contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>> You didn't quite believe her, but you pressed your face a bit harder into her shoulder before nodding slowly. Your hand gripped the back of her shirt slightly before you pulled back and stood on your toes a bit to peck her cheek.
~~o> O... Okay. But I'm still gOnna wOrry. WOrrying is just a different way of caring.
>> You smiled a tiny bit and went back to twisting the bottom of your shirt in your hand.
contusedrodent is brain storming
==> She squeaked from the sudden hug and gave him a hug back. She rested her chin on his head and pet over his hair.
Yoou take care. Ook? And doon’t woorry aboout me. I’m fine.
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>> You still felt horrible about turning her down, wringing the hem of your shirt with your working fingers. You sniffled a bit, shifting back and forth between your feet, before stepping up to her and giving her another awkward one armed hug. You cuddled into her with a soft chirr, burying your face into her shoulder.
contusedrodent is brain storming
==> She could feel her little heart breaking but she pushed through it with a smile.
Ooh. Soorry. I didn’t knoow.
Just friends is fine. I doon’t want too intrude. 
Um…I need too get hoome too BuckDad.
I’ll talk too /y/oou later? ouo
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>>You fidgeted a moment before he took a step back from her hold. You shifted the weight between your feet several times, eyes locked onto the ground, before lifting your hand up to pull down one side of your sweater's collar to show your shoulder. You revealed a large, raised scar and you mumbled out a quiet reply.
~~o> It was a few sweeps agO. SOme blue blOOd I didn't even knOw tOOk his frustratiOns Out On me
~~o> Busted my shOulder up really bad then just left me there.
~~o> And I didn't knOw first aid sO I just let it heal Over.
>> You paused for a moment.
~~o> As fOr a mOirail, well...
~~o> I'm crushing kinda hard On sOmeOne; but I dO like the Offer and still cOnsider yOu a fantastic friend; kinda like a psuedO-mOirail.
contusedrodent is brain storming
Ooh /y/oou poooor thing!
Bum arm??? What happened?
==> She held him to her and pet over his back.
An Artist that makes things shoould be able too wear them as too display hoow loovel/y/ their woork looooks. 
==> She thought for a moment then looked at him.
Hey Phalix! Hoow woould /y/oou like too be m/y/ Mooirail? OuO
I’m a Highblooood and if I sa/y/ /y/oou can wear /y/oour jewelr/y/ then /y/oou can! Yoou just have too be sure too wear a gooood amoount oof m/y/ cooloor. 
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
Phalix chuckled and took a bite of his own soup, making yet another pleased sound. He was grateful for the warm meal and company, both things being rare occurance.
==> Phalix: Get the shit beaten out of you
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
~~o> I have fOund a number Of pretty Ones, yes.
~~o> I sOmetimes make them intO jewelry. Especially rings. But I can never really wear them. I'd feel like mOre Of a target.
~~o> A lOt Of them gO tO the Empress as well as a sOrt Of payment sO I dOn't get culled fOr my bum arm.
contusedrodent is brain storming
Ooh hoow prett/y/? Have /y/oou ever foound soome pretty cr/y/stals?
Thoose are prett/y/ poopular right noow.
I woould loove too see soome oof /y/oour stones soometime. Doo /y/oou knoow hoow too make them intoo jewelr/y/? 
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
~~o> SOme interests, hmn?
~~o> Well, I like to cOllect preciOus stOnes and minerals and such!
~~o> Cleaning, cutting, pOlishing. I dO a bit Of everything!
>> He was beaming a bit as he spoke, obviously a bit proud of his handiwork.
contusedrodent is brain storming
==> She smiled brightly as he nuzzled more to her hand.
Thank /y/oou ver/y/ much, Phalix.
==> She pet through his hair paying mind to any spots that may seem soft from a bruise.
I’m reall/y/ happ/y/ too have met /y/oou. I feel we are gooing too be ver/y/ gooood friends. 
Tell me, what are /y/oour interests?
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
Phalix playfully stuck his tongue out at him then settled into his seat to eat. He nodded and stirred the contents within his bowl to try and let some of the heat escape.
==> Phalix: Get the shit beaten out of you
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>> Soft chirrs escaped him as he nearly nuzzled into her hand
~~o> Then I'm glad yOur lusus taught yOu well
~~o> And yOu seem really, really passiOnate abOut all yOur writing thOugh!
~~o> I'm sure that whatever yOu write will cOme Out amazingly!
>> He grinned and this time did nuzzle into her hand, his working arm wrapping a bit tighter around her.
contusedrodent is brain storming
==> She gently pet his hair down to his shoulder.
BuckDad has raised me ver/y/ well. He toold me too respect and treat oothers like I woould want too be treated. I spent a loot oof time with woooodland beasts and the/y/’re alwa/y/s kind too me. I have been luck/y/ too groow up aroound soo man/y/ peaceful creatures. 
We used too live deep in the woooods but mooved clooser too civilizatioon when I goot a little oolder. I still sta/y/ed inside because I write soo much and it’s reall/y/ quiet and helps me foocus. 
Heehee. Pa/y/ing soo much attentioon too my woork has been my oown fault foor noot meeting peoople sooooner. 
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>> You weren't quite ready to give up the affection so you leaned a bit against her.
~~o> Really? But yOu seem really nice and stuff...
~~o> Even if yOu were cOOped up and everything
contusedrodent is brain storming
==> She hugged him more and sighed happily.
I’m soo glad. =u=
I’ve never had friends befoore. 
I’m always coouped up inside writing and reading.
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
"Definitely! It's been a while since I had some decent soup." He was smiling wide as he took another bite and a happy chirr came from him.
==> Phalix: Get the shit beaten out of you
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
~~o> Of cOurse! YOu seem really nice and I'd like tO knOw yOu better.
>> Your purring increased slightly as her fingers brushed over the top of your head. You certainly weren't used to the hugs and affection, but you definitely were not complaining.
contusedrodent is brain storming
==> Decided it might not be best to give him a full on tight high like she normally would. She hugs him gently with one arm and her free hand pets the top of his head.
Yoou are soo cute. I coould never imagine hurting /y/oou in all my life.
OuO Doo /y/oou think /y/oou’d like too be my friend, Phalix?
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>> His smile widened a bit and he stepped up to her, wrapping his left arm around her to giver her the hug. He easily tucked himself against her with an almost purr-like sound, grateful and glad for the affection.
contusedrodent is brain storming
Noo! Oof coourse noot. Never.
==> She smiled sheepishly and held out her arms to him for a hug.
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
~~o> Y-Yeah, but it's Okay. Really
~~o> I'm pretty durable.
>> You smiled let out the softest of chuckles, tucking your left hand into your pocket.
~~o> SO yOu're nOt gOnna hurt me at all
contusedrodent is brain storming
Are /y/oou in pain that ooften?!
oAo I’m soo soorry.
==> She held her hand out wanting to pap his face but was afraid she might touch a hidden bruise. She pulled her hand back and her lower lip did a little pout.
I wish there was soomething I coould doo too help. 
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
>> Your face flushed with the smallest bit of red and you continued to shift your weight back and forth between your feet. You chewed a bit on your lip but gave a small smile.
~~o> Th-Thank yOu. FOr saying that I'm sweet.
~~o> But such is life, I suppOse. I'm used tO it. I even feel kinda weird when I'm nOt aching in sOme way.
contusedrodent is brain storming
Ooh /y/oou poooor sooul. oAo
As oof late? I’m soorry /y/oou’ve been hurt at all. Yoou seem soo sweet. I can’t imagine why soomeoone woould want too hurt /y/oou.
==> She is in genuin distress. She can’t even take notes down. She’s too focused on him.
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
Phalix placed the bowls onto the counter then stuck a spoon into each one. He hopped back onto his stool, soon taking a deep breath of the soup's aroma. They definitely did well and it smelled wonderful! He brought the spoon to his mouth and took a bite, letting out a pleased sound.
==> Phalix: Get the shit beaten out of you
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contusedrodent-blog · 12 years
~~o> Y-Yeah
~~o> NO One's been abusing me as Of late
~~o> A-And I met a few real nice trOlls
>> You rubbed at the back of your neck with your left hand, wincing the slightest bit from the minor bruises still there.
contusedrodent is brain storming
Toooo awful?
:c Has soomething been the matter lately?
==> She notes his behavior in her notebook. Looks like she’s already developing another character.
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