Detroit:bh: Here, have an asshole character who’s just here to fill in the typical workplace and world image. =Gavin
Detroit:bh: There’s an android who appears for about one minute in only one end of the many ends. He doesn’t even talk but just moves his head slightly. =Rk900
These two characters never meet in the game. Not even nearly.
D:bh Fandom: let’s make them fuck
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connor: hey! HEY! stop arguing. come on, hug it out. hug it out.
rk900, gavin, hank: [all struggle to form a group hug]
hank: who took my wallet
gavin: sorry
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Gavin: Hey, do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows into my mouth?
RK900: You're a hazard to society.
Hank: And a coward. Do twenty.
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North: [to Connor] I dare you-
Hank: Connor’s not allowed to accept dares.
North: Why not?
Connor: [head bowed] I have no regard for my own personal safety.
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Flight Attendant: Before we land, please make sure all your electronic devices are secure.
Gavin [to RK900]: Do you feel safe?
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Connor: Oh hey, I've been looking for you everywhere!
Hank: What a coincidence, I've been avoiding for you everywhere!
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gavin: i hate this i fuckingn hate this.
rk900: relax reed, this is just like any other christmas you’ve had just with actual people and fun. *knocks on hank’s front door*
connor, opening and jumping out from the door: HAPPY HOLIDAYS—
gavin: *knocks out connor with a champagne bottle*
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Gavin: Oh, would you look at that, a mistletoe… You know what that means…
Nines: I’m fairly certain this is a holly. Don’t worry, it’s easy to make a mistake in differentiating between the two of them.
Nines, waking up in the middle of the night: Wait was he flirting with me-
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Connor: What's that on your desk, Nines?
Nines: It's Gavin's swear jar. I put in $1 every time he swears. He bet that he wouldn't fill it past $50 in a week.
Connor: It looks like it already has a l-
Gavin: oh PHCK off about my jar you plastic cun- wait. Shit. Oh, pHCKi-
Nines, taking Gavin's wallet and pulling out change: He lost three hours ago. I've already had to go to the ATM twice.
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Gavin: Hey, do you like this outfit for our date tonight?
Nines: You’re naked.
Gavin: So, do you like it or-
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Richard: Gavin, wake up
Gavin: I'm not sleeping, I'm dead. Leave flowers and get out
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Hank: What are all these dead bodies doing here?!
Connor: Honestly, not much.
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Gavin's dad: Reed's don't bottom!
Nines: Is Gavin adopted?
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Hank: I only work out so I'm strong enough to hold every breed of dog like a baby.
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Hank: I failed my fire safety course.
Connor: How?
Hank: One of the questions was “in the event of a large fire, what steps would you take?”
Connor: …And?
Hank: Apparently “fucking large ones” wasn’t the right answer.
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Connor: You shouldn’t be using a straw
Hank: I know it’s bad for the environment or whatever
Connor: No, it just a weird way to eat lasagna
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Markus: People actually tell their crush they like them?
Josh: Well what do you do?
Markus: I die? What kind of question is that?
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