Horror
Possible Roles: Due to the various themes and traits of this character, he would serve most easily as a :
Unhelpful NPC
(‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ are used to describe morality-- ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ respectively-- instead of ‘Protagonist’ and ‘Antagonist’ since evil characters can be the focus of content too!)
Physical description: His height is 5 ft 10in/~1.94m  He has a wiry, malnourished build and pallid skin covered in wounds-- old and new.  Despite being perpetually clean-shaved, his hair and skin both have a somewhat greasy appearance and he is altogether an unkempt person.
He wears dirty and torn pajamas in a bright pattern and a harlequin mask that covers most of his face except for the bottom left half, revealing the left side of his mouth and some of his chin and jawline.  Is almost always seen grinning or laughing.
Personality: Slimy, foolish, careless, and trite with his lines.  This character displays a unique mania.  Half the time he is completely unconcerned about causing himself or others bodily harm or death.  The other half, he appears to be almost singularly focused on surviving his anarchic shenanigans.
But there is a secret.  This man wasn’t always this way and he carries a very deep melancholy within him-- some terrible tragedy so great that he must embrace the slapstick, manic shenanigans to withstand it.
This character is relatively intelligent and observably clever.
This character deeply cares for his immediate family.
This character makes foolish or reckless decisions.
This character does not work well with others, coming off as both difficult and trite.
This character frequently puts his own welfare at risk in his pursuits.
A young son.
Wife (deceased)
This character is nearly impervious to physical pain.
This character can have a very menacing presence at times.
This character is proficient with simple blades and homemade explosives-- some of which have complex detonators.
This character is a normal human.
This character’s health is fading due to poor hygiene and his quality of life.
Background:  A half-mad anarchist troublemaker with a bone to pick with the world after tragedy struck.  His signatures are well-made, sometimes alarmingly complex explosives, a harlequin mask, and a high-pitched, nearly-incessant laugh.
Brief History:  Joseph lived a much more normal life until tragedy struck: a terrible accident while returning home from a family trip to see the stars, which killed his beloved wife, and nearly killed himself and his young son.  However, everywhere Joseph went, he found evidence that his wife might still be alive!  But she isn’t.  She can’t be.  The grief and the slipping of reality crushed in upon his psyche and Joseph decided that if life was going to heap tragedy upon him, then he was going to heap comedy upon society.  Donning colorful pajamas and a harlequin mask, he forcibly removed his young son-- still in a coma-- from the hospital and took him to his base of operations.  There he divides his time between dispensing chaos-- sometimes for its own sake, sometimes to acquire resources (including medical supplies or even medical professionals)-- and maintaining a watchful vigil over his son’s recovery.
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