contentcolours · 6 years
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Walter Sickert, Ennui, 1918. 
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contentcolours · 6 years
Can I just live in a wood cabin near a creek where nymphs and fairies play, have a huge garden full of herbs, a beautiful cat and live my ideal magical life.
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contentcolours · 6 years
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Edgar Degas, Place de la Concorde, 1876.
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contentcolours · 6 years
the truth is out there, and its in the heart of downtown toronto
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contentcolours · 7 years
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contentcolours · 7 years
How To Make 2018 Your Year.
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Make Peace With 2017
Take time to think about how the past year went for you. What goals have you achieved? What were the highlights of your year? What about your roadblocks?
Remember, it’s perfectly fine if you blew things off! Focus on the things you’re grateful for instead of regretting the things you did or didn’t do.
What were the biggest lessons you learned this year?
Write it all down freely. This may feel strange especially if you’re not used to journaling, but the benefits of keeping a journal can change your life.
Begin With The End In Mind
Visualize your ideal year. By 31st December 2018, where do you want to be in your life? More specifically, what are the outcomes you’re aiming for in your health, academics, hobbies, or relationships?
Set a theme or intention for the year!! This is what the story of your life will revolve around in the next year. Some examples—
PURPOSE: I want to find out what exactly I want to do with my life and live more intentionally.
SELF-CARE: I want to stress less about minor things and prioritize my health and learning more.
DISCIPLINE: I want to train myself to procrastinate less and follow through with the commitments I make to others and myself.
List down goals for different areas in your life. Give each of them a deadline. Make them outrageous. Please do hand-write them down, don’t just store them away in your brain and expect yourself to remember them.
Make a vision board. No, they are not BS made up by law-of-attraction enthusiasts. You know how inspired you can get when you’re scrolling through your feed looking at all the pretty studyblr photos? Images can be powerful if you use them to help achieve your goals.
Get on Pinterest and gather photos and quotes that inspire and motivate you. For instance, you can put pictures that resonate with your goals, like your dream university. Add a picture of yourself, because this is about what YOU want, after all.
Formulate A Game Plan
Now that you know what you want, it’s time to make an actionable plan to achieve that.
Break down your 2018 goals into smaller steps, and figure out what habits you can implement daily, weekly, and monthly to achieve those.
To illustrate this, one of my goals is to master thirty songs on piano. I need to dedicate thirty minutes of my time daily to learning a new segment of a piece. Weekly, I need to plan which segments of which songs I’m going to practice on. These habits will lead me to learn at least three songs per month.
Figure out how you’re going to track your progress. You can do this by downloading an app to keep your habits in check, or perhaps make a page on your bullet journal specifically for reviewing your achievements and points for improvement.
Alternatively, there are many printables out there in the studyblr community to help you out with this =)
Set incremental rewards that make you want to get up and work. If you successfully finish making a revision guide for a certain subject, why not treat yourself to some new stationery? Here are more ideas for incentives.
Take Massive Action
Guys. Please take note. You won’t be motivated all the time. Motivation is extremely fickle and unreliable. Ultimately, discipline is what will get you to your vision of where you want to be. Force yourself to follow through with your plan.
Be consistent. You won’t achieve much if you only work on days when you feel good. Train yourself to do what needs to be done, ASAP.
“Set some goals. Stay quiet about them. Smash the shit out of them. Clap for your damn self. Repeat.”
Invest In Yourself
Prioritize education over entertainment. This is so important. I’m not advising you to lay off your favorite series or band. I know how instrumental fandoms can be to your life. However, do choose to read more books, attend more conferences, and learn from mentors around you.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself and your health. Sleep and eat well, get some exercise, practice good hygiene, and drink a lot of water.
Always aim to be a good human being and serve the people around you.
“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” —Denzel Washington
How to Make the Best Out of 2018 • Hello Peaceful Mind
How to Set Your One Big Theme For the Year • Arianne Serafico
The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting a Magical 2018 • Suzanne Heyn
In-Depth Blog Posts
How to Create a Personal Vision • Scott Jeffrey
The Extraordinary Power of Visualizing Success • Matt Mayberry
Helpful Books
You Are a Badass • Jen Sincero
The Power of Habit • Charles Duhigg
Outliers • Malcolm Gladwell
Happy new year to everyone and good luck in achieving your goals for 2018!! For more posts like this, just hit follow, and if you have any questions about this or you need someone to talk to, feel free to send a message or an ask  ❤️
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contentcolours · 7 years
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LOCKED  Water Colour on Paper 24 x 32 cm 12.07.2K16
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contentcolours · 7 years
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how to start studying after school
clean up your desk: it’s hard to concentrate when there’s a pile of rubbish on your desk. the chance of you fiddling with things is also higher! you’ll get more done by cleaning your desk! if you’re looking for an easy way to organise your desk, check out these handy organisers!
get your books: get out all the books you need to study that particular subject. if it’s geography, an atlas might be handy.
get a notebook: if you’re in uni or college it’s a good idea to re-write all your notes for your classes that day. make them look clean and tidy. if you’re in secondary school and you’re studying for a test, summarize everything you have learned. in any case, it’s best to have a few notebooks on your desk too. here’s a 4 pack of spiral notebooks for $7.04!
grab some pens: seems self explanatory! i recommend you having an ordinary pen, a highlighter and a pencil on hand. (a.k.a. the basics!) here are some super cute gel pens!
turn off your phone: by turning off your phone, you will get less distracted by social media. sure, people won’t be able to reach you but you’ll get some peace and quiet. obviously leave it on if you’re expecting an important call!
look for a study playlist: if you easily get distracted by your laptop too, skip this step. i personally find it harder to get distracted by my laptop than my phone, so i leave it on and look for some music to study to. here’s a masterpost of some good playlists to listen to!
get a glass of water: you really need your h2o, everyone. grab a large glass or fill up a water bottle. some super cute ones: i ii iii
get a healthy snack: if you’re like me and you love snacking on things while your studying, the best thing to do is to grab something healthy. cut up some apples and sprinkle some cinnamon on them (try it. it’s amazing.), grab some hummus and some celery or carrots or cucumber to dip in it, fill a little bowl with nuts, treat yourself to a square of dark chocolate! if you’re studying during dinner time or lunch time, make yourself a nourishment bowl to nibble on. for more study snack ideas, go to pinterest and snoop around the study snack tag for a while. try out my favourite smoothie bowl too!
take a deep breath: i know from personal experience that sometimes the workload can be really scary and freak you out. the most important thing to do is to take a deep breath and to tell yourself you can get through all your work. you can do anything if you try hard enough!
get cracking: now that you’ve done steps 1-9, you can actually start studying! good luck!
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contentcolours · 7 years
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Felix Vallotton, Verdun, 1917.
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contentcolours · 7 years
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Last Thursday we made studies of plants. I really enjoy drawing them, And I would really recommend it as an excersice for people who are trying to gain some skills in drawing. It’s a very forgiving matter so mistakes never really stand out:) plus you can really experiment with different styles.
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contentcolours · 7 years
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David Hockney, A Bigger Splash, 1967.
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contentcolours · 7 years
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Nude man seated on the ground with one leg extended, 1646, Rembrandt Van Rijn
Size: 17x10 cm
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contentcolours · 7 years
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Luis Ricardo Falero, Withes Going to Their Sabbath, 1878.
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contentcolours · 7 years
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Two Satyrs, 1618, Peter Paul Rubens
Size: 66x76 cm Medium: oil, wood
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contentcolours · 7 years
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contentcolours · 7 years
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[18•10•2017] Today we experimented a bit with spraypaint. Im quite happy with the way it turned out. I had never done it before and it's something that I wouldn't just do on my own. But I'm happy that I did:)Afterwords I started on my homework for the next 2 weeks, which is looking a bit funny at the moment but I'll make something of it.
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contentcolours · 7 years
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If you know me, you’d know that I am a highly visual person. I love learning from images and layouts, and my spatial intelligence is probably my strongest type of intelligence. Because of this, I often use mind maps to study, and so do a lot of other people. However, there are people who don’t really know how to make and utilize a mind map effectively. That’s what this post is for! Here’s how you can make your mind maps more effective and thus enable you to retain more information. (P.S. you might wanna zoom in)
By no means am I an expert in mind-mapping; these are just some habits I have when making a mind map that successfully does its job of helping me remember the topics I’m studying.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop an ask!
xx jo
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