Connor's story part 2 the gift of the choosen
"is that the best thing you can do"
"Put him up to the task"
The unknown stranger took the bag off conner's head then conner looked behide and it wasn't human it was a alien mashine half creture, half machine and it's big as hulk name victor.
:powers and abilities: dark energy powerful weapons from he's mechanical body: total amount Strength And corrupts anything that he touches, he controls mashines and systems that are filled with dark energy fallowing under he's command:
:equipment: he is a commander, he leads he's powerful army to war and to create deadly powerful machines and weapons
:weaknesses: he takes too much damage when he's meachanical body can't take this much power
:conner: (surprise and shocked) "oh sh*t." victor choks conner
:victor: "i watch your tone when your talking to our master"
:Jack: " hahahahaha i think that's quiet enough victor"
Victor drop conner and he kneeld
"victor" "my apologies sir"
"Jack" "oh i'll accept your apologie when you tell me why you brought me this human into my throne. "
"Victor" " yes sir, as you can see we incounter this human from the planet of earth as we found him lying down on the ground in it's home than saw a dead pity human that we been hunting down while we we're surching for the powers that the human took it from you but it appears we we're too late, since i brought this human, i anlyzed most of his body and it appears that he has curried of the energies power yet there's no telling what it can do for he dosen't know what he's powers are, neither do we."
:jack: "mhmmm i see, victor leave us i'll deal with this ."
:victor: "yes sir."
Victor leaves as conner was confusd than talks to jack
:conner: "look i don't know who you are but whatever you want from me just take it and take me back hom..."
Conner turns around as suddenly jack disappear than he was standing right behide him
:jack: "now why would i want to do that ?"
Conner looked behide as he was surpprise and shocked
:conner: "ah"
:jack: " i would, even if i take it i can't."
As conner looks at him in the eyes he finds it horrifying as jack wasn't even human he has about black and red eyes, he wears a black cloak, he's hands has sharp claws, and he's skin is all white he's ears look sharp and has no hair and he's teeths are also sharp than conner answers a question
:conner: " what do you mean isn't that why you came all the way to earth just get this power from that man who gave me !?"
:jack; "yes, but i can't take it cause i can since something far from your power from your energy, and that is why you have sealed in you ."
:conner: "sealed ?"
:jack: "yes, allow me to dementerate."
Jack grabs conner in the head and conner felt something in he's body that shined blue light
:conner and jack: "ahaa?"
They both got hurt
:Jack: (frustrated grunt) now you see why i can not take it, not with that sealed in you and you my friend are the key to all this."
:conner: "oh my god, no to hell with this, i want you to take me home NOW"
:jack: "oh hahahahaha my dear old boy, your never going home."
:Conner: " WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU SA..."
Jack grabs conner on the neck
:Conner: " ggaaaaggaggaa."
:jack: "for now on you well be my apprentice but frist you must show me what you can do with your powers."
:Conner: "(spite) fff*uuuuccckk yyoouu."
:jack: "rraaaaa (throws conner to the wall)
:conner: "ah look i don't even know how to use them and what makes you think i'm the key LIKE HELL I AM, if you think i'm gonna be some apprentice Yours can go the hell ."
:jack: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oooh your gonna have to eventully, unless you don't want to see your home destroy."
:conner: " What?!"
:jack: " Oh I didn't even get to tell you the best part see ever since Victor found you When he was suppose to retrieve The old man to me but since that turn out to be a failure And not only did he give you those powers but you carry a seal that I cannot take from you, you possess it So he chose you But I knew if you ever tried to rejected me You would watch as I destroy your entire planet , Observe."
Jack holds a Botton In his hand And he shows conner about he's home planet Earth
:jack: "You see those Beams they are all Targeting to the earth's planet once the beams well fire to the earth core Your home Well be destroyed, just a press of this botten and the beams well fire But I'll give you a chance if you show me what you can do If you don't, then you well watch as i Vaporize your entire planet, so what well it be?."
:conner: "FINE ILL DO IT!."
Conner tryed everything, to know what are he's powers but nothing happend
:jack: " So I guess You're just another disappointment for Weakling Well I might as well destroy your planet."
Conner shot lighting out jacks hand
Jack flip jumps to the ground
Conner hits everything on jack but jack Dodged them quick and jack runs up to so fast
:jack: "is that the best thing you can do."
As conner takes one hit from jack than grabs a sword weapon beside him as he takes few more Swings in skill combot but jack dodges him than jack grab conner's arm
:conner: "gah."
:jack: " Quite good for sword fighter for weaking."
Jack throws conner to wall as he beats him to death as conner laying down on the ground While he bleeds too much
:jack: "well guess that was a bit boring, your quiet the fighting spirt i'll you give that yet you still disapoint me yet your still weak and for that i Shall kill everyone you ever love and everything you have, well be nothing."
Jack walks back to his throne and Suddenly conner Trys to get back up
:conner: " yyyoouu ttaakke that BACK."
:conner: "you hear MOTHERF**KER YOU TAKE THAT F**KING BACK."
Conner felt something far more powerful and he's body started to glow blue as he roard
:jack: " holy sh*t boy you've become a phantom he he ha ha ha ha i guess we're going for a round two hahahaha go on boy take your best shot."
Conner went fast as he sucker punches jack in the face right through wall from space
Conner flys right at jack to space as they fight each other conner takes few more hits to jack as jack takes a lot of Damage than conner sucker punch him again right back to the ship
:jack: "so much power that is in you, Congratulations You are ficially my apprentice ha ha hahahahahahaha."
Conner runs Towards jack as he Finishes him but jack used he's dark power on conner's Inner beast as he beats the Beast to death and conner was Finally normal
:jack: " but as you can see i can never die FOR I AM IMMORTILITY HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."
Victor and his men heard Explosions on the ship he was worried about jack as he runs trys to get to him
:victor: "my lord are you alright, what happend here.?"
:jack: " let's just say our key has pass the test, for this is bigger than i could Imagine ha ha ha hahahahaha ."
:victor: " shell we Eliminate him ?"
:jack: " no don't kill him, i want him alive, i like this one for he is now My apprentice and you Victor will be is Coach, Put him up to the task, make sure you Keep in eye on him for he has a long Journey ahead of him and its Only The beginning for we have only just Begun HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH."
[The end]
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Take my advice for it
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Don't let your hopes down you just gotta keep on living the kickass like fireworks TNT baby, you know what i'm sayin uuuuuhhh wink
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Connor’s story
Hey name’s conner and a team member of jacks as a hunter and kind of more like he’s apprentice and worst he also turns out to be my monster boss that’s been harassing after another, and how did I turn out to be he's apprentice will listen to this during back on earth ive seen a strange person come into my house he was all injured badly and he's wounds looked like claws, i try getting him a kit but then he grab my arm so tight then he ask
"what is your name" :conner: "i'm conner"
than the strange person spoke"listen closely for i don't have much time." (shakes and struggles while he talks)
:conner: "it's okay your gonna be fine just let go of me so i can fix the wound." than he said
:strange persone: NO (cougth blood coming out of he's mouth spilled all over the flour) "its too late for me but for you, you must save them.... from him."
:Conner: "what do you mean save them? and who's him?" (Then he pull's me to him than he whisperd into my ear) and he said
:strange person:" beware of the god of darkness for he is coming... forgive me."(Than he stabed me with a syringe in my neck) somehow it flet strange for he might of put something in it, and it started to hurt and it burns in my entire body flet more pain than fell on (unconscious) i was unable to move, can't move at all flet too (unconscious) then started to hear someone 's voice and foot steps near by, then being curried by that thing, i finally woked up and somehow being straped into some chair, couldn't see anything everything was dark cause this blindfold on my eyes but i heard noises around here, don't know where i am, so i try answering :conner: "hello, anyone." ? "no one answered tell i heard door noise that sound like a machine then foot steps coming near me i wasn't able to look still couldn't see anything tell someone spoked :unknown: "state your name human" :conner: "who are you, where am i"? (Then shock me with the stun weapon) :conner: "AGAAAAA. Ahaaa." ahaa." :Unknown: "state your name." :conner: "it's conner, conner mason." :Unknown: "conner mason do you know why your here?" :conner: "no i don't, what do you want from me?" :unknown: "you know what we want, why our leader brought you here we checked your body as we anlazed any activity that you may have curried something that doesn't belong to you, for what you hold that belongs to our leader." :conner: "WHAT THE HELL, ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I DIDN'T STEEL ANYTHING FROM YOUR BOSS AND I DON'..." shocked me with the stun weapon again :conner: "GGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AHAAAAAAAA AHAAAAA." He stops shocking me tookthan said :unknown: "prehaps it be easy if you meet with our master than you'll notify your answer." The guy or thing pick me up tell he was gonna take me to he's boss but while he was leading me out of my cage i heard strange noises mashine's. Army. monster. and finally i was in some elevator yet it was very very long ride and we been arived untell i ment him the king of all gods JACK :jack: "what a plesent surprise to see you human."
[To continued]
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