conorthecapybara88 · 4 days
Ok, so I will rant a little bit about Encanto here (by the way, I’m latino and LGBTQ+):
Why are people from both sides getting mad over things that are personal?
Why are latinos getting mad at people’s headcanons?
Why are other people sending death threats for someone disagreeing for a certain headcanon? Or getting triggered over someone trying to explain that a headcanon was wrong and it’s just a cultural thing?
First of all, I love headcanons! I have tons of them of almost every single character. I just like to do them. Anyways, some people are overstepping and making cultural things seem more than that! When Antonio starts riding the jaguar and Camilo “snaps his fingers” (there’s a word for that but I don’t know which so I’ll call it that), I’ve seen people saying Camilo has OCD or Tourette’s because of that scene alone. Just no. I think Camilo with Tourette’s would be really interesting because of his shapeshifting but that form of snapping his fingers is just a thing a ton of people do over here when we’re excited (or when someone we wanted to get in trouble finally gets in trouble and our minds are screaming “FCKING FINALLY” but back to the actual subject-). I do that all the time! I even appreciated the detail of Camilo doing that, the animators did the homework. However, that wasn’t a reason for a  Tourette’s/OCD headcanon. And I’ve seen latinos trying to educate those people and getting called “ableist” and being sent death threats. FOR TRYING TO EDUCATE!
The Isabela is a lesbian headcanon. Now… The tables turn. Why are latino people so mad? I personally don’t think of her as a lesbian but… Why are you so mad?! “It’s not our culture” YES it is! “It’s not the purpose of the movie!” Yes it is! The movie is about the hardships of a Latino family. Unfortunately, being queer is still extremely taboo, especially over here. Having a character identify as any part of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum would be amazing for that alone. The exploration of said homophobia existent in Latin America! I’d personally love to see that! Same goes for the headcanons of Camilo being genderfluid (which I do love and agree) and Mirabel being bi (which I also like). They won’t hurt you. They’d make the movie better. It’s in the movie people! Isabela’s song (while it meant something different, I know, don’t attack me, I understand the purpose of her song) was about breaking from the perfect prison she had made for herself. That’s exactly the feeling of dealing with internalized homophobia. Breaking from the taboo you’ve been taught your whole life, to be straight and therefore “perfect”. Isabela being queer, Camilo being queer, Mirabel being queer, just about any of the cousins being queer would make an amazing story with Abuela and the parents trying to understand their child. You’re kidding me? A mini-series with Camilo having an identity crisis due to his powers and then figuring out his gender identity to be genderfluid? I’d eat that up so quickly! While Isabela is mostly headcanoned to be a lesbian, I personally like to see her as aroace. Queer people grew up without anyone being like them and, in the rare of occasion of such, it’d be downgraded because the mentality of it was “gay people bad”. We never had people like ourselves to look up to, so we made them like us. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, often looking for subtext that could back up the idea. Surely the media is upping their game, gay kids have heroes to look up to nowadays; but we didn’t. It’s really recent that they’ve started adding LGBTQIA+ characters. It’s something we’ve learnt to do throughout our lives and it’s a reflex of sorts, we’ve had no representation for a long time that we just learnt to see them as queer for slight subtexts.
Continuing, Dolores being autistic. No, she isn’t. Do I headcanon her as such anyway? Yes. Her hearing would have caused so many sensory overloads which must be one of the reasons she “whisper-talks” like I do. It’d be nice to see Felix and Peppa trying to figure out how to best take care of their daughter who had sensory overloads when in places with loud sounds. It’d be the cutest thing ever.
And gringos saying shit.. Like, stop. Some of you guys are genuinely out there having enjoyed the movie and having headcanons and are willing to learn about our culture… But then there are the ones who curse latino people for trying to educate on our own culture and why some things happen in the movie and instead of listening they just throw “go back to ur country dirty latinx” like- Um, don’t worry, if you’re the kind of person I’ll find over there I’ll have my ass put inside my country.
Anyways, what I’m trying to get to is… It’s ok to have headcanons, but if someone tries to respectfully educate you, then stop talking and listen. The movie is about Latin American (more specifically, Colombian) culture. Not yours. In this particular sense, we do know better. Of course, if the person just yells at you something like “HERE PPL ARENT THAT WAY THROW THAT IN UR COUNTRY-” then your time isn’t worth them but… Listen if the person is just trying to educate you, ok? And also, for latino people, don’t get mad for headcanons… Just respectfully educate them, they don’t know our culture, they just think that might be a sign of something, they mostly don’t mean to be rude.
Edit: (it’s been a while but a little something I wanted to add) I am, by no means, telling people to ignore the message of the movie! I’ve seen some people completely ignoring it and it can be very frustrating. Headcanons are fun and all, but please remember the message (especially with one that is so important and relatable to so many people). I do like seeing Isabela, Mirabel and Camilo as queer, I do like seeing Pepa and Dolores as neurodivergent; does not change how the movie’s message is about generational trauma. Does not change how the movie talks about how you should recognize abusive behavior towards family members and be better. Like I previously said, I still stand by that point, some characters being queer would be amazing inside the narrative especially given the opportunity to explore Latin America’s homophobia and taboo over queerness. However, the purpose of the movie still stands strong on generational trauma, and people should recognize that
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conorthecapybara88 · 6 days
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happy werewolf transgenderism wednesday
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conorthecapybara88 · 6 days
Nothing beats the feeling of opening up Tumblr and seeing that one of your mutuals has gone through your blog and interacted with a bunch of posts when you're having a bad day
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conorthecapybara88 · 6 days
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conorthecapybara88 · 6 days
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Found this on facebook but reposting to SAVE A LIFE.
Or at least some of y’all’s GPAs.
You’re welcome.
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conorthecapybara88 · 10 days
‘bread is bad for you’ ‘rice is bad for you’ sorry im not subscribing to the idea that staple grains that have been integral to cultures for centuries are evil. i love you carbs
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conorthecapybara88 · 10 days
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conorthecapybara88 · 10 days
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Orache moth, Trachea atriplicis, Noctuidae
Photographed in France by Matthieu Berroneau
Shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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conorthecapybara88 · 10 days
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conorthecapybara88 · 10 days
with recent events i believe that jimmy "mr beast" youtube should be here
being punted into the sun is still probably safer than appearing on his tv show
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
If you're all about body positivity but make fun of men with hairline receiding or bald, fat, with a beer belly etc, no you're not.
Pretty sick and tired of seeing people laugh and trash men who are not tall skinny queer looking white dudes and be like "everyone is beautiful" in the same breath.
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
it’s fucking insane that a moderator had to say “there is no state where you can kill a baby after it’s born” at a presidential debate.
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
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Witness. My masterpiece. The drawing I made for my friend when I started listening to the Magnus archives. He even showed it to his friends, as if to stick it on the fridge like a proud parent. I will sob.
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
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this image can only be shared on Thursday, Sept. 12
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conorthecapybara88 · 12 days
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