conspirc · 6 years
— ( kai & henley. )
Call Kai selfish but he wanted more from Henley. He wanted her to look hurt or jealous… He wanted a fight to come from her walking in on him with some random girl. It sounded wrong and it wasn’t right but Kai couldn’t help the fact that he wanted to see something that told him that he wasn’t the only one struggling with this whole thing. That he wasn’t the only one struggling when it came to pretending there wasn’t more there. There was more there, wasn’t there? It was a question Kai had asked himself over and over again. Part of him wanting to believe that there was something there and another part of him wanting to run as far as he could from it. Henley had always seemed like the girl he could never get, she wasn’t like other girls in Kai’s eyes, she was different, special, talented, smart, beautiful, and she saw him. She didn’t just see a face or hair or the several other physical features, she saw him for who he was and she stuck around. The night they had crossed a line Kai honestly never thought possible, a lot changed in Kai’s head. He didn’t think love was real, it was why he had so much trouble writing about the subject but when they were together it was like something clicked. She wasn’t just a crush, she was his best friend and he could only see her, he only wanted her. Of course, when the sun came up and the alcohol wore off the two wanted to run from it. Run because that was easier, run because their jobs were involved, their dreams, running seemed like the best option. So Kai put on a mask and told himself what he felt, it was momentary. That it wasn’t something he should hold onto and he started to believe that maybe he was letting it go. Then something like this would happen or he’d write a song with Henley and he’d find himself wanting more. It was torture, honestly. Pressing his lips together, Kai nodded, shaking his head a little. He tried to hold it back but couldn’t help the scoff that left his lips. “Sorry not all of us can be perfect like you.” Kai bit back, taking her commented about getting into the girls pants to heart even if it was true… Or to be more accurate he wasn’t as great at holding back when he felt like snapping and he knew, even if she was an amazing actress, he knew she was throwing digs at him. “— and you know what? I wouldn’t have come after you if I cared about keeping her waiting or if I wanted you to stay awa—” Cutting himself off, he shook his head again. “Never-mind.” 
She knew that her subtle jabs at him would cause some sort of tension. It seemed like nowadays that’s all there was—except, it was usually a different kind of tension. But right now her jealousy was rising and she knew it wasn’t right. He wasn’t hers and he never would be. However, no matter how many times she tried to convinced herself of that, like a mantra she was starting to live by, it didn’t change how she felt every time she saw him with someone who wasn’t her. And now it was getting in the way of their friendship. Something that was so pure and carefree now turned into small hostile moments because she was too upset with the idea of him and another girl. “Excuse me? That's real rich coming from you, Kai. If there’s anyone acting like they’re perfect, it’s you.” A sorry excuse for a comeback, but still, she deadpanned the words as her brows furrowed. “You walk around here all high and mighty. Like you’re some big shot who got lucky—with all the drinking and girls you have hanging off you. Way to live up to the touring artist stereotype.” She didn’t mean to be rude back, but with her jealousy clinging on the edge, she couldn’t help. Henley got so worked up so fast. It was a fatal flaw that usually she could maintain and usually never came out with him. Guess the world had different plans for her now. “Right, cause you clearly care considering how you’re acting right now.” Though truthfully, out of the two, he was being a bit more rational than her. Henley was simply freaking out and he’d have no idea why. Luckily she could blame it on hormones or lack of sleep—something he would hopefully believe and later forgive. “You know what, forget it. You go back to the bus and hang out with your sleazy groupie and let me be. I’ll go have fun around town by myself. And hey maybe I’ll bring someone for myself back.” Of course, she figured that line wouldn’t affect him the slightest, but god she was hoping even the smallest hint of jealousy would appear across those perfect features she couldn’t stop staring at.  
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( kai & henley. )
She didn’t want to get angry. Kia was free to do whatever he wanted—they agreed to that when they agreed to forget what happened between the two of them. But the truth was that Henley didn’t know how to forget. She would’ve been lying if she said she hadn’t noticed him as they were growing up. And once her lips touched his while up against an old fire escape during one of their many drunk escapades, she swore she felt lightening strike her body. Since then Henley’s mind always found a way back to him. And the more the two spent time together thanks to the tour, the harder it became to look at him as just a friend. Something had changed in the way he appeared. It was like suddenly she woke up from a haze and was able to see clearly. Of course, seeing him in such a light wasn’t exactly a smart choice. Henley knew good and well that she was being down right ridiculous. He was her partner in music and nothing else and she wasn’t about to ruin years of friendship and work to relive a moment that was fleeting. But despite how hard she tried to brush it off, it was moments like this that left her storming off. And in that moment all she wanted was to be left alone as the smoke ran from her ears and she fumed in silence. But of course that wasn’t the case. Before she knew it, Kai came rushing after her. And as soon as she heard the sound of his shoes hitting the gravel behind her, she had no choice but to buckle up and hide the annoyance that had surfaced and taken control. Putting on a facade had became an easy task—but she hated doing it. “What?” Playing dumb, that worked for the most part. “Okay? Yeah yeah, no of course. Why wouldn’t I be? I just didn’t want to-want to interrupt is uh, all. I mean, I get it,” she paused, trying not to ramble. Rambling made it obvious. “She wanted onto the bus and you wanted in her pants. So uh... you can have your privacy. I’ll be sure to stay far, far away.” Taking a deep breath in, Henley tried to choke down her feelings. She didn’t want to fight and had she actually snapped, rather than just making digs at him, a fight was what she would’ve gotten. “You should go. You don’t want to keep her waiting.”
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( @deterioate )
It was one of their few nights off and after one quick rehearsal, Henley just wanted to spend time with him. Her mind was racing and the idea of a night with just the two of them was all too appealing. Something lowkey—hanging out on the tour bus, watching dumb scary movies and eating food they knew they shouldn’t. Or hell, maybe exploring the small town they had stopped in and finding some hole in the wall place that they’d never forget. She couldn’t stop with the endless ideas but really, they could do anything together and she’d be content. Which was why after she finished up with her own rehearsal and wardrobe decisions, she headed straight for the bus where she figured he’d be. A smile was coated along her features and her messy red hair bounced within the ponytail as she made her way to him. It wasn’t long before that smile was washed away though. “Hey you up fo—” before she could finish her, Henley paused at the sight. As soon as the swinging metal door was flung open, her chocolate hues landed on Kia who was all cooped up with some random chick she had never seen before. By now she could point out groupies though. Cut up black jeans, chokers, tattoos, and shirts that revealed too much. The woman fit the bill and she had her legs over his own and hand on his chest. “Shit, didn’t uh... wow, seriously,” she mumbled the last bit as she bowed her head and faced the other direction. “Nevermind I guess.” It was easy to tell she was annoyed — the sight of the two of them already upsetting her. And because of that, it took all of two seconds before she was back out of the bus and slamming the door behind her as she walked off.
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( sloane & noa. )
another one for @conspircd
      “Listen, if you don’t get your skinny little ass in that dress,” She said, pointing to the mannequin with the final product. “I will personally shove you into it. I need to make sure it fits and you’re the pretties person I know… I’ll give you wine for a reward?”
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“Relax! I’m-I’m getting it on now.” Which was a lie, in fact, she was just downing what was left in the flask she had been sipping on for the past hour. Noa was drunk when she arrived and this was only adding to it, making it difficult to slip into the fitted wedding dress. That, and the fact that the last time she wore one was when she was being fitted for her own and seeing how badly that turned out, she didn’t feel like trying on a new one. “This is too small for me. I’ve gained like four pounds and all in my stomach, I won’t fit.” She explained as she stepped out from the back in a corset piece. 
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( nicolas & aphrodite. )
a shitty starter for bae, @conspircd
     “Tee, Ms. Cassadine, Terror on my Heart, did you by chance slash the tires on my bike or… was it the devil cat from next door? I know I pissed you off but, really? Really?”
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“Slash your tires? Really? That’s child’s play, baby. If I wanted to hurt you, you know I’d go straight to cut this little thing right off. You should know better by now. I mean, what? We’ve been married for how long now?”
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( seth & juliette. )
for @conspircd
“This isn’t my apartment.” Seth slurred as soon as the door opened in front of him. He’d been fumbling with his keys trying to open the door to his apartment, shocked to find out that he hadn’t even been at his own door. “You’re not my roommate. He’s a lot uglier than you.”
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“Mmm, yeah nope, not yours. Not mine either but it does belong to my friend and well, she’s got no roommates. Seems to me like your lost. Can I help you get somewhere? The slurred speech and smell of alcohol coming off of you leaves me to think that you may not be in the best condition to figure out your way home.” 
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( starter for @mattydaddrio )
"Can you believe this bullcrap!? It’s all over the damn news and the papers are already printing it.” She was outraged. A front-page story titled in bold letters—HAWKINS POLICE WORKING WITH CRIME LORDS—writen on the newspaper that she forcely slammed down on their kitchen table upon storming into the room. Of course, she didn’t believe it for a second, especially considering who her father was. But his name was being slammed in the papers and when it came to family, Nala was overly defensive. “They have nothing else to talk about so they make up stories like this? Don’t they realize what my father has done for this town? He wants nothing more than to stop this stupid gang war and now he and the rest of the of HCPD are being accused of working for them. Where do they even come up with this shit? Dirty cops? Really? This isn’t an episode of some Dick Wolf show. This is a real-life issue—people are being murdered and now they want to blame the police for it? The people who want to help save this town?! I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe journalists would stoop this low.”
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conspirc · 6 years
— ( grant & candace. )
—  @conspircd
“Alright, I think I managed to get everything…” Grant trailed while placing the shopping bag on Candace’s counter, taking out his phone from his jacket pocket to glance at the list again, hastily double-checking. He blatantly didn’t know the first thing about babies or caring for them, although he’d been slowly learning lately, as out of anyone, he would be damned to even think about letting Candace down. They’d been there for one another nearly their entire lives after all, and no matter where she’d been or maybe would be off to at some point the future, he stood firm on that never changing. “I even got an extra bottle.” Grant hovered up the small package with a small grin. “You know, just in case.”
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Being a single mother wasn’t exactly easy. In fact, it was an impossible job and to think any less of it would’ve been a lie. And sure, she had Luca who took Wyatt three days a week, but those other four were tiresome and difficult and she often felt like she was failing at motherhood, no matter how hard she tried. But thank god there were people like Grant in her life. His willingness to help out and support her through this was exactly what she needed right now and she thanked her lucky stars she had friends like him. “You know, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble,” she let out as she started to unload the contents of the shopping bags, and peered back at him every chance she got. “Not that I don’t appreciate it, because trust me, I do. I don’t know what I would do if I had to handle it alone. I swear, some of these single mommies I follow on Instagram make it look so easy. Them with their hair all done and their cute clothes, while holding their baby who just sits in their arms all quiet and calm. Then there’s me... I can’t even remember the last time I washed my hair and this shirt has about sixteen different spit-up stains on it.” 
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: i do! and i mean i'm still going out tonight so the offer still stands...
ELLIE: hmmm, I don’t know. Depends, where are you going?
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: we should, for real
GREYSON: consider it gone
ELLIE: hahaha, alright its gone.
ELLIE: so you live around here I’m assuming?
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: it was sure interesting
GREYSON: nice to virtually meet you ellie
GREYSON: i'm greyson, but i think i already said that...
GREYSON: or if we're going to just forget about the awkward beginning to this conversation, i didn't say it
ELLIE: you did and I don’t think we can really forget the awkward beginning but it’s nice to have a more formal virtual introduction
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: four girls, two boys so not quite even
GREYSON: and yeah i'm a boy haha, my outsides match my insides
ELLIE: I’m sure that was fun haha
ELLIE: good to know
ELLIE: I’m Ellie, by the way
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: it was pretty nuts, especially being right in the middle
GREYSON: how many do you have?
ELLIE: was it an even ratio? Or are you one of six and also like the only boy? If that’s what you identify as that is. For all I know you could be a chick too
ELLIE: none. Only child right here👋🏼
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: one of six siblings, and tons of cousins
ELLIE: holy hell, six siblings? Your house must’ve been crazy growing up. I can’t imagine
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: it can be
GREYSON: other times it's just people in your face all the time
ELLIE: do you just have a really big family or something?
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: lowkey is nice
GREYSON: my family goes all out, two turkeys and everything
ELLIE: really? Wow sounds like your house is the place to be. Must’ve been nice
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conspirc · 6 years
iMessage ; bar girl
GREYSON: maybe she'll get a taste of her own awkward medicine
GREYSON: i feel weird just leaving the conversation after all that
GREYSON: did you have a nice thanksgiving?
ELLIE: oh she totally will haha
ELLIE: uhhh, yeah I did. Lowkey. Didn’t do much but work. Yourself?
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