connor-a-reilly · 2 days
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"No. Not at all." There was almost a defensive tone of self-preservation to his words. "I was schooled at home. The only time I was alone was when my father would take me on survival drills in the city. Sugar isn't helpful with concentration when it's life or death." Connor often forgot that this detail usually struck people as worrisome. "I am too. Since I've been here, I've been trying all the things that were forbidden growing up."
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"did you sneak sugary drinks or anything? no sneaking sodas or whatever?" elide questioned, brows raising. she nodded her head at his offer, "that sounds good to me. mostly because i'm curious about the colorful drinks."
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connor-a-reilly · 2 days
Connor was very reserved but also obviously carrying a large amount of disdain for even the mear existence of magic. "I have two curses on me that I need to get rid of. The one I was born with, so, if not that one, fine. I can deal with that. But I'll fight to the death to get my missing memories back."
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Well, that was one way to start a conversation. He certainly appreciated the young man's upfront manner. There was something familiar about him, but he couldn't quite place it. "We have plenty of books on curses. Are you looking for something that is a more broad overview? Or are you wishing to learn more about the curses you have experienced?"
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connor-a-reilly · 2 days
Connor's gaze was harsh and cold, like nothing he had shown to Angel here before. Yet it was a bad sign anyone from the future would recognize. The traumatized version of him, he never wanted this Angel to see. With a cold, sarcastic smirk, Connor takes a couple of steps forward. "All of you do nothing but lie. I know how vamps work. I'm the son of Daniel Holtz and I've been killing vamps since I was five." There was an added cockiness to Connor's words. "It's true, I don't know how you did it... but if you weren't something evil, your heart would be beating."
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There would be no reasoning with Connor right now and Angel didn't know him well enough even how to start. "I am not a vampire. I can walk in daylight." He was glad he had the ring around his finger that Oz gave him from Buffy which aided in that. "No vampire is capable of doing spells that would allow them to walk in the sun." It was his only defense right now.
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connor-a-reilly · 2 days
Connor doesn't even turn to look at the other but shakes his head and pulls out a wooden stake from his pocket. "Watching for vamps to dust." He says as he looks out at the streets below as the sun had just set, but there was still plenty of ambient light. Not that seeing in the dark was much of a problem. "Why does it smell like dog up here? Did you bring one with you?" Connor had never met a werewolf yet, but he could smell it in the other, unlike most people.
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Out of all the places for him to run into someone he didn't expect it to be a rooftop. Looking at the other for a couple of seconds, he arched a brow before he sighed. "Keeping watch for what? Birds? I mean bird watching is very admirable" he shrugged as he sat down, back leaning against a wall.
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connor-a-reilly · 5 days
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"Well, I'm a great judge of character, so this seems like an easy conclusion." He responds with a playful smirk and jokingly confident tone. The young man stays quiet and keeps looking into her eyes as he listens. Her words did fill him with confidence, and he wasn't ashamed to admit it. "You really know how to make a guy feel confident. I appreciate that, since I don't remember ever being on a date, even before you." Depite them having talked about their past relationships and how they both tend to fall for people quickly; showing his memory loss was far deeper than just her. "I really respect that, I'll always be an open book for you too. I want to take my time getting to know you. But, for now, I kinda want to see how well I do, just knowing if you have any allergies, favorite color, and favorite animal."
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veronica was fairly sure the heat was rising in her cheeks as her smile only grew. "you talk a big game for someone you don't know. but i'll take it." she chuckled. even if he didn't remember her, she remembered him and deeply cared for him. if she knew who hurt him? she would not hesitate to get her hands dirty on his behalf. "not at all. it's merely a demonstration. i'm just curious to see what you come up with: though i am confident anything you think up will be great." her tone was reassuring as she gave a smile, looking into his eyes. "is there any of my favorites you want to know right now? i'm fairly an open book."
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connor-a-reilly · 10 days
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Connor's gaze briefly moves down to see her feet shift causing him to. "You know that curse I mentioned? I was cursed with the abilities of a vampire. Strength, speed, and senses... I could hear your heart racing from a lot further away than this right now. But it doesn't work anymore does it?" He questions as he slowly begins to basically circle her. "I've been killing demons like you since I was five years old, I know what kind of fun you're looking for. I won't standby as you end someone."
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at the comment, victoria takes a half a step back, wanting to put more space between them, hoping it might help hide the fact that her heart had stopped centuries ago. "what, can you just hear heartbeats like that? weird talent." play dumb. that was the probably the best way to get out of this. "just hunting for a good time, that's all. couldn't sleep so i wanted to go out and have fun."
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connor-a-reilly · 13 days
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"For heartbeats..." He says as he takes a couple steps closer while also trying to smell for signs of blood. "I'm hunting vamps, what are you hunting?" Connor asks with a cold gaze as he watches the other very closely. His brows furrow tightly as he gives a heavy sigh. "I didn't grow up with movies or tv like most people."
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"to what? the heat bugs? or the sirens?" both were relentless in the city, if you couldn't hear one, you could hear the other. though, it wasn't as if victoria had a reprieve from any sound for centuries, she just got better at tuning them out. "makes two of us." she added. "a witch cursed your memories? what are you, straight out of a disney movie?"
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connor-a-reilly · 13 days
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Connor smiles and takes one of her hands within his and places a kiss upon her knuckles. "Well we wouldn't want that. You deserve so much better than that." He felt more cared for than he could remember right now, knowing she might have been serious about getting revenge for him. Yet, he also did not want to ever put her in that situation. A laugh comes out of him as he was very amused and enamored with her answer. "Is this a test to see how original I can be?" He asks in an obviously teasing tone. "Can I at least know some of your favorite things? You can be as general as you want to keep me guessing."
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"thanks for the reassurance." there was pure sincerity in her voice. it was what veronica needed to hear to deal with all of it better. she continued to stay close to him. even in the midst of this mess he still managed to give her butterflies. "good. or else i'll have to get my own hands dirty with revenge." while it sounded like it could be a joke, she was being totally serious. "where is the fun in that?" she teased softly. "i want to see what date you come up with at the top of your head. i'm sure whatever it will be will be perfect."
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connor-a-reilly · 13 days
Connor listened closely, but it through him off that he could hear a heartbeat. He had been so sure as he could still smell the metallic scent of blood he had used to track the other here. "Close. I'm looking for pathetic vamps to kill." The young man says while glaring harshly at the other. "They're probably the reason the city supposedly went to hell there for a while."
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klaus & connor || @connor-a-reilly
" mate you can't be here, this is closed studio space." klaus stepped away from the paints he'd been mixing, ignoring the half finished work in favor of his second favourite past time: chasing tourists from his very closed studio space. " if you want the clown museum, its four doors down."
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connor-a-reilly · 13 days
"Well magic is just as evil as things like you. My father warned me that things like you can still do spells." Connor says looking at his forgotten father with a cold gaze full of hate. The corruption of Holtz's parenting or lack there of was in full swing within him. "Vampires... He taught me from a young age you're all the same and how to deal with you all."
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*aware angel*
Angel didn't know how this was going to go. The last time he had seen Connor it seemed they had both been without memories. It wasn't something he had expected. He was now with his memories once more. He wondered if Connor was still without his. "Are you going to accuse me of cursing you again?"
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connor-a-reilly · 13 days
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"Pretty much. Growing up it was either tea, milk or water and not much else unless my father wasn't around." It was something so simple but Connor saw it as being rebellious as a kid if he could get ahold of something else. "I can show you a place a lot of people seem to go to and they usually come out with some very colorful drinks."
*soft transition to post event*
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"ah." elide nodded her head as she glanced around. "you've had too much tea so now you're sick of it?" she questioned as she turned back to focus on the other. "i'm sure there's somewhere around here that has something good. i'm just not much of a coffee drinker so tea was my first thought."
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connor-a-reilly · 17 days
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"I'll never expect you to be a Saint. I'm not one at all, either. But you are far from evil." Connor says in a soft tone as he continues to stroke her cheek reassuringly. A soft smile appears upon his face as she closes the gap and rests her forehead against his. He loved the closeness he was feeling to her. "I won't let anything bad happen, I promise you that." He responds before giving a happy hum. "I know I don't remember the first, but I would love to take you on a date. You just might have to remind me so I don't bore you with a repeat."
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veronica couldn't help but smile. sure, it was sad that connor didn't seem to really remember her or the bit of time they had shared; but it was nice to see he was the same as she knew him to be. it brought her some small comfort. "i can't say i'm a good person through and through, but... i didn't want to be that." she didn't want to be so evil as to be a murderer. as his forehead gets closer to hers she closes the gap, resting her forehead against his as she kept her hand on his. "i hope you're right. because i think enough bad has happened. we don't need anymore. i just need you to remember so i can properly tell you how much i loved our date and how i want so many more of them."
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connor-a-reilly · 19 days
Connor glares at the other, knowing now what he was. It was quiet around them, quiet enough that he should've been able to hear the other's heartbeat. "I know what you are. I don't believe you didn't have anything to do with whatever curse got put on me." He says as he moves to almost circle his forgotten father. "My father taught me all about how filthy demons lie and how to deal with them."
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(skipping to aware Angel? <3 )
"Cursed you? How would I know anything about that? I don't even know you." Angel glared at the stranger. He wasn't in the mood to be accused of stuff. Right now he really just wanted to be left alone.
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connor-a-reilly · 24 days
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Connor loved seeing her smile and wanted to do all he could to keep it there. Her words were so reassuring and told him he was on the right track. In reality, being skilled at saying the right thing was something he had inherited from his true father Angel. So much so, that it had been remarked on several times. But for now he just assumed it had been his training. "I spent most of my life observing people; the good and horrible. It's so easy for me to see that you're one of the best I've ever met." When she places her hand over his before asking him to be careful; he leans in a little and hesitantly yet softly brushes his forehead against hers as he says. "I promise I won't let anyone get me...I'm unbreakable. Specially when I have so much to fight for."
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just like before, connor was able to comfort veronica and make her see it more clearly. it allowed the guilt to feel less heavy for a moment and she couldn't help but smile. "how is you always knoew what to say? i mean... i know you don't remember before, but you always seem to know exactly what to say exactly when i need it." how was it even when he had zero idea who she was he still found a way to make her adore him? she couldn't help but smile more as he touched her cheek, placing her hand over his. "look---i know you want your memories back and i get that. totally support you. just... be careful okay? don't get hurt in the process. i don't know if i could handle if you did get hurt."
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connor-a-reilly · 24 days
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Connor looks at the other with a suspicious glare. There was something that felt off and he knew better than ignore a gut feeling. "I remember you from the chaos." He says while not letting his gaze slip from the other for a moment as his hand clutches the stake in his pocket. "I got cursed that night, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?" @mischiefxmuses
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connor-a-reilly · 24 days
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Connor hadn't expected company, that was for sure. Although, the rooftop he had chosen to keep a lookout from was rather nicely decorated. That should have been his first clue. Yet, when someone does come through the door, he doesn't even bother to turn and look. "Don't let me disturb you. I'm just keeping watch." @rainbowmuses
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connor-a-reilly · 24 days
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"Hello." Connor says in a cold and guarded tone. He hated magic, absolutely despised it and yet, here he was in magic book shop. "I've been cursed multiple times, and I'm here to look for some answers." It was obvious by his destestful glare as he glanced at some of the products that he had no love for all this. @bcrncoldx
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