conquestofuriel · 7 months
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elijah: disappears entirely behind his sister elijah: dramatically slides into view
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conquestofuriel · 7 months
Ew. Uriel's lips pursed in that apprehensive but contemplative way that he always got when Dumah started going on about viruses and bacteria. Creepy little buggers. Useful at times, but clearly an accident on Epimetheus' part. The seraphim didn't think of mass damage or violence these days. Retirement suited him. "Plan?" He raised a brow at Dumah. "The plan is to entertain ourselves watching these lycans compete for the conquest of Lupercal." The title of Alpha and the control of a pack too, he supposed. "I imagine some will make complete fools of themselves the way they're acting now." He smiled at that, looking back at the moving crowds. "It's almost like the days of humanity's infancy following Eden..." He sounded so wistful about it. "The savageness of it all... Logon is more sophisticated. I don't think he appreciates how funny this is."
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@conquestofuriel location: Wolfchella notes: i just think uriel is neat
"You know what this party could use?" Dumah asked rhetorically as he sat down next to his cantankerous older brother. "Scabies. Full on outbreak." If only Pestilence had kept some then he could totally unleash these creatures in the urinals and watched them spread like wildfire. "What I love about scabies is that it usually takes two weeks for anyone to notice they have them," he pointed to the skin between his fingers, "they lay eggs under the skin and then once the eggs hatch the little breaks in the skin are obvious and irritated, but by then people have been getting their scabies everywhere. So cool." Dumah turned to lean his back against the picnic table, he'd had a point to this, but he'd lost it with his little story. "What's the plan, anyways?"
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conquestofuriel · 7 months
A Call To Arms
There’s nothing to say about this one, just listen to the awesomeness. This is the sixth track on the WoW OST.
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conquestofuriel · 7 months
There had definitely been a learning curve in taking care of this weak and needy mortal form when Uriel had first stepped foot on the Earth's soil and seen Sariel since Eden. But since then, the seraphim had taken great pride in making sure he seemed utterly perfected in the art of humanity, almost preening when anyone considered his physical form. His sisters facts couldn't be contested; he'd been lucky. But there was one thing that the Sun Elves valued as much if not more than being petty and that was their Sune's love. Uriel was getting a hang of expressing it - apparently violence unto others for his lover was frowned upon. He'd work on it.
"A child?" Uriel frowned thoughtfully. "I didn't pay much attention to the aril-tel-quessir... I am unsure how I would know." Uriel looked wistful. "But I thought of it after speaking to Ganymede and... I have to confess, the idea grows on me daily. Especially with the loss of so much of our kind, it would be beautiful for seraphim glory to live on in as many ways as possible. But, more so, any creature that even slightly resembles Logon could only be a blessing on the realms." With Sariel, he managed to show some vulnerability and fear as the wistfulness faded to apprehension and concern. "I'm just worried I wouldn't be as good at it as Michael seems to have become. We are not made to nurture."
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"You are immeasurably lucky, are you not?" She snorts after a long look of contemplation. Presence wise, he seemed untouched and blessed still, and physically, his vessel seemed unharmed and relatively healthy. A tad too disheveled, but she had never expected Uriel to put too much care into how he looked, even if his grooming habits were improving. "If anyone else had fucked around and all but killed a fey, even if they were a traitor, they would have had an eternal grudge. And yet, here you are, welcomed amidst them." Shaking her head in disbelief, she let's go as a spark of mischief sparks. "I assume then, that your elf is pregnant with avariel? That would certainly explain the change in opinion, high elves sure do love their children."
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conquestofuriel · 7 months
He pulled away as she did, afraid any movement by him would make her disappear completely. Like she was a mirage that might be swept away by too strong a wind or the flutter of his eyelashes. But he touched her, he saw her and she was here. Kaz was real. Not all the Blessed were gone forever besides himself, Dumah and Michael. He might've gone to his knees to thank the Gods themselves was his faith in them not completely and utterly destroyed with the betrayal of their Father.
"Nothing will ever be capable of explaining what Ulthar has done. We may never understand it, sister, but we must leave it in the past where it belongs. We cannot let him destroy us too. We must live for those who can't and uphold our legacy." He ached to reach out to her again but help himself back. "Please... Come with me. You needn't be lost or alone in this world."
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Tenderness hurt more after witnessing such violence and heartlessness, she was lost without her family and the raw wound threaten to choke her and so when he reached to place a brotherly hand upon her arm, she stepped back with a choking gasp. "Don't." She hated how weak she had become, how far she had fallen and she's been stripped of her righteous glory and part of her wants to rush forward into his arms that had always comforted but that means losing herself further and accepting the terrible things that had happened in the light of day and she's struggling to come to terms.
Tears gather in her eyes more easily these days and she's a complicated mess of contradictions, broken and rattled beyond comprehension and she craves her fathers love but there is no one home anymore and no home to return too. "I noticed the change when I saw his eyes, gone was the compassion and warmth instead there was only coldness and a want to destroy us all." A staggered breath left her lungs and she still can't understand the murderous change. A ghost of a smile touches her lips. "It's better that you mourned me, I won't be the same as I ever was. I have the capacity to survive that which shouldn't be survived but I feel as if I am an empty shell after all that's happened."
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
Sariel was perpetually angry and sassy towards Uriel, but at least the latter was something that he was used to from ages past. He found comfort in the familiarity, not seeking to counter it but instead to let the familiarity of her presense soak in. He was emotional enough these days that she bit out her words while he silently thought about how she was only one of the very few left in the world that held some importance and so she could snap at him all she wanted.
"I did. As Fate would have it, the fey- elf- that I love is very persuasive with his Chancellor friend. I will mend my way with them by providing protection and other forms of goodwill. I don't mind in the least. I had always hoped for the best in regards to the fey and elves." One of them just got in his way on a very bad day.
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"Do you think I would choose to forget?" Uriel's presence it's met with a bitten off comment and an indolent smile, even as she raises up from her chair and steps forward to bring Uriel's face down at her level so she can examine him careful, unacknowledged tension lifting from her shoulders as she reassures herself that he is alright. Death had not been pleasant, but hearing of his ending had gutted her. Like it or not, she is attached to her brother, but at least now there is hope for some mending— If he gets his head out of his ass regarding Hayliel and Roth, which seems like an impossible task. "Let me guess, you went off with the high elves on that day."
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
Children. Briefly, faintly, Uriel thought of Ganymede and he found himself smiling. He hadn't had the time to spare the idea or the conversation much more thought before but it always managed to make him smile whenever he did think about it. Though the smile faded as Logon did a little too wonderfully in reading the thoughts that had been written all over the seraphim's face before. To say he missed his siblings was an understatement but Uriel figured that if anyone who wasn't a seraphim would understand what it was to get a sibling torn away from them it was Logon.
"I know," he murmured. Logon had always been angry, hurt and betrayed by the mortals that Uriel had always looked down upon like they'd always been mere ants. He had never begrudged the fey those feelings before and he didn't now, not even as he practically lived like a mortal. "But you had taught them much before, treated them like children before they turned on you. I had never understood that." He absently entwined his hand with Logon, pressing their shoulders together ever once in a while as they walked home. "How do you see them now?" His questions held no undertone, only curiousity. "Are you happy to be so seperated in this place? Do you see your future forever here?" Uriel's affections hadn't changed too much; he held just about none for humanity. But he did understand them more now, he learned that they and their magical offshoots were far more formidable than the Blessed had allowed himself to give them credit for before. In a large part, the world had been saved by their kind.
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"You're never naming our children," Logon sighed, though he tried not to laugh as he held his hand out for the little beast. He hoped it had gotten somewhere safe during the end times, but he supposed that it was fine now that everything had been reversed. "You miss your siblings," Logon stated after a moment, knowing the feeling all too well. "When Lia chose exile, it was easy enough for me to leave, you know. I was so upset about how everyone was so stuck in their ways. Time passed slowly for eladrin, and no one seemed to blink an eye. It was my fault for going into the human world." Caught by blood witches, Logon remembered the time all too well. After everything he'd done for them, all the architecture he'd given them – they still took more than they deserved. "I gave up on them a long time ago," Logon laughed, like Uriel had misunderstood his love for fey bleeding into mortals. "It's Lia who chose them."
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
Uriel took to following Dumah's gaze, his eyes finally landing on the incredibly gorgeous woman dancing shamelessly in the crowd. There were too many supernaturals to pick out her type of magic. However, it suddenly occurred to drunk!Uriel that all he wanted was for his brother to be happy and by some miracle she wasn't ugly or plague-ridden. Oh, it nearly brought a tear to his eye. "I'm so happy for you," he replied, lips pursed with emotion as he nodded earnestly.
Now Dumah teared up and it was tugging at every single heart string that Uriel had, many of which he didn't know existed inside him. "Noo," he breathed out. "Oh Gods above, how could I ever blame you, brother?" He shook his head, shame him. "All my life I tried to please him. I did everything I thought he wanted me to do and now, Dumah, I am stuck here trying to figure out who I truly am without him." Now he was tearing up too, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I could tell you never loved Father as I do but you were right not to, brother. I misplaced my loyalty." He reached out and squeezed his arm tight. "From now on we only count on each other."
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"You see that woman." Dumah said as he pointed over the second floor balcony that overlooked the dance floor, there Sabina was in all her glory, raving in the night, dancing shamelessly like she might have very well been the only thing in the world. "That's my girlfriend." He perched his cheek onto his palm as he propped his elbow up onto the banister. "I love her, Uriel." No he didn't, did he? Dumah didn't know, he wouldn't have known what love was if it beat him over the head. But, he was drunk so he rambled away anyways. He wiped at his eyes as he sniffed and looked back towards his older brother, his hands cupped Uriel's cheeks as tears brimmed at the corners of Pestilence's eyes. "No, it's not your fault: it's mine." His frown grew as he dug deep for this one, "You always reminded me too much of him." Ulthar.
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
Uriel had fallen to his knees in disbelief and horror at the news Ganymede had given him. Yet he had found the strength to stand up once more and go on - to find it in himself to recover from realizing that all he have ever known and loved was worse than a lie. Or at least most of it was. His devotion to his 3 siblings was not. Dumah was very difficult and though Azrael was most like him, War liked to march to the beat of his own wardrum. But Adatiel had never been hard to love. Still, Conquest had never been the heart of their operation. He was first and in every way the Head - the logic, the one who put orders and facts over any sense of emotion and went ahead for them all.
So though he had changed a lot, even before Ulthar's betrayal, the idea of following Adatiel's advice was still a little silly to him. "I will always protect you, sister," he promised with a smile as though to playfully say: don't be ridiculous. "... But it is in all our best interests to kill as many of these as possible. And, as there are no seraphim but ourselves here left... we must survive."
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
Uriel had been so busy worrying about his divine purpose and his duty on Earth that he hadn't truly had the chance to have fun in this realm and indulge. Alcohol had been consumed with little more than half cups and small sips. But the war was over, this was a celebration of sorts and if the Sun Court had taught the seraphim anything lately it was how to let loose and have fun. So maybe he was just discovering his alcohol tolerance and maybe he was a little drunk but he figured it was okay as long as he could stand up and talk he was fine. He was standing up and he just tripped on (1) chair stool, so that was fine. Passing the cusp of tipsy and now modesty drunk, Uriel couldn't imagine what was wrong with his very good mood. Dumah's slurring speech flew over his head as something he should have worried about.
"You know what... I love you too." He nodded earnestly. "I haven't said that before, have I?" He looked genuinely distressed about this. "Why don't we do more things together now?" Uriel raised a hand again, moving it like how the southern Italians did because Rome had truly rubbed off on him in more ways than one. "Is it my fault? It is isn't it. I've been too hard on you. I've been too distant."
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@conquestofuriel location: Hakan's Rave notes: drunken pesti
How was Dumah coping with the loss of his twin? The answer was not well, but he was keeping busy at least. As a seraphim it was very hard for him to get drunk, but between the elves, the witches, and whatever else was here they had everything under the sun to make sure the attendees were all having fun. "I love you-" Dumah slurred as he slung an arm around Uriel, "no, no, no I mean it. I love you man." They never hung out anymore, what was that about?
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
"I'm a protector of you. Of all you hold dear," he correctly quietly, like that was a sweet little secret. "And I am an old man." He grinned. The Sun Court and its denizens were quickly growing on Uriel but every move he had made up until then was to see that look of peace and happiness of Logon's smiling face. The seraphim had yet to form the connections that he knew he had to make to truly call anything a home beyond Logon, beyond the seraphim and beyond all seraphim-blooded. He supposed Lia had climbed very high on his scale of importance but no other elf had yet managed her feat. In time he felt they would.
He looked towards the little beast and smiled crookedly. "Tell us or I shall find something else to call you. You look like a... Gadreel, perhaps? Abaros is a lovely name. I've always had a particular fondness for names beginning with A." There was a hint of something sad on his face as he thought of Adatiel who was gone forever, and as he even though of Azrael so far away and unreachable. But the sadness flickered away as quickly as it came; it would be a part of Uriel for eternity but he didn't let most emotions visibly get to him. "Admittedly..." His head canted towards Logon. "I had never once understood the penchant your kind and mortals have over taking care of smaller, weaker things... I suppose I can see the appeal now." Uriel had indeed taken to spending time with hippocampi and worrying about where the menagerie critters that passed by their home were getting their food sometimes. There was something genuinely rewarding about caring for things.
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Logon knew he had a myriad of little friends that floated about. His sprite, still in the form of an otter, continued to dance through the pink clouds of the Sun Court. It would float alongside Uriel if the seraphim so wished, and every now and then, Logon, who was terrified of heights, would sing a spell for temporary wings to soar alongside the seraphim. “You’re a protector of our court now. Big deal.” Logon gave the other a small smile, moving a bit closer so he could put his hand on Uriel’s cheek, “You sound like an old man,” he laughed, though he took Uriel’s hand and pulled him along anyway. There was more to see in the Court. “I haven’t named him,” the thanxalotl now sat on Uriel’s shoulder, “I’ve been waiting for him to tell me what he’s called.”
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
"Of course not," he breathed out, hardly daring to believe it. Uriel took slow and pensive steps in her direction as he continued to look awestruck. No seraphim could have survived once Ulthar had His hands upon them. The familiar story seemed to sober Uriel up as his expression darkened for a moment; only a miracle of luck could have spared his sister. His gaze finally faltered as he stood before her, only looking back a moment later. "How could this be?" Without any thought, the Blessed reached out pressed the back of his fingers gently against her arm. Her vessel was mortal and weak, just as his own, but he felt and saw the divinity and Grace within.
"You have always been quick-footed and clever, Kafziel, but Ganymede told me that every Blessed seraphim was lost. He told what happened and I fell to my knees." Their step-father could not lie but it was possible he hadn't seen Kaz slip away in all the chaos. "I mourned you as I mourn so many of our siblings."
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"Would you rather I was?"
Her voice fills with ire, anger is familiar, it is the one human emotion that she is well versed in -- sadness, pain and agony are old companions too and happiness is a trivial matter that has rarely visited. It is a conduit and it keeps her warm, she use to be filled with a righteous fury and it has guided her hand and sword many times. She is not a kind blessed and it is with a fury that she ripped the wings and divinity from her siblings.
She is not alive because of her compassion but because of her ruthless ability to run when all else had been slain, she didn't stay to weep over their dead bodies or become immobilized by tragedy. She is like a shark that has kept moving even though blood infested waters.
She is unsteady and she doesn't know how to be soft when she speaks of the slaughter that she witnessed, hunched over by grief she avoids his gaze. "I am the last one left, Ulthar feasted on our siblings until only gore and the smell of smoke remained."
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
Uriel frowned. He hadn't actually tried to apologize yet but now he didn't want to. And he supposed that made Hayliel's statement correct. He also supposed that didn't make the Blessed as 'kind' or 'understanding' as this young elf in the Sun Court told him he should try to be but Uriel decided perhaps he could try again later. Eventually, he'd probably find his way there.
"Fine. But, if it means anything, I do regret all the time I spent in devotion to our Father. I had many years to think about it and to come to terms with the fate of my loyalty... I don't wish to be at odds with the only family we have left. The seraphim-blooded that I'll share this mortal home with. I'd sooner protect you all now than fight with you."
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It had been a long time since he'd been up there with Ulthar. Maybe, just maybe, Hayliel should've followed Lucifer's lead when the archfiend had rebelled in the first place. Instead, he had stayed and he had felt boredom at the thought of being just stuck there stagnant. They had become everything he had not wanted and he had fallen of his own choice because of it. Uriel had been the one to rip their wings out of their back and they had never really forgiven him for it. Why would they? They wouldn't have forgiven Uriel and they definitely wouldn't have forgiven Ulthar. It was as simple as him just not wanting to. Did he really need another explanation. Still, the apology was unexpected and he had to wonder what Uriel's reasoning was now. Other than the obvious.
"I would accept it more if it was genuine, but I don't think you're capable."
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
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He's getting better at finding cool mortal outfits but wow it's cold outside and we should have brought a hat or scarf
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conquestofuriel · 9 months
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