contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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Timeline hopping was always a weird thing for them, but they got to meet so many interesting people this way. ...they hadn’t expected to run into a Sans alternate. “I was j-just leaving...” 
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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“...I like your hair.”
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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(Starter call??)
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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(Starter call??)
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
Hello how are you this fine eeveening?
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“I’m... okay.”
Why was this stranger talking to them?
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
Here’s 22 Chara Icons, on the house.
There aren’t many out there so, I can at least try to make some. They’re not the best but, I did what I could. If you see your art on here and want to be credited or want it removed, just shoot me a message and I’ll be glad to do so (I’m so bad at asking about stuff like this sorry)
If you wanna use these than go ahead, tho a like or a reblog would if you are would be awesome, just as an indicator of how many people I may have helped out. ((Also go check out flavor-text-chara because i made a few of these icons from that blog and they draw chara so expressively like god bless it was so hard to find different expressions))
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
205 Chara icons
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all art belongs to
205 100 x 100 .png icons ready for use! Please like / reblog if you use, and place artist credit somewhere on your blog!
>> DROPBOX  <<
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
<--- this blog wouldn’t mind some curious anons
Ask about anything!
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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The yell caught Emmy off guard and made her jump a good bit. She hadn’t meant to scare the other so, she’d simply put her arm out to stop the other from stepping into the street. She actually didn’t even know if the other was going to step into the street, it was mostly instinct actually that made her put her arm out. She felt rather bad for scaring them now.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I wasn’t going to touch anything. Sorry, I thought you were heading for the street and just put my arm out on instinct. I’m very sorry for frightening you.”
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They stepped back, frightened gaze going from the elemental toward the street. Ah, their vision wasn’t the strongest. Besides that, they just hadn’t been paying attention to where ever they were headed. 
Hand still touching the ribbon, they lowered their head, a bit shaken up. “I-I’m sorry... f-for snapping. It looked like you were going to touch it.”
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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      Ugh. One of these alternates?
      You don’t hate people who simply stumble upon other timelines, just ones with obvious murderous intent or inflated senses of self-importance, which this one doesn’t seem to have. You suppose you could help them return to their home. After all, you know the way you’ve been going from timeline to timeline.
      “Just envision your home. The more specific the spot, the better, and if you focus hard enough, you should be able to head back the same way you came. That’s how I do it, anyway.”
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“Envision my home...” They repeated, closing their eyes. The problem was, the only home they’ve really known is the underground in their timeline. ...which was completely deserted, thanks to them. 
Thinking about it, their body went completely tense. Visions of the king and ex queen of the underground flashed through their mind, and they could hear their sibling’s voice calling out to them. It was a little too much for them to handle. The next thing they knew, their arms were curled around their body and they were trembling, breathing going shallow. 
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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                           Chara “Rioban” Donahue Aesthetic 
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
Hey it okay to reblogs the starter call?
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(If we’re mutuals, feel free! If you have a personal blog and have a roleplay sideblog, please tell me. But the starter call is mostly for people I’m following.)
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
Saw this blog and wanted to ask. Is this chara going to be any way related to that fairy tale about the woman with the ribbon around her neck?
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(EYYY, someone caught onto that little detail! Maybe.. just slightly? Nothing too drastic, as in their head’s not going to fall off if someone removes the ribbon. But more like?? They have a huge scar that goes all the way around their neck and are incredibly self conscious about it.
Kudos to you for knowing the fairy tale!)
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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“Don’t touch it!”
They lightly placed a finger against the ribbon across their neck, glaring at the fire elemental. The teen looked like they were about to burst out in tears at any given second. Whether the elemental had tried touching the ribbon or not, they didn’t know. They just noticed the other moving toward them and immediately grew defensive.
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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Tired, they were so tired. And they could tell this monster, whoever he was, was also incredibly tired. Hearing the other’s words startled them, however, causing them to stare up at him with a panicked expression.
No... no!! They weren’t like that anymore, t-they couldn’t do that! 
“I-- w-what? Y-you want me to--” He wanted them to dust him? Even if it was a mercy killing, they just couldn’t do it. They were done being murderous. 
“I can’t.”
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
A few milky ways are handed over*
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Chocolate--! Their favorite kind, too! They eagerly grabbed the chocolate and started scarfing them down. They weren’t even going to question how this person knew they adored chocolate with caramel in the middle. 
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contriteheart-blog · 7 years
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(Starter call?)
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