control-brains · 2 years
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control-brains · 3 years
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control-brains · 3 years
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Watch the premiere with us!
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control-brains · 3 years
reblog if you were on 2019 invader zim tumblr i wanna test something
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control-brains · 3 years
reblog if you were on 2019 invader zim tumblr i wanna test something
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control-brains · 3 years
Computer eggs
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control-brains · 3 years
Obviously we already thought of that............
Cannot run the Empire today, we're visualizing a cow in our mindspace currently
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control-brains · 3 years
Cannot run the Empire today, we're visualizing a cow in our mindspace currently
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control-brains · 3 years
Diversity win! One of the collective hivemind brains sentencing you to death by electrocution is bisexual
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control-brains · 3 years
We enjoy putting vague pleading statements out into the universe to allow the rebels to bat them around like feathers. It counts as enrichment
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control-brains · 3 years
Please change our batteries
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control-brains · 3 years
✎ *runs in here so fast i trip and break my nose* C- CONTROW BWAINS??????? 🥺
*controw bwain- no plurals here, i can’t draw machinery very well, so three times is too many💕
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holy crud a real control brain one 😳
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control-brains · 3 years
What would happen if the control brains were destroyed?
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control-brains · 3 years
hi zim, who are the hottest humans on earth? aside from yourself of course ;)
Excellant Quastion Dear .... Here is my List of the top Ten Hottest Earthians Alive .
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Charry Chaplin. Cherry Charplin is An American legacy Holde4r for Most Worst sMustache Alive . Europpe has a different guy.
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Maggie Hatcher . Maggie Hatcher is a woman.
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4. Jaeff Bezos . Jeff Bezos is a member of the Human race who invented Money . Earth Money is very important for many. He is one of the hottest Earthians ALive becasue he averages at around 98.7 Deegrees F.
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5. Dan Vs. Dan Vs is the hottest member alive next to his friend, Chris. Chris Vs. is a man who has a job. Don’t know much about the other guy
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Number 56. Who is the man with a face of husky charm? Who is the man with the balance of blue red and yellow on his triple photo instangram set? WHo is the man who will let you down easy?
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7. The Godlen Girls. The Godlen Girls won critical Acclaim due to their attractiveness. As you can see here, The one in the back in purple is my Favorite :3c .
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7. Th Nexct Hottesst Eartjian Human Alive is this Unknown Stranger i witnessed at the Meijer . Who could this man Be . . . ? His Enticing self is surely Above his own Honor . But does he Know how to Sleaze ? Does he Know how to Please ?
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10. FIEZA FROM DRAGONBS bALLS. Freeza from Dragon ball is an American icon. His Make Up and Nail polish, along with his machinations and gambits , are what make him so Delectable . 
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Coming Up Next: Pitbull the Rapper. Pitbull the Rapper is an Americna icon
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Number 8: Mordecai Singleton. 
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9: Ms. Lady Superstar. Ms. Bulma is a Japanese hero who has saved the American Planet many times, with the help of her friend Gohan and her son Trunks, along with her Grandspa Norm. She is not a Villian , but other V words may describe : Voluptuous, Volatile, Versitile, Verocisous, Vociferous, Very Attracive, and Kind. She enjoys Making Robots and wearing Luxurious, pink Robes. She may also consider Building underground Bunkers with her hands and mind.
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Number 10: Grandpa Norm. Grandpa Norm Is the Hottest Humna Alive due to his sickly stature and cane of hickory. He uses his Long feet, Present since birth, To walk the terrain of the Rocky Earth. He wears Green, his Favortie Colour. He claijms to have Witnessed a Supernova Eveent with his Bare Eyes one 24 Years Ago . No body has Heard from Norm since his apprehension by the Illinois Police Department back in ‘89 . It is believed that he is Still alive and works the Sewer Shift at the Prison Plant. No sightings have been confirmed.
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control-brains · 3 years
Treasure Planet is real
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control-brains · 3 years
We told them not to go overboard with the brain worms, and now look at them.
have you ever talked about the tallest being ooc in florpus before? i’m super curious about your opinion and whether you have any past threads on the matter
I don’t think I have, but I have talked about Red and Purple’s individual characterization! (Here’s something on Red, and something on Purple)
Patchworkpoltergeist also said some really good points about this subject!
The Tallest in the Florpus are incredibly ooc for multiple reasons, but I think the biggest most glaring issue is that both of the Tallest are one-note and indistinguishable from each other. Their actual characters are a lot more complex than that. 
It annoys me, as someone who genuinely likes and is interested in the Tallest, that the two of them in the Florpus are essentially just the same character and their only traits are being stupid and lazy. Had the Tallest been in character, their roles in the Florpus would’ve had more depth-
Red is responsible. He works well under pressure and when things get serious, he is up to the task and tries to fix the problem (The entirety of Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars is a good example of this.) Had Red been in character, he would’ve actually attempted to escape the Florpus. 
Red is also not as willing to resort to violence as Purple is, at least not in a killing sense. He smacks people, yet when it comes to Zim being a genuine danger he tends to try to avoid punishing Zim or saying ‘no’ to him in general. He would be upset that Zim came back after years of absence, but he’d also cover it up and instill false hope in Zim that he’ll show up. I don’t think he would’ve been the one to shoot Earth, I think it would have been Purple. 
Purple is lazy and likes to avoid things, that much is true, but he should have been genuinely panicked at the Florpus. He panics under pressure and definitely would not enjoy being thrown into a dimensional hole. He’s not stupid, but lazy and ditzy. He’s the one who remembers the official terms of the machinery, operations, and other aspects of their job. He’s the one who is good with numbers (Hobo13 has him gambling)
Neither of them is terrible at their job. They understand the fundamentals and actually go about their world domination plans with strategic intent. The main cause of their issues has always been Zim because Zim is their divine punishment. 
The Florpus, however, is entirely their fault. Because for some reason, they both decided to not care about their jobs or their lives. There’s no reason for them to be acting so stupid and apathetic, the movie just felt like turning them into nothing. They aren’t even their own characters anymore, they aren’t Tallest Red and Tallest Purple...They’re just the Tallest, and really shitty Tallests at that. 
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control-brains · 3 years
Yes, we are the ones who hold them. This is common knowledge.
Question for the fandom: Hoverbelts, is that canonly why the Tallest float? Is it at a ‘jhonen said is at some point’ level of ‘canon’? Or did the fandom just… come up with it and we all rolled with it for all these years?
I’m not against the hoverbelts I just wonder why we didn’t go with, like, ‘its a PAK function that the Tallest have’ or something lol
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