"Your... Son?!" he gasped a bit as he gazed at her with a bit of fear, trying to back off away from her. "This is all a ploy for you to lower my guard to eventually take my life, isn't it?" he blurted out as he was starting to breathe rather heavily. "If you will end me, please do so now, instead of making me suffer more."
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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He caught the gaze of her sister as he glanced at their rings as well before he then raised his gaze back to Alice. "You realize that even she won't be able to help you out, right?" he stated in a bit of a stern tone as he wasn't going to let her go THAT easily with her slacking off.
@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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Well, this is awkward.
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Sorry for the sudden disappearance. After having a real bad depressive episode, I couldn't really find the motivation to do shit, so yeah. My apologies.
I'm not 100% right now, but I'll try to at least be more active.
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He gave a small sneer as backed off a little, the fear slowly creeping on him as he had remembered who she was. Maybe perhaps asking for her help was the wrong move to make. "What... Are you going to do with me..." he spoke softly, with a twinge of fear in his tone. Spoiling him? Pinching his cheeks? Truly this must be a ploy to get his guard down.
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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"It's Vander, after all. Of course he knows how to make it perfect for you." he said as he looked up from his plate before shaking his head a little before picking up a napkin and wiping the small bit of egg on her cheek. "It maybe perfect, but it looks like you might be enjoying it a little too much." he teased as he pulled the napkin back and went back to eating his own meal, which he soon finished.
@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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"H-Home?" he said with an audible gasp as he looked at her with a gaze of confusion in his face. His father's sworn enemy? Adopting him, a son of the Fell Dragon?!
"I-I don't understand... Why would you do something like this for me?" he asked with a slightly panicked tone upon feeling her touch on his head, feeling frozen in fear as he doesn't know what might happen next if he makes a wrong move.
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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"Alice, come on. We're twins, I know you. Of course I'd figure it out." he pointed out as he looked up to Vander and smiled before giving him a small bow. "Thanks Vander. It looks great."
He then started to eat his breakfast in glee as he relaxed and eased up, although he knew that he was going to need this before heading out for the day they had ahead of them. "If you skip out again, I'll have to watch you along with Vander to make sure you don't slack off, just so you know." he mentioned before taking a sip of his juice.
@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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Some time had passed and he had slowly woken up with the sweet voice of the lullaby was still present, but his eyes slowly opened, seeing the familiar woman he saw back at the frozen wasteland where he was before, however, he was now in an unfamiliar place, where a small face of panic had shown onto his face before quickly sitting up.
"Where... Where am I? Where did you take me?" he asked the woman, trying to look around his body, which felt healed to a limit, but still feeling the exhaustion within.
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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As he had followed her down the stairs where the mess hall was, the aroma of their breakfast was present and he released a small sigh of contentment when he noticed the spread of what they were going to have for their meal.
He then sat down by a table and looked around the small bustle around the Somniel. After coming past Firene, he couldn't help but enjoy the company of his new comrades. Slowly, he turned to his twin sister after noticing Etie was in her training gear and was heading out to the training grounds. "After this, don't forget to do your training. Don't think I noticed you skipped out yesterday."
@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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All that he could see was darkness. He could feel his body moving around, but out of his own volition. It's as if someone was carrying him somewhere, with an unknown destination. "No. This can't be the end..." he thought as he was laid down.
A soft voice slowly filled up his dreams. It was warm. Comforting. Something he hadn't experienced before. His body felt light as he heard the song, yet he knew he didn't have the capacity to move yet, so he laid still, easing his body as the song continued.
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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"I'm sure she'd love that. Sometimes I could see Mother's splitting image when I look at you." he said softly as he placed the brush down on their small table near their bed before standing up again and started to walk towards the door.
"Come on. We have a big day ahead of us. So let's get ourselves ready before we face anything we have in our way today." he stated in a confident, yet hopeful tone, holding the door open as he awaited for her.
@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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"I... want to live. Please help me live." he gasped softly as he had lost his grip on his sword and slowly dropped down to the cold earth beneath their feet. The adrenaline in his body had fully been spent as he laid down on the ground, trying to keep eye contact with the woman's blue eyes, as his own were slowly starting to close.
He drew a small smile before finally passing out from exhaustion as the battle had finally taken his toll on him.
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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He gave a small chuckle as she had pouted at him but smiled fully as she had started to fix up her hair, so he had approached her with another hairbrush that was nearby and started to help her brush her hair, although was feeling a little melancholic upon mentioning their mother.
"Yeah. Her hair was really long, but she always kept it maintained and really pretty, you know. So I think you should follow her example, Alice." he stated with a small twinge in his tone, the pain was there, but he tried his best to keep himself under wraps, the pain was recent and still hurt to no tomorrow, but he knew he had to keep moving forward to honor her name.
@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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He slowly took grip of his sword, his judgement still cloudy, but had kept hold of it but as he raised it he had stuck it to the ground, just a foot away from her and continued to struggle breathing as his exhaustion and the pain from the battle was fully catching up to him. "Father will... Call me a defect if I don't do this. But I want your help." he gasped as he looked up to her with his red eyes.
@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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@the-slumbering-divine-goddess Continued from here
She soon woken up, yawning softly. "Mm... big brother..." She opened her eyes. Same as her brother's eyes. Their hair same too. They were Divine Dragon twins. "Morning... mmm.. so hungry... I hope Vander made something for us." She began to stretch out.
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He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his sister waking up. It was an all too familiar feeling and he felt this sense of warmth and belonging as he wanted to cherish his younger sister as much as he could. Suddenly, he let out a small laugh as he looked closer at her and gave a soft smile.
"Heh, your blue hair has bedhead again." he pointed out as he gave her another small pat to her head before standing up fully from their bed and started to stretch out as well. "Well, maybe we'll find out if Vander did make us something once you fix yourself up and we can head downstairs, sound good?"
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@lonely-dragon-queenie Continued from here
She gasped softly. Red eyes, too. She was more concerned about this poor child than herself. She was acting very motherly. "I am Lumera. You're not hurt, are you? Here, let me see if you have any wounds. Do you need any food?" She had a small pouch of some rations she brought with her. A canteen of water, some meat jerky, dried fruit, and a piece of chocolate she crafted herself in case she needed something sweet. She figured he'll need it more than her. "I got water, jerky, fruit, and some chocolate."
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He had gazed at her, a bit dead-panned at that, as the woman had stated her name and shown the rations that she had.
"Lumera... I've heard your name before... It's the name of the last Divine Dragon alive. Father's enemy." he stated in his monotone demeanor before groggily taking hold of the rock he was leaning on, trying to keep his balance as he stood before the Divine Dragon. "I should kill you. So I can make Father proud. So I wouldn't be thrown to the side and labeled as a defect. Yet you are showing me mercy, even though I am your enemy. I should kill you, but this is the first time I've felt... Kindness." he spoke, his conflicting thoughts clouding his judgement, unsure of what to do.
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A girl was asleep next to her twin sibling. Both had rings. One of Marth, and one of his twin sister. Alice slumbered, curled up.
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Sleeping soundly next to his twin, the male had slowly sat up and gave an audible yawn after the sun had hit his eyes and slowly but surely woken him up. "Another day is here, huh?" he softly mumbled to himself as he looked down to his sister, giving a soft smile as he gently placed his hand on her head, gently patting her as she slept.
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