controlpics · 4 years
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“Synchronicity is a phenomena long recognized by the wise, but only recently given a name by science. It is how we rationalize events connected by no identifiable causality, yet clearly conjoined in purpose. How does a dream foretell an event in the physical plane? Why do hounds bale at the death of their master, which has occurred miles away? The world is unified in ways we do not yet understand, and sometimes we stumble across these invisible unseen cords and wonder at the result.”
- Excerpt from research file “Synchronicity”
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controlpics · 4 years
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“Why do certain Hiss display paranatural abilities while others rely on Bureau firearms? Do certain corrupted entities have less potential than the hosts that become Hiss Warped? Or is this perhaps an indication of evolution or maturation of the Hiss corruption? Are there other stages of evolution yet to be found? — Only time (and well-documented observation) will tell.”
- Emily Pope in research file “Hiss Warped”
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controlpics · 4 years
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“Per authorization from Mr. Kirklund, internal investigation P-142-9 was launched into the legality of the Prime Candidate Program [REDACTED] by the Federal Bureau of Control.
Since all known subjects relevant to the investigation used executive privilege to decline interviews, very little firsthand information was gathered. However, anonymous sources and documentation declassified by Mr. Kirklund both paint an alarmingly clear picture of systematic [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] were brought into the Oldest House and placed under [REDACTED] examination and testing with the aim of appointing one as Director upon maturity. This program has produced no successful cases and only resulted in the traumatic [REDACTED] of paranaturally-inclined [REDACTED]. Not only is this in breach of the Ash Act, but it flies in the face of basic human [REDACTED}.”
- From Research file “Ethics Investigation”
It’s good to know that some people in the FBC were aware of how cruel it was to treat Dylan like they did, it’s a shame it’s kind of too late to fix all of that now.
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controlpics · 4 years
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“The Oldest House is a place in flux. Thresholds appear with no warning. What the Threshold will contain is a question we can only answer once it manifests.
The widely accepted theory is that Thresholds are dimensions vibrating on a [REDACTED] frequency different from our own. When these frequencies match, the Threshold will manifest in the Oldest House, which acts as [REDACTED]. Others theorize Thresholds are parallel universes or possibly our own reality at a different point in time.”
- Dr Carla Vaugn in research file “Thresholds”
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controlpics · 4 years
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What’s your favourite outfit Jesse can wear? :) Mine is probably the asynchronous suit, but fighting Essej was soooooo difficult to get it!
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controlpics · 4 years
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Will he ever wake up?
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controlpics · 4 years
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Are we emotionally ready to talk about AWE? I think my brain melted with that ending 👀
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controlpics · 4 years
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“August 4th, 1964: we discovered the Oldest House while investigating a suspected Altered World Event case in the New York City subway tunnels. The agents found their way up into the building. Once we became aware of it, it was there. For the rest of the population, it was hiding in plain sight - a slippery blind spot, seemingly discouraging observation. It's, uh, a Place of Power.”
- Casper Darling in the presentation “The Oldest House”
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controlpics · 4 years
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Cat ears, floaty people, and explosions :)
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controlpics · 4 years
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Twisted Passage
Salvador was a really difficult fight tbh, but strangely it wasn’t memorable to me? Maybe it’s because I struggled more with Tommasi 2.
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controlpics · 4 years
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The Clock Threshold
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controlpics · 4 years
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Ordinary AWE
“On Aug. 30, 2002, siblings Dylan Faden (10-years-old, see P6 materials) and Jesse Faden (11-years-old, see P7 materials) were playing at the local dump when they found a discarded Slide Projector (see OOP15 case file and Darling presentations [REDACTED] for details).
A team led by Director Trench and Dr. Darling arrived at the site on Sept. 14. The AWE had ended, but the team found the Faden children, who led them to the Slide Projector and the slides, which had been burned with the exception of one. Jesse escaped when agents attempted to detain the pair.
In total, 17 surviving individuals were found in the town. All of them were brought in for questioning and tests (see interviews [REDACTED] and Prime Candidate Program files [REDACTED).”
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controlpics · 4 years
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NSC (Northmoor Sarcophagus Container)
“The NSC was designed by order of Deputy Chief Trench shortly before he became Director. The container provides a safe method of extraction of [REDACTED]'s excess energy output while acting as a humane way to house him.
The coolant pumps keep the container (and its [REDACTED]) from overheating while the energy is siphoned. The energy is then conducted to the converters, where it is rendered into a [REDACTED] through the use of turbine generators. The electricity produced powers the entire Bureau, making us completely self-sufficient and effectively invisible on the New York City grid.
After NSC-01’s disappearance by some unknown manifestation of [REDACTED]'s power, the occupant was restrained and a second model was built. NSC-02 possesses built-in spatial anchors that are designed to prevent any translocative effect from its occupant.”
- Casper Darling in records file “NSC”
I was stunned when I realised what NSC stood for, it’s hinted at more than once but wow I can’t believe it’s basically a containment cell for Northmoor. I’d love to learn more about his Directorship, he was really interesting in the Foundation!
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controlpics · 4 years
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Yellow suits Jesse so well!
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controlpics · 4 years
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It was so fun encountering the oceanview light switch again in AWE.
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controlpics · 4 years
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“Something’s coming, the whispers growing louder: the worst winter storm in Bureau history. A retribution for my sins, our sins. This threat could destroy the Bureau, everything I’ve built.
Destroy me.
A web’s spun, turning this place against me. I catch glimpses of it in the corner of my eye. It’s just out of reach, elusive. It’s clever. A perverse game of hide and seek.
Is this part of an attack, obfuscating the facts, dimming my eyes? It’s hard to tell. I need answers. I haven’t heard back from Darling. I fear for my friend, my closest ally. I think we made a terrible mistake all those years ago.
That thing he studies is putting us all in danger.”
- Trench in the hotline call “The Coming Storm”
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controlpics · 4 years
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Typewritten Page (AI83-KE)
“A standard letter-size typewritten page with minor water damage. The page is full of text, but apart from the top seven lines, all the rest has been violently scratched out. Only a few individual words and phrases can be made out.
The page emits a dim glow in the dark. When the text is read, there is a feeling of dislocation, as if witnessing the page being written as you read it and as if reality was being [REDACTED] to match the words on the page. This feeling is made stronger if [REDACTED].
Forensic and linguistic analysis confirm that the text has been written by Alan Wake with the same typewriter as the earlier materials discovered in Bright Falls in 2010 (see Bright Falls AWE case file for more information).”
God, finding this in game was a religious experience. It’s so interesting to look at the events of Alan Wake through the FBC’s perspective but it also just makes me really sad :(
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