connorsdeviantass · 5 years
Another quick update.
My apologies everyone.
I’m sorry I haven’t been writing more frequently as I used to. As you all may know, school has started for me and I’ve been very busy. I also have a kind of writers block right now :c
The imagines may take longer than I thought they would.
As of right now though, my requests will be CLOSED. Please do not send in any requests.
I already feel overwhelmed as is.
Again, I apologize. I hope you’ll understand.
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
This hurts.
This phcking hurts
But I cant stop laughing at Connor falling
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but humans don’t come back, do they?
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Lol I’m working on a sad Connor x Reader imagine anddd I’m crying
cool cool cool
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Smooth Criminal [Connor DBH x Reader]
Summary: Connor arrives at a crime scene involving the reader, thinking she’s the only one who has been wounded. What happens when things take a violent turn?
Not requested.
Wrote this to try and break my writers block, that’s why it’s short. I haven’t edited this yet so there may be some mistakes LOL.
Inspired by the song “Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson.
Trigger warning: death, violence, blood.
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The scene around you was horrendous. There was blood splattered all over the carpet. A window had been shattered near you and the glass was drinking in the moon’s light- casting an ominous glow around the dark room. A shearing pain was coursing through your shoulder as you tried to move. The blaring sound of a siren sang louder and louder the closer it came. Your knees instantly buckled as you tried to pull yourself back up. You gripped onto the wall for support as you finally pulled yourself back up.
Remember the reason you’re here.
Find him. Get his attention.
Had you done a good job? Was it convincible enough?
You limped around the dark room and took in the scene around you that had occurred. A motionless body laid under a table. You noticed a pool of blood dripping from the victim’s forehead. There was blood splattered on the wall beside the table and some on the carpet.
Where was the other victim?
You made your way back into the foyer and journeyed to the stairs as you slowly ascended into the upstairs hall. One of the bedroom doors was open and there they were. There lay another motionless body on the bedroom floor. Blood soaked the shoulder blade and forehead of the victim.
Where was your gun? Where had you-
The slam of a car door interrupted your thoughts as you turned in the direction of the sound. Your eyes widened as you dashed out the door and flew down the stairs.
Your heart beat aggressively against your chest like a frightened bird in a metal cage. A few feet in front of you you noticed the black object you had been searching for. You dashed to it and quickly picked it up, stuffing it in your pants and under your shirt.
“Hello? Detroit police! Is anyone there?” The clicking sound of footsteps grew closer as you lowered yourself down against a wall. The silhouette of a person appeared ahead of you as they stepped closer and discovered your location. All you could see of them was the blue glow of their armband and yellow LED. You guessed he was scanning the area before deciding to speak.
“Hello? Are you injured?” The figure rushed to your side and kneeled down; looking you over.
You had to make him believe.
This was your chance.
“I-I” You cleared your throat as your eyes teared up. “My shoulder. There’s a cut in my shoulder.” You croaked.
“What happened here? Are you okay?”
You stayed silent.
“What happened here?” The android repeated again.
The android detective shook his head and pushed himself back up from his kneeling position. You watched as the android looked around again, taking in the scene. He approached the body that was laying under the table. You followed his gaze as he glanced from the body, to the blood on carpet, and to the blood splattered on the wall. You couldn’t tell exactly what he was doing but what you could guess was that he was scanning. You knew so much about him yet it was a wonder to watch him in action.
“Where is the other victim?” He approached you. You trembled as you pointed in the direction of the stairs.
“T-the second bedroom. The door is open.” The android nodded and left you there alone as he ventured up the stairs.
He would be gone long enough for you to prepare.
This is it. You had to do this.
You stood up and reached for the gun tucked in your pants. You moved into the moon’s light so and observed the blood on your hands. It wouldn’t be long until he put two and two together.
You wiped the blood off your hands on your pants and turned around. Your grip on the gun tightened as you heard the familiar footsteps coming back down the stairs. You aimed your gun.
“Have you seen the-“
A loud ear splitting bang sliced through the air as you pulled the trigger. You saw the bullet impact your target. You stalked closer to the body to inspect the work you’ve done. Blue blood dripped from the location the bullet cut through. A deep hole set in the middle of the android’s forehead. You tucked the gun back into your pants, wiping your hands on your pants.
You had done it. You killed him.
“Sorry Connor.” You smirked and turned around to retreat out the door. “Better luck next time, detective. I’ll see you real soon.” You could hear more sirens approaching the dead silent house.
You kicked the back door and dashed off into the night. Days later, a news report on the television caught your attention as you turned to watch.
“...this mysterious Smooth Criminal is still at large. The android assigned to the case, RK800, was found dead amongst the other victims in the house. Please, if you saw anything that night it is encouraged that you alert the authorities immediately. Thank you.” You grinned at your new title and turned the television off. Smooth Criminal? Huh. This is gonna be fun.
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
*smacks hard with frying pan*
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Connor: attempts to slowly, in a depressing manner, crawl through window, to no avail and gives up, sighing in defeat as his torso hangs through it and his legs stick out the other end
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
erika you dumb cunt i found your tumblr. ~ emma 💓💗💞💕💖💘💝
Yes you fucking did you cunt. I love you Emma 👀😫💗💓💕❤️
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Nines (RK900): Yeah.. I took Gavin on a date this weekend.
Connor: Where’d you take him?
Nines: The trash dump. I’m finally rid of him.
Gavin: I’m right here you fucking bitch.
Nines: Did you hear something?
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Another quick update.
My apologies everyone.
I’m sorry I haven’t been writing more frequently as I used to. As you all may know, school has started for me and I’ve been very busy. I also have a kind of writers block right now :c
The imagines may take longer than I thought they would.
As of right now though, my requests will be CLOSED. Please do not send in any requests.
I already feel overwhelmed as is.
Again, I apologize. I hope you’ll understand.
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Deviant Connor HC [DBH]
Requested by: @ineed-moresleep (Sorry it took so long!) 
Warnings: none.
Summary: One newly deviant boy not understanding emotions. Please help him. 
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Emotions?? What are those? 
He is literally so confused at first with what he is feeling.
You better believe deviant Connor will smile a l o t. 
He’s just so happy and uplifting now.
He loves everything.
He is still easily fascinated by human actions and/or traits so he does some research.
He researched a whole lot about human emotions and how some deal with them.
“What does happiness feel like?” 
He gets excited by a lot of things now. He is like a kid.
“Hank! What’s this?”
Takes Sumo on so many walks.
Hank often has to tell Connor that he can’t walk Sumo everyday.
Watch him.
“But Hank! I want Sumo to feel happy too!”
“I’m sure he does son, but he needs breaks too.” 
“Oh.. okay. I understand.”
Hank helping Connor distinguish what emotion he is feeling.
“I feel.. a warmth in my chest, lieutenant. I feel like I could just smile forever.”
“You’re happy, son. I thought I told you that you can start callin’ me Hank. You don’t have to be so formal now.” 
“My apologies Lieu- Hank.”
What about days when Connor feels upset if something goes wrong?
“Hank.. I don’t understand. I feel so heavy all of a sudden. I feel like I’m being dragged down.”
“Oh, son. It’s alright. You’re just upset.” Hank pulls Connor into a hug.
Connor being an awkward hugger at first.
Where does he put his arms??? What??
He’s so confused and so awkward.
Protect him. He’s trying.
It takes him awhile to get used to emotions he’s feeling. Some emotions still are foreign to him, buT HE IS TRYING HIS BEST.
Sorry this one is so short.
I’m working on “intimidation” next! I will get started on it as soon as I have time.
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
take all the time you need with school! love your blog xx
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me x
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
If you want, you could do Connor running after a deviant, but he realises she's human when catching her, he hurts her and she bleeds. Then he looks at the girls's scared eyes and feels guilty and reassures her. (she was only hiding the deviants and he choose the wrong person to follow). Hope you understand I'm not native english. xo
 You’re fine!! I like the idea of that one! I already have an idea for a title uwu
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
Maybe one where the reader smokes cigarettes and Connor asks why she does it and she says “Because addiction is what is going to slowly kill me.” and like eventually they get together and she no longer smokes because she’s addicted to loving Connor.
Oh yeah!! This one is a good idea. I might change it up a bit, if thats okay! :) 
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
ConnorXreader who is in interrogatory with him because she made something bad like hiding deviant and help them to run away ? ;))
Oohh I already have an idea for this one *rubs hands together* mwaHAHAHA. I will definitely do this one.
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
This is seriously so so calming. It’s kinda making me sleepy.
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Gotta get that Thirium pumping. ((Due to popular demand, here’s a two minute version of calm mechanical heartbeating, though near the end there’s a speed up and then slow down. This one is far more gentle and soft than the last one. Enjoy.))
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
I am here| Connor x reader [DBH]
Requested by: anon. Thank you anon! x
Summary: Connor comforts a frightened reader as they deal with a panic attack.
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, fluff. So much fluff.
Y’all I really love a soft Connor :’) please protect him. The dream the reader has is roughly based on one I had.
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You jolted awake and sat straight up in bed. A shrill scream had erupted from your lips. You stared wide eyed at the empty spot beside you as a dark heaviness weighed down on your chest. You felt as if you were suffocating.
You let out a desperate cry as your eyes then fixed to the floor. You broke down into rough sobs as you quickly rushed out of bed and tried to relocate to the bathroom. A sudden wave of dizziness hit you as you fell to your knees. You curled up against the wall and began breathing heavily. What was happening? Where was Connor? Was your nightmare true? Was it truly a dream? Was Connor dead?
You felt as if you were gonna be sick as the thoughts churned your stomach inside and out. You had seen him get shot in the head. You remembered every detail briefly. Everything had happened in a slow blur. A fogginess had glossed over his eyes as the bullet lodged into him. Your shrill scream in the dream was what had woken you. Was this truly a dream though?
“Connor?” You cried out in desperation. Your cry merely a whimper. There’s no way he would be able to hear it. Where was he? Was he dead? He had left you. Your nightmare corrupted your thoughts, making you believe the worst. Connor was gone.
Your breathing had become more ragged. The pressure in your chest not letting up; instead it pushed further. Another desperate sob rippled through your body as you curled yourself up closer against the wall. All the sounds around you had faded into a muffle. There was only one sound that was loud and distinct to you though. The click of a doorknob unlocking. A rushed clicking of heels grew louder as a figure quickly scooped you up into their arms.
“(Y/N)!? Hey, hey. I’m here.” You recognized the voice immediately. It was Connor. Instead of excitement coursing through your veins; fear and resentment took place.
“No!” You shrieked and thrashed against him. “Let go of me! He’s dead. Connor is dead. He left me.” Your venom filled words had made his eyes widen as he scanned over your vitals.
Panic attack.
You were having a panic attack. You were so worked up that you hadn’t noticed it was actually him.
He did a quick search on anything he could learn about them. Treatments. Causes. Everything.
“(Y/N) please. Look at me.” He spoke gently as his LED spun yellow at the scene before him. How long had you been like this? This was all his fault. If he had woken you up to tell you he was going out on an early case with Hank this could have been prevented. He was stupid. He cursed himself for bringing this upon you. His LED turned from yellow to red as his artificial heart broke at the state you were in. You were absolutely frantic. You were still trying to escape his grip, still convinced it wasn’t actually Connor.
“Connor..” His name had escaped your lips as a soft sob. It severely hurt him. It felt as if his thirium pump had been ripped from his chest. He couldn’t handle it. He’d never heard his name uttered like this by you before.
“(Y/N), it’s Connor. I’m here.” His voice trembled as his brown eyes softened. “I’m alive. I’m not going to leave you. I promise you. I am alive.”
Something about those words,Connor noticed, calmed your beating heart. A warm smile replaced his frown as it went back to its normal steady beat. You were still trembling though. He knitted his brows together as he thought for a moment. He gently shifted you into a more comfortable position to hold you in as he stood up slowly and made his way back to your shared bedroom.
“Connor.” You let out a tired whimper and smiled lazily at him. “You’re okay.” He mirrored your smile and nodded in response. He set you down gently on your side of the bed. He shifted in beside you and immediately pulled you to his chest.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you worry.” He spoke finally. “I shouldn’t have left you. I had an early case with Hank and it was really serious.. I’m sorry.” He continued to ramble. You let out a sigh and shook your head before placing a delicate kiss to his nose.
“Connor. I’m sorry I worried you. How did you know?”
“I got a sense that something wasn’t right. After I tried to call you a few times I realized something must’ve been really wrong, and I was right.” He sighed and leaned forward to place a kiss on your forehead. “I’m never going to leave you. I couldn’t.”
“The nightmare I had Connor, you died. It felt so real. Then I noticed you weren’t beside me when I woke up and I started to panic that the nightmare had actually happened.” You frowned.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that ever happening. It’s never going to.” He smiled and pulled you even closer to him.
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Yes, (Y/N)?” He glanced down at you with a gentle smile.
“Please don’t leave this time.”
“Trust me. I’m not letting you out of my sight for a few more hours. I’m still concerned about your stability.” He meant it as a half joke. He was still mildly concerned about you though. The thought of you getting upset again made his grip around you tighten.
“Connor. I love you dearly and I love the sudden sign of protectiveness, but I can’t breathe.”
“My apologies.”
Ugh this was too cute for me to write.
I’m thinking on doing a part 2 where Connor actually does die. Perhaps when he is chasing after a criminal they had suddenly pulled a gun on him and Hank? The reader had stayed in the car. Etc. etc.
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connorsdeviantass · 6 years
To those of you who are sleeping on Ruthless/Machine Connor.
This is definitely threatening as hell. I’d be terrified. Considering the fact I’m extremely short compared to him, I’d be scared of being stepped on.
Also, where do I get me one of those though? Cyberlife please. Elijah it’s about time for you to start making these androids. Get to it, my good sir.
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[ x ] T h r e a t e n
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