conlang-mogai · 3 years
Idk if this has been proposed before but
A group of LGBTQ+ people should be called a pride
Like lions!
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conlang-mogai · 3 years
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Description of Gender: A gender made of two parts of varying sizes. One part remains the same, regardless of regeneration. The other part reflects the current incarnation of the Time Lord in question. 
Is This Gender For Anyone in Particular?: people who want a Time Lord gender.
Culture/Language/Species/Setting its for/from: Time Lords from Doctor Who 
Any Relevant Links: N/A
Etymology: chrono=time, rex=king (a type of lord)
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conlang-mogai · 4 years
Au/Aum/Aur/Aurs/Aushai (Neutral Vulcan)
Pronouns (Formatted as he/him/his/his/himself): au/aum/aur/aurs/aushai Flag (Optional):
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Are These Pronouns For Anyone in Particular?: Anyone who wants neutral Vulcan pronouns Culture/Language/Species/Setting its for/from: Vulcan, Star Trek Any Relevant Links: https://www.starbase-10.de/vld/ (Beware of occasional NSFW and biological essentialism) this is the repository of the Vulcan language used in making these pronouns Etymology: Au- is a neutral prefix and shai means self
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conlang-mogai · 4 years
Ko/Kor/Kes/Kes/Korshai (Fem Vulcan)
Pronouns (Formatted as he/him/his/his/himself): ko/kor/kes/kes/korshai Flag (Optional):
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Are These Pronouns For Anyone in Particular?: Anyone who wants feminine Vulcan pronouns Culture/Language/Species/Setting its for/from: Vulcan, Star Trek Any Relevant Links: https://www.starbase-10.de/vld/ (Beware of occasional NSFW and biological essentialism) this is the repository of the Vulcan language used in making these pronouns Etymology: Ko- is a feminine prefix and shai means self
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conlang-mogai · 4 years
Sa/Sem/Ses/Ses/Semshai (Masc Vulcan)
Pronouns (Formatted as he/him/his/his/himself): sa/sem/ses/ses/semshai Flag (Optional):
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Are These Pronouns For Anyone in Particular?: Anyone who wants masculine Vulcan pronouns Culture/Language/Species/Setting its for/from: Vulcan, Star Trek Any Relevant Links: https://www.starbase-10.de/vld/ (Beware of occasional NSFW and biological essentialism) this is the repository of the Vulcan language used in making these pronouns Etymology: Sa- is a masculine prefix and shai means self
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